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Why Doctors Aren't Speaking Out, Written By A Doctor

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posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Zellio2023

Speak away.

I can't be bothered to report you.

Evidence for your claim that I do that "a lot"?

And what "truth" have you yet spoken?

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Coeruleum

You kinda have to understand the biology of the plasmodium parasite, and how it grows to understand how Qunine, hcq, and such other Zinc Ionophores work to inhibit the attachment, growth and replication of cell invaders.

The mechanism where malaria (plasmodium) infection is concerned is still a little fuzzy, with most postulating that it inhibits the formation of Polymerase enzymes that break down red blood cells.

In the case of Covid, quinine and such compounds help shuttle Zinc into the cells. The Zinc inhibits the final stage of viral replication (turning your cells into virus replicating factories) which is called glycosylation. Glycosylation is the attachment of a sugar molecule which does a few things: Allows for cellular invasion, allows the virus to escape Immune detection, and enhances the virus' ability to perform protein rearrangement (folding) and stability.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Larger scale studies showed that it alleviated some of the symptoms in people who already had moderate covid, but that there were more effective ways of doing this that didn't have the same potential side effects.


Most of the fuss in the media was because the Trump administration was concerned that people wouldn't do things like socially distance, or wear a mask, if they thought that there was some magic tonic that they cold chug down if they were infected with covid, or that they'd want to take this tonic after they got sick with covid, rather than taking the vax.

There were also concerns that people buy it online and take it irresponsibly. Which could have bad side effects.

Personally, I find it rather ironic that people were calling covid a conspiracy by big pharma, and then turning to big pharma for the answers. These things are just another big pharma product after all.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

You kind of made the point: "Don't wait til someone is almost dead to try to treat them."

I have only lost one family member to covid, my cousin Mike.

Mike had everything working against him, sedentary, obese, terrible eating habits, etc, etc.

He started feeling bad, went to the doctor, tested positive for covid. "Here's some antibiotics and steroids, come back if it gets worse." It got worse, four days later, he went back. "Here's a steroid inhaler, and a pulse ox device. Go home, if your pulse ox drops below 90, come back. It did, he went back, but by this time, 11 days in, he is in the midst of the dreaded Cytokine Storm. His lungs were basically shot before they even attempted any real treatment. They gave him Monoclonal antibodies, which cleared him of Covid, but no improvement otherwise. He hung on for about 6 weeks, but finally when he just couldn't breathe without oxygen, he decided to stop eating so he could die.

This, or something very similar was played out hundreds of thousands of times. Had these institutions or doctors had the balls to buck the FDA and treat people as they normally would, most people would have been treated early in the progression of the disease, and most would have survived. I know a couple dozen people who were fortunate enough to have been prescribed, or otherwise had access to HCQ, and were cured using it.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

Well, considering most of your links don't work and are 404'd that says alot about your so called evidence, the rest is all right wing propaganda rubbish!!

edit on 11-9-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

If you had a couple of brain cells functioning properly you would realize that you are making my point.

Deleting links to unflattering or contradictory information, silencing dissidents, banning people from different platforms etc. does not point to transparency or instill confidence in those who have the ability to think clearly.

Had you cared to investigate, you would have found this:

RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis

The other link, on STAT was removed within a few days (I actually said so in the post) because it did actually show efficacy to the HCQ combo, and they no doubt got slapped down for expressing anything that might bring hope to a terrified public.

And, BTW, it isn't right or left wing for those who can be rational. It is those who hope to rule the world and shape it in their image against all the rest of us. People like you are so busy tearing at those who don't believe what you do that you cannot see that the ground that supports all of us is being shaken apart under our feet, and your efforts are running cover for such an operation. When two groups are so busy hating each other it allows free reign for the psychos in power to do what ever the # they want because we aren't paying attention.

If they get their wish, do you suppose your efforts will net you some kind of profitable position?? Or will they just view you as a useful idiot?

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

If you had a couple of brain cells functioning properly you would realize that you are making my point.

And if you had a even one brain cell, you'd realise they're taken down because they're bullcrap and full of lies. All of the opinion pieces posted on here against the jab are either right-wing nut jobs against the "government" and it's jab or religious groups pushing faith to heal them...

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: Coeruleum

originally posted by: Roedeer
I’m with you. Yes, many of these doctors who knew and still injected people are despicable. But in the supposedly most educated country in the world, how much responsibility did anyone that stood in line and rolled up their sleeve have for knowing what they were actually being injected with? They didn’t want to know. They just wanted someone in a magic white coat to “save” them from the big bad rona. Yet, there were literally dozens of red flags that they just ignored in order to be unthinkingly “saved”. Even as the excess death rates for all age groups rise higher and higher, people are still dragging their helpless children in to be injected with substances that they feel no need to know about or understand. a reply to: nugget1

Does this remind you of anything?

