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I beg you ATS, let's put this Islamaphobia behind us. please watch (video)

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posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

Your desire for peace is commendable and the faith you display in your belief system is humbling.

I’m not a ‘islamaphobe’.

That being said?

When I as a Christian can go to a Muslim nation, walk the streets in peace wearing a pair a jeans and a t-shirt -

When I can worship my God openly and in the Church of my choice in that Muslim nation freely and without going on in fear for my life -

When a Muslim Nation changes their rules to accommodate my Christianity - as is done for Muslims in Western nations?

THEN maybe I’ll be a little more acceptable of a religion I'm unable to understand.

As long as Muslim countries cannot and will not do the same for Christians in their own country while demanding a Christian nation accommodate them? I’ll just have to go on hoping and praying for peace because I don’t see it happening. Not in my lifetime, or the next.


edit on 12-3-2013 by silo13 because: spell

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 10:55 AM
Personally, and I know my opinion won't be popular but I really think some things in life
don't mix, no matter how hard you try to make it. Islam doesn't belong in European
lands period. Neither does Christianity belong in Islamic lands.

Wouldn't you be happier living in nations that rule by Islamic laws and traditions?
The freedom to pursue your unique culture and ways of life without feeling

Sorry OP I don't know your location, just throwing that out there.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere


1. My Muslim friend lived with me for 1.4 years. His bed was only about 3' from mine and we often talked before sleeping. So I'm not exactly ignorant about the topic. He himself researched Islam very extensively--particularly the accurate history. He would agree with my assertions below.

2. I don't consider it a "PHOBIA"


3. the founding documents exhort/command conversion or execution of all non-Muslims. Oh, I know . . . pay the tax etc. That's temporary. I think you know that. The ultimate COMMANDED goal is every living human to be Muslim and all others to be converted or exterminated. I don't see any rationalization sufficient to negate that in the founding documents.

4. Research indicates that in some Muslim regions, the percentage supporting IN SOME WAY OR DEGREE, violent jihad reach 70%. In others, 15-20%. The most common finding was, IIRC, about 20% in most studies. 20% of 1 billion is a lot of more or less angry, violent Muslims determined to eradicate all non-Muslims.

5. To whatever degree there are non-violent Muslims, let them deal with the violent ones before they pretend to have a right to change Western culture and nations toward their Sharia law. Sheesh what arrogant duplicity.

6. As a thought experiment . . . just PRETEND that Christians were as violent and testy over insults to the Bible and Jesus . . . wouldn't THAT be lovely? /sarc

7. Kindly videos white-washing, rationalizing, mangling the history and assertions in the founding documents just don't cut it, for me. The frequently and easily flowing blood at the hands of SO MANY violent Muslims speaks far louder and far more emphatically.

8. It is increasingly looking like the Vatican and Islam are going to collude in setting up the Anti-Christ and Muslim Mahdi as the world ruler. If so, y'all will have 3.5-7 years at ruling the world more or less your way. It will be worse than the world has ever known or ever will know again. At that point, the man in the white beard would be seen as a cruel farcical joke.

9. In short . . . spare me the wails about "Islamaphobia." REALITY is not a phobia.

OP, I must stand with BO here and state that while Islam may be a wonderful religion in your eyes, stop the Jihad, stop the killing, and then we can have a rational conversation.

Until then, Radical Islam will be the problem that plagues the Earth.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 10:56 AM
the problem with islamists is that they do not assimilate into weatern culture when they willingly move into a western country. some of them condemn and refuse to comply with laws and traditions of the very western country they immigrate to. they complain that the native people of that country are racist toward them, if they do not get their way. it's happening in european countries, and i hope they it does not happen in the states. i want no part of islam, their laws, their way of life, to have any influence over western culture. to me, islam is just a cult that is meant to have absolute control over people, nothing more.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:02 AM
again , i cannot stress enough to the folks out their WATCH the video , this thread is turning into something that i never wanted it to turn into . hold your comments please ... if you would just watch the video , you would get an understanding of where i am coming from , Yes their are issues in other country's with extremism ect ect , but again look at the root of the problem , all i see , are hand me down story's again

understand that cloture and religion have integrated into Islam ... ill touch on that later

but please watch the video

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Yngvarr
Personally, and I know my opinion won't be popular but I really think some things in life
don't mix, no matter how hard you try to make it. Islam doesn't belong in European
lands period. Neither does Christianity belong in Islamic lands.

