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The Historic responsibility to elect a President that is really well fit for the job.

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posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:14 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

America is facing a so serious decision, one that will affect our common future. Who becomes elected for the Presidency ought to be really fully qualified for that office. This is not question of to be perfect and never have committed mistakes but moreover of to have showed ability to work under pressure and to fix errors before they become out of control.

If the election become tied our constitutional framework provides legal ways to define the situation, so whoever calls for subversion of the social order basing such irresponsible discourse on the supposed existence of any fraud is lacking of the real knowledge to handle any high office and therefore to rule the country, and so can easily lead the nation and with it the world to complete devastation or even annihilation.

please check:

Those responsibilities can not be taken with spirit of improvisation, or of using simple impulsive and not well minded recipes, they demand high analytical skills, a methodical mind and sense of responsibility.

Anybody that is accustomed to jump out of the ship in the first signal of danger can't face such a job without causing a disaster for millions. Who has extensive record of bankruptcies, who is likely to abandon projects leaving associates and followers with all the negative consequences a well as who has been breaking marriage vows systematically is not minimally fit to be in that office.

This person will have at hand nuclear codes so we can't gamble with our collective security giving such delicate task to who is basically a gambler, a bidder, who can't weight risks and don't want to share losses.

Please check:

Please vote consciously and in an intelligent way, real life is not a casino, a country can be managed like if might be a pyramid scheme created just to feed selfish interests, put your hand on your heart before to push the button that submit your valuable vote this Tuesday.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 11/7/2016 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:22 PM
Hillary said she was dead broke when she left the white house. Trump was never dead broke. Corporate loss is not the same as poor personal finance like Hillary had. Can't even manage her own checkbook. Think about that. She said it herself, broke after leaving the WH and drawing a family income of over 200K for 8 years.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:28 PM
Yeah, well we don't have that option this time around, so I will vote against the treasonous crook in favor of the uncouth man.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:31 PM
If HC is elected and it ends in disaster. Everyone who voted for her (if still alive) should shot!

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:32 PM
How can anyone vote intelligently with the choices on offer?

The intelligent thing would be to demand a total overhaul of the corrupt political lines, that have held the highest public office in the land, for nearly 30 years.

When Michelle Obama stands in eight years time it will be the same three families for 40+ years. Yet, they can still call it democracy.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:38 PM
Just a note. Every Presidential election is almost by definition "historical."

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: LifeMode
Hillary said she was dead broke when she left the white house. Trump was never dead broke. Corporate loss is not the same as poor personal finance like Hillary had. Can't even manage her own checkbook. Think about that. She said it herself, broke after leaving the WH and drawing a family income of over 200K for 8 years.

And now worth over $150 mil with no visible means of support.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

There are things in life that one must think twice before to repeat or even to quote, because they are so absurd, so off site, that only can embarrass a person when decides to support or endorse them, anybody knows that a President of the United States have a very respectable salary, and also a very decent retirement pension.

Of course is absolutely false that Hillary could be broken after they left the White house, and She was soon elected to the Senate for the State of New York, so she herself has a very decent job besides any income her husband could have as his retirement package.

Please think carefully before to repeat so evident lies, they are not going to be true in spite of how many thousands of times they can be repeated, as Adolf Hitler used to say, who was a fascist leader, the ideology that Donald Trump has tried so much to resurrect in this campaign.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: The angel of light
a reply to: burgerbuddy

There are things in life that one must think twice before to repeat or even to quote, because they are so absurd, so off site, that only can embarrass a person when decides to support or endorse them, anybody knows that a President of the United States have a very respectable salary, and also a very decent retirement pension.

Of course is absolutely false that Hillary could be broken after they left the White house, and She was soon elected to the Senate for the State of New York, so she herself has a very decent job besides any income her husband could have as his retirement package.

Please think carefully before to repeat so evident lies, they are not going to be true in spite of how many thousands of times they can be repeated, as Adolf Hitler used to say, who was a fascist leader, the ideology that Donald Trump has tried so much to resurrect in this campaign.


The Angel of Lightness

Hey, SHE said they were broke, in debt. Not me or Trump or anyone else.

The only liar is hillary.

And ya don't make over $150 mil on a govt pension.

They never wrote a bestseller or made a blockbuster movie or invented anything, so how did they make their money?

Cattle futures? Wise investments?

Flap their gums for 30 mins?

They banked that much AND paid for their lifestyle?!

You tell me how wonderful their $250k speeches are when hillary couldn't get 1000 people to listen to her for free.

posted on Nov, 13 2016 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I agree that she was also not fit for the office of President, but not because she would be broke, in her case there are many things more relevant than that, and unfortunately all of them refer to a ethical concerns.

The amount of scandals along her political career is overwhelming, it is difficult to understand how a person with so many strange maneuvers along decades can think is fit to rule a nation.

Hillary is not just emailsgate, it is Whitewater, it is Chinagate, Pardongate, IRSgate, Benghazi, there was a giant racket in her hand too, in more than one occasion, so the incredible prices she charged for the wallstreet speeches is just only one of them, there are presentations in many sites along the web that describe up to almost two dozens of public situations each one of which in any other case would sink for ever any possibility to get a nomination.

That is the tragedy of the election that people were forced to choose among two figures with so many unethical things in their pasts.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Sep, 16 2022 @ 06:52 PM
Almost two years after Donald Trump left office, do you find it parsimonious to argue that even if Donald Trump wasn't as temperamentally unfit to occupy the White House, his rhetoric about Democrats being a pack of "angry left-wing mobs" and the mainstream US media being "enemies of the American people" alienated Republicans who either refused to support Trump or reluctantly voted for him in the 2016 election?

Although some Republicans want investigations to be opened into Hunter Biden's laptop, as many commentators pointed out during the 2020 presidential election season, Joe Biden lacked the baggage that Hillary Clinton had, including mishandling an electronic server.

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