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Lithium to be declared hazardous in the EU a setup for failure

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posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 11:20 AM
More than 66% of the gasoline price here is already taxes.

People will definitely riot when they can't afford fuel to go to work anymore, it looks like it's what they want??

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Being toxic depends , the dosage and form. I take everyday lithium, as supplement and i swear it`s not toxic for me.

Lithium orotate , and not big dosages . There are forms of lithium i would not touch . Basically food itself can contain lithium, and some places has it more in soil and some very litle.

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 11:58 AM
The original 7up drink had lithium in it

7 Up was created by Charles Leiper Grigg, who launched his St. Louis–based company The Howdy Corporation in 1920.[1] Grigg came up with the formula for a lemon-lime soft drink in 1929. The product, originally named "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda", was launched two weeks before the Wall Street Crash of 1929.[2] It contained lithium citrate, a mood-stabilizing drug, until 1948.[3][4] It was one of a number of patent medicine products popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Its name was later shortened to "7 Up Lithiated Lemon Soda" before being further shortened to just "7 Up" by 1936.[5]

7 Up Wikipedia

Origins of the 7Up Soft Drink Name
edit on 12-7-2022 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Being toxic depends , the dosage and form. I take everyday lithium, as supplement and i swear it`s not toxic for me.

Lithium orotate , and not big dosages . There are forms of lithium i would not touch . Basically food itself can contain lithium, and some places has it more in soil and some very litle.

I guess in some forms it's toxic.
Most countries classify it as a Cat 9 toxic, so does the EU.
If the proposal is accepted then it will become a Cat1, which is highly exaggerated

Love the 7up info! I had no idea

edit on 12-7-2022 by KindraLabelle2 because: (I can't properly write anymore!)

edit on 12-7-2022 by KindraLabelle2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Yeeh the Cat1 is highly exaggerated to me also, EU doing again it`s work...

This guy from UK has a lot information about lithium therapeutical use, several pages..

What’s the Dosage of Lithium Orotate versus Lithium Carbonate Meds

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 11:09 PM
Don't forget Lithium Carbonate is also taken as a medication, which is why the article claims it has massive effects on fertility. I believe this article is targeting more about the drug use and consumption, than actual 'batteries' and material compounds that they can use it for. As most battery creators have hazardous material certificates and training they do already when it comes to 'dangerous' materials.

Granted most of this prescription came after they legally gave kids in the 90's speed, its kinda funny now that they want to ban it when all those people grew up and had a bunch of 'screwed up in the head' children because of the medications they shoved down people's throats, and this particular one was shoved down a person's throat after being high on legalized speed to 'counter' the 'rush' they got from prior medications..

I wasn't lying when I said big pharma has been testing this crap on the people for a long time now.

If lithium carbonate, lithium chloride and lithium hydroxide are classified as dangerous, it would complicate the import procedure, production and handling of the materials

So, are they setting us up to fail? If this 'chemical' is so dangerous then why the hell do they shove this perscription down people's throats like its candy?

Lithium Summary for 2019
Top drug rank #205 ( 9)
Estimated number of prescriptions in the United States (2019) 2,643,601
Estimated number of patients in the United States (2019) 425,396
(and that is just US statistics)

Maybe, just maybe they are trying to ban these materials from these certain industries that are actually poisoning people directly. (aka not 'batteries') Because this is also consumed as a 'mood stabilizer', they prescribe most of these particular drugs to the intelligent for being depressed. "You don't like the way the world is? Your feeling sad? Your feeling depressed? Oh, it comes in waves? Well here, take this medication. We know it's dangerous to your health and will damage your fertility, but take it anyway."

So there's a micro-chance someone actually might try to do some good. By attacking this material that is often being handed out like 'tic tacs'. The fact that the smarter the person is, the more likely they are to have depression is something else to be considered. This seems to occur because smarter people 'overthink' and focus on topics more than the average person which is often seen as 'OCD' or a handful of other ailments the drug is used for.

So in the long run, I don't think you are going to have to worry about batteries, when I think it is clear that someone is trying to do away with the overuse of this particular dangerous material the consumers are consuming. #:~:text=The%20most%20common%20uses%20of%20lithium%20are%3A%201,action%205%20Treatment%20of%20mental%20illnesses%20in%20children

But here's something that might add a little flavor to your side of the story,

Lithium aspartate comes from aspartic acid while orotate is salt-derived. Both types of lithium supplements are used for almost identical purposes i.e. to manage and treat addictions, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, headaches, and to prevent brain aging.

Brain Aging - why politicians would want to encourage it.

Uses for lithium in components.

So after considering both sides of the argument, I will say it will really depend on where the person is coming from and what their motives are.

Are they trying to stop failed reproduction, or are they trying to encourage 'brain aging' and the other host of ailments lithium itself treats.

a reply to: KindraLabelle2
So to answer your question.
"Are they setting us up to fail????
Because this one sure feels like it!"

I went a bit back and forth on this topic, because I am looking at it from multiple sides. I currently can't make a 100% verdict without knowing the person who's trying to force these regulations. Where they stand on issues, without that it becomes impossible to tell if they are truly trying to hurt society or help it. Because what may help one person, may also hurt another. It can't exactly be deemed as "being set up for failure", until we know who is pushing, why they are pushing, and where their stance is on several factors.

edit on 12-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: made it nice and organized.

posted on Jul, 12 2022 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Yes, but you have to consider. It's 'toxic' to you because it can affect your fertility, but it also prevents brain aging. Which to politicians can see it as 'toxic', meaning that you will remember things that they might want you to forget, as well as possibly preventing health problems when your older. Which would be why it could really be a swing issue, because they also don't want you to have kids.

This is why I think they are trying to use different methods to prevent children, while removing Lithium from the markets.
edit on 13-7-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow, Kenzo

thank for all the links, reading through them in between serving customers (at work)

Seems that there are much more uses for lithium then I even realized


posted on Jul, 13 2022 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

Ow wow....did not know those uses, even in nuclear bombs.

Carefully now ....i may run to kitchen and take overdose

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: KindraLabelle2

And suddenly the lifetime lithium battery powered smoke detector will be the worst enemy.

Sodium Iron is on the horizon though. A few companies here are currently building grid stabilizers in the MW range using iron redox flow batterie technology.

*pulling out my tinfoil hat*

You know what I think this is really about? They say it is about health and lithium salts are used in pills for treating mental illness. We constantly hear since one year how dementia and all these other mental illnesses are on the rise. Deny those that are on lithium salt pills their medication and you worsen the problem, but in a way that is not visible to the population.

Glass batteries should be the future

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