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Higher death rates in pilots.

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posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:01 PM
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.
edit on 29-4-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

If someone could do that it’d be appreciated!

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yes, there have been a lot of pilots and reports about pilots having midair medical emergencies which has never happened before (in these quantities) due to these experimental jabs, and now other countries and world renowned doctors have condemned the experimental jabs as dangerous, but that hasn't stopped the loyal cyborgs from their denials and illogical reactions when the facts and truth starts raining down from the sky.

For a pilot or anyone to have these side effects develop into a medical emergency, and then have this cyborg clown parade of Pfizer and Moderna loyalists attacking them on top of their injuries shows what kind of souls these people have. Very dark souls.

edit on 29-4-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

+4 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

It's much easier if people just stop responding to mindless disruptions from people that troll threads they don't like.

People spent three years feeding trolls because they thought there was a scientific discussion happening. It was never about science, but conformity to certain absolute beliefs.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

It's much easier if people just stop responding to mindless disruptions from people that troll threads they don't like.

People spent three years feeding trolls because they thought there was a scientific discussion happening. It was never about science, but conformity to certain absolute beliefs.

Anyway, these folks are welcome to my share of the jab. They can have it all.

Good riddance.

edit on 2023 4 29 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.

I know it's not worth the effort or the bandwidth, but I'll take a shot at it anyway.

But, hey, let's not talk statistics. Facts hurt feelings. Besides, it based on FDA and CDC data, and you can' t trust anything they say, right?

Unless they say that the vaccines are "safe and effective." Then you can trust them.

Until they vaccines are no longer safe and effective. But then they say that they never said that they were safe and effective, so it's OK; you can trust them.

Until you can't.

Hey, people, facts hurt feelings! Be nice!
edit on 2023 4 29 by incoserv because: what's it to ya?

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: anonentity

This is appropriate.

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: incoserv

I see that there is a recent thread about the grounding of all noncritical flights in the Army airforce because of accidents, at some stage mandated vaccinations with a dangerous substance would tend to have this effect. If there was even the slightest effect on the general these highly skilled professions like groundcrew etc it would invariably show up at some stage. Pulling three G's with a dicky heart is not that great of an idea.

edit on 29-4-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 11:45 PM

edit on 29-4-2023 by DaRAGE because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman


posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Data doesn't matter.

You could stack bodies to examine, with death certificates and a doctor to explain it, and it wouldn't matter.

The point at which this could possibly be a failure in presenting data is long past for people that allegedly have been actually reading the threads they respond to. It's just a dogmatic belief and shouting down heretics earns points that get you into the book of life or something. I've given plenty of valid relevant science both from the horses mouth and with evidence to support it, even providing context from the actual field practice of public health when I thought it would help, and it has not earned a single admission of error in three years to my recollection. They just move along to the next mcguffin.

You will notice there haven't really been any competent original arguments on the science for defending the vaccine for a while, and all support has to completely ignore the topics of informed consent and do no harm. Both of the topics ignored are the only thing between us and Nazi medical experiments... literally. When your argument has moved beyond ignoring those, you are not longer arguing with people concerned about human health and wellbeing. It's sad times when this level of ignorance is not the result of lack of opportunity to learn, but a deliberate act undertaken with zealotry and driven by a government funded marketing campaign.

It's just noise and pseudo-skepticism from true believers of The Science. If I see any real arguments I'll respond to them, but the reality is that the only place scientists that know the topic well are going to promote this junk is where there are no tough questions they have to respond to about the series of false claims that most of their propaganda is based on. The only way for them to continue presenting their science is in forums where everything said before is just accepted as settled and their personal opinions can supercede 40 years of global data from the field. The vaccine failed to meet any kind of legitimate risk/benefit analysis in trial and retrospectively it is a gross failure. It's objective reality. That's just one part of the circus.

It's been really interesting to see how confident people are that the TV, media promotions, and sponsored articles, give them any kind of significant understanding of complicated fields and the massive human infrastructure that operates to make them happen. On top of that they have such implicit trust in those for-profit participants being truthful they will spend portions of their life championing this material. I would expect most spend more time championing this material than they have in serious study of the topic, and I doubt it's close.

