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Missing 411

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posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 12:20 PM
I searched and saw a few threads about this topic, but they looked pretty old. I have been watching David Paulides's Missing 411 videos on YouTube for a couple of years and have seen his three documentaries as well. I find the subject both sad and fascinating at the same time. I know there are many theories about what is happening to these people, such as animal attacks, bigfoot, and even UFOs. Personally, I don't know what to think. I've spent enough time in isolated wooded areas to know it could be easy to get lost and possibly attacked by an animal, but some of these disappearances make absolutely no sense. Especially when there is no trace or it involves people experienced with being outdoors. Then when you look at all of the patterns that surround the incidents, it's even stranger and hard to say they are random. Regardless, this topic is very interesting to me and I am just curious what other people think.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: cdf21882
Now that you have seen, read and watched a lot of David's material on the subject, consider now reading his detractors arguments for his work. Then I think you will find that you have a rounded-out view of what is up with David.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 01:21 PM
I have seen a few negative comments on his videos, but I don’t guess I know of any controversy with him.

originally posted by: vance2
a reply to: cdf21882
Now that you have seen, read and watched a lot of David's material on the subject, consider now reading his detractors arguments for his work. Then I think you will find that you have a rounded-out view of what is up with David.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 01:49 PM
Most of it I think is mountain lions I have been stalked more than once by them they can and will snatch you if your small enough

The hunters camp tho idk what to think of that one me and some friends had a similar type experience maby nerves and darkness but we GTFO before we even had time to even rationalize what happen

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 01:51 PM
I get mountain lions. I'm sure some could be responsible, but there are still some oddities in some cases.

originally posted by: Markovian2
Most of it I think is mountain lions I have been stalked more than once by them they can and will snatch you if your small enough

The hunters camp tho idk what to think of that one me and some friends had a similar type experience maby nerves and darkness but we GTFO before we even had time to even rationalize what happen

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

A member here had her grandson disappear in Mount Shasta for an afternoon. It was investigated by David. She wrote a good thread about it. He also did a show about it I think on the history channel. She said that he left out important details.

That’s the problem with people that make money off fringe topics. I don’t believe their initial intentions are bad. But once they get into the groove of it, and the cash starts rolling in — they can’t help themselves from sensationalizing it. Because they realize the more sensational — the more money AND notoriety they get.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 02:32 PM
That's a shame to hear.

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: cdf21882

A member here had her grandson disappear in Mount Shasta for an afternoon. It was investigated by David. She wrote a good thread about it. He also did a show about it I think on the history channel. She said that he left out important details.

That’s the problem with people that make money off fringe topics. I don’t believe their initial intentions are bad. But once they get into the groove of it, and the cash starts rolling in — they can’t help themselves from sensationalizing it. Because they realize the more sensational — the more money AND notoriety they get.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

There are some strange cases like Jaryd Atadero where his pants were turned inside out according to the info I've seen and other things that made it questionable what happened. But I think in that one there was also mountain lion prints nearby his prints so they thought it was a mountain lion.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 03:01 PM
I'll have to look that case up.

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: cdf21882

There are some strange cases like Jaryd Atadero where his pants were turned inside out according to the info I've seen and other things that made it questionable what happened. But I think in that one there was also mountain lion prints nearby his prints so they thought it was a mountain lion.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 05:53 PM
I have watched quite a few of his case studies and I must say, sensationolising or not, some of them are mind-boggling. Some of you say mountain lions, what about the kids that disappeared out of yards in suburbs? What about the special needs girl that disappeared barefoot out of her hotel room she shared with her siblings? Kids and adults that apparently walked for miles and miles apparently barefoot and naked as their clothes were found neatly stacked on a rock. Mountain lions? What about skeletons/ bodies being found, sometimes years later, out in the open on a hillside or in a clearing, were searchers had been through multiple times? You say mountain lions, I think he is on to something, I really do. Some of those cases are truly mind-boggling.

Besides, have you really listened to him? I have watched a lot of youtube, and I do mean a lot, starting with lockdown. It was my main time-waster then and I got into a few topics of my favorite genre, of which David was not one, my friend asked me to watch a few of his, so I did, his was a late-comer to my subscribed channels. Anyway, in my favorite genre, 99% is fake, hoax, sensationising. You learn to spot them. So much so that it becomes laughable. Paulides is s very sincere empathic person. He feels everything.

