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RFK Jr: COVID Jabs Are Bioweapons Developed by U.S. Military

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posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: VoiceofReality

To counter this with my own anecdotal evidence. the vast majority of the people I know refused the vax and still have never received it. Most of us caught covid and experienced mild to moderate symptoms. My mother, who has COPD, caught it and it was basically just a cold. I can count on one hand the number of people I personally know who got the vax, and out of the 4 that I know, 2 of them died of 'heart related issues' within a day to 3 days of receiving the vax. A third had a stroke about a month after receiving the vax. The fourth seems to be doing okay.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: MrGashler
a reply to: VoiceofReality

To counter this with my own anecdotal evidence. the vast majority of the people I know refused the vax and still have never received it. Most of us caught covid and experienced mild to moderate symptoms. My mother, who has COPD, caught it and it was basically just a cold. I can count on one hand the number of people I personally know who got the vax, and out of the 4 that I know, 2 of them died of 'heart related issues' within a day to 3 days of receiving the vax. A third had a stroke about a month after receiving the vax. The fourth seems to be doing okay.

My own personal case of COVID was long after I stopped getting the vaccine shots, and it was nothing more than a mild cold at worst.

I don't doubt your personal experience I just find it strange that 1 person can know so many people who have had complications and someone like knows no one that did. I guess that's why we take larger, wider spread sample sizes.

The other "difference" in considering factors is that I was still living back in Canada when I got my first shots. Is it possible that certain countries/areas got different lots of the vaccines? I don't like to attribute anything to luck, but I can't rationalize why the stark difference in just the 2 groups we speak of.
edit on 23-2-2024 by VoiceofReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 02:29 AM
This is also worth listening to.

I need add that I don't support any politicians, and I think it is wrong that whoever posted this video sometimes show Trump!

My focus is on the truth, not corrupted politicians!

How many people died from the COVID shot? Do vaccines actually cause autism? Steve Kirsch has looked at the data.

I just posted this in my "Excess deaths persist" topic, but this need to be posted here as well!

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Operation Warpspeed sounds kinda like a military name

Hopefully, stats are being kept on how healthy vs unhealthy Covid-19 vaccinated vs non-vaccinated people are.

How broad of an sample size are you looking for? I can tell you in my personal circles almost everyone I know got vaxxed in the beginning (not many are getting them anymore due to the drop in severity of COVID cases and outcomes) and not a single one every had a side effect or anything bad happen to them.

I do however know 2 people who died from COVID who were rabid anti-vaxxers.

That probably goes against what most believe around here, but that's what I observed in my own circles.

Would those two by any chance have been put on a ventilator or been given Remdesavir? Just saying, those details are important. I know several people who were given Remdesavir and it nearly killed them.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Euronymous2625

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: PrivateAngel

4 years later, is there any sign of this take-over of humanity as having happened?
It's a long game, bro. You'll start seeing effects in like 5-20 years or so. Just you wait! 🙄

Really? Can you explain how you could possibly know that, when the best and brightest of humanity don't?

And the dates keep getting further away.

Perhaps in 500 years? - In 500 years every single person who was given a shot will be dead. Dead, I tell you!!!!

The best and the brightest are not the best or the brightest. they only know how to read peer reviewed studies and that's it. The medical industry is nothing but a bunch of parrots. The OG's in the field ARE speaking up but people call them crazy.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: EyeoftheHurricane

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Operation Warpspeed sounds kinda like a military name

Hopefully, stats are being kept on how healthy vs unhealthy Covid-19 vaccinated vs non-vaccinated people are.

How broad of an sample size are you looking for? I can tell you in my personal circles almost everyone I know got vaxxed in the beginning (not many are getting them anymore due to the drop in severity of COVID cases and outcomes) and not a single one every had a side effect or anything bad happen to them.

I do however know 2 people who died from COVID who were rabid anti-vaxxers.

That probably goes against what most believe around here, but that's what I observed in my own circles.

Would those two by any chance have been put on a ventilator or been given Remdesavir? Just saying, those details are important. I know several people who were given Remdesavir and it nearly killed them.

Details are always important. In the 2 COVID deaths I am aware of personally, I would not be able to provide those details. The relatives of folks I know, and as such they are not close enough acquaintances for me to know those details.

But the details matter the other way as well. As lot of people on here claim that following the vaccines, people developed health issues. Do they know 100% that it was the vaxx? Sometimes it's sheer coincidence (I'm not saying in all cases) that symptoms develop around the same time. Did the person have underlying health issues that could have contributed to the issue? Before I pin a cause on anything I would want 100% guaranteed from an expert that that is what caused the issue? Too many are willing to just say "Oh they got the shot, then a week later they developed a zit. Must have been the vax."

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: G1111B1234
a reply to: chr0naut

Excess deaths are high world wide. It was meant to be subtle. In uk I believe next year all flu vaccines etc will be this new MRNA. This is what’s going to cause more deaths. Follow Dr John Campbell as he’s always been about the evidence.

Ex-Nurse Campbell used provisional weekly surveillance data and from it predicted a trend line that ignored the uncertainty of the small fluctuations that usually occur in such data, and many media sources then published articles believing his interpretations because it had a credible source.

