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Radical science curriculum exposed for stating biological sex isn't binary

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posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 12:38 AM

An Arizona pro-parent school board member, Heather Rooks, who was recently elected into office, leaked and alerted parents to a radical science curriculum that is currently being considered in the Peoria Unified School District.

Within a month of being at the school board, Rooks leaked a proposed textbook that would be used in the district's high school. She said she was alarmed that the science curriculum discounted the reality of biological sex.

According to a post by Nicole Solas of the Independent Women's Forum, the textbook said, "The biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features associated with 'males' and 'females' are turning out to be more complex than previously realized, with many genes involved in their development. We now know that sex is not a binary state, with just two defined outcomes."

There is nothing complex about what determines biological sex in humans. What we know hasn't changed despite the attempts by the radical left wing-gender ideologues and the various trans activists to change basic biological facts. Note the choice of words 'what is previously thought' as if there is any debate on sex determination or as if basic biological facts aren't facts anyone.

Biological sex is determined by the Y chromosome and not by the debunked and antiscientific arguments of gender ideologues, trans activists, and the woke crowd. According to the proposed curriculum, it is now known sex is not binary... It must be a spectrum then! Where did I hear this nonsense before?!

But it still doesn't clearly explain how many sexes exist. It leaves it open to be determined by whoever is teaching the class and according to how woke, uninformed, uneducated, and indoctrinated the teacher is.

We seriously don't need these kind of teachers in schools and their radical left wing nonsense to corrupt and indoctrinate kids. I propose that the board and teachers who approve and teach or attempt to teach this nonsense should all be fired and must never be let back in the classroom.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 12:55 AM
No wonder these trans groomers wants to change science and creating their own science is all good and fine.

We got a pandering government with a useless president that will agree with all that crap.

"The biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features associated with 'males' and 'females' are turning out to be more complex than previously realized

So now these trans groomers want to introduce the science of "if" as realities and tell children that what they have between the legs is no really the sex they were born with.

Wow, what in the hell is going on in our nation.

Schools are not places to teach children about what they should be and is not.

They need to stick with teaching no lying.

This is what happen when you allow spooks in schools passing as teachers, they are a danger to society and the future of our nation.

I call it a national security crisis, actually.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: Muldar

This "curriculum" is like right out of the communist playbook. A former KGB said this sort of stuff was what they used during Stalin's time to subvert the spiritual freedom of the people to demoralize people so they submit to the state and not a higher power that gives them moral integrity.

It's really hard to believe that people in authority and academia could ever be this stupid and foolish.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Muldar

This "curriculum" is like right out of the communist playbook. A former KGB said this sort of stuff was what they used during Stalin's time to subvert the spiritual freedom of the people to demoralize people so they submit to the state and not a higher power that gives them moral integrity.

It's really hard to believe that people in authority and academia could ever be this stupid and foolish.

I've always felt stupid and inferior in many ways , to most other people. What these last three years have shown me it's quite the opposite sadly. Most people are complete tools and blindly follow MSM , gobbling up everything spewn at them without questioning the what/why/how etc. It's obvious to me now that the majority lack any critical thinking skills, let alone are able to think for themselves. So sad. Who knows where we'd be as a nation, or as a species even, without all this mindless and pointless 'stuff' going on.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Muldar

This "curriculum" is like right out of the communist playbook. A former KGB said this sort of stuff was what they used during Stalin's time to subvert the spiritual freedom of the people to demoralize people so they submit to the state and not a higher power that gives them moral integrity.

It's really hard to believe that people in authority and academia could ever be this stupid and foolish.

We don't need the 'spiritual', state or 'higher power'' to give us moral integrity.

In this particular instance, all we need is a little common sense.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:28 AM

Radical science curriculum

Which science ?
The science of the church of nonsense ?
Radical. Of course.
Had to be genetics or it didn't count.
Does the ignorant today ever learn ?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: marg6043

I propose that any teacher who engages in this kind of misinformation, propaganda, indoctrination, should be disciplined and if possible fired and never allowed in the classroom again. Many States have taken steps to eliminate the radical left nonsense in schools but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

Radical science curriculum

Which science ?
The science of the church of nonsense ?
Radical. Of course.
Had to be genetics or it didn't count.
Does the ignorant today ever learn ?

