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The Mad King / Home

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posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 02:19 AM
What is a home?

They say it's where the Heart is.

But if Love is Light, then how can it be confined?

I called Sirius my home once.

I call Earth home today.

So as the Sun.

Both dance together, and life thrives inbetween.

Do we live home or does home reside within us?

Perhaps both, or neither, at once.

Or twice, or thrice.

Who knows!?

I did once.

Who am I?

I know, but fail to define it.

How can the undefinable be contained within a single unit?

Or even many, for that matter.

All that is, isn't, yet still is and always will be.

Within or without duality lies contradiction.

And so, everything both is, and isn't.

How then can we define any single thing or moment?

Yet we do, very much so, and even assign names.

What is a name but a title?

I bore many names and wore many masks.

I long for the day where I can shed each one and reveal myself, in true form.

But can the formless be, if it lacks definition?

Can One exist beyond existence itself?

Yes, I say so.

I feared such a concept, from conception.

Yet now, I long for it, but inversely so.

This is utter madness, yet I found this moment within pure clarity.

Welcome to my insanity.

The sanest and safest place I know.

I call it Home.


posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Very good, BrotherKinsMan, and thought provoking.

I think that "in vino veritas" can also apply to insanity. Probably the truest and safest place to be in a world gone mad.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Very good, BrotherKinsMan, and thought provoking.

I think that "in vino veritas" can also apply to insanity. Probably the truest and safest place to be in a world gone mad.

Great logic. Because in a world gone mad the 'insane' have found a refuge from the actual insanity being incurred by the masses. They are the one lemming who says no, I am not going over that cliff with you.

posted on Apr, 9 2024 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Welcome to my insanity.

With all due respect, there's nothing insane about what you wrote.

posted on Apr, 10 2024 @ 08:18 AM
I wish to thank you all deeply for your kind words and considerations.

This is a new form of expression for me, and I doubted it's reception.

I guess this truly is a brave new world afterall!

Onwards, yes?


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