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Russian Strategy in Ukraine?

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posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Russia's best strategy would be to put Putin's head on a spike outside the Kremlin and get their troops out of Ukraine.

From what I hear, there are actually hard line elements within the Russian power structure that are actually more bellicose and more nationalist than Putin. Not that Putin is in any way a moderate, but, I would be careful what I wished for. Regime change doesn't always improve the geopolitical landscape.

We've learned that in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc etc

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

The russiaphobia is heavy within you.

You being serious?

I have no connections or anything to do with either Ukraine or Russia, just look on as a neutral observer at one of the most interesting moments of our time.

When I stated Russia is pretty good at ethnic cleansing it was merely the truth.

Over the last century they cleared eastern Europe of most of the Jewish population and then did the same with the German population.

It's just a fact Russian's move the peoples and borders west. They always did it. Still doing it today.

Now on many occasions I've defended the Russian intervention into Ukraine as they do have legitimate reasons to make their move now. "russiaphobia is heavy within you" well lol it's certainly not and the world is better for having Russia in it.................. Most of the time

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: baggy7981
a reply to: ufoorbhunter
So you just going to ignore the ethnic cleansing that Ukraine have been doing in the Donbass the last how many years..? Because that's textbook ethnic cleansing.

How do you explain all the Ukrainians that are thankful for the Russians freeing them from tyranny? Seems an odd thing to be thankful for, although apparantly Ukraine is a corrupt hellhole so not surprising.

a reply to: 1947boomer
All of the western leaders (+Trump and Boris) first, s’il vous plaît.

Baggy I not taking sides here. Totally respect where you're coming from, yes those Russian's in the east have been under siege for 8 years by a western coup installed government's Nazi leaning militias. Totally know this for sure and see the reasons for Putin's special operation. All I'm stating is Russian's are also extremely expert at ethnic cleansing and have carried it out on quite a few occasions on at the very least a half continent level.

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

How about facts (not fantasy)?

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

How about facts (not fantasy)?

The facts follow

Between 1944 and 1948, millions of people, including ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) and German citizens (Reichsdeutsche), were permanently or temporarily moved from Central and Eastern Europe. By 1950, a total of approximately 12 million[6] Germans had fled or been expelled from east-central Europe into Allied-occupied Germany and Austria. The West German government put the total at 14.6 million

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: turretless

"Poland lost 179,000 square kilometres (69,000 square miles) (45%) of prewar territories in the east, including over 12 million citizens of whom 4.3 million were Polish-speakers. Today, these territories are part of sovereign Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania."

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

How about facts (not fantasy)?

The facts follow

Between 1944 and 1948, millions of people, including ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) and German citizens (Reichsdeutsche), were permanently or temporarily moved from Central and Eastern Europe. By 1950, a total of approximately 12 million[6] Germans had fled or been expelled from east-central Europe into Allied-occupied Germany and Austria. The West German government put the total at 14.6 million

I understand correctly that you mean the Germans who were settled in Eastern Europe as a result of its occupation by Hitler and were kicked in the ass back to Germany during the reconquest of these lands by Eastern Europeans back?

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: turretless

Another excellent example of Russian's and their pushing ethnic cleansing through emigration.................... "The government of the new Czar, Alexander III (who ruled 1881-1894) organized one pogrom after another to keep the anger of the masses focused on the Jews.

In addition to the pogroms, Alexander III promulgated a series of laws against the Jews. These laws were called the May Laws and they included such prohibitions as:

“It is henceforth forbidden for Jews to settle outside the cities and townships.”
“The registration of property and mortgages in the names of Jews is to be halted temporarily. Jews are also prohibited from administering such properties.”
“It is forbidden for Jews to engage in commerce on Sundays and Christian holidays.”

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

How about facts (not fantasy)?

The facts follow

Between 1944 and 1948, millions of people, including ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) and German citizens (Reichsdeutsche), were permanently or temporarily moved from Central and Eastern Europe. By 1950, a total of approximately 12 million[6] Germans had fled or been expelled from east-central Europe into Allied-occupied Germany and Austria. The West German government put the total at 14.6 million

I understand correctly that you mean the Germans who were settled in Eastern Europe as a result of its occupation by Hitler and were kicked in the ass back to Germany during the reconquest of these lands by Eastern Europeans back?

Total nonsense Turretless and you know it

Those German communities went back hundreds of years in Russia, Romania if not thousands in Silesia etc.

The 12 million German speaking people were victims of ethnic cleansing and you know it!

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
a reply to: turretless

Another excellent example of Russian's and their pushing ethnic cleansing through emigration.................... "The government of the new Czar, Alexander III (who ruled 1881-1894) organized one pogrom after another to keep the anger of the masses focused on the Jews.

In addition to the pogroms, Alexander III promulgated a series of laws against the Jews. These laws were called the May Laws and they included such prohibitions as:

“It is henceforth forbidden for Jews to settle outside the cities and townships.”
“The registration of property and mortgages in the names of Jews is to be halted temporarily. Jews are also prohibited from administering such properties.”
“It is forbidden for Jews to engage in commerce on Sundays and Christian holidays.”

I did not check your sources but I have already confirmed that there were Jewish pogroms in Tsarist Russia.

