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We are screwed

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posted on May, 6 2024 @ 08:17 AM
A few years ago I wrote a thread detailing how the MSM is the greatest threat to society because they are owned by a small number of billionaires and easily influenced by the government and/or intelligence agencies, who have clearly made it their mission to carry out a social engineering agenda. We are now at a point in time where the results of that engineering agenda are now more apparent than ever. Take for example this post I made on Reddit a few months ago:

I find it pretty funny how virtually no one understands the fact that the vast majority of economic issues we (and most of the world) are now facing, are the direct result of injecting an absurd amount of new currency into circulation in a very short period of time, while at the same time (throughout the lockdowns) there was virtually no economic activity to offset the inflation it caused. And what do people demand as the solution? Well more of the exact same thing that caused the problem in the first place of course. Plus more taxes on those evil fossil fuel corporations to help fund all of it, because who needs cheap energy in an advanced energy dependant society lmao.

It was almost instantly downvoted, which I knew would happen because I know exactly how most Redditors think, but I'm not there to impress strangers. The simple truth is, so long as the government spends more money than they take in through taxes and other revenue streams, the national debt will continue to increase as they "borrow" (aka create from thin air) more and more money, and the cost of living is NEVER going to improve as a result of the inflation it causes.

Handing out money willy nilly sounds all nice, but at the end of the day you are actually causing more suffering and pain for those struggling to survive, and ultimately stealing wealth from future generations, burdening them with a massive debt they didn't accrue. It really isn't rocket science, it's very easy to understand why the cost of living seems to always rise and never fall. And yes, greedy corporations is obviously a part of it, but it's completely illogical and dangerous to ignore the primary reasons and get hyper-fixated on the "evil corporations".

There's a clear economic reason why the cost of living rose so much throughout the pandemic, and it's not all the evil businesses colluding to screw everyone over. Here's another simple fact of economics; if the government didn't have the power to "print" money, there would be no inflation so long as GDP was growing. Businesses wouldn't have to increase wages or prices to keep up with inflation, removing greed from the equation, in fact they would have to slowly decrease prices to keep up with deflation. However, the government could actually print a reasonable amount of money to keep the currency stable, as their reward for creating economic growth.

I would argue there is a very powerful social engineering agenda to make people put all the blame on capitalism so they can promote socialist economic plans, and it's clearly working. Most on the left consider themselves socialists, some even promote full blown communism and they take pride in that despite the fact some of the most impoverished and dystopian nations on this planet call themselves communist, such as North Korea, China, and Russia. Whether they actually are Communist in a technical sense is another thing, for example China heavily participates in the global capitalist economy.

In my younger years I would snicker at the older folks who would disparage communism, in my mind they were clearly from a different era when propaganda was prevalent, and I was a more modern thinker who could see the benefits of communism and how it helps create equality. Then as I got older I started to realize that handing over control of all resources and means of production to the government is extremely dangerous and only works to steal wealth and liberty from the people. I also saw how more and more younger people were starting to espouse the same beliefs as me in my younger years, and it scared me, so I started writing threads like this.

Now I've pretty much given up any hope that the people in our governments will change their ways, the people leading us only continue to become more entrenched in a socialist mindset, as younger generations replace the older ones. And I completely understand why they have that mindset, because it was my mindset at one point in time. I think that's what really scares me about the left, I have a deep understanding of their motivations and their goals. I know how far they will go to achieve some of their goals, and I can empathise with their beliefs even if some of those beliefs seem completely insane to the average conservative.

It's not very often I down-vote something on Reddit but every now and then I'll see a post that really grinds my gears because they drain my faith in humanity and harm our ability to create a better future for ourselves. Reddit is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet and represents a large portion of society, so I felt it was worth sharing this screenshot of some Reddit posts which I have down-voted to help make my point. Keep in mind that 5k upvotes on Reddit is considered quite impressive, anything over 10k is very substantial and will be seen by a lot of people.

