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Autism rates exploding in Asia after they adopt western vaccination protocols.

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posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

Wow! Someone needs anger management, and a clue.

Take your frustrations elsewhere, kid.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: damwel
Oh Bologna. I don't know of one case myself and everyone I know and their kids are vaccinated.

you must know less than 68 people.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme
Not everyone on this planet has had the fortune you and I have had of living in healthy conditions, clean water, sanitation, human rights and medical facilities close to hand.

You're right...we should aim to eventually fix that.

originally posted by: noonebutme
Some people are born into squalor and horrible living conditions they didn't ask for, nor deserve. Vaccinations can help people like that survive.

Yes it can, but is it reeeally worth it to us?

pl3bscheese is right in a sense. It might not be a "human" way to think but, we are letting the weak thrive and multiply too much and eventually, this will weaken our species. Viruses are affecting our DNA, so then, vaccines too.

I always ask myself the questions, is it worth it to weaken my DNA with a disease I might never have caught? Wouldn't that make me more prone to other diseases like cancer?

People that are pro-vaccine to the point of wanting them to be mandatory do not think about the questions in my mind.
edit on 1-7-2015 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:44 PM
Personaly I would always refuse the poison, however, it should be by CHOICE!!!

The reason they are removing choice is because it would become very evident that those who didn't take the poison live more healthy lives.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: damwel
Oh Bologna. I don't know of one case myself and everyone I know and their kids are vaccinated.

What a killer post and it only took you 3 minutes to reply after the OP, I guess you skipped the 5 hours of video provided in this great thread.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

How anyone can look at the data and still claim there is no correlation is beyond my ability to comprehend. What sort of willful blindness must a person accept to buy into the "vaccines are safe" BS??? Always with cries for the government to "protect us", of course.

How about this; if the vaccines are so effective, pull out all the JUNK from them, and give people JUST the vaccine itself? Set up places to make them, keep them cool, and people go there to get the shots. No additives, no poisons, no BS?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:10 PM
yet another thread misrepresenting data and titled with a misleading assertion that is unsupported by its own sources.

refer to GetHyped's post.


originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

How anyone can look at the data and still claim there is no correlation is beyond my ability to comprehend. What sort of willful blindness must a person accept to buy into the "vaccines are safe" BS??? Always with cries for the government to "protect us", of course.

it's from looking at the data that we conclude there is no connection. there is no data supporting a connection. there is an observable correlation in timing in some cases but that proves nothing. the sort of blindness "anti-vaxers" buy into is what is causing this ridiculous controversy.

How about this; if the vaccines are so effective, pull out all the JUNK from them, and give people JUST the vaccine itself? Set up places to make them, keep them cool, and people go there to get the shots. No additives, no poisons, no BS?

clearly you do not know what the ingredients in vaccines are and what they do. there is no "junk" in vaccines, no poisons.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: noonebutme

Not everyone on this planet has had the fortune you and I have had of living in healthy conditions, clean water, sanitation, human rights and medical facilities close to hand.

Some people are born into squalor and horrible living conditions they didn't ask for, nor deserve. Vaccinations can help people like that survive.

That's why it should be a choice. Some people born into poor living conditions, should never have had a child in the first place. If you can't take care of yourself properly, why bring a child into the world? High poverty and bad health usually follows a high birthrate. Vaccines are a humanitarian effort to look good on the surface while there is damage being done on the inside.

In my opinion, those who sell vaccines will often produce skewed science for fear they may validate many fears people have and that just isn't good for business, now is it? Let those who weaken the group, die by their own hands.

There is so much more they could be doing to improve their health, but they choose not to out of ignorance or laziness. Bad diets, dirty houses, poor hygiene will produce weak offspring. Nature is cruel and its time we start letting it take it's course.

edit on 1-7-2015 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: Dem0nc1eaner
From Edward Jenner - the present day, vaccines have never been proven to work! If you read the story of how he created the first vaccine, I mean, it's sad and preposterous, but nowhere near as ridiculous as the fact that it has somehow been widely accepted as treatment.

