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60 minutes: “UAP”

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posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 11:48 AM

Disclosure has happed. Period.

It’s real.

Adjust your worldview.

We do not know what they are.

We do not know it if is one thing, or many things. If they are breakaway human, alien, other intelligences from future, past, or under the oceans… or something else we can’t even understand.

We do know it’s real.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

nice to see 60 minutes feel comfortable enough to run this segment. It gives space for others to speak on it

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 12:35 PM
"We do not know what they are".

Yes, we do. Every time the truth is told in regards to this, both the UFO and secular culture speak in tandem with one another in raaaaage.

These things are Demonic. Fully.

There is ZERO other explanation that makes sense, none. Their inability to act (because the restrainer is still here), their anti-Christ (and ONLY Christ, they dont care about false idols) messages, their inability to help people and their detrimental effect they have on everyone who witnesses them, even if the encounter is 'positive'.

They appear and disappear at will, they're silent, having seen one up close personally, they are alive and emanate pure evil.

The restrainer will be removed soon, and you'll see these entities. They'll look like frogs and they'll decieve everyone. You've been warned.

Their domain is the 'deep'. Which is the sea, btw not space. And their leader is Apollyon.
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

While there are examples of their behavior resembling the biblical description of demons, it's possible that what is being described in the bible are interactions with these non-human intelligences. Positive interactions being ascribed to angels or angelic forces, negative interactions being ascribed to demonic interactions. Attributing the causal elements from the bible to these may be a step beyond what people are willing to undertake.

For example. I can observe a tree. I can talk about its shape, growth, age, other physical properties etc. If interactions with trees are important for my culture I may write them down or preserve them in our foundational cultural stories or histories. If I then ascribe causal factors to this tree, like they are the dead spirits of our ancestors or that they represent the solar harvesting towers above fairy houses underground, it doesn't mean that trees aren't real, or that they don't have certain properties. It just means I lack certain information necessary to attribute causal origin.

What we talk about as UAP or ETs may in fact be demonic in character, in attribute and in behavior, but they may or may not be demonic in origin. Does that make sense? I'm not trying to insult anyone's faith. Faith is important, and people preserved these accounts for a reason because the information contained in them was important.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 01:11 PM
I think we are coming full circle as a Society . Some sort of big change is on the horizon , Good or Bad I have no idea but it is coming .

We are totally interconnected e.g. Communication , Data , Everything .

The Entire Earth is Mapped under a GPS Grid , You can be anywhere on the planet within 24hrs and within a foot of your desired target. Yes the oceans are still a Mystery but I digress.

We possess the Fire power destroy the planet , We possess the biological agents capable of killing everyone .

We mapped the human genome in the 80's CRISPR Tech which in theory gives us the capability of open ended life spans.

The time is now for whatever is gonna happen to happen.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I accept unknown objects flying around in our skies…..but I’d still call it a partial disclosure…. until Biologics, E.B.E.s, etc … some type of Life or Mech form is shown worldwide….and if so be it, on 60 Minutes…etc.

For me….I need the whole enchilada…the Coup De Grays

Then it’s full disclosure 🍻

edit on 23-1-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

As much as I appreciate the improved "openness" regarding discussion of UAP phenomena, I take everything from the government(s) and/or media(s) with a healthy grain of salt. Do keep in mind, everything you read, watch, or hear is meant to get your attention and make a customer out of you in the end. That's how it works.

I'm with you, Ophi - I'd rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

That said, we know they're (probably) around.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Joneselius

The OP displays a dawning perception about the reality of the UFOs and here you offer a whole kettle full of off-the-wall stuff, (I can mix metaphors?) to paint a picture of pure evil. I suggest that if you insist on depending upon the Bible for your understanding of the UFOs, you may suffer the most of any earthling in coming to terms with the truth of the matter. How strange that a God would allow such creatures to come by to annoy us. You may not like what they bring, but it may be what humanity needs to become whole.

edit on 23-1-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
The OP displays a dawning perception about the reality of the UFOs and here you offer a whole kettle full of off-the-wall stuff, (I can mix metaphors?) to paint a picture of pure evil. I suggest that if you insist on depending upon the Bible for your understanding of the UFOs, you may suffer the most of any earthling in coming to terms with the truth of the matter.