While that provisional source data at the time seemed credible, his conclusions were not.

He continues to use his interpretations of unadjusted data from that period as if it were still indicative of the situation, without revision, and makes further extrapolations based not upon current official data, but upon his previous invalid interpretations.

Here is the official data covering that period as of 20 February 2024:

Excess mortality within England: 2023 data - statistical commentary

Campbell is not a credible source and cherry-picks his data to fit his agenda of self-promotional disinformation.

edit on 2024-02-24T13:53:44-06:0001Sat, 24 Feb 2024 13:53:44 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Euronymous2625

originally posted by: chr0naut

They are correct about exactly one thing. EVERYONE who "g0T t3h jAb" , without exception, will die someday.

Yes. In fact, that is the ultimate doom-porn conspiracy!

'They' don't have to do anything and 'their' evil plan of wiping out the world current population will be inevitable. Bwah ha ha!

edit on 2024-02-24T14:00:15-06:0002Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:00:15 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 07:51 PM
Errr ... I'm not American, I'm South African, I know nothing of your congress or census. I can tell you they did a census Here last year, but I'm still waiting for someone to come count me .... sooo ... what must I make of that? But wait ... it's going to turn out that those not counted refused to cooperate or something ... its always our fault that the stats don't compute. So can you at least provide a link to the whistleblower's report? Cause what you are saying is massive, you know that right? It means that absolutely everything ... EVERYTHING for the last 20 - 30 years that they have been screaming and performing about from cow manure to 1 child policies to carbon footprints and the ozone and oil ... and food ... and farming produce ... plastic .. Entire political campains .. absolutely everything is based on a lie ... now I've seen the garbage dumps so I'm finding it hard to believe that it's ALL a lie, so if you won't provide backup of this claim, then I hope your whistleblower does, otherwise to the rest of us, this is just a claim you yourself are making based on .. your say so ...

a reply to: Guyfriday

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: MrsPixie

If you're in South Africa then you should be able to see this misrepresentation of the population numbers with your own eyes much easier then in many other countries.

You mention the garbage dumps. Can you investigate those dumps and see if the trash is from your country or coming in from other countries. Can you check to see if the census numbers for your area match what you are seeing in numbers. I know that to a lot of people a few hundred can easily be misconstrued as a thousand, but a person can see a city and know if it has a hundred thousand or just a few thousand just by looking around the streets.

I would have to dig for the CSPAN video that had the whistleblower talking in front of the US Congress.

From a number of different sources;

Some census takers who falsified information during the 2020 count didn’t have their work redone fully, weren’t fired in a timely manner and in some cases even received bonuses, according to the U.S. Commerce Department’s watchdog group.

The findings released Friday by the Office of Inspector General raise concerns about possible damage to the quality of the once-a-decade head count that determines political power and federal funding,

NBC News

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Census Bureau denied any attempts to systemically falsify information during the 2020 head count used to determine the allocation of congressional seats and federal spending, even as more census takers told The Associated Press they were pressured to do so.

The Census Bureau statement was issued Monday night in response to AP reports of census workers who said they were told by supervisors to enter fake answers on the head-count forms in order to close cases in the waning days of the census.

After the AP reported the allegations in Massachusetts and Indiana, 10 other census takers stepped forward and told similar stories of being rushed to close cases as they faced a shortened deadline to end field operations for the 2020 census — even if it meant getting things wrong.

The U.S. Census Bureau today released the most detailed estimates to date of the undercount and overcount in the 2020 Census, known as coverage error.

Coverage error, a measure of disagreement between the census counts and independent estimates of the population size, occurs when people are not counted (undercount) or are counted more than once or were included in error (overcount).

The results show that there was no statistically significant net national coverage error. In effect, there was not a statistically significant overcount or undercount for the total population. But there were some populations that were undercounted or overcounted such as young children, older adults and working-age men.

A lot of covering of ones tracks about what happened during the census taking, and what makes the issue more complex is that when even population numbers are used 240-250 million is used for the American populace. This means that the current stated numbers of 336 million, the real numbers seems to be around 240 million people.

America isn't the only country doing this either, China is the worse at it by inflating their numbers by a billion people or so. India on the other hand has allowed other countries to come in and verify they billion plus population, China refuses to allow this to occur.

South Africa is stating that they currently have 61 million people, but just two years ago they only had 59 million people. While birth rate can allow for this amount of change, how does the match up when death rates are subtracted, not to mention people that fled the country in recent years.

All that trash in the garbage dump is coming from somewhere, that's where I would start. See if it's coming from in country sources or being imported in.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Operation Warpspeed sounds kinda like a military name

Hopefully, stats are being kept on how healthy vs unhealthy Covid-19 vaccinated vs non-vaccinated people are.

Define vaccinated. Or non-vaccinated.

Is vaccinated 1 shot? 2 shots? 3 shots? All possible shots?

I was eventually browbeaten into getting the first shot (J&J) very late in the game.

But I refused all boosters and follow-up shots. Never contracted COVID-19.