But also in Europe at various times there were persecutions of the Jews.

What is so specifically Russian you see here?

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: turretless

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Russia's strategy in the Ukraine is ethnic cleansing as usual.

They cleared the Jews from eastern Europe with pogroms and sent them to the Americas.

They later cleared the Germans from eastern Europe and sent them to West Germany.

Now they target the Ukrainians and have already forced 10 million of them to flee their nation.

Russian's are dead good at ethnic cleansing. It's what they do.

Russia does not use this Western method.

There were Jewish pogroms in tsarist Russia, but they did not exist in the Soviet Union, and they were even unthinkable there.

The Ukrainians left Ukraine of their own free will.

Stalin forced out the Germans from pretty much all of eastern Europe and penned them into the country called Germany one sees today at least the lucky ones who didn't get murdered.

The Czar forced out millions of Hebrews and forced them into fleeing to the Americas, Africa, England, Australia. He was the Russian Czar.

Ukranians were moved west when the Poles were kicked out of eastern Europe. Places like Lvov were within living memory Polish cities yet Stalin moved them out largely settling them in what was pre war Germany like Silesia to fill the gaps when the Germans were eliminated.

The fact is Russian's love moving people west. They've been doing it since the Mongol invasions. Still doing it today

How about facts (not fantasy)?

The facts follow

Between 1944 and 1948, millions of people, including ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) and German citizens (Reichsdeutsche), were permanently or temporarily moved from Central and Eastern Europe. By 1950, a total of approximately 12 million[6] Germans had fled or been expelled from east-central Europe into Allied-occupied Germany and Austria. The West German government put the total at 14.6 million

I understand correctly that you mean the Germans who were settled in Eastern Europe as a result of its occupation by Hitler and were kicked in the ass back to Germany during the reconquest of these lands by Eastern Europeans back?

Total nonsense Turretless and you know it

Those German communities went back hundreds of years in Russia, Romania if not thousands in Silesia etc.

The 12 million German speaking people were victims of ethnic cleansing and you know it!

I didn't see any evidence from your link.

Where are Stalin's orders to evict the Germans?

I know that there was a resettlement of Germans in Kazakhstan during the Second World War.

But these were not purges. It was the eviction of people who could go over to the side of the enemy.

I would like to see what would happen to the Russians if they were settled in Nazi Germany.

I remind you that the United States during the Second World War put the Japanese living there in concentration camps.

edit on 8 17 2022 by turretless because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 04:54 PM
Putin has got exactly what he wants, the Eastern part of Ukraine and the Black sea coastal regions. The only thing stopping the stopping of the "war" is the west does not want to go to the peace table. Believe me, no matter how you put Putin and the Russian military down, if they wanted Ukraine they would have had it. They wanted what they've got, they don't want the rest of Ukraine. Putin wants to settle but the West wants to carry on their money making scam.

posted on Aug, 17 2022 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: turretless

Russia still has conscription - young men are called up for military Supposedly they are not to be used outside Russian borders

Putin ignored this by claiming Ukraine was part of Russia Many of the troops being sent had no idea they were being sent to Ukraine

Key Takeaways

Russian forces conducted ground attacks across the Eastern Axis but failed to advance northwest of Slovyansk and east of Siversk.

Russian forces are launching offensive operations around Bakhmut, southwest of Avdiivka, and southwest of Donetsk City.

Russian forces conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in northern and northwestern Kherson Oblast.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Ukrainian forces in Nikopol are preparing to conduct provocations at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, possibly setting information conditions for further shelling of Nikopol or provocations of its own.

Chechen units are reportedly relocating to Kherson Oblast to police Russian military deserters.

Russian forces struggle to recruit soldiers even for safe, prestigious jobs. combined with heavy casualties being suffered caused many to desert of refuse to fight
edit on 17-8-2022 by firerescue because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: firerescue
a reply to: turretless

Russia still has conscription - young men are called up for military Supposedly they are not to be used outside Russian borders

Putin ignored this by claiming Ukraine was part of Russia Many of the troops being sent had no idea they were being sent to Ukraine

In Russia, there is a conscription for young men for one year in the army, but you have already begun to write about women, thereby asserting a clear lie.

In addition, Putin made a statement that:

I would like to emphasise that conscripted service personnel are not and will not be taking part in the fighting. And we are not going to additionally call up reservists.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: turretless

I would like to emphasise that conscripted service personnel are not and will not be taking part in the fighting. And we are not going to additionally call up reservists.

Right.....Maybe just some live fire training in a foreign terrain simulation perhaps?

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: turretless

I would like to emphasise that conscripted service personnel are not and will not be taking part in the fighting. And we are not going to additionally call up reservists.

Right.....Maybe just some live fire training in a foreign terrain simulation perhaps?

Are you sure you understand what the previous conversation was about?

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: turretless

I am actually jesting about the statements from the Kremlin comrade.

posted on Aug, 18 2022 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: turretless

I am actually jesting about the statements from the Kremlin comrade.

The conversation was about the fact that contract soldiers are participating in a special military operation and conscripts are not participating.

In a quote from Putin, it was also about what types of soldiers do not participate there.

Now do you understand how stupid your joke is?

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