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Mass starvation looms in Afghanistan as half the country faces hunger under Taliban rule

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posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: ElGoobero

As a human, and not as an American, I often think what a cruel world this is.

Half the people are starving and are skin and bones, and half are so obese they can barely move.

not to drift topic but very true.
ironically, lots of the obese consider themselves 'poor', in the USA and the West.

on one hand one wants to send relief to those people.
on the other hand how much of that relief would end up subsidizing the Taliban, and even be sold outside, the money used to buy weapons? I think this happens a lot in Islamic Africa (Sudan).

The chemicals that are added to preserve our food actually block our ability to get nutrients out of it. But the carbs are still absorbed. This makes people want to eat more.

As an example, people will get chips and peanuts as a treat, or anything salty while they keep their hands of the salt shaker....they need salt and instead of adding it they grab a salty snack which costs way more than a little salt and has lots of calories in it. My daughter would stop at the gas station and pick up expensive cashews there, I told her she was craving salt, told her to salt her food a little and she lost the cravings for salty snacks. That kept her from wasting money and eating junk food, salt is essential in our diet, many people are buying electrolyte drinks, but restricting salt. A fool and their money soon part, but also the people trying to push salt restriction don't realize the problem they are creating with their BS.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 02:34 PM
I'm surprised it took this long. People are actually starving, not the Taliban of coarse. It's the Africa technique. "look at the starving", "look at the children suffering", "look at our plight that we didn't cause" etc. etc. Please, please send us your millions which we will use to feed our people, NOT.
Send them millions with your bleeding hearts and they'll use the money for themselves, anything than feed the people. But keep them starving because there's next year and the year after that.
When I was young it was Biafra then Sudan, the same game the same goal.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: ElGoobero if this is the case, open hailing channels make them our friends if at all possible and offer grain, medical whatever is required. Even sign truce

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I'm surprised it took this long. People are actually starving, not the Taliban of coarse. It's the Africa technique. "look at the starving", "look at the children suffering", "look at our plight that we didn't cause" etc. etc. Please, please send us your millions which we will use to feed our people, NOT.
Send them millions with your bleeding hearts and they'll use the money for themselves, anything than feed the people. But keep them starving because there's next year and the year after that.
When I was young it was Biafra then Sudan, the same game the same goal.

Remember when we were told people are starving in China. Now they are so voracious they want to eat us whole.

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Remember when we were told people are starving in China. Now they are so voracious they want to eat us whole.

I don't know much about China (some may say nothing) I mean I know they can get hungry, but cannibals. I know they don't like waste (I asked the waiter at my local Chinese cafe) but bones n' all?

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: crayzeed
I'm surprised it took this long. People are actually starving, not the Taliban of coarse. It's the Africa technique. "look at the starving", "look at the children suffering", "look at our plight that we didn't cause" etc. etc. Please, please send us your millions which we will use to feed our people, NOT.
Send them millions with your bleeding hearts and they'll use the money for themselves, anything than feed the people. But keep them starving because there's next year and the year after that.
When I was young it was Biafra then Sudan, the same game the same goal.

Remember when we were told people are starving in China. Now they are so voracious they want to eat us whole.

yep mom use to tell us that but she said children were starving, when we didn't clean our plates, i said that to her once and she said, then send it to them. lol.

edit on 7-12-2021 by sarahvital because: add

posted on Dec, 7 2021 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: HilterDayon

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Remember when we were told people are starving in China. Now they are so voracious they want to eat us whole.

I don't know much about China (some may say nothing) I mean I know they can get hungry, but cannibals. I know they don't like waste (I asked the waiter at my local Chinese cafe) but bones n' all?

yeah don't waste food. bones make good soup and they don't eat cats, dogs on the other hand is passed off as lamb in some places there is a dog festival in YU Lin in June but the ccp is starting to do something about it to stop them.

posted on Jan, 2 2022 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: new_here
a reply to: ElGoobero

I want to hear the actual mechanics of this situation. What was the food acquisition and distribution situation in place, and what drove it/organized it? Did the government order and distribute all the food- surely not. Is this a supply chain issue too? Otherwise, couldn't they continue what was already in place?

I'm sure those questions are naive... hence my need for real info on how this played out.

not naive at all. I wish I had an answer.

Tens of millions of Afghans do not have access to food, and that number is expected to increase during the winter months as the economic situation exacerbates the crisis.

Roughly 22.8 million Afghans, more than half the country’s population, are expected to face “acute food insecurity” from last month through March 2022, according to projections from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. That would mark a 35% increase from the same time period a year earlier, It would also be the highest ever for the country, with 8.7 million people facing emergency-level food insecurity.

and winter is just now hitting.

wonder if some of those petro-millionaires in the Gulf might be willing to help their fellow Muslims

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