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TSA Will Require A Special ID Card That Contains RFID Chip To Board Flights Starting 2016

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posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:18 AM
Well now it seems that old "Real I.D." thing is coming up again.

Now the TSA is apparently going to "require" a chip based i.d. to fly overseas and maybe even within the U.S.

Very disturbing but many people think this is necessary for "security" reasons.

I believe this "Real I.D." has been delayed because of States' issues with the process.

Not sure if a "Real" Passport will be good enough anymore.

More red tape from the Feds that will end up costing us more freedom. Meet “The REAL ID Act of 2005″ which:

“Establishes minimum standards for…the issuance of state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards and authorizes grants to assist states in implementing the requirements”.

The Act introduces a REAL ID or Enhanced Drivers License, that contains an RFID chip. This is supposedly necessary to protect us all from terrorism. But to get this E.D.L., you have to present two forms of ID and proof of residency. That’s exactly what you need to get a regular driver’s license, the ones they are no longer accepting, so what’s the difference?

The TSA Will Require A Special ID Card That Contains RFID Chip To Board Flights Starting 2016

REAL ID Frequently Asked Questions for the Public

They are "Chipping" Away...

Slowly but Surely

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:27 AM
Incremental real id ....

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Go figure this would happen. And what will it actually prevent? I have a passport, I have yet to use it, but it has an RFID chip in it, if they do not accept it, I will likely be on their watch list, unless they decide to refund mymoney for a passport, It's good for another 8 years so during those 8 years I would hope I am grandfathered in, especially if I show my driver id.

But that aside, I feel no safer by this policy at all. I have close friends that counterfeit nearly everything. For the right amount of money a person can get anything they want. No reason a terrorist couldn't by these from a C.I.A. agent for a few grand and get on a plane.

What about buses? imagine a bus driver within ISIS or some other random cult, gets a license to drive across country. Loads a bus with bombs, goes to D.C. and rams that into some government building, some random office building with tons of files on gold plated dildos. I guess, the government has everything planned out 20 years down the road as to what will happen anyways, so that may be the next step. It really doesn't matter and is rather redundant to think that the next terrorist act would be the same as 9.11. It's just a way to ake sure the government knows where their citizens are at all the time.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:41 AM

A) Noncompliant States/Territories

New Hampshire
New York

I think the State license should be enough for most people, maybe the non-compliant states will become compliant.

Also there is an update I think you missed...

REAL ID Enforcement Update
December 29, 2014

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that residents who currently use a non-compliant license or identification card issued from a state who is deemed in compliance with REAL ID will now have until October 1, 2020 before their current license or card has to be upgraded to a REAL ID compliant license or card in order to access federal facilities.

edit on 3-2-2015 by Elton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

You know, the chips used to bug me, too. As a Canadian, we've had them in our debit cards for a while now and you know what, they aren't as scary as they were made out to be. If I don't want my purchases tracked, I'll use cash. I don't even carry it in a foil lined wallet (been meaning to get around to it forever though).
I think we now have chips in some of our passports, but I'm not 100% on that.
I DO very much care about personal security and privacy.
I would be more inclined to make sure my passport was in something safely lined, but at this point in time, I don't have a reason that would make me worried that anyone knew where I was traveling to. Hell, most people are sharing that stuff on social media these days as well. (I don't mind sharing a few vacation pics when I get home, but don't alert that I'm out of the country.)
Even as this is being typed I'm sure someone is screaming at the computer "but if we all stop caring, they've won". Well, yes and no. You can always leave your phone and cards at home. I mean, if you pay taxes, they know where you live. If you have a reason to go underground, then you probably have bigger problems anyways.
Well, I guess my point is that at the end of the day, I don't feel like my life has become any worse/tracked than before. I'm more upset about video cameras and internet tracking - waaaay more privacy concerns in those departments.
Although I must add, your government is very scary when it comes to tracking, but we aren't that far behind you.
edit on 3-2-2015 by smilesmcgee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Firstly, lets hope this is a tax-deductable requirement, after all, it's the paranoid government that is insisting on this - ironic really considering it's the US government that has spawned such terrorist threats.