Finally, just what we need - an expert in the matter to speak some sense! Since you know what the truth is in this matter, why don't you tell us what it is. Please.

If you can't tell us, without it simply being your opinion, does that make you any different, or better, than the OP?

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 04:21 PM
Why now? What changed to where the government is allowing civilians into the fold? Anyone halfway into the subject knows something not human is flying around.
I’m not skeptical about UAP’s, I’m doubtful we are being told for our benefit.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Joneselius
"We do not know what they are".

Yes, we do. Every time the truth is told in regards to this, both the UFO and secular culture speak in tandem with one another in raaaaage.

These things are Demonic. Fully.

There is ZERO other explanation that makes sense, none. Their inability to act (because the restrainer is still here), their anti-Christ (and ONLY Christ, they dont care about false idols) messages, their inability to help people and their detrimental effect they have on everyone who witnesses them, even if the encounter is 'positive'.

They appear and disappear at will, they're silent, having seen one up close personally, they are alive and emanate pure evil.

The restrainer will be removed soon, and you'll see these entities. They'll look like frogs and they'll decieve everyone. You've been warned.

Their domain is the 'deep'. Which is the sea, btw not space. And their leader is Apollyon.

Uh no they arent demons. If they are, they are breaking the timeline of God. the gates have not been thrown open to let them tread the earth yet. Its why they posses people,because they themselves are not allowed to roam yet.
And the feeling you get from them is tech. its a aversion field. used to make easily scared people run and hide or easy to manipulate.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: pianopraze
And this could be the era of long debates controversial stories and researches from all angles, with no significant outcome but a new financial agenda will be applied for research and development with high secrecy and only need to know public access

I think they did a wonderful job creating new branches for the industrial and military complex for unlimited legitimate access and studies of UAP

Let's say we had disclosure 1.0 and it will take some decades where disclosure 3.0 really means something and maybe get first contact?

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: redblackblack

While i believe these things are UAP's demonic(fallen angels who were cast down to earth and have been living here for several thousand years) your completely confused about the man of sin and the restrainer....

Paul told the Thessalonians when he was with them what the restrainer was... its just a matter of going back to the early christian writings to see what it was! There was a few things he told them...

1- The "man of sin" was just another name for antichrist and the little horn of Daniel 7.

2- he told the early Christians the proper interpretation of Daniel 7 which consisted of the 4 beasts being world empires.
- the lion was the Babylonian empire
-the bear was the medo-persian empire
-the leopard was greece
-the beast with iron teeth was the roman empire
-the little horn was to rise at the fall of the roman empire

because of this early Christians expected the world to end at the fall of the roman empire(wow they were wrong) and that a jew would be the antichrist...(again wrong, the antichrist is a christian)

3- Paul told the early Christians the restrainer was the roman empire! upon the fall of the roman empire, the man of sin would "exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."(this is verse 4 of 2nd thessalonians 2

pay attention to verse 7... Paul was clearly stating this man of sin was already at work in his day. and we all know he will be destroyed at the 2nd coming...

other verses in the new testament also confirm the antichrist was already at work in the time of the apostles...

The problem people get into here they don't see whats right in front of their face!!!

