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Juan O’Savin Interviewed by David Rodriguez “Stay The Course”. Tribute to RDS

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posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 06:32 PM

This is an interesting interview of the mysterious Juan O’Savin regarding current world events, including Afghanistan, COVID, and several other topics. Juan also discusses the death of former CIA officer and Marine, Robert David Steele.

Below is a detailed summary of topics covered:

- discusses the injuries (and potential future injuries) occurring with the “vaccinations”
- Juan states clearly, minimize the negative energy. Minimize the anticipation fatigue. (My own interpretation of this rhetoric, is that this is a consciousness battle, and it’s important to stay positive - the enemy wins if people lose hope, and delve into negative energy). Juan says “This is very much a spiritual battle”
- this is government sanctioned rape - referring to he forced “vaccinations”. Juan talks about a women he knows who worked as a teacher. She ended up getting “vaccinated” so she could be back in the classroom. This led to her needing a hysterectomy. She was devastated and changed her perspective on the people of authority.
- Juan says explicitly, planet overpopulation is not a valid rationale for the “dark team” wanting to reduce population. It’s more about their control and power, and too many of us are a threat to them.
- discusses the passing of Robert David Steele, and the mistakes that may have led to his death with COVID-19. Juan had a tremendous amount of respect for RDS. Says he was extremely “well read”. While he was on his bus tour, it all finally came together. He made a commitment to Christ. It completely changed his demeanor.
- “If you don’t see the spiritual side, you’re not grasping the situation” there are entities in other realms that most do not understand involved in this chess match.
- discusses WE HAVE MOVED TO DEFCON 2. Emphasize d the importance of this. “Things are happening and they’re not insignificant”. Monstrously huge things are happening. DEFCON setting is a defense condition. This is an internal threat to the country. Uses the example of a meteorite striking the earth. We would know about this event and start preparing for it well ahead of time. Says there is likely a scenario coming where the continuance of government will be an issue, and the appropriate people are planning for this.
- discusses the senior military official’s letter of resignation. Discusses the significance of this letter of resignation.
- discusses Dr Tenpenny’s upcoming presentation in Buffalo NY “the Christian revolution”.
Thursday in Buffalo NY, including sports coaches regarding the vaccine injuries, and how to fight back.
We need to take ownership. People expect others to do everything for them. We all need to do our power.
-hold the course, it’s a slow process.
- pray. God is here on our behalf. We will not win this without divine intervention. God is not giving this world over to Satan.

These interviews are interesting to keep up with. I agree this is very much a spiritual battle. I disagree with some of the language depicting God to be outside of us, I personally believe that God is within. We create our reality, which is why i believe it is import to stay as positive and constructive as you can with your thoughts, even though it may seem at times like humanity is losing. We are not losing, and we will free ourselves from this tyranny.
edit on 1-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

I personally believe that God is within. We create our reality, which is why i believe it is import to stay as positive and constructive as you can with your thoughts, even though it may seem at times like humanity is losing. We are not losing, and we will free ourselves from this tyranny.

I share similar believes about spirituality. It's true that we, every single one of us, can shape reality around us to a degree. Back at the start of 2020 I lost my home, my job, my reputation, probation, everything destroyed. Spiritually I was drained and heading for a depression. Well I confess I was on the ground and while I was there, live kept bashing on me.

I fell into a hole and didn't know how to get out.

Instead. I visualized my goals. I put all my energy left into visualizing our future. Being a parent, I am not alone, there is a little soul depending on me. I did not forget that a single second though but it gave me a rush of energy. I visualized that in two years, I am going to be my own boss. That I will have joy and success in what I do. That people see me for who I am and not labels. That I can be happy again, like I was before. Always happy and joyful about life itself.

I climbed out that hole and I kept climbing. Something changed, not only within me, but the signals from outside. The determination I had, others felt it and responded, is my guess. Today I can't be happier! I reached my goals and way beyond that.

I feel respected where I live now, I built something up and try to be a good example for others. People approach me in a completely different way now. I found my place.

The above all happened gradually but then exponential, when I started to visualize my goals daily. By doing this, I guess part of it was manipulating my thought patterns, the other part is the spiritual side of it.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Powerful post.
Well said.
There is so much more to faith, beliefs, our thoughts, out prayers, our intentions —which most are just waking up to. Most people are good, and when we all collectively wake up, the tyranny no longer has any power over us.

Juan OSavin really understands this, and I feel he holds back at times, because let’s face it, the truth about the world we live in would be too shocking for many to handle.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter

Dislike the "wake up" term because it has a bad taste for me, since it was used in a condescending / patronizing way during the last years. Ignorance is bliss in this case. People live more easier if they are in their little bubble. I do my best to challenge it by asking questions that makes one think.

