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How. Does it go down? Your view?

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posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:31 AM
I don't know, I believe in the old tried, and true motives of our politicians and corporations. Greed

It's a few corrupt politicians, companies, etc., and has been for a while. They are the TPTB and they want everybody concerned and blinded with all the extraneous crap, so they can enrich themselves in all the chaos.

Does anybody really think Biden gives a fiddler's ---- about Dylan?

He does love the chaotic support he gets from the LBGTQ when he says he does. As well as the upswell of the negative backlash and the whole rigamarole

It's all misdirection, look over here but don't look there. Hopefully, some congresspersons and senators are asking the right questions

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: misskat1
You ever notice that in every small town in the United States there is a Chinese restaurant run by actual Chinese? I've always said - only half jokingly - that every oe of them was a sleeper cell.

I really do believe that.

It'll all happen from the inside while everyone is asleep - both literally and figuratively.

And you'd be right. Statistically, some of them probably are sleeper cells. Probably far less than 1% of all Chinese immigrants, who knows maybe 0.1%. One out of every 1000. All speculation.

I think the Russians have a far higher number of sleeper cells. We've been in a cold war with them for decades, it's actually been on their agenda to infiltrate for half a century. Well established cells.

China just got started down the same path relatively recently. Russian sleeper cells could be a real problem if there is a conflict between us. I'd imagine they've already scoped out our infrastructure, dams, electrical grid and so on.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:51 AM
When they actually try and take our guns it will go DOWN. Until then chill because there is nothing you can do.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:14 AM
we are still in the 'building-the-Beast-Empire' phase and a controlled WWIII is the 21st century 'cold-war' in choosing sides, get used to it friends

ukraine & zelenskyy are the 4th Reich nazi occult faction (aka: Hammer) or global enforcement 'arm' of a soon-to-be Beast Union......

Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Orion will get cloned as the Abomination of Desolation to complete the evil trinity of Daniel & Revelation prophecy

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: tamusan
This was awesome man, thanks made my day 😁. And you are correct, it's not as bad as OP makes it out to be lol. It's very sad how some choose to live there life. It's like the debt default, that won't happen either, despite all the media bs 👍

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:44 AM
several things .

One The Biden administration has made all domestic oil production nearly impossible , Killing pipelines and Off shore drilling .

Two That old fool started emptying our emergency strategic oil reserves and to top it off sold it to China .

now add in the over all complete openness of our southern border and the complete abandonment of Bagram Air-Base in Afghanistan . These are obvious moves to do one thing , To weaken the USA internally and make us vulnerable to attack.

Joe Biden and his administration are Treasonous and it's not like it's a secret they are doing it all out in the open .

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 12:58 PM
as if the political / social / economic stuff wasn't bad enough, USA (North America) has some geological issues hanging over us.
New Madrid

either of these could devastate us

imagine all those smug 'tear it down - build it back' progressives trying to deal with one of these catastrophes
powerless, powerless.
they'd be pleading with the oil companies and coal mines to get back in business.
edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: add content

edit on 01032020 by ElGoobero because: add content

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: misskat1

We used to travel extensively and I always prefered to eat in local restaurants instead of the fast food chains. I realized something long ago.

You ever notice that in every small town in the United States there is a Chinese restaurant run by actual Chinese? I've always said - only half jokingly - that every oe of them was a sleeper cell.

I really do believe that.

It'll all happen from the inside while everyone is asleep - both literally and figuratively.

Now, the Chinese only work the front while they hire Mexicans and Latinos to work in the kitchen.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: misskat1

take a look at the concerns back during the cold war, the cartels that china has linked up with and those extra chinese "immigrants" will be used to sow chaos, attack infrastructure (power, and communication) which will have a negative impact on our ability to respond in a collective manner.

Least thats my wag.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 02:09 PM
You know it is going down the day you wake up and have no internet, no cell service and no power.

Probably coming much sooner than you think.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: misskat1

Yes, we have the most powerful military in the world and love to use it. But it seems the only time we do use it is against an adversary that can't really fight back. We go in and blow small countries to smithereens, sustaining very few casualties while killing hundreds of thousands of both military and civilians in these small nations but we can never seem to actually defeat anyone.

Other than that, we instigate proxy wars where we just supply some other small nation to fight our war for us. We let them sustain the horrific casualties for us.

We didn't win in Korea and we didn't win in Vietnam. We fought Korea to a stalemate, and we just lost to the North Vietnamese. 2 very small, insignificant countries. We didn't actually win anything in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria. Panama, Grenada, Lebanon, Libya, the Philippines and Cuba before WWI and now, Ukraine. We beat the crap out of these small nations but we didn't actually win anything, other than capitalist profiteering in the destruction and rebuilding.

