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Chinese Military Bio Warfare exposed by Hong Kong Virologist Dr Yan

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posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or they lied about their death toll.

posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 05:53 AM
That travel restriction that didn't include going to other nations is all we needed to hear to know the fix was in for real. China wanted to spread Communism with them as the leaders and this is their plan.

originally posted by: F5thCav

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or did it simply rip through the portion of the populace that was isolated and burn itself out?

Odd how china locked down on internal travel during their contagion while continuing travel to other countries.


posted on Jun, 14 2021 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Phoenix

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

China has a concept known as Mainzi. Which is often translated as "face" (As in, to lose face, or to save face). In Chinese culture being to blame for being the source natural virus, and not being able to stop it from spreading, is absolutely humiliating. It's like admitting that you've got an STD. But to be blamed for accidentally releasing a virus form a lab is even worse. That's abject incompetence. about flip that question and ask "what does China do when its lost face or Mainzi ?

Such as signing a trade agreement not exactly in its favor with a conveniently last minute added out that was "all bets off in case of pandemic"

The timing of that defies happenstance.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 12:28 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 08:52 AM
The Indians are mad as hell at Bill Gates for his part in this sick plot with China.

Why Indian's want to arrest Bill Gates

"Trials on Children" with the vaccines are at the top of their list.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
That travel restriction that didn't include going to other nations is all we needed to hear to know the fix was in for real. China wanted to spread Communism with them as the leaders and this is their plan.

originally posted by: F5thCav

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or did it simply rip through the portion of the populace that was isolated and burn itself out?

Odd how china locked down on internal travel during their contagion while continuing travel to other countries.


China is a totalitarian single party state, but that's where the simularities end, China hasn't been communist in 30 years. Deng put a stop to communism when he dissolved the collectives and introduced free market competition in 1989.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or they lied about their death toll.

China stopped covid by ruthlessly removing anyone with symptoms and confining them to isolation facilities.

They also had mask wearing really early on as its a normal thing there in flu season.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or they lied about their death toll.

China stopped covid by ruthlessly removing anyone with symptoms and confining them to isolation facilities.

They also had mask wearing really early on as its a normal thing there in flu season.

But people from the region were 'ruthlessly' allowed to commute to Italy for work in the Auto Industry. Go figure how dumb that seems now with the Italian people suffering mightily if we can believe even any of the numbers like some of your team does willy-nilly.
The world knows history proves these Marxists never let a crisis go to waste. It appears the CCP used the opportunity to kill dissidents. That will be "the rest of the story!"

edit on 16-6-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 10:27 AM
The Peoples Liberation Army never stood down Zombie. The people were lied to in America and in China about the Gov of China and you are parroting another whopper.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Justoneman
That travel restriction that didn't include going to other nations is all we needed to hear to know the fix was in for real. China wanted to spread Communism with them as the leaders and this is their plan.

originally posted by: F5thCav

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or did it simply rip through the portion of the populace that was isolated and burn itself out?

Odd how china locked down on internal travel during their contagion while continuing travel to other countries.


China is a totalitarian single party state, but that's where the simularities end, China hasn't been communist in 30 years. Deng put a stop to communism when he dissolved the collectives and introduced free market competition in 1989.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Go on, ask me where I'm from.

The PLA never stood down, but it's run on capitalist principles now. China has a thriving free market economy and it isn't remotely communist. Even the state owned companies run as capitalist businesses these days and compete freely with private companies. The government is simply a share holder, not the boss.

There's an Apple store or a Starbucks on every corner in Shanghai, and Alibaba is almost as big as Amazon.

Have you ever heard of 10Cent? They're Chines and one of the world's biggest games companies. All capitalist.

Deng realised that if you wanted to make money hand over fist you needed free market competition to keep companies on their toes and he killed communism back in 1989.

Your media lies to you, CNN shows you the world how it was 30 years ago in order to keep you compliant.

China is one of the largest cash investors in the US and the US is China's biggest customer for consumer goods. Your media isn't your friend.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
the fact China managed to stop this virus in its tracks and seemingly become resistant to it while he world struggled for 18months of this pandemic says to me china knows more about the virus than they let on, theyve provided their people the 'fix'.. be it in water, food or air..