Illusions are comfy. Unfortunately the comfy illusions that are sold to the masses often contradict my direct professional experiences. Medicine and public health appear to have been taken over by the same activists that took over environmental science from my on the ground perspective in both fields. They put a bs veneer of "The Science" over a corporate initiative so that it can get free government promotion and funding, backed by wacko activists that don't care to understand the science or hold themselves to any ethical standards. I don't know if anybody noticed, but the longer the activist class runs environmental agendas the worse they've claimed the problems are and the more it's cost to regular people. Corporations now are the biggest beneficiaries and are behind most of the agenda. I wonder why that it is and how that will go for an already faltering and administrative-heavy healthcare sector looking after an increasingly less healthy population.

edit on 4/30/23 by Ksihkehe because: Added PM notice.

edit on 4/30/23 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Cate to make a wager?

And estimated 5.55 billion people have been vaccinated worldwide. Find 55 cases of death confirmed to be related to the vaccines, and I will log off of this site forever.
My gawd man, you again? Do you shoot out street lights just for fun in the middle of the night for no reason too? Enquiringly minds want to know? What says you?
edit on 4 30 2023 by Ilikesecrets because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: incoserv

Learn how VAERS works and try again.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Yes and only one percent get reported. They are dropping like flies Hary Belafonte this week, along with this poor girl, Every day now we are hearing of famous entertainers dying. If it gets too much they will just stop reporting them. All the government figures are BS they don't even put out the cremation figures anymore.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
It appears that there are many accidents occurring which are not getting reported in the media. The FAA changed the rules with regard to the heart conditions of many pilots and increased the rate of acceptable anomaly after an ECG check. The hidden Myocarditis could be a lot higher somewhere around one in thirty. This Canadian doctor has been checking the rise in accidents since the mandates. It seems that FAA rules ban any pilot from taking experimental medicines, but still, these mandates were applied to many airlines. It is well known that there are many unvaccinated pilots in the USA which was handy for the last Davos meeting when they were in high demand for flying the billionaires into Switzerland. This doctor thinks that the denial is mostly due to legal liability which leaves employers holding the can by forcing employees to take the jab.

Such a fast fast changing world atm, if something was to give regards the dirty levee waters it may be the minions in pain due to not knowing what their big bosses knew and the conspiracey theorists believed. They could at least put some sticks n spokes as such, actualllly i believe this may already be happening but time will tell.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Yes and only one percent get reported. They are dropping like flies Hary Belafonte this week, along with this poor girl, Every day now we are hearing of famous entertainers dying. If it gets too much they will just stop reporting them. All the government figures are BS they don't even put out the cremation figures anymore.

It's just another mcguffin.

I've posted links to Congressional testimony from agency officials from years ago discussing the underreporting of adverse events.

I linked to the former president of the Australian Medical Association, a former MP, that states COVID vaccine reports specifically are underreported. The agency responsible for the data she cited also acknowledged underreporting is a factor. It is expected to be a significant factor.

If anybody tells you that VAERS isn't underreported, unless they add several caveats or specific qualifiers, you can be sure that they have consumed almost exlusively post-vax disaster PR from pharma's numerous partnerships. Prior to that there was nobody that would have proposed the preposterous idea that a passive reporting system is over-reporting relative to the number of actual incidents. It's patently absurd. It's a fraction of the actual impacts on the population that gets reported.

Add it to the list of absurd lies that don't make sense even if you had no background in the topic.

Annual deaths from medical errors is estimated to be in in the hundreds of thousands. A system that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year through incompetence or neglect cannot be expected to be reporting vaccine adverse events anything but infrequently, relative to their actual incidence.

You can find sources for this, but simple logic provides the same conclusion that the industry had prior to 2020 or so. Highly structured and heavily policed systems still miss things, there is no passive reporting system that can be designed to get anything better than partial reporting.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Annual deaths from medical errors is estimated to be in in the hundreds of thousands. A system that kills hundreds of thousands of people every year through incompetence or neglect cannot be expected to be reporting vaccine adverse events anything but infrequently, relative to their actual incidence.

Absolutely. In fact, I'm surprised that to some degree, they are even willing to admit it.


Recent studies of medical errors have estimated errors may account for as many as 251,000 deaths annually in the United States (U.S)., making medical errors the third leading cause of death. Error rates are significantly higher in the U.S. than in other developed countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the United Kingdom (U.K). At the same time less than 10 percent of medical errors are reported.

edit on 30-4-2023 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Yes and only one percent get reported. They are dropping like flies Hary Belafonte this week, along with this poor girl, Every day now we are hearing of famous entertainers dying. If it gets too much they will just stop reporting them. All the government figures are BS they don't even put out the cremation figures anymore.

Harry Belafonte was 96 years old. He was lucky to live that long.

posted on Apr, 30 2023 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Nickn3
Harry Belafonte was 96 years old. He was lucky to live that long.

Nonsense! People never died before this.

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