I guess, the only point this nation will learn to quit instigating these wars all over the world will be when we do actually force ourselves into facing a worthy adversary that has the capacity to defend themselves and inflict unimaginable casualties on us. By then, it may be too late to realize we screwed up royally and ended up destroying ourselves in the process.

This Ukrainian war with Russia SHOULD be a wake-up call. We are at the point of weapons sophistication that fighters have been forced back into trench warfare to avoid being killed by these sophisticated weapons. I watched a video where Russia is using thermite artillery that rains down fire over large swaths of territory, setting everything on fire. Lord help the poor soul caught out in the open when one of these bursts over his head. I didn't even know such a weapon even existed. Even tanks can't last more than a few minutes on this modern battlefield. 4th and 5th generation jets are having a hard time surviving.

I love this nation but I have come to hate this government for all the destruction it has caused through the years. They have spent trillions of dollars blowing up other peoples countries when all of that wealth could have been spent here, building and actually helping its own citizens to thrive.

In the end, I think the majority of the world will finally realize just who and what our government, and the madmen running it actually is, what they are doing to the rest of the world, and we will eventually end up getting what we ourselves brought to fruition. Annihilation! We are causing our individual adversaries to coalesce against us.

I think God has turned his back on this nation.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: LittleJake

"I think God has turned his back on this nation."

Well, you certainly have!

(post by LittleJake removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 02:51 PM
Let me think. USA, UK, Europe, when it gets bad enough they will play their joker. Martial law. Just think Biden in charge, no civilian law, only martial law that he (well his handlers) will use to do just what they want. No election, total control till they relent, or will they relent because all over the Western World the governments seem to be in lockstep to achieve total dominance. Nostradamus said that in his third book, stanza 52.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Let me think. USA, UK, Europe, when it gets bad enough they will play their joker. Martial law. Just think Biden in charge, no civilian law, only martial law that he (well his handlers) will use to do just what they want. No election, total control till they relent, or will they relent because all over the Western World the governments seem to be in lockstep to achieve total dominance. Nostradamus said that in his third book, stanza 52.

Would you, or could you quote it, please? Would like to read it.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: misskat1

I agree with you. But it all started in the '60s when we let foreign entities (corporations and consortiums) build factories on American soil. When, at the same time, under the pretext of cheaper priced goods, we outsourced most of our production economy to countries starting with China and ending with Mexico....going through Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, and nowadays even Vietnam has products that reach the US of A. a way, we did it to ourselves. I am still contemplating what some political actors are trying to emphasize, like "bring back jobs and production to the USA." Would be great, no doubt, but when an iPhone would be 5,000 USD...who could afford it?
My point is that we are destroying ourselves from within. The GOP and Democrats are a ruling class that no longer represents the 99%. Unfortunately, everybody who screams "out with the immigrants" doesn't know that the political actors have farms and hotels manned by the same illegals who steal our jobs from law-abiding citizens. My question is: short of another American Revolution, what can we do to make our great nation Great Again? I know that I am sounding like a politician, but far from it. I do believe in people, not in politics. I love the legacy of 2 presidents that were revolutionary in their vision and charisma, one was a Democrat (JFK) and another Republican (R. Reagan).
Instead of letting others try to menace and threaten democracy and our way of life, let's brainstorm together to see what could be the best, harmless, and optimal way for our US of A to ascend on the same path of development and enlightenment that was before, after the Second World War. I would start with E-Verify...a service that needs to be compulsory in every village, town, city, and metro area across all 50 States. Do not hire illegals. Do not let anyone here without a status. Could be either DEPORTATION or a path to permanent resident status. That would ensure that the amnesty for the people legalized would bring something good out of it. Taxes and the rule of law. They cannot vote and they cannot become citizens. Also would be a great service to the nation if the Constitution would grant citizenship rights only to babies born out of both parents American citizens. Then we would have PEACE and Prosperity. Prove me wrong....please. I am not advocating overthrowing the government, just to find a way that will ensure a peaceful upgrade of our laws and bring our nation again on the right path. I love my country and that is why I care.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: LittleJake

