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What sort of person would you lock in an underground box for 40 odd years?

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posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 10:13 AM
the link

So this is a guy who was abused as a child, sent to a care home, then given back to his parents to be abused again until he ran away at 16...Then he survived on the streets, being a drug addict and rent boy.

Killed one of his clients after the client showed him pictures of him (the client) abusing children.
Then he got locked up and while in gaol, he killed another child molestor, a wife killer and another paedo...for this he was locked up in an underground glasss box and doesnt get visitors or any association, not even a telly.

When you see what an easy ride the government gives to rapists and child killers, you gotta wonder why so harsh on this guy?
Could it be he has some names that TPTB never want him to say out loud?
edit on 23pTue, 25 Jul 2023 10:15:23 -050020232023-07-25T10:15:23-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: typing like a crazy octopus

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

I think it's kinda sad . It's obvious why he killed , the abuse he endured as a child and he targeted child abusers.
Obviously not every abused child will become a killer, but still , I can see why he did what he did.
It does make you wonder what he knows.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Yeah, he sure doesnt come across as the sort of bloke that will be a danger to the general public does he?

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

That is a bit of a harsh sentence.... he's taking the sick individuals off the streets!

And saying that.... I would send all SETI's to the box... Sick, Evil,Twisted... Idiot's

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: WorldxGonexMad

Thats what gets me as the crazy bit, he isnt out there killing ordinary people, he kills sexual predators...yet the government wants him locked away like this? Something is fishy here. Damned fishy.

edit on 14pTue, 25 Jul 2023 11:22:14 -050020232023-07-25T11:22:14-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: typing like a crazy octopus

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Poor guy!

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: KTemplar

Its really difficult to imagine the sort of pain going on in the blokes head isnt it?
edit on 01pTue, 25 Jul 2023 11:25:01 -050020232023-07-25T11:25:01-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: spellin

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Killing someone on emotional impulse out of hatred is quite different than justice. Justice should be careful and ordered, for the clear purpose of protecting people from harm. Revenge is not part of justice, it is a system where the mere human attempts to take nature's role to neutralize karma or God's role to render justice.

As we judge others we shall be judged our selves. Suppose this person is morally judged for his actions in a full and complete way by an all-knowing divine being. Perhaps this being says that pedophilia is the worst of all crimes. However, perhaps to this divine being says murder is the worst of all crimes, and one crime doesn't act to justify another crime. Or perhaps this being takes the position that all crimes are equal in some sense. IF either of those were the standard, then pedophile killer's so-called justice could be judged as bad or worse than the pedophilia involved.

This guy seems to live according to principles to the fullest, which is good. But by some concepts of justice this man caused more harm than the pedophiles, which is bad. One person being the judge, jury, and executioner is a chaotic system in that you are at a "random" person's concept of fair and just.

Stories like this also could give people the idea that they are objectively better than other people. You can be better than someone at specific concepts like moral treatment of others, but that doesn't necessarily make you objectively better in the eyes of any divine being.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: rootseeker

Good points and I would bet you go thgrough any prison, you'll find that paedos are the absolute bottom of the hierarchy so there seems to be an in built revulsion in most of us when it comes to those sorts of people.

As for the divine ruler, thats cool if you believe, thouigh one has to ask which one to believe in? There are so many to choose from.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
a reply to: ancientlight

Yeah, he sure doesnt come across as the sort of bloke that will be a danger to the general public does he?
I don't know. I'm all for serial killers to be locked up permanently. But abuse is still sad.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK
In no way excusing the murders,but-Whoever abused this guy as a kid set in motion all the other horror..

The glass cell is just bizarre-I get that he can't be out in public but It seems he only wants to murder ped0s.
If he was housed in a part of the prison where there are no ped0s,would he have been a model prisoner I wonder?

The guy has been in prison(mostly in solitary) one year longer than I have been alive..that is hard to imagine.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Its crazy, right? and when you think about the entirety of his life, it just seems like what I imagine hell might be like. Abused as a child, then as a young adult then locked up for evcer after.

edit on 04pTue, 25 Jul 2023 11:51:04 -050020232023-07-25T11:51:04-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: just cant type

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

you gotta wonder why so harsh on this guy?

Murder is wrong, even if you're removing the most vile dregs of society-unless it's murdering a child's innocence, leaving them with a broken mind and spirit.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Sorry, but I think he got a raw deal.
The type of people he killed, he believed they deserved it. I happen to agree with him.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

He could be lying

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Well not being religious I don't generally see it quite like that, I just compare this bloke's treatment with other well known killers who were kept in much less harsh regimes, even had prominent politicians and bishops calling for their release, not this one though and on the face of it, he seems only to have killed people that seem to need killing.

edit on 28pTue, 25 Jul 2023 12:33:28 -050020232023-07-25T12:33:28-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: just cant type

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

Lying about who he klilled? that was proven in court.
Lying about why he killed them? I think that has also been proven to the satisfaction of the courts.

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Locking him in a glass box underground sounds much more like an establishment tantrum than any measure necessary to keep other prisoners safe.


posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Yeah it hit me like that too, which is when I started wondering about what other names he might know.

edit on 52pTue, 25 Jul 2023 12:56:52 -050020232023-07-25T12:56:52-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: typing

posted on Jul, 25 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
a reply to: nugget1

Sorry, but I think he got a raw deal.
The type of people he killed, he believed they deserved it. I happen to agree with him.

I think you misunderstood my meaning, Chief. He rid the world of evil, while our system protects those who murder a child's innocence.

I think what pedos do to children is murder, and on the scale of vile murdering a pedo should get a far lighter sentence than molesting a child.

I'll admit to being 100% totally biased in my opinion, and I'm not open to ever changing my mind.

Child molesters should get the death penalty, IMO. He should get one of those presidential medals for outstanding citizenship and bravery, saving who knows how many children from a fate of living death.

And with that little rant, I'll see myself out.

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