Secondly, what about non-citizens travelling on holidays to the US - will we be required to get this?, what is the lead-time to get it?, which alphabet agencies get access to the data? - will the US government reimburse me for their paranoid requirements?

Can I turn it off?

If I destroy the card, do I automatically make it on the no-fly list.

Many, many more questions

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
Secondly, what about non-citizens travelling on holidays to the US - will we be required to get this?

The Act does not require individuals to present identification where it is not currently required to access a Federal facility (such as to enter the public areas of the Smithsonian) nor does it prohibit an agency from accepting other forms of identity documents other than documents from non-compliant states (such as a U.S. passport or passport card).

The Act’s prohibitions do not affect other uses of driver’s licenses or identification cards – including licenses and cards from noncompliant states – unrelated to official purposes as defined in the Act. For example, the Act does not apply to voting, registering to vote, or for applying for or receiving Federal benefits.

Seems like passports will work as always.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:27 AM
REAL ID Act catches up with states

Consequently, Idaho licenses and ID cards can no longer be used to gain entry to nuclear power plants, to restricted portions of the Homeland Security headquarters building or — as of Jan. 19 — to INL and certain other federal facilities.

Beginning in October, that prohibition extends to all secure federal facilities, including military bases, research labs, federal courts and the White House. Starting no sooner than 2016, Idaho licenses also won’t be valid for boarding commercial airline flights, which are federally regulated.


Sure there is similar in the works for the other "non compliant states".

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:27 AM
If it's anything like the chip in military or civil service id's get ready for a new round of irritation. Useless things seem to die at the worst times.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Can I turn it off? If I destroy the card, do I automatically make it on the no-fly list. Many, many more questions

good questions...but in reality why bother turning it off after you have it implanted in your hand

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

I wonder how long before we're all bar coded and micro-chipped for our own safety?

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 02:07 AM
Its already here....wake up its gonna get much worse.....
Technology has breached many other privacy barriers, the possibilities are getting many and varied....from the education to communication, to registration....your privacy and person are beyond reasonable expectation.....
Increasingly simply existing as a human being is fraught with untold intervention....
Mark my words someday youll be paying for your air.....

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Elton

Thanks - I thought it would probably be mentioned somewhere, unfortunately I'm on Satellite up-link offshore so internet is reduced to dial-up speed and I could not get the bloody links open for a read.


posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed


posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: LittleGreenAlien

Drama much????

Phase 4 Boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft
A driver’s license or identification card from a noncompliant state may only be used in conjunction with a second form of ID for boarding federally regulated commercial aircraftNo sooner than 2016

What does it mean if a person possesses or presents a state license or ID indicating that the document is not acceptable for official Federal purposes?

A “Not for Federal Identification” or a similar mark means that the issuing state offers its residents the option to obtain a driver’s license or identity card which is not compliant with REAL ID and that the license holder has chosen to exercise that option. A variety of reasons may underlie that choice, including personal preference, religious conviction, or the inability or decision not to provide original documents needed to verify identity, citizenship, or lawful status in the United States. No inferences or assumptions should be drawn about the particular reason an individual possesses a card with this mark, including inferences or assumptions about the person’s citizenship or immigration status.

The feds (IIRC) have the right to oversee transportation within the borders to an extent, it's up to the States to stand up for themselves overseeing interstate commerce. If your state has already rolled over on this, where were you in stopping it? If your State is one of the non-compliant ones get a passport!

Looking at it another way....every business has the right to refuse service built one way or another into their business model. Every business is ALSO mandated certain non-discriminatory guidelines. These new guidelines aren't much different. Don't like it? Don't fly anywhere.

This began in 2005, pissing & moaning about it TEN YEARS LATER is just whipping up the drama/doom-porn.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

I do not get what is the big deal with this or where the problem lies.