America, "the most educated country in the world"?! Please... You're not even in the top 5...

The Top 10 Most-Educated Countries (OECD 2018)

Canada — 56.27%
Japan — 50.50%
Israel — 49.90%
South Korea — 46.86%
United Kingdom — 45.96%
United States — 45.67%
Australia — 43.74%
Finland — 43.60%
Norway — 43.02%
Luxembourg — 42.86%



posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

And in your attempt to formulate a comeback, you unwittingly prove the point...

Again. Maybe rushing back and forth between websites to troll is making it hard to keep up??

The lancet fake study was indeed pulled because they were full of crap and it was all lies. That is the study that the WHO used as justification to outlaw HCQ, and even after it was shown to be all lies, they (the WHO) didn't change their minds, or issue a retraction. They left it to their army of digital agitators to get out there and scream non stop at anyone who claimed HCQ was effective.

So who lived and who died, what treatments would and would not be used were determined by an outright fabrication.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: Kurokage

And in your attempt to formulate a comeback, you unwittingly prove the point...

Again. Maybe rushing back and forth between websites to troll is making it hard to keep up??

The lancet fake study was indeed pulled because they were full of crap and it was all lies. That is the study that the WHO used as justification to outlaw HCQ, and even after it was shown to be all lies, they (the WHO) didn't change their minds, or issue a retraction. They left it to their army of digital agitators to get out there and scream non stop at anyone who claimed HCQ was effective.

So who lived and who died, what treatments would and would not be used were determined by an outright fabrication.

Your hysterical.
Please prove I'm rushing from different websites? If anyone is pushing lies and propaganda here it's you lot being duped by Chinese and Russian lies and fake Fasebook pieces or are you the ones pushing it, trying to kill off you enemies?!?!?!

See, it's easy to call out Shill, I think you're doing it to support you fantasies of a "great reset" or because of a distrust of anything government.

V1rtu0s0 has made lots of claims and as of yet has actually not been able to prove a single point, he's made claims about the virus in the UK, which is were I'm from and can see with my own two eyes how wrong he is, which is why I've posted in his threads, after which I noticed he posted daily about covid with "science" links which are usually from right-wing media or religious groups.
As I've posted before, I worked for a short while in the NHS, and a family member has had a long career (nearly 40 years) in health care here in the UK. (still employed in it).
All medications have side effects, with most if not all having a small percentage who suffer severe effects and that is all that is happening here.
The OP has made outlandish claims, like that we're seeing a 40% die off in the UK which is complete rubbish and has made all kinds of false claims.
I seriously think they are obssessed with Doom Porn and love to see gulible people swollowing it here.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

And you still don't address the point that public health policy, on which depends the life of everyone on the planet, was based on outright lies and fabrication.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: Kurokage

And you still don't address the point that public health policy, on which depends the life of everyone on the planet, was based on outright lies and fabrication.

Great Britains public health policy did it's best to walk a fine line between over panicing or not doing enough. V1rtu0s0 was posting incorrect and even outright lies about what was happening here in the UK and it's people like him that will cause a "great reset" because some dumb adults will stop vaccinating their children against thinks like polio and TB.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I'd be interested to know if you support the claims of mass die offs here in the UK?

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I don't think anyone is saying mass die offs are currently happening...

I do know Dr. John Campbell, who has been making videos since the start of all this, says that according to NHS data, there are 1500 people a week above the five year average dying of "unknown causes."

I have been pleasantly surprised at the transparency with the NHS data.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 06:30 PM
You need to begrudge the doctors because they are gate keepers to this whole sh!tshow. As you can clearly see this guys wants a pity party but doesn't have the balls to stand up for himself.

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

While I don't condone them going along with the system

They have families to support, just like the single mother who had to get the vaccine to keep her job so her child could eat and have more than a car or tent to call home. I don't begrudge the doctors as much as the millions of people who allowed themselves to fall for propaganda.
Some were so brainwashed they still believe in the vaccines and boosters; they'll be the Brown Shirts when the next mandates roll out.

edit on 12-9-2022 by w810i because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I don't think anyone is saying mass die offs are currently happening...

The trouble is, that is exactly what V1rtu0s0 said is happening here in Great Britain and it's totally untrue, that exactly why I post in these threads now. I see the lies and click bait he keeps posting on a daily basis.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Steve Kirsch recently sent out a request to all medical professionals asking for their personal experiences related to the Covid pandemic and the Covid vaccines. He has received a lot of feedback, but one message he received from a doctor stood out from the rest. This doctor explained the reason why the majority of doctors can't or won't speak out. We have known that medical boards such as the medical board of specialties threatened any doctor who did not recommend the Covid vaccine with investigation and possible loss of their license to practice medicine. There's also the Calfornia bill that will punish doctors who spread medical "misinformation." That is of course, defined by the medical boards and health agencies.