Jake ....I feel a bit different regarding the role of our country as an international police man. The fact that Korea and Vietnam were fought under the threat of annihilation, just proves one thing. We stood up for democracy and freedom but because other countries got involved ....we could not risk an all out war (nuclear) with the likes of China and USSR.
In Korea we were repelled by the communist brainwashed north koreans and their chinese allies. And we were not alone. It was a UN peacekeeping force that included USA, UK, France, Australia, Canada and more countries I guess.
Same thing in Vietnam. Some mistakes made on the battlefield and the resulting public outcry forced Lyndon B. Johnson to withdraw from Vietnam, bun not before USSR and China showed that they would get involved up to a level where the whole war was going to expand from a regional to a world war.
Afghanistan, Libya, Granada, Somalia, Iraq and Panama... there were american interests at heart and also in the name of democracy. I am trying to be a normal person, not a racist one, but I cannot help myself to think about at least 3 countries were we tried and we could not implement anything: Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Why? Because those countries are made up of tribes, so far less developed and you cannot force 2000 years of societal and cultural advancement on reluctant tribes. Why Papua New Guinea was not ever colonized full? Because they are reluctant to the outside world, much like the amazonian tribes that share the same view of outsiders: a threat to their way of life. Iraq , Afghanistan and Libya had dictators that with iron fists and through terror and repression kept the unity and their countries functioning. Look at Russia. Throughout the history, there was no leader that would have a nice attitude towards their own russian citizens. When the last Tzar, Romanov, let the guard down, his people hacked him like he was the enemy of all Russia. I do not pretend that I know history all too well, I do not say that we did not do any mistakes, but if it weren't for the US of A...who would have stepped in trying to maintain a resemblance of an international order? I was born in a Eastern Europe country (Romania) , maybe the only one who was waiting for americans to come and be our friends and allies for over 50 years. I have told my neighbors and friends here in USA since I moved here in 1999 that we loved Americans through the Cold War, defying the Russians and having Nixon come in Romania immediately after the romanian dictator Ceausescu was decrying publicly and on a world stage the unjust invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. We were, alongside Albania, the only 2 countries in the Eastern Bloc that did not support and did not sent troops to Czechoslovakia. We stood for what was right. In the '80s though, crazy romanian dictator went and visited North Korea and got some nasty ideas and then all hell broke loose and we lost our infant democracy....and went the CUBA or North Korea way. Trust me, being in a communist country is not fun. That is why in 1989 when we overthrow the dictatorship and outlawed the communist party and activities, we felt that finally we are free. Then, I realized that it would take generations until will be a real democracy, a real market economy in Romania. I came here, in USA through the Diversity Visa programme and never , ever, regretted it . I am so happy to be here and I do my part to bring to the melting pot all that i can to the best of my abilities and for the prosperity of my adoptive nation. One thing is important in the assimilation process. The legal immigrant has to obey the rule and the customs of his new home. Has to learn English and has to pay taxes and be a productive member of the society. And....if needed be , to respond the call to serve at moment's notice for his land and people. I did it after the 9-11 and after 4 years I was honorably discharged. And never felt that we were invading anyone. Much less to kill civilians and to bomb into submission some poor villages. If you look at the new US Army requirements you would be horrified on how many restrictions are for an air support call. That is why an democracy always allows war correspondents, international journalists to be embedded with the troops. I would not agree that we did so many mistakes. Yes , we went in Iraq for the WMDs but world forgets so easily about the chemical weapons that Iraqi govt and Saddam had. In Libya , the same. In Afghanistan, Al Qaeda had free reign under the taliban until we came. So , yes it is our fault for pumping billions and trillions of dollars in some distant land wars, buddy, but we all forget that if not, world would be a much scarier place. Would you let China to consolidate global hegemony? Or Russia ?
In the end, it boils down to our people, I know. It is hard to see the degrading infrastructure in USA. Our interstate system was the marvel of transportation in the twentieth century because was done so fast on a continental scale under Eisenhower There are kids in Alabama or Louisiana that never had a chance to eat fresh produce.In AMERICA !!! We treat our veterans, truckers and police officers like are some criminals, not the backbone of our society. We bicker among each other like there's some existential crisis of blue or red. We forgot that AMERICA represents more that colors and that politics. It represents the spirit of the pioneers , the innovation and creativity, the beauty of a country who was born by standing against an Empire. We, as americans helped half of the world with food and economy aids. We provide the Sahel nations with lots of food and with lots of medicines and doctors. Without us, UN has no reason to exist. We are the only ones who can keep against Russia and China for a good reason. We saved Europe from the NAZIs. We helped England remain England in the first and second world war. We liberated France, although pompous french don't realize how much we lost in blood and lives. We as a nation are at the forefront of science and technology. But no one is willing to look past their own petty reasons. The day America returns to isolationism, brother, that day all hell breaks loose and the likes of China and Russia will assert even in Mexico and Canada, right under our noses. God help us all, and may the world be a better place tomorrow. Please understand that what I have said it is my own particular opinion regarding our nation, our history, and our world view. I do not impose it on anyone but I would really like to have more people being proud of their country, as I am. We are not criminals and we do what we must to keep our nation safe! The first thing we should do is seal our BORDERS and stop sending help to countries that drain us financially. Remember when it is time to vote! The only way to change this mess in our country is to elect people for the people. I know it is hard but it must be done!
edit on 28-5-2023 by SafetyFirst because: forgot to add some things

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: SafetyFirst

...bun not before USSR and China showed that they would get involved up to a level where the whole war was going to expand from a regional to a world war.