Round here, in Estonia, every citizen is required to have a national ID-card - a chipped card, which can be used for online or offline identity verification (for example online banking or as a universal client card which can be used in different stores), giving digital signatures on documents, online voting (government, city elections) , as well it is considered valid travel document + many other functions where can be used. Getting a passport is not required, but this document is a requirement for everyone after certain age to have.

In my eyes, there is no problem with it. It does make life much easier, especially due to not having to some office for paperwork or services, which can be easily done and signed from home in internet. I do not get the more conservative approach in this. Its just a card nothing more and in the end for the advancement of humankind, technology needs to be applied in real life as well.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

This has been ongoing for years now. Ever since the TSA was give extraordinary amounts of power, they have found a way to begin the RFID process in normal issued drivers licenses in each state.

Check your Drivers License. If it has a gold star on it like this one:

Then you have already gained clearance and more than likely already have a microchip embedded in your ID. They don't tell you this when you get it, as not to cause alarm or panic from the public.

It is true, it is coming and soon you won't be able to travel, buy, work, sell or eat without it. Take it to the bank.

This is not a conspiracy. It is plain facts.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

im assuming you could take a train to another country then fly from there...thats what id do just to piss em off...if everyone does it the airlines will close down and then they will have to ditch the i.d......amazing that a passport isnt good enough anymore

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 11:55 AM
Real ID isn't going away. And states like Texas, where they are refusing to do something as simple as change driver licenses to comply to a national standard, will make it's residents suffer for it. Come 2016, if Texas doesn't come around and make the change, nobody in this state will be flying anywhere without a passport or other Federally issued id. The state drivers license will NOT be accepted as an acceptable for of ID by TSA, therefore no flying anywhere.

Luckily I have both a passport and another federally issued ID, so Texas' stupidity will not impact me.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

It goes without saying, TSA does IN FACT restrict or burden one in such a way that free action of movement ( travel ) is
encumbered. Our Constitution is viewed by our alleged Representatives as a nuisance. WAKE UP ! Sorry to late.

Surely the right to travel freely, dating to the Magna Carta and
specifically enshrined in the Articles of Confederation, is one of
those rights endowed by the creator and retained by the people. Why
the right to travel freely was not specifically enumerated in the
Bill of Rights is a matter of speculation. The general consensus is
that the right to travel was so obvious that it needed no enumeration.
It goes without saying.

Note that the Bill of Rights has a Preamble, usually ignored by
historians. The Preamble describes the Bill of Rights as being “further
declaratory and restrictive clauses” imposed upon the government “in
order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers.”


No less an authority than President Lyndon B. Johnson has recognized
the “constitutionally protected right to travel freely.” In a signing
statement accompanying a revision of the Federal Voting Assistance Act
(82 Stat. 180 and 82 Stat. 181), dated June 18, 1968, Johnson wrote the

“An analysis of the 1960 presidential election … indicates that between
5 and 8 million Americans were disfranchised because they moved their
residence from one State to another, or even, in many cases, simply
from one county to another. The only fault of these citizens is the
exercise of their constitutionally protected right to travel freely
within the United States -- to pull up stakes and seek a new life.”

The three most often cited federal court cases on the subject also
recognize the constitutional right to travel.

On June 16, 1958, in Kent v. Dulles (357 US 116), the United States
Supreme Court wrote these words, which appear three times in the

“The right to travel is a part of the ‘liberty’ of which a citizen
cannot be deprived without the due process of law of the Fifth

“In Anglo-Saxon law that right was emerging at least as early as the
Magna Carta,” wrote Justice William O. Douglas in the majority opinion.
He stressed “how deeply engrained in our history this freedom of
movement is. Freedom of movement across frontiers in either direction,
and inside frontiers as well, was a part of our heritage.”

The Court viewed the “right to travel” as “a constitutional right of a
citizen,” and the “constitutional protection” of that right as settled
law. The Court applied the doctrine of “strict construction,” saying:
“The Supreme Court will construe narrowly all delegated powers that
curtail or dilute activities or enjoyment, natural and often necessary
to the well- being of an American citizen, such as travel.”

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