Yup... what we really need is higher taxes, a ban on cars, or at least combustion engine vehicles, it's also important that kids keep ingesting fluoride and let's start feeding them insects while we're at it, and if you oppose any of these things, well you're clearly a gullible far-right populist. Just look at the number of upvotes on some of those posts, it's truly horrifying imo. Society has gone off the deep end, people have been brainwashed to become their own worst enemy, and it's only getting worse as inequality increases. Again, it's completely understandable why younger people are frustrated and seeking alternatives.

However, I would urge them to look at the real reasons why inequality is rapidly rising all over the world. I'm sorry, but raising taxes isn't a magical solution to everything. In fact, many leftist governments around the world have recently announced tax cuts to help with the cost of living because they were forced to, not that it will do much to help mitigate the immense economic damage they did throughout the pandemic, and let me ask this, which political ideology is most responsible for that immense damage? I absolutely guarantee if we keep listening to those same people our lives won't get easier any time soon.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 09:13 AM
*basses bottle of black pills*


posted on May, 6 2024 @ 09:19 AM
completely the only question left is when is the world's economy going to break not If.

Then the govt's will move to "save" us and my WAG would be thats how they plan to leverage people into 15 minute horror shows... I mean cities.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I read an article about how people are quitting their stressful $20/hr jobs to work at fast food in California because it's less responsibility essentially. As if this a good thing. It's exactly what anyone with multiple brain cells thought would happen. Now the original job has to pay $30/hr to remain competitive. The. The people previously taking $30/hr will chose the new one with less stress that pays the same amount. And so it will continue until eventually every job pays more. Sounds great, huh? Except that's how to throw inflation in super crazy inflation. When it's all said and done those who wined to get their $15-$20 pay rate will once again be way at the bottom because you can't artificially attribute value to an unskilled working class. Sorry reality work that way, I guess, but it's a fact. In the end, the ones this hurt the most are those living on fixed incomes. But to hell with your grandparents or mine, right? There's only one Democratic solution, and that's to print more money!

(post by diaclonethunder removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I really appreciate your posts.

I am out of time this morning to address all your points.

Let me throw out a hypothetical that's come to my mind in recent weeks. The US is upside down on it's debt to GDP ratio. Yet, they spend each year like drunken sailors. It's so bad that the IMF has issued a warning to the US Government that it's current spending levels threaten it's bond ratings.

What if..........this is all part of the plan. When I look back to history to compare the present time too, the Weimar Republic came to mind. Remember that one? People loading Deutchmarks into wheelbarrow's to buy a loaf of bread because the currency was worth....nothing much. It strikes me that's where they're taking the US. And what followed the Weimar Republic? A populist "socialist" (albeit of the Nationalist variety) Savior to right the listing ship. Adolph Hitler.

Except in the US, the "Savior" will be a Marxist Socialist in charge of the "Party", (Democrat/CCP) which will rule the US as a One Party State. We're almost at One Party Rule now.

Just a thought.....a "maybe" hypothetical that came to mind. But this hypothetical would seem to work quite well into the WEF plans for One World Government. A US reduced to Venzuelan/Canada status (Canada as in leadership and One Party Rule) beholden to a One World Government. And with that would come the Mother of all Depopulation programs. To save the world from Global Warming of course, and "for the children" who will be few and far between.

(post by visitedbythem removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Boogerpicker

I live in California and I have to disagree.

At least here, in, and around the capital city, even at $20 @ hour, fast food, and other service industry jobs are going unfilled.

Just about every restaurant I've patronized, fast, casual, or traditional, has been understaffed. Most have "Help Wanted" signs posted. Quite a few of my favorite cafes have closed because they just can't get enough workers to keep the doors open.