411 is not just a passtime for him to get rich off, sure maybe it brings in some money, if you are good at something, and you believe in something, and an opportunity to make money from it (how many of us scraped the bottom of the barrel during lockdown?) Plus, if you need to make ppl aware of something going on, and going big can make more ppl aware faster, wouldn't you do it? How can we fault the man when he is simply using what he knows and bringing in some income if we do exactly the same in our own jobs? The man is actively trying to do something about 411, there are definite patterns, whilst the majority of us on here simply talk to each other and do nothing. Perhaps this is more a case of something akin to resenting someone who is able and willing to do something we cant/wont/choose not to? Of course there will be critics, there always are. Cant keep everybody happy all the time, ppl are just too unique, pacifying everyone is a literal impossibility. At the end of the day, we have to actually dig into the info ourselves and make up our own minds about ppl and their message without letting x y and z's opinion influence what we think.

On a side-note I saw another terrifying video where someone took a map of the underground tunnels in the US and overlaid it on a map if the 411 clusters and they match perfectly. Then there are the cases where the missing ppl were found, and the story they tell is truly stranger than fiction. He recently did a series of ppl who disappear and then suddenly they "wake up" as if they had been in some sort of a trance, having absolutely no recollection of how they got there or who they are, total amnesia. They are there one minute, sometimes with other ppl and they sort of just 'glitch out' walk an increfible distance by all appearances, then 'glitch' back with amnesia. Their memory eventually returns, but not any memory of their 'glitched out' stage. I have serious doubts that mountain lions are responsible for ppl being present one min then, without injury, they're just gone, only to re-surface with total amnesia in Timbuctu. caps underline, no injury. Worse for wear, yes, but otherwise fine.

Give the man a break and lend him a proper ear and hear him out before you judge based on someone else' opinion and dismiss him. He is trying to do good in this world and ppl here are lambasting him, why? He is not causing any harm. He promotes hiking and camping, not once does he say the woods are too dangerous stay out. In stead he makes aware, gives tips and advise on doing it safely. So he isn't hurting anyone, why gun for him? His advise is well founded and should be applied in forests during hunting, hiking and camping, regardless of 411.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 06:13 PM
Very well said, and I completely agree. It doesn’t matter how sincere someone is, or how much good they do, people will always try to find a way to vilify them. I have never gotten the impression that David was doing anything out of sorts. I think something else is his political beliefs, and how outspoken he is about them. I'm sure this triggers a lot of people.

originally posted by: MrsPixie
I have watched quite a few of his case studies and I must say, sensationolising or not, some of them are mind-boggling. Some of you say mountain lions, what about the kids that disappeared out of yards in suburbs? What about the special needs girl that disappeared barefoot out of her hotel room she shared with her siblings? Kids and adults that apparently walked for miles and miles apparently barefoot and naked as their clothes were found neatly stacked on a rock. Mountain lions? What about skeletons/ bodies being found, sometimes years later, out in the open on a hillside or in a clearing, were searchers had been through multiple times? You say mountain lions, I think he is on to something, I really do. Some of those cases are truly mind-boggling.

Besides, have you really listened to him? I have watched a lot of youtube, and I do mean a lot, starting with lockdown. It was my main time-waster then and I got into a few topics of my favorite genre, of which David was not one, my friend asked me to watch a few of his, so I did, his was a late-comer to my subscribed channels. Anyway, in my favorite genre, 99% is fake, hoax, sensationising. You learn to spot them. So much so that it becomes laughable. Paulides is s very sincere empathic person. He feels everything.

411 is not just a passtime for him to get rich off, sure maybe it brings in some money, if you are good at something, and you believe in something, and an opportunity to make money from it (how many of us scraped the bottom of the barrel during lockdown?) Plus, if you need to make ppl aware of something going on, and going big can make more ppl aware faster, wouldn't you do it? How can we fault the man when he is simply using what he knows and bringing in some income if we do exactly the same in our own jobs? The man is actively trying to do something about 411, there are definite patterns, whilst the majority of us on here simply talk to each other and do nothing. Perhaps this is more a case of something akin to resenting someone who is able and willing to do something we cant/wont/choose not to? Of course there will be critics, there always are. Cant keep everybody happy all the time, ppl are just too unique, pacifying everyone is a literal impossibility. At the end of the day, we have to actually dig into the info ourselves and make up our own minds about ppl and their message without letting x y and z's opinion influence what we think.