Or they lied about their death toll.

China stopped covid by ruthlessly removing anyone with symptoms and confining them to isolation facilities.

They also had mask wearing really early on as its a normal thing there in flu season.

But people from the region were 'ruthlessly' allowed to commute to Italy for work in the Auto Industry. Go figure how dumb that seems now with the Italian people suffering mightily if we can believe even any of the numbers like some of your team does willy-nilly.
The world knows history proves these Marxists never let a crisis go to waste. It appears the CCP used the opportunity to kill dissidents. That will be "the rest of the story!"

China hasn't been Marxist for 30 years. How out of date are you?

You know that the Chairman is dead, right?

China stopped covid by cracking down on the routes of transmission, the west was too afraid to be seen as racist so they left the birders open and refused to enforce masks for months.

China locked down early and unlocked early, the west was slow and weak and too worried about liberals kicking up a fuss because they couldnt do brunch with their little friends, now China is almost back to normal and the west is where China was 9 months ago.

China does not need covid to crack down on dissent, it can do that any time

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Exactly. They can't patent something that is natural. It needs to include at least one other non-natural ingredient to be patented. For instance, Valium is Valerian root and some other stuff. In most drugs defense, the added ingredients aren't for patent purposes, it is that they amplify the effects or help negate some side effects. Valerian root by itself has negligible effects (to me at least) whereas Valium works well.

posted on Jun, 16 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Gyo01
a reply to: rickymouse

Exactly. They can't patent something that is natural. It needs to include at least one other non-natural ingredient to be patented. For instance, Valium is Valerian root and some other stuff. In most drugs defense, the added ingredients aren't for patent purposes, it is that they amplify the effects or help negate some side effects. Valerian root by itself has negligible effects (to me at least) whereas Valium works well.

I am a strong undermethylator....I am usually calm and spock like because of that. Blocking or depleting methylfolate production or utilization is what got me in trouble with half of the anti-epilepsy meds. I have both copies of a half a dozen problematic methylation genes and also MAOI inhibition naturally. So If I were to take valium or valarian root, I get pretty dumbed down and lose most of my energy. Anything that blocks folate is bad for me. I have lots of energy and clarity from the methyl B vitamins, but only need a small amount. Overmethylators need to either alter their diet to exclude folate or somehow block it so they don't get anxious or overzealous. You are probably an overmethylator genetically. Methyldextrate blocks folate too and I know quite a few calm people who were given that for autoimmune issues that did terrible on it. They either just quit or their doctors stopped it because of the side effects.

You are taking the right kind of medicine for the condition you have it appears.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Nothing works on my insomnia so far. I just know that a side effect of Valerian works on me, which is heart palpitations/heart murmur. I wish you the best. I read a lot of ur posts. I don't want you to think I was saying anything to antogonize you. I have many medical conditions that I will keep to myself because they are either embarrassing, or unbelievable to strangers. I might look normal, but am not. We all go through this, except for the lucky few.

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Gyo01

If I eat certain high tyramine foods at night up to four hours before going to sleep, I have a hard time getting to sleep and have dreams that wake me up. I can eat one piece of pizza without problems, but if I eat three, I cannot get a good sleep and the next day I have brain fog. I cannot break down dopamine well genetically, and until I discovered that, I had sporatic poor sleeping nights. If I want to stay up late, I just have to eat some pizza for supper...sounds kind of like when I was younger and wanted to party late. Beer is aged and has tyramines in it too, so do some alcohols. Then you have tyramine like substances like sugar which increases chemicals to keep you awake like tyramine does.

There are lots of types of these types of powerful amino acides including tyramines, putramine, cadaverine, histamine, and tryptamine. There are more, but I cannot think of them off hand. Tomatoes cause increased release of some histamines from muscles that increase energy too, Histamine intolerance is bad for causing sleep disorders and chaos of the mind. The same main enzyme DAO that breaks down histamine in our bodies also breaks down other monoamines like tyramine. So adding multiple types of monoamines to the mix with some foods that stimulate release of stores can mess you up even if you do not have a DAO enzyme deficiency genetically.

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