Doctors could be disciplined for “misinformation or disinformation” that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus to an extent where its dissemination constitutes gross negligence” by the physician.

So now science is consensus based and not evidence based.

Dear Steve,

You ask why doctors are silent. The electronic medical records (EMRs) are a ball and chain to physicians. We are tracked through them. When I wrote a prescription for Ivermectin for a patient, with informed consent (she was vaccinated), I received 5 letters threatening my medical license, my hospital privileges, and my insurance contracts. I would not have received 5 letters if I killed someone in negligence or malpractice. If I have my license pulled, I will no longer be able to help my patients.

I speak to patients on a one-on-one basis, but speaking out would destroy my family. I have children. Quite frankly, I have seen that patients want me to risk myself for them, but are wholly unwilling to support their physician. The population is lazy.

I can save your life, but I get paid less for my work than some hairdressers. My education is not valued by society, as supported by the rise of the "advanced practice provider." I am almost done with my profession. I hope to retire in the next 1-3 years, decades before I had planned. I love what I do, but cannot take this toxic and broken system any longer. This is why so many have retired in the past couple years, and this trend will continue.

I am attaching the latest California bill to throttle physicians. I hear no outcry. I told patients over a year ago that the vax would not prevent them from getting COVID. It was never studied to do so. I actually read the studies. This of course was disinformation, but has now been proven to be true.

Who will be the truth czar for healthcare? How am I to keep up? I am left to assume that the population wants the government to guide their healthcare. That is, in fact, the plan. The healthcare system will be socialized within the next 5 years I predict. And the population will be shocked. No one is paying attention.

I thank you for all you are doing, and wish you the best of luck. I feel like you are David against Goliath.

It seems the doctors are between a rock and a hard place. While I don't condone them going along with the system, this doctor explains in detail exactly why it's happening. They are controlled by the medical establishment and forced into narrow protocols that have then abandoning the doctor patient relationship and replacing it with a one sized fits all approach written by boards who control their livelihoods.

They don’t speak out , cause of fear just like doctors don’t speak out about abuse to our lbgqt community, cause of conservative cops , army men , judges, & society.
Im pro vaccine & as a Trans person I support the GOP & wished Trump did more for us , but Im grateful that Trump warp speeded the vaccines.
Even if vaccines are dangerous it was better than 25% of Americans dying from covis-19 .
Doctors are quiet about the side effects of mrna , cause Trump spearheaded the vaccines & most all doctors are rich MAGA supporters is the real reader why .. but those shills @ CNN will never report on it cause CNN secretly helped defeat Hillary for Trump .
I heard things once from Don Lemon down at a gay party in the Keys saying that he secretly voted for Trump.
Most lbgqt folks in the Keys are conservative voting & publicly against the GOP , but Trump has hurt the lbgqt & the youth who were vaccinated with his warp speed vaccines.
Trump is to blame for sure

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: Hecate666
a reply to: nugget1
Nobody was held down?
I saw heartwrenching footages of children getting hunted down from running away to literally being held by adults against their will and then injected.
I could hardly watch.
The nurses did the talking and the hunting and the injecting.

Even doing it to people who tell them they are only doing it to keep their jobs.

Shame on anyone so happy to play Russian roulette with other humans.

I guess I should have specified 'adults' and not assumed everybody would know that's what we were talking about. Kids being subjected to vaccines at the hands of their parents is a whole separate and worthy of its own thread, IMO.
My apologies for the confusion.

No, lets play your game. Whilst nobody was physically held down, people were mentally held with iron clasps. Just like mental abuse is 100% abuse, forcing someone by blackmail against their will is the same as holding them down.

My best friend of over 50 years was forced like that. She was scared of the jab, knew all about it, never ever wanted to take it. She held out far longer than some, until she was told she'd lose her unlosable job she held since she was 18.
This is in Germany btw.
As most people rent their homes she wouldn't be able to pay rent. She is older and there is no way she'd find another job, when there are none.
Her job was with the council. Gardener. An unlosable position normally, protected like no other jobs. However they ground her down and then went for the jugular.
She feels like scchitt now. Violated and depressed and betrayed and angry and dumb and scared af.

That is very much holding someone down and forcing it in, only not physically. She had to go there herself and let them do it, but I wouldn't call that voluntary.
Only governments and pharma would say she did this of her own back.
She's not the only one. It also happened to my sister in law, here in the UK, who held out for a loong time until she was blackmailed and threatened to lose everything she had built up with sweat and tears and hard work after her divorce.

I know more, but you should get the gist.
Just like domestic abuse can be purely psychological, holding someone down doesn't always mean it's done physically.
The anguish felt afterwards is the same.

You must surely grasp that at some level.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 01:41 AM

edit on Tue Jun 13 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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