-ts MAN OF SIN- singular...
-starts at the time of the apostles
-rises to power at the time of the fall of Rome
-is destroyed at 2nd coming

This cant be one man at the end of time... that just doesn't fit.

what does? A blasphemous religious position where one man claims he is God on earth... the pope!!! its a position that one man holds and is successive(passed down from one man to the next) from the time of the apostles to our current day... and God is NOT happy with this position(He is throwing them all in hell)

You see, God knows the end from the beginning... he began warning humanity of the rise of this false religious power in 600BC and tied his rise to power with the rise and fall of world empires!!! God new the largest "christian church" would be run by this misinterpretation of Matthew 16 and would be used by evil men to claim power over God (what is bound on earth is bound in heaven) and that God himself must follow the dictates of the pope(yes that is actually stated in priest training manuals).

Protestants had this verse interpreted right and protested the claim of the popes claim of power. God was just answering humanity about who was right... before the fight began.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

I for one welcome the debate…. And have thick skin after years of ATS.

I enjoy hearing everyone’s perspective in here.

From almost every source, disclosure was actively hindered by Pentagon officials who knew for years they were real but thought they were demons. I believe one of the quotes, to paraphrase, was ‘they are demons don’t give them any attention.’

None of us here (unless there are some hidden insiders) know who or what they are. So open and wide ranging debate is healthy and encouraged by me. But I’m a silly total free speech libertarian.

As a Christian I so no problems with aliens and inter Dimensional and ocean species and any other options… just shows how big God truly is. Our understanding is, has been, and always will be limited glass seen darkly.

So bring on the debate!

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze

Disclosure has happed. Period.

It’s real.
We do know it’s real.
Why are you posting this 2 year old video, when we now know a lot of the information in it is false? It says Elizondo went to work for AATIP in 2008 which we know isn't true since James Lacatski published his book saying HE was the director of ASWSAP from 2008-2012! Supposedly AATIP was a nickname for AAWSAP, but Elizondo even admitted he never worked for AAWSAP, and apparently he's right, the 60 minutes claim is false.

You refuse to accept the truth of this video and claim it's disinformation it's not. You're the one swallowing up the disinformation if you believe this is false and if you believe Elizondo really worked for AATIP in 2008 as the 60 minutes video says.

The UFO Lie: Shocking truth of Pentagon AAWSAP program | The Basement Office

That has proof of the truth about AAWSAP versus AATIP and debunks some of the claims made in that 60 minutes video. John Greenewald is a good researcher who has probably filed more FOIAs than anybody else, and he uses those to get to the truth, don't be so naive to dismiss his research and what the real government documents show.

That 60 minutes video also shows the "batman balloon", and yes it's "real", and manages to stay airborne without any propulsion. The 60 minutes video says the pentagon says they can't identify it, do you really believe that?

I know the government has some incompetent employees, but I find it hard to believe they can't identify that object which was identified by online balloon vendors within an hour of it being posted to the internet! So I really don't believe they can't identify it and I think a lot of what they are feeding us is a big disinformation campaign, led in part by Lue Elizondo, with 20 years experience in counter-intelligence.

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
a reply to: Lucidparadox

So alien beings just happen to create a spacecraft with the exact same design as the Batman balloon as shown?
Yes it's real, a real batman balloon.
The UFO/UAP in the gofast video highlighted in the 60 minutes video that they claim is going fast isn't really going fast and it too is probably a balloon, so that's definitely more disinformation, you can prove tyo yourself it's not going fast if you know high school trig:

Go Fast" UFO Video Explained?

That's "real" too, probably a real balloon, but they are lying to us about it going fast, take the prove it to yourself challenge in that video, and use some trig.

Also the hype that the pentagon now admits there are UFOs is also kind of overblown to say it's anything new, since General Samford admitted some UFOs couldn't be explained back in 1955:

Maj. Gen. John A. Samford's Statement on "Flying Saucers", Pentagon, Washington, DC, 07/31/1952

"There have been a certain percentage of this volume of reports that have been made by "credible observers" of relatively incredible things. It is this group of observations that we are now attempting to resolve. Our basic difficulty in dealing with these is that there is no measurement of them that makes it possible for us to put them in any pattern that would be profitable for a deliberate, custom sort of analysis to take the next step."