Add to that the fact that so many people can, and are, choosing to Work From Home (WFH) now that there just isn't enough foot traffic to support the more traditional food service model any longer.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

All forms of currency are totally dependent upon those who are using it to believe in it. Scraps of metal with the emperors likeness imprinted on them were valueless with out the desire to have them. A new emperor comes along, scratches out the old picture and puts his on it with his slogan and on they went.

Gold, silver may have been important for crafting for a while but their main value was in scarcity. That scarcity worked fo a long long time until the industrial revolution when the capacity to produce increased so dramatically that the gold standard had to be left behind because there just wasn't enough of it to fund the ability to produce.

Small banks were likewise not large enough to make loans to help build enough industry to meet the developing technology so they merged into the large things we see today. Then they realized that all they needed to do was to make loans, not based on any current forms of gold or money on hand but rather all they needed to do was to make the loans by printing up the money and then reap the profits of those loans as they got repaid. All of it borrowing from the future.

This idea that government is a fault is only a partial culprit in this fiasco. Banks and corporations go hand in hand with the problem of debt. We can choose to blame one or the other over the others but its this triumvirate of financial control that has us by the short hairs.

Edit to add, yeah, we're screwed alright.

edit on 785515122024May2024-05-06T12:51:18-05:001220242024 by BingoMcGoof because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 01:13 PM
I'm curious how many upvotes and likes are the product of bots acting like Dominion voting machines? I know damn well Joe Biden couldn't have received 82 million votes. Absolutely preposterous. The guy couldn't even win the party nomination when he was in his prime.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: diaclonethunder

the greaat replacecement is upon us as well. almost every racce is now going to be bred out of exxistence to the lower iq.
all save one, because there is one racce that segregates itself from the normal population.
their white genes, and their iq, will stay high.

The facts don't support this claim. Here's a study from 2017:

Whereas growth in other populous regions, such as Europe, China and the Americas, has stalled in recent years, in Africa and the Middle East the numbers continue to increase at a rapid rate.

To put this into perspective, Africa’s population is expected to double to 2 billion by 2050. By 2100 its population could easily have doubled again. If that happens, at least four billion of the world’s 11 billion people will be African.


The non-white population is expected to surpass the white population by 2050, but with the rapidly declining birth rate I expect it to be sooner.

You might also want to research the world's fastest growing religions for a clue on what the future may hold.

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Ironically, the left has been saying the MSM is the greatest threat to society for almost a century.

There's a considerable body of left wing theory and research on the topic which is being echoed, somewhat incoherently and without any regard for economic reality, by populists.

There is no MSM conspiracy. There is no social engineering. It's the market trying to reflect and exploit trends, as it always has since people bought stock in Sir Francis Drake's privateers.

That's not to say that the MSM isn't being used by people with a political agenda. If we follow the populist money, we see Murdoch's media empire, we see the Daily Express, Mail and Telegraph in the UK, we see Alden Global Capital is buying up great chunks of US media. If we follow populist leverage, we the MSM willingly allowing Steve Bannon, Dominic Cummings, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Viktor Orban etc to the their advantage.

Compare that to the left wing influence on the MSM. Not the populist definition of left wing. The real redistribution of wealth etc left wing.
edit on 6-5-2024 by BasicResearchMethods because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: BasicResearchMethods
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Ironically, the left has been saying the MSM is the greatest threat to society for almost a century.

Show me some good examples, because it seems to me the authoritarian left loves using the MSM to control the masses, and they loath those whom would dare to attack the "free press". At the same time they do everything in their power to censor and deplatform the true independent free press.

There is no MSM conspiracy. There is no social engineering.

Haven't we had this discussion before? You can believe what ever nonsense you want to believe. I have provided more than enough evidence to show the massive impact the social engineering agenda has had on our society. I see the agenda in action every single time I turn on the TV, it's constantly in my face and I can barely stand it anymore.

