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Jane Halton for Crimes Against Humanity

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posted on Jul, 4 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: kwakakev

HCQ is only partially effective. All the studies that show an effect show that it doesn't help everyone.

Studies showing inefficacy for HCQ were mostly intentional, using it far too late - HCQ must be used early to be effective.

But there are other even more effective treatments like Ivermectin, which is extremely effective even in the later/latest stages (bringing most back from deaths door).

HCQ also causes major and life threatening problems, especially at the large doses where there is an effect on the coronavirus.

Wrong. The recommended doses are well within the safe protocol, and HCQ has a very long track record of safety and efficacy - although Ivermectin is considerably safer in addition to being more effective.

Also, newer protocols use both, with the addition of another one (can't remember the name offhand) that crosses the blood brain barrier and is very effective at treating the neurological issues. for even better results.

Here's a 100% effective fix - don't get the virus.
Rotflmao! YEah, right...

Use hand sanitizer.

No thanks, that garbage is not just useless, it is extremely gad for you. In fact, most of the brands come from China, and many were recalled a year ago due to them being extremely toxic (I forget what they were contaminated with).

Wear a mask.

Which has now been proven to do nothing except help some people's feelz (like yours).

No amount of blaming will prevent or cure this epidemic in the slightest.

And no amount of whining will protect you from the real world. Everyone - I repeat, everyone will be exposed to this and other viruses multiple times probably for the rest of our lives.

This is life. Revel in it.

posted on Oct, 11 2022 @ 06:37 AM
Reiner Fulmich did take a good charge into the legal issues around this. Seams a bit burnt out these days is sorting out the facts from the fiction. He was getting close, lot of interviews and ideas going around. Give him some time, let it all settle down as the science does catch up.

Tom Rense is another out front with the flag and taking on Peter Dazeck, one to watch.


posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 06:42 AM
ETA: oops, was cleaning up older tabs, and replied to this thinking it was a recent comment...

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: kwakakev

HCQ is only partially effective. All the studies that show an effect show that it doesn't help everyone.

HCQ also causes major and life threatening problems, especially at the large doses where there is an effect on the coronavirus.

Still spewing nonsensical fear-mongering dictated by your overlords I see...... from the fine link:

"The potential detrimental effect of HCQ, mainly due to dose-dependent cardiotoxicity, has become a major clinical concern, especially following the publication of an article that reported an association between HCQ therapy and increased in-hospital mortality, but that was retracted shortly after."


"In conclusion, in this large nationwide observational study of patients hospitalised with COVID-19, HCQ monotherapy administered at a dosage of 2400 mg over 5 days was independently associated with a significant decrease in mortality compared with patients not treated with HCQ. This impact was observed both in the early and late treatment groups, suggesting that this benefit might be mediated by immunomodulatory properties, a hypothesis worth addressing as evidence of an antiviral activity of HCQ on SARS-CoV-2 appears increasingly inconsistent. Considering the availability and cheapness of HCQ, it seems worth further investigating the clinical effect of an optimised dosage of HCQ and designing add-on studies in ongoing trials to monitor, beyond viral shedding and infectiousness, a relevant set of inflammatory markers during the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection."

But, I'm sure you'll find some way to ignore and/or vilify this evidence demolishing your ridiculous MSM talking points.

Here's a 100% effective fix - don't get the virus.

Well, since it is now ubiquitous (like the common cold - and about as deadly too now), that is pretty much impossible unless you live in a plastic bubble. Have fun!

Take all known effective precautions like don't go where people definitely have the virus. Keep away from others who may have the virus.

Are you psychic? How pray tell, are you supposed to know who in any given public area may or may not have it?

Paranoia will destroy ya.

Wash your yourself with soap, especially your hands, frequently.

This is known to actually be detrimental to your health (using soap often). Warm water is all you need to use.

Use hand sanitizer.

Hand sanitizer is extremely detrimental to your health, and will destroy the health of your hands. Not to mention the fact that most brands are manufactured in China and have been found to contain large amounts of methanol, a very toxic chemical.

Paranoia will destroy ya.

Wear a mask.

Yes, by all means, wear a face diaper that has been unequivocally proven - and even admitted by virtually all government health officials - to have ZERO effect on preventing one from getting exposed, and only a marginal effect on preventing an infected wearer from spreading it - as well as having been shown to cause all kinds of health problems due to both limiting the amount of oxygen one acquires as well as providing a breeding ground for those very scary things you are trying to avoid... GERMS!

No amount of blaming will prevent or cure this epidemic in the slightest.

I totally disagree, blaming those responsible for the fear-mongering and continual spreading of the mis/dis-information surrounding a virus that is only slightly more dangerous than the flu itself, as well as spreading the mis/dis-information about extremely effective and very inexpensive protocols that have virtually a 100% success rate in treating it (se the FLCCC protocols and success rates as proof), will fo a long way to totally eliminating/curing this scamdemic.
edit on 19-11-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 04:47 AM

It is coming out that the USA Department of Defense has a big part to play with some of the contracts going on. There are still a lot of retractions with the contracts the Australian government signed, a little has come out so far.

So are organizations like the TGA, ATAGI and AHPRA under military orders with the positions they have taken over the past few years? At the UN, groups like the WEF and WHO are in Lockstep.

Has Australia and many other nations already been invaded with how these orders have been forced through?

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 05:44 AM

A good breakdown of just how much Pfizer and the FDA knew about the injection. It is evil to push on as they did knowing just how much of a negative affect it was having, a big attack on global fertility among other effects. A lot of the intellectual property rights go to 'China'.

China has been working on eugenics and depopulation for a long time within its own nation. Looks like they have gotten better at it while taking this agenda global. The timing of the international flight closures did work well for China as it happened after its holiday season ended.

posted on Oct, 28 2023 @ 05:55 AM
WEF Founder's Son 'Singing Like a Bird' To Prosecutors in Crimes Against Humanity Case

It has taken a while, but looks like the pressure is starting to build against those behind a lot of it as the death toll mounts. More politicians around the world are speaking up. It is still a minority, but is a strong power message based on hard facts and dire consequences.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 07:59 AM
Liz Gunn - The NZ Mother of All Revelations is About to Crush COVID Crimes2

A new independent political party has formed in New Zealand around Liz Gunn. She has experience in both law and media as well as a lot of evidence and whistle blowers with how bad the jabs have been. Is getting resistance from the current leadership who is invested in the WEF, also getting a lot of support from the people that know things are bad.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 05:17 AM
Liz Gunn: M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)

At 17 min it starts to get into some of the data. The person who put the data together was involved in setting up the vaccination payment system in New Zealand. The early vax batches has a 15-20% fatality rate. Later batches reduced to 4-5%. Some sites and people giving the vaccination also have very high fatality rates 20-30%. It is not this bad across all of New Zealand, but still an increases in fatalities.

I have not found a link to all the data yet. Other nations having similar issues is reasonable.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 06:29 AM

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 11:46 PM

The pressure is building on Fauci. One of his superiors is talking about some of the problems going on. Fauci has to go back to congress next week for some more questions. It's going to be tougher for him to lie his way out of this one.

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