So 70 years ago or whatever Samford was saying UFOs are real, nothing has changed, except we have more fuzzy photos and we still have incredible claims by credible observers which in Chad Underwood's case, we can prove his tic-tac comments are a misperception.
edit on 2024123 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: Joneselius
"We do not know what they are".

Yes, we do. Every time the truth is told in regards to this, both the UFO and secular culture speak in tandem with one another in raaaaage.

These things are Demonic. Fully.

There is ZERO other explanation that makes sense, none. Their inability to act (because the restrainer is still here), their anti-Christ (and ONLY Christ, they dont care about false idols) messages, their inability to help people and their detrimental effect they have on everyone who witnesses them, even if the encounter is 'positive'.

They appear and disappear at will, they're silent, having seen one up close personally, they are alive and emanate pure evil.

The restrainer will be removed soon, and you'll see these entities. They'll look like frogs and they'll decieve everyone. You've been warned.

Their domain is the 'deep'. Which is the sea, btw not space. And their leader is Apollyon.

Mate Religion can be a Beautiful thing .

But it is also responsible for peoples inability to see things for what they truly are . Aliens are not Demons or Fallen Angels and I suspect until we get that thinking out of our system they will keep their distance. and who can blame them.....

The Bible carries a great message , but it is not what you think it is and it has very little to do with Actual God .

I understand religious Fear and the need to apply it to everything and the need to try and Filter everything through the Bible .

We've got to move past that Fear and thinking mate.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:46 PM
I suggest you wait until you have an encounter with one.

You'll change your mind reaaaal quicklike. This is why retorts like yours dont phase me. Ive experienced this, still got the PTSD - still got the shattered worldview.

I know what they are - you will too soon enough. Nothing I have said is off the wall. You need it to be to remain insulated in your own belief.

Its hilarious that people believe they're from a different planet! Seriously. Theres ZERO, literally zero traffic or spaceships up there. There would be billions.

The aliens 'message' is always tailored to the times they're meddling in. When we couldn't see planets very well, they said thats where they're
from. Then when we could see them, the story changed....

Then the 'aliens' said they're from distant planets like Saturn and Jupiter, until we could see them too. Then the 'Aliens' decided they were from Zeta reticuli!!!!

They seem to have a problem with the truth, no? Sounds kind of . . . . Oh, I dont know . . . . . Deceptive.....

The 'aliens' don't help anyone, haven't cured cancer, won't disable nukes, won't help with world hunger or agriculture. They, instead skulk about, in secret, doing whatever they want to.

This is why the evil people who rule us will NEVER open up about this topic, their evil rituals and evil doings are what summoned these frigging things in the first place!! Even you have to admit, the liklihood of strange rituals and evil goings on increases exponentially the higher up the social and scientific ladder you climb... ..

They were having mock sacrifices at CERN for crying out loud! Then passed it off as a JOKE!
Hahahaha? Right?

Open your eyes mate.

reply to: CosmicFocus

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:47 PM
Im not afraid of them. You can rebuke them.a reply to: asabuvsobelow

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:54 PM
Ill say it again, for those who keep saying that. Its not FEAR, they literally emanate evil, you feel it on a primal level.

And demons are pn the Earth, and they do go about, Jssus cast them into swine. And they scuttled back to their domain, the sea. You never found it odd that the pigs all ran to the sea to drown?

What timeline? Demons aren't in Hell yet, they're disembodied spirits of Nephilim. You're talking about the angels chained in darkness and fallen angels.

a reply to: yuppa

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 07:21 PM
I saw an interesting segment of an interview, but I can't remember their names. He made an interesting point though. He said, they've shown themselves to influence our culture. To pre-civilization man, they appeared as the spirits of the forest. Then later, to civilized man, they appeared as gods. Then again later, meaning now, when belief in God has somewhat waned, they appeared as technology. It's interesting to think about, at least.

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