Most people know that many things are not right but they just say it and then forget about it, to not have to think too much. It's important (for me) to not push anything on someone. May it be positive energy, love, advice, opinion.

Like for example there was a thread lately about being hugged and hold tight by some supposedly female spiritual power, sending energy to the person. Like wrapped with feet and arms. That violates this, so therefor force was involved and that's a deal breaker.

I also think every single one of us has to power to heal others. Placebo? I don't care as long as it works. Sending positive energy to someone unasked feels wrong too. I thought different about this, because positive energy can never hurt, right?

But who am I to decide that. So like dissolving headaches by laying hands on (not reikii, discovered this myself) or sending positive energy / prayers, I will offer this to someone and only if it's accepted, wished. Everything else would interfere with them, without them knowing.

That's why I won't do blessings for someone that asks me.

I have to read up on Mr. Osavin

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

Fair point about the “wake up” phrase. The other side tries to grab ahold of these terms and phrases, before they gain steam — the whole “woke” initiative is a perfect example, and almost an inversion of actually waking up, per say.

I have learned, if you want to find truth in anything, you must go within. Sometimes your subconscious gives you a physical signal when something is not true. We are very much “psychic” beings. We have all experienced intuition, which is not simply coincidence.

On another note, did you have any idea we were in DEFCON 2? Can anyone confirm this?

Edit: Juan OSavin did not say it outright, more of a read between the lines IMO
edit on 1-9-2021 by SeventhChapter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter
Our subconscious is awesome in many ways but can make us trouble too. Repeated trauma leads to rewiring of the subconsciousness. "I see you are in pain that is inflicted on you, let me change something here... now you like pain, now you can bear it without breaking".

IDK about defcon 2, different continent. Maybe the upcoming 9/11 anniversary? Many expect an event, even more so with fresh supplied gear to the Taliban.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 08:43 PM
Who is this guy? Is there any reason to take him seriously?

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Tucket
Who is this guy? Is there any reason to take him seriously?

Yes, In my opinion.
He has proved he is well connected to people in high levels of military and politics, particularly related to the Trump administration.
He also has pretty popular book out. “Kid by The Side of The Road”

Interesting character, and a positive message.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: SeventhChapter
Juan O is an interesting cat. I heard from several sources around the inter webs that he is juiced in to a point and has done contacts and plays golf with President Trump. How much he actually knows I am not sure? The thing that bothers me is he likes to hear himself talk and while eloquent sometimes there is little substance. I do like his spiritual message and I do enjoy listening to him because his speaking cadence and tone are relaxing to me.

As for RDS I am a little up in the air on him. I have heard some bad stuff about him.

The rumor I had heard about him was he was black hat and was turned white hat in exchange for him being able to stay living. Not really sure, these old CIA guys were trained to live double lives so who knows.

Recently he has been a major voice on exposing the trafficking and satanic practices of the elite so he has done some good.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: SeventhChapter
Juan O is an interesting cat. I heard from several sources around the inter webs that he is juiced in to a point and has done contacts and plays golf with President Trump. How much he actually knows I am not sure? The thing that bothers me is he likes to hear himself talk and while eloquent sometimes there is little substance. I do like his spiritual message and I do enjoy listening to him because his speaking cadence and tone are relaxing to me.

As for RDS I am a little up in the air on him. I have heard some bad stuff about him.

The rumor I had heard about him was he was black hat and was turned white hat in exchange for him being able to stay living. Not really sure, these old CIA guys were trained to live double lives so who knows.

Recently he has been a major voice on exposing the trafficking and satanic practices of the elite so he has done some good.

Yeah they cover that around the 1:11 mark. CIA completely infiltrated, IMO. Once in CIA always in CIA. I don’t know what led to RDS coming out and blowing the whistle, but he was one of the first to talk about the atrocities going on with child torture and trafficking. So I agree, he did quite a bit of good, in that respect.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I was pondering this the other day whether the reality i see may in fact be very different from the reality of those i interact with and that every situation is only played out in my mind as none of it ever really happened.

posted on Sep, 1 2021 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: SeventhChapter
- discusses WE HAVE MOVED TO DEFCON 2. Emphasize d the importance of this. “Things are happening and they’re not insignificant”. Monstrously huge things are happening. DEFCON setting is a defense condition. This is an internal threat to the country... Says there is likely a scenario coming where the continuance of government will be an issue, and the appropriate people are planning for this.

You said it yourself, DEFCON is shorthand for Defense Readiness Condition. It is an alert state of readiness, can be set per region, per branch of military, etc.. it's not a blanket term. It has little to nothing to do with continuity of government.

What you're describing is actually is part of COGCON, or the Continuity of Government Readiness Condition. Similar to DEFCON in the tiered system, but different criteria, standards, and mission.

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