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Nearly 70% Of Americans Want Talks To End War In Ukraine

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posted on May, 17 2024 @ 09:10 AM
"Support for negotiations remained high when respondents were told such a move would include compromises by all parties, with two out of three respondents saying the U.S. should still pursue talks despite potential downsides. The survey shows a nine-point jump from a poll in late 2022 that surveyed likely voters. In that poll, 57% of respondents said they backed talks that would involve compromises."

This is important. Of course people will prefer negotiations involving compromises to a bloody war.

Thing is, Putin's preconditions to talks do not contain any real compromises. It's all one way traffic with him.

And can he be trusted after all his broken promises, such as, not invading Ukraine?

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
"Support for negotiations remained high when respondents were told such a move would include compromises by all parties, with two out of three respondents saying the U.S. should still pursue talks despite potential downsides. The survey shows a nine-point jump from a poll in late 2022 that surveyed likely voters. In that poll, 57% of respondents said they backed talks that would involve compromises."

This is important. Of course people will prefer negotiations involving compromises to a bloody war.

Thing is, Putin's preconditions to talks do not contain any real compromises. It's all one way traffic with him.

And can he be trusted after all his broken promises, such as, not invading Ukraine?

Very much agree and it's about time negations start so to avoid further killings on a large scale. The only way to solve the problem. You never know but I think Russia can compromise and it's not unlikely to give some of the territory back but will need something(s) in return.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Did you have a look at the links in the last page?

Ukraine is heading for defeat
The West's failure to send weapons to Kyiv is helping Putin win his war.

The stalling of crucial American aid, a distinct dimming of the world spotlight, and simple war weariness are all exacting a heavy cost. On the front lines, exhausted Ukrainian troops are rationing ammunition as they fend off the latest Russian advances, and anxiety is mounting along with the military and civilian toll.

“Every day, we’re dying,” said Marta Tomakhiv, 33, standing in a sharp-edged shadow in Kyiv’s main Independence Square last week, mourning a friend from her western Ukrainian hometown who was killed in battle days earlier in the east.

Given the current situation and the number of people killed and are still dying it would be vital for Russia and Ukraine to come to an agreement. Obviously Russia will have the upper hand but it's better than delaying the inevitable and placing Ukraine in a much worse position in the negation table later on.

edit on 17-5-2024 by Postrenar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 09:06 PM
Biden shouold have picked up the phone on day 1 of the invasion and started working to end the fighting, instead of taking paths that have prolonged the war and given ample opportunity for money laundering.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Biden shouold have picked up the phone on day 1 of the invasion and started working to end the fighting, instead of taking paths that have prolonged the war and given ample opportunity for money laundering.

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