Wouldn't you be happier living in nations that rule by Islamic laws and traditions?
The freedom to pursue your unique culture and ways of life without feeling

Sorry OP I don't know your location, just throwing that out there.

perhaps you should stick to defining what belongs in orange county?

just throwing that out there


given your avatar and screen name (i am leaping to assumptions, yes), would you also not feel that christianity does not belong in northern europe? where do we draw the line? the mesolithic? the neolithic? should viking raiders and settlers all have given up on odin and adopted celtic christianity when they reached britain



ETA: please tell me you know where the abrahamic religions come from, you are not that ignorant surely?
edit on 12-3-2013 by skalla because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:04 AM
Alright I hear you stating watch the video over and over. And I'm sorry a video will not undue anything the Islam Religion has been showing the world.

Even Communism looks good on paper bro, doesn't mean it's actually good~

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:09 AM
There is no Islamaphobis here on ATS

However there are people who point out problems with Islam.

That does not mean they are Islamaphobes. Instead it means the see issues with Islam. I might point out that people here on ATS point out problems with other religions as well without being labeled.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by BoogieMan911

You'll never become a mod with comments like that,at least we commented on the thread.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by phantomjack
Radical Islam will be a problem that plagues the Earth.

i corrected that for you, we have a whole heap of problems here on earth, open both of your eyes

edit on 12-3-2013 by skalla because: bold not italics!

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

"hand me down stories"


. . . about a 'hand me down' ancient demonic moon god tribal religion that pretends to be original with Muhammad.

IF a religion is truly from ALMIGHTY GOD


the religion must CHANGE THE CULTURE and the customs . . .

NOT the other way around.

Blaming the worst of Islam on culture and customs merely attests to the flaws and frailties of Islam.


edit on 12/3/2013 by BO XIAN because: correction grammar

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by n00bUK

how do you know I pop up in these type of threads all the time?
I will tell you why,because so do you preaching to anyone who disagrees with Islam.
Dont try to put your spin on it by saying i dislike muslims.i said Islam or dont you know the difference?

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

sorry, people will not watch it, or not more than the opening few mins, basing a thread on a need to invest 37 mins will ensure no involvement

i'm not anti muslim by a long shot, and have defended muslims and opposed what i see as anti islam hate in plenty of threads, yet when i see the picture at the start of the vid, i just think "why does he have to adopt a different cultural appearance" (style of beard, hat, clothing) - thats all just gravy compared to what is in your heart.

i felt i had to point that out

reply to post by BO XIAN

have you been indulging in Chick Tracts dude?... dont, they will make you hard of thinking
edit on 12-3-2013 by skalla because: yawn, typo

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

You had me up to the point where you said "Firstly in the name of ALLAH". You probably had some very insightful things and the video, if it was there, was probably one of the best ever made. Unfortunately, I've had Jesus and God thrown at me enough throughout my life that I automatically stop listening when someone starts talking about him/her/it. Stop talking in the name of your God and start talking for yourself without shoving your religion down our throats.


posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by LightningStrikesHere
again , i cannot stress enough to the folks out their WATCH the video ,
but please watch the video

No, I refuse.
The terms and conditions of ATS clearly state that YOU have to explain what is in the video.

Not only is it polite for you to give a summary for us, its also the rules.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:33 AM
I don't believe this subject would occupy more than 5 seconds of anyone's attention span had it not been for the globalists bringing the horrors of foreign fanaticism to everyone's doorstep via mass immigration.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:42 AM
sorry, i started to watch the vid and i got to three minutes in... the person involved in the vid up to that point stuck me thus:

a christian eejit, who became a muslim, who still appears to be an eejit.

i'm not going to risk another 34 minutes of listening to an eejit, religion is irrelevant when the subject seems a fool, sorry again but i have to call it how i see it.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by skalla

Chick tracts have never impressed me much.

My understanding . . . as I've noted . . . comes from a real Muslim and a fair amount of reading.

And, I'm not sleepwalking awash in the mass brainwashing propaganda of the Marxist globalist Main Stream Media on the topic.
edit on 12/3/2013 by BO XIAN because: typo

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 12:13 PM
Thank you OP watching that was a real blessing.

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

this thread is turning into something that i never wanted it to turn into . hold your comments please

So, because this thread is heading in a direction you do not want - you're asking us to 'hold' our comments?

If you don't see the problem in that - I do. Regardless of the video - regardless.


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