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Rep. Elise Stefanik files ethics complaint against NYSCJ Arthur Engoron

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+2 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 04:50 PM
Now, it was not so much the filing but some things included in the article that do not match what I KNOW I have read in the media. The judge has not applied the law and I like to see an elected official holding others accountable especially in this politically charged case. She lists multiple things in the complaint including the following.

Gag Order
Refusing Evidence
Refusing information from Actual Real Estate testimony
Not enforcing Statue of Limitation
Stating he was not there to listen to the defendant attempt to clear his name

Below are the examples

Ms. Stefanik listed several items she believed pointed to bias, beginning a year ago, before the trial, when the judge told President Trump's attorney that President Trump was "just a bad guy."

Ms. Stefanik said such speech was "core political speech" protected by the First Amendment. "If anyone in America must have the constitutional right to speak out against the judge, his staff, the witnesses, or the process, it’s a defendant going through a process he believes is politicized and weaponized against him," she wrote, accusing the judge's order of being "un-American."

She also accused him of ignoring an appellate court's ruling that set a statute of limitations on the case, smiling for the pool cameras, and the summary judgment he made before the trial began.

While on the witness stand, President Trump gave long and detailed answers about his properties, which the judge seemed not to like. He told his lawyers to "control" their client, and when attorney Chris Kise tried to explain the "extraordinary circumstances" they were in that might warrant these detailed answered, the judge said he was "not here to listen to what you [President Trump] have to say."

Justice Engoron told defense attorney Alina Habba, “I am not here to hear what he has to say, now sit down!” when she protested, and when Mr. Kise said he would file a motion for directed verdict, the judge said, "You better not, Chris!"

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) sent a letter to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct expressing "serious concerns" about the judge overseeing a civil fraud trial against former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization. "This judge’s bizarre behavior has no place in our judicial system," she wrote, describing "inappropriate bias" and "judicial intemperance" in her Nov. 10 letter.

All things that are used to not allow a defendant to prove his is not liable for damages. Now, the one part I did not know is that the type of trial this is cannot have a jury. I could swear I have read quite a few of you laughing and stating how dumb Trump could be for not choosing a jury.

As such, the bench trial—there is no jury under the statute prosecutors are using—will only deal with what penalties President Trump will need to face.


It will be interesting where this goes. It could mean nothing but it is bringing to light all of the things wrong with this trial.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

It's about time someone stepped up to call this poor excuse for a judge and human on the carpet. He seems to think HE is above the law. It is my understanding he has also ignored judgements from higher courts, but I don't know how true that is yet.

edit on 11/10/2023 by Klassified because: re-worded for snarky comments

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:00 PM
And? Republicans will do anything to try and help Trump. But it's not going to help.

Trump is getting his day in court. And speaking as someone who only lives a couple hours from NYC, Trump has always been know as a fraud. Nothing new to us here. Just to all of you.

He's already been found guilty of fraud, this court case is simply to set penalties.

So, this is going nowhere. But how's that Joe Biden impeachment inquiry coming? About as good as the Durham report huh?

When will Trump supporters just admit they support a criminal?

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:02 PM
Your referring to Trump? LOL!

a reply to: Klassified

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

This judge is just a Democrat controlled hack just like the freak show AG James.
Completely improper for her to be sitting in the courtroom multiple times while the trial is in progress.

The biggest joke of the entire thing is how the “judge” thinks he has the authority to value any of Trump’s properties.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
And? Republicans will do anything to try and help Trump. But it's not going to help.

Trump is getting his day in court. And speaking as someone who only lives a couple hours from NYC, Trump has always been know as a fraud. Nothing new to us here. Just to all of you.

He's already been found guilty of fraud, this court case is simply to set penalties.

So, this is going nowhere. But how's that Joe Biden impeachment inquiry coming? About as good as the Durham report huh?

When will Trump supporters just admit they support a criminal?

Cry harder Liberal.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: matafuchs

It's about time someone stepped up to call this poor excuse for a human on the carpet. He seems to think HE is above the law.

Yes, loser rapist trump is certainly a poor excuse for a human, and he is finding out he is not above the law! But his cultists hate to see their cult leader facing the consequences for his own criminal actions, hence the whining from them.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Your referring to Trump? LOL!

a reply to: Klassified

I think you know the answer to that question.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Disgusted123

If a GOP judge did the same thing I would call his ass out. That is the difference. There is a blind hate for Trump and for no reason. The loans were repaid. The state of NY is going to fine him 250 million dollars for a good loan rate. You sure as hell know if he did not keep the terms the banks would have the collateral he put up.

This thread us about the NY House Rep and a corrupt judge. I do not care about the impeachment or the Durham report in this thread.

I mean, in all honesty, if it was found that Trump shared semi-nudes to a alumni mailing list they would have found a way to charge him civilly as sexual harassment.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: bruce88

Care to post anything about the OP? Rub two brain cells together?

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: bruce88

Care to post anything about the OP? Rub two brain cells together?

Will it work if he splits the only one he has left?

I thought we were rid of these losers?

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
I thought we were rid of these losers?

We are, Loser rapist trump was fired by Patriots, and his cult of idiots cannot get over that fact!

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: bruce88

originally posted by: RazorV66
I thought we were rid of these losers?

We are, Loser rapist trump was fired by Patriots, and his cult of idiots cannot get over that fact!

Lol. Okay, I see you. Carry on.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:26 PM
not sure what to think when they send the "C" team.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:37 PM

This judge is just a Democrat controlled hack just like the freak show AG James.
Completely improper for her to be sitting in the courtroom multiple times while the trial is in progress.
a reply to: RazorV66

Is it against the law for her to be there?

+4 more 
posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: bruce88

Loser Rapist Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016. There is no cult. Just people fed the f'k up with current politics. It has been the same way for way too long.

Again, you want to add anything real to the conversation?

So many of you around lately....people with nothing to add except a tirade laden drive by written by someone with a 5th grade education.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: buckstopper

This judge is just a Democrat controlled hack just like the freak show AG James.
Completely improper for her to be sitting in the courtroom multiple times while the trial is in progress.
a reply to: RazorV66

Is it against the law for her to be there?

Not against the law but completely inappropriate to sit there in the front row for 5 days of photo ops.
Especially after campaigning on “getting Trump”
Even the Cracker Jack appointed, Democrat shill lawyers here can’t defend it.

She is a Democrat hack like the judge.

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

How is it inappropriate for her to oversee what will probably be the biggest case her office ever has?

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: RazorV66

How is it inappropriate for her to oversee what will probably be the biggest case her office ever has?

Then why didn’t she try the case herself instead of delegating it to her prosecutors?

posted on Nov, 10 2023 @ 06:54 PM
Elise Stefanik sounds 100% like she works on the Trump campaign. The way she sounds in what she's saying about this ethics complaint is like reading a Trump fundraising email.

If you didn't put a name on top, I would not be able to tell which is which and who's saying what.

Go ahead and do a Pepsi challenge on it and see if you can tell them apart.

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