He injected children with pus from cow pox?? Other than the word pox, cow pox has nothing to do with smallpox. Pox is just a descriptive word for an external affect. Cow pox is when "pockes" form on cow udders and small pox is when pox form on children, but the disease is biologically different. The whole starting point was flawed, but he just kept going, mutilating children until eventually the then government realised that Jenner HAD in fact proven something.

He'd proven the physicians could extend their market from a few people who had already gotten ill, likely without much money to pay for treatment, to the entire population of people who needed "preventative" treatment.

Many other diseases that have been "eradicated by vaccines" had already declined to almost null by the time the vaccine had been released. Others that have been "cured" have popped up in other countries, but of course, even though it looks like polio and sounds like polio and blah blah of course it can't be polio because it has been eradicated so it is in fact, a "polio-like" illness.

I don't care how white your coat is, or how many certificates you have on your wall, if you tell me to inject my child with toxins and disease, for their own good, then you sir, are an idiot. But not as much of an idiot as those who smile and nod and take the shot.

It was known in medieval times that milkmaids didn't get smallpox. But they did catch cowpox from the cows. Then it was realized that exposure to the cowpox virus gave them immunity from catching smallpox.

That started the theory of immunization. That works if you are protecting people from something that isn't rapidly mutating. So protecting people from Measles, Chickenpox, Mumps, Cholera, Diptheria from bits of viral protein coating makes sense.

But immunization against the flu virus seems a bit odd. First they use active flu virus particles that are partially disabled, but the flu virus they are being immunized against may not be the one that is actually out in the wild.

The medical profession is actually abandoning the use of Thimerosal (containing Mercury, used as a preservative for vaccines). The anti-vaxxers believe that a combination of Mercury (known to cause brain damage) plus immune system stimulants might just cause the immune system to attack the cellular structure of the brain.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 05:14 PM
Watch afghanistan
Been going since 2005, no autism ....none not that I saw
2007 got involved with hearts and minds medical outreach and other cimic tasks doing s/c and force protection
2010 I had chance to return to some of the towns and areas I had worked in
And I saw 2 boys that were in my opinion autistic, or showed autistic characteristics as I'm no doctor

I'm not pro vax or anti vax but when I was a kid what the frag is autism? I can think of maybe one kid and I moved around a lot
Now ...well just look at the stats, and the poor excuse that diagnosis is better now, I'm sorry if it was anal warts or something that wasn't highly visible I could buy it
Now on my estate of 250 houses there's 3 autistic children that I know of

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: damwel
Oh Bologna. I don't know of one case myself and everyone I know and their kids are vaccinated.

Wow, such a well reasoned and logical argument I cant but be impressed with such a sound reasoned argument,
You must have taken ages to delve into such detail and fact, thankyou so much for sharing with us all your depth and level of knowledge of the issue here.

I will star and flag the OP because of your reasoned logic
Well done

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: pl3bscheese
a reply to: noonebutme

Healthy diets, sanitary conditions, and acclimation.

Let the weak perish, it strengthens the herd.

Giving everyone an award for participation only weakens the sport.

Its ok to think like that, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
We are all animals and we just evolve, its what we want. Its PC now

Except I believe that humanity is more valuable than a herd of cows
i hope one day someone shows you compassion and you understand you have a greater purpose

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: theMediator

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Along with vaccines, other habits and creature "comforts," such as cell phones, wireless, maybe fluoridated water or diet drinks or other food additives, or fireproofing chemicals or about a hundred other things, may be on the rise too. And maybe even after all this, it may well be combination of two or more or any or all of all these items, including vaccines, are contributing to the rising rates. Figuring this out could take years if not decades.
edit on 7/1/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: damwel

great post - so much substance, deep thoughts.

so because you don't "know of" a single case among all the people you know, all of this is BS. Gotcha

No, because there isn't one case that has been proven to be caused by vaccines. Ever think that maybe they are just getting better at diagnosing it??
Even all the major autism groups are saying this supposed link is bunk. So you know better than them?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

How anyone can look at the data and still claim there is no correlation is beyond my ability to comprehend. What sort of willful blindness must a person accept to buy into the "vaccines are safe" BS??? Always with cries for the government to "protect us", of course.

it's from looking at the data that we conclude there is no connection. there is no data supporting a connection. there is an observable correlation in timing in some cases but that proves nothing. the sort of blindness "anti-vaxers" buy into is what is causing this ridiculous controversy.

