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Kennedy for President Super Bowl Commercial.

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posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:04 PM
Originally I was going to place this in the 2024 Election Forum but it was just to funny and stupid.

A remake of his uncles 1960 TV commercial is getting a lot of push back from Kennedy's family and he has apologized.

Somebody in his campaign had a very very bad idea if you ask me. What could they have been thinking.


posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I dunno...I don't find anything offensive whatsoever! I think it's a great idea too! I mean, the alternative is voting for that vegetable who makes utterances and his black hospice nurse or something like that...

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: AlexandrosOMegas

His family did not like it and he has renounced any responsibility for the commercial. A super bowl commercial that has a presidential candidate apologizing. That is what this thread is about, not the capacity of either of the other candidates to perform intelligently.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:14 PM
I think I remember the first one. My parents didn't like Kennedy.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:16 PM

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:18 PM
Ive seen worse. He is just a old Democrat. Remember when they ran Hubert Humphrey? LMAO!
He looked like a little pig-man.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I dunno...I don't find anything offensive whatsoever! I think it's a great idea too! I mean, the alternative is voting for that vegetable who makes utterances and his black hospice nurse or something like that...

You're right, it's not offensive. It's just comically irrelevant. RFK Jr. is 70 years old--not all that different than Donald or Joe. The original JFK commercial from which the sound track for this ad was taken is now 64 years old.

Not exactly going to appeal to the youth.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

The only target audience I can figure this was aimed at would be ancient liberals who think that the Camelot vibe could be revived.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

It should have been a fake out video, a generic montage voiceover with tons of innuendo about Kennedy and how great he's going to be as next president but when he starts his epic presidential speech, he instead welcomes Trump to the video and endorses him as gop nominee and congratulates him on his third election. Now that's comedy.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

omg, yes yes yes.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 10:16 PM
That commercial is actually funnier than the other commercials on the game that were supposed to be funny.

I wasn't really impressed with the commercials this year, seems like they should spend more on hiring better writers but I suppose the cost of putting them in the superbowl game used up all their advertising cash this year. I can't remember off hand how much they said a fifteen second commercial cost to air there, but kind of wonder how Uber came up with all that cash. Is the price of grocery deliveries going to go up to prices nobody can afford?
edit on 12-2-2024 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Boomer1947

The only target audience I can figure this was aimed at would be ancient liberals who think that the Camelot vibe could be revived.

That's probably about right and probably about 2% of the population.

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Lot's of celebrities in them and I guess that cost a lot as well. Oooooh, I know that face, that guy, that famous person selling me stuff. Big time.

Another one that got me was TEMU, an on line sales outfit that sells a wide variety of stuff pretty cheaply, and cheaply made to I think. I get the impression it's straight from China. Anyway, they did a couple of commercials with slogan ''Shop like you're a billionaire''. Not millionaire but billionaire. Man that's really going for the fantasy level right there. How long will people buy into this billionaires are what we all want to be like. Shrug.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I Know Jack ! ....and He Ain't Jack .

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 03:43 AM
I didn't watch the superbowl but I saw the commercial played on TV.
Nothing wrong with it.
Nothing to apologize for.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:14 AM
The fact that RFK claims he didn't know his staff compiled it and spent seven million dollars to play it at the Superbowl isn't a good omen. A POTUS needs to be aware of what his cabinet is doing and exert a little control over how our tax dollars are spent.

It's his campaign; he should be running the show, especially where millions are being spent on a two minute whim. The fact that none of his aides called it to his attention that it might be too controversial suggests he tends to trust the wrong people, and we've recently survived a prime example of that.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I dunno...I don't find anything offensive whatsoever! I think it's a great idea too! I mean, the alternative is voting for that vegetable who makes utterances and his black hospice nurse or something like that...

You're right, it's not offensive. It's just comically irrelevant. RFK Jr. is 70 years old--not all that different than Donald or Joe. The original JFK commercial from which the sound track for this ad was taken is now 64 years old.

Not exactly going to appeal to the youth.

I don't know about that. Youtube is full of retro commercials compiled into 15-20 minute segments. Someone's watching them. I found it cute and very non-offensive. Liked especially the "young enough" part! Who paid the enormous amount to run it if he didn't?

Sad, liberals find everything offensive these days. They are the new Spanish inquisition, except their morality is what was considered good is now bad, what what considered bad is now good - and if you disagree we'll get you fired and destroy you personally.

But this commercial, this on one even had this old conservative chuckling and smiling. Sadly it is from the era that Dems say if it was good then it is bad now, if it was moral then, it is immoral now.

But the younger generation does like these,my teen grandkids like watching the old commercials on youtube.

edit on 2/13/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: addition

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 07:36 AM
This should be in the cryptid forum because Kennedeys were hunted to extinction years ago... or did they find a breeding pair?
edit on 13-2-2024 by BeTheGoddess2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 11:02 AM
roflol people sucked in again by msm bs 😀

Apparently RFKjr knew nothing about it until he saw it.

And he's apologizing to his family not anybody else?? 🤣


“I’m so sorry if the Super Bowl advertisement caused anyone in my family pain. The ad was created and aired by the American Values Super PAC without any involvement or approval from my campaign. FEC rules prohibit Super PACs from consulting with me or my staff. I love you all. God bless you,” Kennedy wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

RFK Jr. apologizes after super PAC’s Super Bowl commercial

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

I dunno...I don't find anything offensive whatsoever! I think it's a great idea too! I mean, the alternative is voting for that vegetable who makes utterances and his black hospice nurse or something like that...

You're right, it's not offensive. It's just comically irrelevant. RFK Jr. is 70 years old--not all that different than Donald or Joe. The original JFK commercial from which the sound track for this ad was taken is now 64 years old.

Not exactly going to appeal to the youth.

Most moderates I know (of which I am one) were mildly interested but stopped all consideration of him based on his stance on COVID and vaccines.

So we're still stuck with either the old senile guy or t he old guy who seems addicted to commiting crimes and flaunting justice.

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