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1,000 crack British troops deployed to Libyan oil fields to ‘halt the advance of ISIS’

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posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:14 PM
Apparently ISIS has been actively taking over oil fields in Libya.

In response, the West is sending in troops to take back the ISIS gains in Libya.

Hardly much news about ISIS being in the oil business in Libya until now.

And not much MSM opinions either.


Unless this story is "inaccurate" ?

1,000 crack British troops deployed to Libyan oil fields to ‘halt the advance of ISIS’

British Special Forces have been deployed in Libya to wrest back control of more than a dozen oil fields seized by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants, it has emerged.

Approximately 6,000 European and US soldiers, including 1,000 British troops, will be involved in a number of offensives set up to halt the advance of the jihadist terror group.

The operation will be led by Italian forces and supported mainly by Britain and France.

This could get nasty

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Do you have another source

Also 1000 British special forces is loads considering they are active in a number of other theatres right now.

Makes me wonder how accurate this figure is
edit on 4-1-2016 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: xuenchen

Do you have another source

Also 1000 British special forces is loads considering they are active in a number of other theatres right now.

Makes me wonder how accurate this figure is

They're all parroting RT.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:26 PM
Except British troops are not deployed in Libya. The source of this story is, which itself is reporting on a story from the Daily Mirror, a UK tabloid.

Here's the story from the Daily Mirror.

Daily Mirror

Foreign Office officials have been in discussions with Coalition partners for months and defence secretary Michael Fallon has indicated that 1,000 British troops may be sent to help train Libyan forces.

It's amazing how a "speculative" article in the Mirror turns into fact in and then is re-spun as "is happening" by some wannabe website, as per OP. The spin that puts on this story, which is then rehashed is transformational.

I want to be a journalist. I can sit at home and rewrite other people's work!

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: xuenchen

Do you have another source

Also 1000 British special forces is loads considering they are active in a number of other theatres right now.

Makes me wonder how accurate this figure is

They're all parroting RT.

Who are parroting the daily mirror. Seems like Chinese whispers to me

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:30 PM
This story links all the way back to The Mirror.

I have no clue if this site is credible, but many mainstream outlets are reporting this.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: paraphi

To be fair ithe Mirror article was more than speulative.

Crack SAS troops are in Libya preparing for the arrival of around 1,000 British infantrymen to be sent against ISIS there in early 2016. Special Forces including military close observation experts from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment are spearheading a major coalition offensive against the terror network. The operation will involve around 6,000 American and European soldiers and marines - led by Italian forces and supported mainly by Britain and France.

Then left it till the bottom of the page to say they are considering it.

But have to agree with otherside, probably chinese whispers. If there was troops sent there would be a lot more news outlets reporting on it.

The level of journalism worldwide is shameful.
edit on 212016212016bpm04 by sosobad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 12:39 PM
The Mirror website is as credible as any other MSM website, but they report that the U.K are considering sending over 1,000 troops to assist with training the Libyans.

R.T obviously have their own agenda and have spun it to suit.

Libya is definitely on the agenda though and will have to be if the west are serious about dealing with Daesh.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

We are letting Italians lead our troops?

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

maybe the trains will run on time ...

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Edit to add - it wasn't immediately clear that there's an element of speculation invovled (though from the wording of the Mirror article, it seems they've had a proper brief from the military at some level). In any case, if it's true, the following is my reply:

Excellent news. The SAS will teach them a lesson they won't forget in a hurry. It costs £2,000,000 (almost $4,000,000) to fully train a member of the SAS - that investment produces sound returns in terms of ass-kicking terrorists by the hundred.

Although I have every confidence in the SAS, it would be foolish to think there'd be no serious opposition - ISIS have many battle-hardened savages in their ranks, so I only hope that we break them quickly, with minimal casualties on our side (and as many as possible from ISIS).

Go get 'em.

edit on JanuaryMonday1601CST02America/Chicago-060013 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 02:17 PM
No, I think it's true. RT are not as unreliable as some people might think.

Here's another and probably original article from Dec 18

I say tally go chaps, go give them hell

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

There is no chance the uk will be sending 1000 members of the sas I doubt they would even send 1000 members of UKSF. The size of the SAS is classified but it's believed to be between 500 to 2000 at the most (and I mean at the very most). So if it was really going on o be 1000 bagged guys then that could be almost the entirety of 22SAS keeping in mind all of the other stuff that the SAS are up to its highly unlikely. The truth is that the sas is a very small unit
edit on 4-1-2016 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: OtherSideOfTheCoin

Well you know how the media play things up. Let's face it, based on the standards of the opposition the Royal Catering Corps would be classified as "special forces".

That said the Royal Marines and Paras, alongside other regular army units, including air assault and the Gurkha's would classify as special forces, or specialist units. Lob in the French Foreign Legion and marines et al (to be European as per OP) and it's bye-bye whosoever wants to have a go.

posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen

This could get nasty

I don't see how this could get nasty ... if ISIS is who they say there are, and are smart ... they'll make the oil fields useless and through that, destroy UK.

But ISIS isn't going to do that, as they aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them ... and the "REAL" reason for brits taking the oil, is to ensure oil goes to Britain ... as the Russians are closing the turkish route. Their fear is, that Russia might move on Lybia ... but they won't with british troops there ... at least, not yet.

edit on 5/1/2016 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

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