How about this; if the vaccines are so effective, pull out all the JUNK from them, and give people JUST the vaccine itself? Set up places to make them, keep them cool, and people go there to get the shots. No additives, no poisons, no BS?

clearly you do not know what the ingredients in vaccines are and what they do. there is no "junk" in vaccines, no poisons.

The data is obvious to anyone looking that doesn't have a skate in the profit margin. But deny away. Poison your kids. Leave mine out of it, though.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: spygeek
yet another thread misrepresenting data and titled with a misleading assertion that is unsupported by its own sources.

refer to GetHyped's post.


originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

How anyone can look at the data and still claim there is no correlation is beyond my ability to comprehend. What sort of willful blindness must a person accept to buy into the "vaccines are safe" BS??? Always with cries for the government to "protect us", of course.

it's from looking at the data that we conclude there is no connection. there is no data supporting a connection. there is an observable correlation in timing in some cases but that proves nothing. the sort of blindness "anti-vaxers" buy into is what is causing this ridiculous controversy.

How about this; if the vaccines are so effective, pull out all the JUNK from them, and give people JUST the vaccine itself? Set up places to make them, keep them cool, and people go there to get the shots. No additives, no poisons, no BS?

clearly you do not know what the ingredients in vaccines are and what they do. there is no "junk" in vaccines, no poisons.

There is no mercury in any vaccines, or do you think mercury is not poisonous?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:55 PM

The data is obvious to anyone looking that doesn't have a skate in the profit margin. But deny away. Poison your kids. Leave mine out of it, though.

could you provide this data? i would be very interested to read any legitimate study that shows there is a connection, and i have no stake in any profit magin..

There is no mercury in any vaccines, or do you think mercury is not poisonous?

depends on what kind of mercury you are referring to and what dosage..

Methylmercury is formed in the environment when mercury metal is present. If this material is found in the body, it is usually the result of eating some types of fish or other food. High amounts of methylmercury can harm the nervous system. This has been found in studies of some populations that have long-term exposure to methylmercury in foods at levels that are far higher than the U.S. population. In the United States, federal guidelines keep as much methylmercury as possible out of the environment and food, but over a lifetime, everyone is exposed to some methylmercury.

Ethylmercury is formed when the body breaks down thimerosal. The body uses ethylmercury differently than methylmercury; ethylmercury is broken down and clears out of the blood more quickly. Low-level ethylmercury exposures from vaccines are very different from long-term methylmercury exposures, since the ethylmercury does not stay in the body

Thimerosal has been used safely in vaccines for a long time (since the 1930s) and has a proven track record of being safe. A variety of scientists have been studying the use of vaccines that have thimerosal in them for many years. They haven’t found any actual evidence that thimerosal causes harm.

learn about the subject before drawing a conclusion. if you do not do your research, you will have no basis have an informed opinion on the matter.
edit on 1-7-2015 by spygeek because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: superman2012
there isn't one case that has been proven to be caused by vaccines.

But thats not true and you know it, so why are you telling lies hmmm?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: superman2012
there isn't one case that has been proven to be caused by vaccines.

But thats not true and you know it, so why are you telling lies hmmm?

now you are the one telling lies. please show us a case that has been medically proven to have been caused by vaccines.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: VoidHawk

originally posted by: superman2012
there isn't one case that has been proven to be caused by vaccines.

But thats not true and you know it, so why are you telling lies hmmm?

There is, almost literally, a mountain of evidence that there is no link between autism and at least the MMR vaccine.

This Japanese study had an enormous sample size and was quite definitive.

The increase in autism and autistic spectrum disorders in this part of Yokohama displays the same increase over time seen in other parts of the world. Here, though, the increase occurred even when the MMR vaccine was withdrawn. This destroys any possible causative link between use of the vaccine and autism.


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