That's not to say that the MSM isn't being used by people with a political agenda. If we follow the populist money, we see Murdoch's media empire, we see the Daily Express, Mail and Telegraph in the UK, we see Alden Global Capital is buying up great chunks of US media. If we follow populist leverage, we the MSM willingly allowing Steve Bannon, Dominic Cummings, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Viktor Orban etc to the their advantage.

Lmfao... right so the only MSM carrying out some sort of political agenda is the right wing MSM. They are the real threat, despite the fact the vast majority of the MSM and social media platforms are leftist, it's that small handful of evil "populist" outlets which are the real threat to society? You are either completely brainwashed by the exact type of propeganda I'm talking about, or you are purposely spreading blatent lies and absurd political rhetoric. Let me ask, why does Trump scare you so much?

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Gold, silver may have been important for crafting for a while but their main value was in scarcity. That scarcity worked fo a long long time until the industrial revolution when the capacity to produce increased so dramatically that the gold standard had to be left behind because there just wasn't enough of it to fund the ability to produce.

This isn't exactly true, the gold standard was ended because the government was concerned people would hoard their money. They wanted to stimulate spending by decreasing the incentive to save, by replacing a deflationary currency with a debt based inflationary currency. Many civilizations have lasted hundreds of years using precious metals, the argument that there "wasn't enough gold" is absurd, it's like saying there's not enough Bitcoin to go around. Assets like gold or BTC have a high degree of divisibility, if the asset gets hoarded then the remaining supply in circulation gets more distributed and the value adjusts accordingly, in fact at least one nation state is already using Bitcoin.

The left is constantly going on about how life was so much better back in the 50s and 60s, a time when the US was still on a gold standard, but they give all the credit to the fact taxes were higher for the highest earners. I would argue that taxes had very little to do with it, the government can still leach large amounts of wealth from the richest people by creating more money and making their savings worth less, which is exactly what they do, and it's why I invest in deflationary assets, one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.

Small banks were likewise not large enough to make loans to help build enough industry to meet the developing technology so they merged into the large things we see today. Then they realized that all they needed to do was to make loans, not based on any current forms of gold or money on hand but rather all they needed to do was to make the loans by printing up the money and then reap the profits of those loans as they got repaid. All of it borrowing from the future.

A bank loaning money to an individual or business is not the same as the government borrowing money. Only the individual or business can be held liable for that debt, so it's not borrowing from future generations. When the government does it, they are borrowing from future generations. Like I said, I'm not necessarily against fiat money or even the process of printing more money, because it can help keep a currency stable, and BTC is a type of fiat currency because it has no intrinsic value. I'm against the insane amount of money they create to fund highly bloated governments, at the expense of the average consumer.

There needs to be clear spending limits in place so they cannot constantly rack up debt and slowly destroy the economy until almost everyone is living in abject poverty. But I highly doubt that will happen because the left seems to believe that throwing money at a problem is the solution to everything, regardless of what long term side effects their actions will have. It makes them feel all warm and fuzzy in the moment and that's all that matters to them. It's short-sightedness to the extreme degree, and it's eventually going to collapse society one way or another unless we can wake up and realise that this debt based money system is a massive scam.
edit on 6/5/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2024 @ 10:17 PM
Ok check this out... I was just browsing Reddit and came across this thread titled Judge Gives Trump Final Warning: Jail Is Next, and this is one of the top replies with almost 5k upvotes:

It’s so disgusting to think this guy was President, and could be again.

He has such contempt for the law, he’s made it part of his brand.

He hates American workers, he hates American minorities, he hates American laws, he hates American values, he hates the Constitution, and he hates American democracy.

Donald Trump hates America.

And most of all he hates you.

And someone replies, don't forget he likes to kill puppies... this isn't sarcasm, this is literally what they believe. He hates America and the Constitution... really? It never ceases to amaze me how brainwashed the masses can be. I'd have contempt for the law as well if it was clearly being exploited by my political opposition. The way I see it, people like Biden and Hillary are some of the most corrupt career politicians on the face of this planet and they will exploit their authority to attack their opponents, and that's what I call true contempt for the law, contempt for the Constitution, and everything the US was founded on.