One & done for me. And I don't think I even needed that one.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 03:56 AM
Are we facing new disease - new autopsy finding suggest we might:

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 04:37 AM
Don't follow the science anymore, follow the silenced!

It is so sad that is where we are now - most people didn't learn from history at all!
edit on 25-2-2024 by PrivateAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: PrivateAngel

Virology is a myth, there is no covid virus,
people are not sick they are being poisoned,
the WHO used a fake test to make people believe...
they were infected with something that does not exist,
it is not a is a bioweapon designed to kill and maim,
each vaxx batch was different to cause different scenarios,
all of these things make it very difficult for the average person,
to comprehend and understand what is going on,
any doctor or scientist that speaks out is fired from hs job,
all of this was a mltary operation and a sitting president made it happen,
because he betrayed his oath to the constitution.

posted on Feb, 26 2024 @ 07:41 AM
Interesting information I have always thought Covid itself and the vaccines after were American funded Chinese bio-weapons.

RFK Jnr must know something even if it is nowhere as extreme as the above mentioned. Rationally thinking he knows something happened on some level.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 02:42 AM
Oh, am absolutely convinced that our stats are wrong, like I said, we were not counted, nobody I know was and I have a small business, so I come into contact with a lot of ppl. (Thats actually exactly why I don'tbelieve all the c0v1d stuff. We were open one month in, making PPE so we were exposed in a big way, sure we practiced sanitizing our hands etc, but not all, we didn't strip when we got home, a lot of ppl came in not wearing masks, so while we were not wearing around each other, since we work and live together, someone walks in also without, acc to them we should have been exposed then and there, many were sick ... yet none of us ever tested positive .. how?) I digress, and if so many ppl died, how did the population grow? The other thing is post 1992 ppl have not been having as much children as before, because the won the war. I now see normal sized families there too. and it's like you said, the amount of ppl leaving the country is astronomical, so how with death, lower birth rates, mass emigrations (to the extent that SARS has locked all foreign money coming in and leaving the country) as well as a crashing economy ... how does the numbers go up? Of course, loadshedding would cause a bit of baby-making I reckon ;D

As a side-note, I don't understand the need for a census, if you count births and immigrants, subtract deaths and emmigrants, which is gov reckord, why a census? Post 1992 EVERY one that wasn't on the system before, got added, so they can have their promised benefits, unless they're implying with a census that gov isn't doing it's job by keeping the records up to date? As for a particular area count, that's eady too, ppl have to vote national and municipal, so for municipal you have to register in your area that you live, or you can't vote municipal. There is a snag though, there are far far too many that don't bother voting, they have been too disillusioned, and now thay you guys will be in charge of our voting tnis year, after what we have heard about your own previous elections .... ppl that registered to vote previously and not interrested this time ... the ppl don't have faith in the election counts at all.

Thanks for the info, seems you guys are running into the same issies we are. As for the dumps, I will try, the WC, or rather the DA who run the WC as opposed to the ANC is so buddy buddy with the US, it wouldn't surprise me. Probably China etc in other provinces, if it's happeninghere, it would be Western countries' junk. Not in my town though, we have a rather small harbour, everybody can see exactly what's docked ie only one passenger ship can get in at a time, then they have to anchor outside of the harbour or they will block it up. It's just a tourist town. We get only tourists and ppl loading from PetroSA gas who don't come into the harbour. Their loading point is in deep water and fishing trawlers. But us that live here can see them, no transport ships come here, we don't have the warehouse facilities. But I will look into it for the rest ofthe country.

I really would appreciate that video, do you remember what it was called? Maybe I can help track it down.

Oh my soul, .. the typo's! I'll have to come back to fix it, loadshedding just ended, which means I can and must work, sorry, though...

a reply to: Guyfriday

edit on 27 2 2024 by MrsPixie because: Gotta come back to fix typo's

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: VoiceofReality

If some of the conspiracies are to be believed then yes, different areas absolutely got different vaccines. If it was actually intended to be used to cull the population, then they could selectively plan for 'bad' batches of vaccine to be distributed to specific areas but could do it in such a way that it appears random. It would be much easier to gaslight the population regarding the bad reactions to the vaccine if they did that.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: MrGashler

The vaccine is hammering the working-age population, which in reality is active healthy military-age men and women . The deaths are unfortunately continuing this is the latest update from Ed Dowd.

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: MrsPixie

As a side-note, I don't understand the need for a census, if you count births and immigrants, subtract deaths and emmigrants, which is gov reckord, why a census?

The U.S. Constitution mandates the census every 10 years in Article I, Section 2. In 1954, Congress codified the census into law under Title 13, U.S. Code.

Simply put, it is required by law.

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 03:51 PM
I know that, lol, it is here too, as it is with most countries. I am simply asking why. If births and deaths, immigration and emigration is kept up to date, it shouldn't be nessesary, you know? If all was above board as it should be and gov around the world were doing their jobs and cared about their ppl so that ppl wouldn't want to run away in secret to find better greener pastures then, then technically a census is just a waste of funds, let's face it, a census is needed because none of them are...

a reply to: SchrodingersRat

edit on 29 2 2024 by MrsPixie because: Typo

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