On a side-note I saw another terrifying video where someone took a map of the underground tunnels in the US and overlaid it on a map if the 411 clusters and they match perfectly. Then there are the cases where the missing ppl were found, and the story they tell is truly stranger than fiction. He recently did a series of ppl who disappear and then suddenly they "wake up" as if they had been in some sort of a trance, having absolutely no recollection of how they got there or who they are, total amnesia. They are there one minute, sometimes with other ppl and they sort of just 'glitch out' walk an increfible distance by all appearances, then 'glitch' back with amnesia. Their memory eventually returns, but not any memory of their 'glitched out' stage. I have serious doubts that mountain lions are responsible for ppl being present one min then, without injury, they're just gone, only to re-surface with total amnesia in Timbuctu. caps underline, no injury. Worse for wear, yes, but otherwise fine.

Give the man a break and lend him a proper ear and hear him out before you judge based on someone else' opinion and dismiss him. He is trying to do good in this world and ppl here are lambasting him, why? He is not causing any harm. He promotes hiking and camping, not once does he say the woods are too dangerous stay out. In stead he makes aware, gives tips and advise on doing it safely. So he isn't hurting anyone, why gun for him? His advise is well founded and should be applied in forests during hunting, hiking and camping, regardless of 411.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: cdf21882
See I am not American, and in general I am rather dismissive of politics in general, simply because I don't believe in it. I see politics as just the same run in the hamster wheel. There just simply is no such thing as an honest and transparent political party. I do cast my vote though, but here our ballot consists of at least a minimum of a dozyn political parties. I tend to vote for the one not out to control or destroy my life. That dismisses the three main ones at the top of the list. See I believe that to get that big and powerful any political party had to bend and break the rules, they just weren't caught at it. Now if we make a law that says any potential president may not have other businesses, own anything, or make money in any manner, that the ppl will cover his costs and that he/she will answer to a panel consisting of members the ppl can elect and fire for themselves and which panel is answerable to the ppl. Then you MIGHT get an honest political party to run a country. The person in charge is not supposed to become rich and powerful from their position, they are simply supposed to be a single voice for the ppl of the country. But, I digress, as for Dawid's political point of view, it's irrelevant to what he is doing, he isn't running for elections ppl will never sit around the same camp fire where politics is concerned, so I say just live and let live, agree to disagree and get back to the topic which is, is 411 something or not? Which I think he makes a strong case for. If ppl want to burn him for his political views and by so doing dismiss a very important point as to these missing ppl, or more, how they go missing and where, that says more about them than David, doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

I know there are many theories about what is happening to these people, such as animal attacks, bigfoot, and even UFOs.

If Bigfoot and aliens exist it is all of the above. We know people get killed by wild animals, so it is safe to assume a Bigfoot have snatched a human or two.

Odds are aliens would take us to study, enslave or even exhibit.
Don't forget the conspiracy where the governments know aliens take us because they trade technology for humans. Could this be why the government turns a blind eye to anything related to the subject?

Portals are also mentioned in a few stories of missing people. The way some people seem to vanish does make me wonder.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 06:58 PM
Exactly. Regardless of the cause, there is just so much weirdness surrounding alot of these disappearances to dismiss it all as random.

a reply to: TheLieWeLive

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 07:30 PM
Could be the See Eye Eh doing a next-next generation mind control test. Who knows what concoctions and rituals they have come up with these days. They have illegally unleashed all sorts of poisons on an unsuspecting population in the past, many times. And they have never been punished. At least not in this life.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: cdf21882

It was a post by member misskat1 and it was pretty trippy story.

Here it is.

edit on bpm9022024vAmerica/Chicago by baddmove because: (no reason given)

edit on bpm9022024vAmerica/Chicago by baddmove because: words

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 08:19 PM
I'll check it out. Thanks.

originally posted by: baddmove
a reply to: cdf21882

It was a post by member misskat1 and it was pretty trippy story.

Here it is.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 08:25 PM
i am fascinated by it also. read his books before there were a million people talking about it on you tube. definitely something weird going on. i think it might be portals. How else can some on be a few feet behind in the woods you and then disappear off the face of the earth forever?a reply to: cdf21882

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 09:20 PM
David Paulides did a thread on on AboveTopSecret. I actually remember it. Here it is:

David Paulides AMA

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Could be the See Eye Eh doing a next-next generation mind control test. Who knows what concoctions and rituals they have come up with these days. They have illegally unleashed all sorts of poisons on an unsuspecting population in the past, many times. And they have never been punished. At least not in this life.

I forgot to include where this post I made applies to the recent video cases by David Paulides was only pointing to the ones where people were missing and had unexplainable amnesia, and then were found. Very bad amnesia in most of them. I wasn't referring to the missing cases in federal park lands and such. His Youtube video channel just look for the "Amnesia" ones.

edit on 9-2-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

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