They are clearly the ones who hate the Constitution and the ancient white males who wrote it. These clowns actually think they are some how on the side of freedom and prosperity, and it's absolutely laughable. They are neurotic authoritarians who are so scared of words being spoken they go out of their way to censor and muzzle anyone they disagree with, because they cannot win an argument using logic and merit. They have to rely on insane levels of propaganda and social engineering to convince people they are right, and it's absolutely pathetic. It's why I despise to left so deeply despite having more in common with them than the right.
edit on 6/5/2024 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 06:51 AM
Social engineering as you say, is a child's definition to Government and as for it being an Agenda well yeah, that's government work.
Look at the checkbook calling the bank greedy.
And China, Russia and North Korea are doing fine.
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

I would argue there is a very powerful social engineering agenda to make people put all the blame on capitalism so they can promote socialist economic plans, and it's clearly working.

This doesn't make any sense. Big money controls government in a capitalist society, it's done via lobbying and also controlling the media like you pointed out earlier in your post. These people benefit from the class divide that capitalism causes because if you can afford to lobby a government, or own media, you're at the top of the class system. Why then, would they want to implement a socialist economic system that they'd be the biggest losers in? It'd be like Turkey's voting to keep Christmas.

There's no way the people in power would want to implement a more equal system at their own expense. If anything the current trend of where western society is heading is the complete opposite direction, it's becoming more unequal, poverty is increasing at the same time that the money at the top is increasing. Governments are also lowering the tax burden of the richest people as well as deregulating, which further increases corporate profit at the expense of quality and environmental standards etc.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

If there was no money flowing around we would have fallen into deflation, which is arguably worse than inflation.
The world stood still and stopped for a while, people were losing their jobs and having no income at all.

These sorts of debates fall into two categories, either you believe the pandemic was a scam and the money printing was part of a big scheme or the pandemic was real and entire nations closing themselves up out of fear of mass death from viral disease, caused central banks to print money to keep their economic structures afloat.

Inflation in most western nations is rather stable and wasn't that bad. Comparative to the great depression or what happened in the 70s this is a walk in the park with a bit of drizzle and you simply forgot an umbrella. The last decade before covid we saw cheap money, cheap loans, and an abundance of USD floating around not being tied to any sort of major conflict, that all changed within a relatively short time. We can't always have good times, it sucks but it's better than total collapse or what if covid was extremely deadly and things took a turn for the worse at least we were sort of ready.

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Thanks for that more extensive perspective, I found it very tangential with my own perspective though I still consider the banks and corporate structure to be in a tandem with the government.

One of the reasons as I see it that there are examples in the past of countries or empires managing to sustain themselves economically with a gold standard was that the ability to produce product remained pretty constant and did not out strip the capacity to fund it. It was only after the industrial revolution that this began to become a hindrance to the the physical develepment, the factories and manufacturing plants and such that the new technology would allow.

I think you are right in claiming that there was concern over people hoarding their gold and that this was not good for the over all economy.

I wonder at you idea that the left are the ones who hearken back to those post war years as if they were halcyon. That's not how I recall the ''left'' in those days nor does it hold with all the rhetoric I hear from the right about how great it was back then. Me, I see that back then we were all taken for a ride as those in power, that is the US government along with the banking industry did all it could to re-establish the system of capital that had, according to them, worked so well before the war. The US rode that train of world financial dominance across the world as the dollar became the de facto medium of international exchange in place of gold.

I have no solutions that I think will work. I can dream up some fantasies that in the best of all worlds could do it for us but guess what, this is not the best of all worlds so, here we are watching the ball ready to drop on us all.

Do you have any plausible solutions?

posted on May, 7 2024 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Controlling the narrative and the public perception it has been a fine art.

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