Pseudo-science is the correct word.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: Muldar

originally posted by: Gothmog

Radical science curriculum

Which science ?
The science of the church of nonsense ?
Radical. Of course.
Had to be genetics or it didn't count.
Does the ignorant today ever learn ?

Pseudo-science is the correct word.

I think mine was more on target.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: midicon

In this particular instance, all we need is a little common sense.

There is no room in the liberal world for that nonsense .

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Muldar

This "curriculum" is like right out of the communist playbook. A former KGB said this sort of stuff was what they used during Stalin's time to subvert the spiritual freedom of the people to demoralize people so they submit to the state and not a higher power that gives them moral integrity.

It's really hard to believe that people in authority and academia could ever be this stupid and foolish.

I don't think decent academics and scientists believe in this kind of nonsense. These ideas are coming from the radical left and adopted by some woke teachers and academics who have nothing to do with science.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 03:49 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: Muldar

originally posted by: Gothmog

Radical science curriculum

Which science ?
The science of the church of nonsense ?
Radical. Of course.
Had to be genetics or it didn't count.
Does the ignorant today ever learn ?

Pseudo-science is the correct word.

I think mine was more on target.

The Church of nonsense is an equally good term.
edit on 14-10-2023 by Muldar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: midicon

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Muldar

This "curriculum" is like right out of the communist playbook. A former KGB said this sort of stuff was what they used during Stalin's time to subvert the spiritual freedom of the people to demoralize people so they submit to the state and not a higher power that gives them moral integrity.

It's really hard to believe that people in authority and academia could ever be this stupid and foolish.

We don't need the 'spiritual', state or 'higher power'' to give us moral integrity.

In this particular instance, all we need is a little common sense.

Common sense?!
Common sense and basic facts are incompatible with the radical left wing ideologues and the trans activists.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Muldar

If this is allowed to continue the next biological question posed by “academia” will be “what is a minor?”

No joke.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

I believe that we have chosen the path we want to travel.

We went from a generation that believed that anything presented by the news was gospel, and believed that the news infallible, to a generation where we know that the news is a tool used to program and control our minds. Yet we still swallow it hook, line, and sinker.

The system uses the media to to program us. We then use the media to support what we have been programmed to think, desire, and do, or not do.

We are so masterfully programmed that we perform as remotely instructed, even when we know that we are being lied to and manipulated. When the truth is staring you in the face, and the facts are burned into your psyche, yet you cannot pull yourself from the matrix.

Many are so caught in the web that they can do nothing but watch themselves and others be trapped by the venom and consumed by the lies.

We can't say we don't know or that we were blindsided. We know, we just can't release ourselves. We no longer even want to. We have grown comfortable with going with the flow, as long as we have excuses, and they will always provide us with enough scapegoats, lies, and excuses, to keep us feeling righteous.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuffx2
a reply to: Muldar

If this is allowed to continue the next biological question posed by “academia” will be “what is a minor?”

No joke.

Spot on!

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: NorthOfStuffx2
a reply to: Muldar

If this is allowed to continue the next biological question posed by “academia” will be “what is a minor?”

No joke.

That barn door has already been opened. Toddlers have rights, is already on the table.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

originally posted by: NorthOfStuffx2
a reply to: Muldar

If this is allowed to continue the next biological question posed by “academia” will be “what is a minor?”

No joke.

That barn door has already been opened. Toddlers have rights, is already on the table.

All we need is to do what many states have done so far by making or very difficult for this ideology to exist pretty much everywhere.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Muldar

"The biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features associated with 'males' and 'females' are turning out to be more complex than previously realized, with many genes involved in their development. We now know that sex is not a binary state, with just two defined outcomes."

OMG children actually being taught the true science get the pitchforks.
edit on 10/16/2023 by seagull because: fixed a quote.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

OMG children actually being taught the true science get the pitchforks.

Science can be proven. This cannot, as it's all based on feelings. This isn't science, it's opinion and wrong opinion at that. Just more proof that idiots are the cause of all this. Congrats.
edit on 14-10-2023 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name

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