This is why we should have never gotten involved in the first place. One problem with what you believe to be preventing the spread of Communism and promoting the spread of Democracy is that our short-sighted attempts have always ended in failure because they were not prepared to finish what we started, no mater the cost. Where our adversaries were prepared to go the distance, whatever it took. That's why we should have never gotten involved in the first place. In essence, we failed in most, if not all instances and all we accomplished was the killing of millions of people at this point.

As I see it, Communism is an asinine, flawed ideology and completely foreign to human nature, thereby destined to failure even without our trying to eliminate it. As far as our Democracy is concerned, we do not live in a democracy. We live in a constitutional republic using a now corrupted and flawed democratic process to supposedly elect representatives. In the past, we have gone to other nations to observe their electoral processes to see if they are fair and legal and now we can't even trust our own elections to be fair and honest. Our democratic process doesn't work, either because average citizens are either too busy to educate themselves to the candidates running for office, are manipulated by charlatans or just far too stupid to make correct choices. At this point, even our government is not much better than those we are trying to usurp or overthrow. Our legislators don't make laws anymore and we are now governed by administrative regulation that may as well be an autocracy.

.if needed be , to respond the call to serve at moment's notice for his land and people.

I would be the first to answer the call to defend this nation, but as I now see our past military actions this past 3/4 century, I refuse to fight foreign wars instigated by this now corrupt, criminal government. If I thought my homeland was in jeopardy, yes, I would give my life to defend it, but no war in the past 78 years has risen to that level of threat. Not one. As a mater of fact, the greatest threat we now face is not external, and it certainly is not, as biden asserts, white supremacy. Our greatest threat is our own government. We are being destroyed from within, by our own damned government.

In Afghanistan, Al Qaeda had free rein under the Taliban until we came.

For what purpose Russia was first fighting in Afghanistan, I do not know, but I do know that the United States funded both, the Taliban and Osama's Al Queda during that conflict. If not for our intervention, both may have never survived that conflict and the world trade centers may have never been attacked. We collected surplus arms in Libya and shipped them into Syria to arm ISIS, who we later had to eradicate. Thank Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for that.

It represents the spirit of the pioneers

That spirit is long dead and gone, brother. It has been brainwashed out of these younger generations by our federal education system.

Please understand that what I have said it is my own particular opinion regarding our nation,

I do understand and appreciate what you believe. Which of us is right and who is wrong? I don't know. Maybe a little bit of both in both of us. Like you, I have my beliefs and opinions concerning these issues, but who is to say I am right. I just long for peace in this world, and I don't see it in our future any time soon. Not in my lifetime, anyway.

PS: Look at us now. China is buying us up one acre at a time. If they wanted to crash our economy, they could do it with ease because of all of our national debt they control. They could bring this nation to its knees without firing a single shot. They have us by the balls, and they know it.
edit on 28-5-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

PS again: We don't elect representatives of the people anymore. We vote Democrat or Republican for politicians loyal solely to their respective parties and represent only the corporations that fund their elections...
edit on 28-5-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: LittleJake
Jake, you were right all the way. Just I did not wanna be so harsh with our country's past actions and wars. For me is hard to imagine that the Constitution and the State are eroded by corporations, lobbyists, and greedy politicians that seem to have no shame in stripping bare this great nation. Same as the military-industrial complex doing whatever they can for more green bucks. I saw "ATLAS Shrugged", the movie in all its parts, and I still hope we will not come to that. Every idea and every action that our country took was, in the past, to ensure dominance on a worldwide scale. At least we had a goal. Nowadays, by wandering aimlessly through the world's waters, we do not have a fixed goal and we lack a strong adversary to channel our efforts into action. Maybe China will offer such a counterpoint and we can be reborn as a nation. Thank you for the time to answer me and I really do appreciate a good point of view like yours, even if it slightly differs from mine. Stay strong and hope for the best!

posted on Mar, 30 2024 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: incoserv

If you ask, you will find 99% of those Chinese restaurant owners are from Hong Kong or Taiwan, not the mainland.

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