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The Universe Creating Itself From Nothing

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posted on Dec, 18 2019 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Nothin

I have my way of understanding this, you have Yours...

posted on Dec, 18 2019 @ 03:34 PM
For Our universe to be a compressed matter that can expand in another void of Space... Our universe can only have been formed by a compression within a different void.

If absolute nothing existed before Our universe, only a absolute empty void of sapce could have created Our universe. And it did so by compression...

When it comes to Our understanding a void of Space that is absolute infinite and empty can not create because it is a absolute constant. A absolute constant can never change. These are the laws of Our physical universe… But since Our universe was created it means that the absolute is guided by other laws then the laws that are guided by Our universe….?

And God said….. : Let there be light..?

Lets go a bit further….

If a Space that is absolute empty and take up all Space there is. Would it lose volume if it created finite by a compression…...?

The answer is no....

The singularity was formed With all the Properties that have shaped Our history through time. For the once who dont know… Our future is also already determined because of this…..

The expansion/evolution of Our univers fallows a strict timeline…..We know what existed before in history….but we dont know what the future will bring.... And we wont know it by studing time..... You wont be judged by the truth, but what the law state,.....
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2019 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: spy66
a reply to: Nothin

I have my way of understanding this, you have Yours...

Well: we have your way anyways, which hasn't changed in 10 years, despite multiple unanswered challenges.

Was worth a challenge, when you earlier called your opinion: "absolute Truth" and "basic common sense", despite virtually no-one agreeing with you for a at least a decade here on ATS.

But alas: rare are those that are open to examining their own beliefs, especially entrenched ones.
You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but nobody else has to accept you selling them as "absolute Truth" and "basic common sense".

posted on Dec, 19 2019 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Nothin

The truth have nothing to do With demokracy, It is not the majority that have the right to the truth. The odds of People understanding my explanations are very limiteted. And i know it... You don't even get it... But you are not interested in understanding. You are just interested in pushing Your own view. But so am i....

And People will never understand what i have to say. That is the reality of Things... And i am fine With that.

What ever People agree on, this site will have no impact on reality or science anyways. This is just a site for arguing ones point of view. We are not going to resolve this topic here on ATS ever. And very few will agree With other members point of view.. Because everyone have their own view and are loyal to it...….. I am and so are you… I am fine With that… I have no expectation from any of you. If any hope maybe some People will be able to argue against my explanations in a proper way. I have had the same argument for more then ten years…. That is because it still stands. No member is able to change mye view of this topic…. Unless they can Counter my arguments..... People seam to lack the abilty to argue my view With any sound reasoning… Maybe People just dont know how to argue their point properly….? If you have a proper argument i will always Challenge it if it does not fit into my view of Things.... Like i have done With you….

I have been on ATS for more then ten years. More Close to 20...…

I will fight you if you are wrong according to my views. And i will argue it in detail. That is how sure i am about my stand. After more then ten years With the same argument.... you sort of get the hint when peopel cant argue…. Peopel will start to attack my person and not my reasoning… You have been looking me up why is that…. Is that so you can change Your tacktics and attack my person...? Is this how smart you are… ?

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2019 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Nothin Your a damn fool…. If you think you can figure out who i am.... So that you can discredit my arguments...

But keep in mind if you do i will have you charged…. For being able to Reach information not suposed to be know to the Public.

So you better be #ing sure about what Your doing…

If you have the ability to know about me i will know that you are from the same country as i am and that you have acces to government infomration.
You would be a state employee or have friends with this acces to be able to get this information.

Be a #ing herro i dare you….
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2019 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: spy66

Oh my !
What an unfortunate post.
Am sorry that you are in distress, but don't have a clue what you are going-on about ?

Apologies about any perceived words, or whatever, that may have set you off.
Do you need help ?

posted on Dec, 31 2019 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: rom12345
being able to imagine nothing
would be like not being able to do so.

Perhaps 'it': is not of imagination ?

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 11:46 PM
Rule #1 of Illuminati summer camp:

Don't talk about Illuminati summer camp

Rule #2 of Illuminati summer camp:
Light is a speed limit, not a tangible.

I've never been a fan of rules, and contrary to popular belief neither has God.

You can't have output without input. And you can only convince morons that every light color travels the same speed.

The Satanists, all branches sects and societies worship the output and hide
, neglect deny and demonify the input. Franklin demonstrates it best denoting the vitreous as positive and the resinous as negative.

The big bang was a reflection, and the science of reflection is mistaught and oversimplified, as is the nature of light. Everything in existence was and could scientifically speaking only be created by the lowest waveform in existence, yet what do the ministers preach? High frequency. Powerless pulse code modulations. Planets as gods, orbits as byproducts of the unholy spirit. Digital particles as a valid future, analogue waveforms as a relic of our past.

posted on Feb, 10 2020 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Nothin

Ah: you are asking questions now ! Good !

If you dream that you are riding a motorcycle: how did you create that motorcycle ?
Did you assemble it bolt by bolt, paint it, inflate the tires, put gas in the tank ?
Or does it just appear, out of nowhere ?

Are you open to to questioning consensual-reality ?

From the realm of science: we have PHD Theoretical Physicists, and Nobel laureates: Niels Bohr, and Werner Heisenberg, whom heartily questioned consensual-reality;

Now listen to Niels Bohr, the pioneer of 20th century physics:
"An independent reality, in the ordinary physical sense, can neither be ascribed to the phenomena nor to the agencies of observation. "

Consider the words of Shankara, the famous Hindu philosopher: "All things -- from Brahma the creator down to a single blade of grass -- are. . .simply appearances and not real."

Compare with Werner Heisenberg, the inventor of quantum mechanics: "If one wants to give an accurate description of the elementary particle. . .the only thing which can be written down as description is a probability function. But then one sees that not even the quality of being. . .belongs to what is described".

Now listen to Niels Bohr, the pioneer of 20th century physics:
"An independent reality, in the ordinary physical sense, can neither be ascribed to the phenomena nor to the agencies of observation. "

Consider the words of Shankara, the famous Hindu philosopher: "All things -- from Brahma the creator down to a single blade of grass -- are. . .simply appearances and not real."

Compare with Werner Heisenberg, the inventor of quantum mechanics: "If one wants to give an accurate description of the elementary particle. . .the only thing which can be written down as description is a probability function. But then one sees that not even the quality of being. . .belongs to what is described".

Source: Quantum Mechanics, and reality.

( But remember: those are opinions, interpretations, etc... Not absolute truths. )

Now listen to Niels Bohr, the pioneer of 20th century physics:
"An independent reality, in the ordinary physical sense, can neither be ascribed to the phenomena nor to the agencies of observation. "

Consider the words of Shankara, the famous Hindu philosopher: "All things -- from Brahma the creator down to a single blade of grass -- are. . .simply appearances and not real."

Compare with Werner Heisenberg, the inventor of quantum mechanics: "If one wants to give an accurate description of the elementary particle. . .the only thing which can be written down as description is a probability function. But then one sees that not even the quality of being. . .belongs to what is described".

Hey Nothin !
Vat ?
You don't know nothin !

edit on 10-2-2020 by Nothin because: sp

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Hammaraxx

Have you ever looked at the simulation hypothesis? From the perspective of a computer simulation nothing exists until the computer is turned on. It might look like a big bang.

posted on Jul, 15 2020 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: centrifugal

That was a part of the idea at the beginning of one of my short-stories: I AM: your creator. [AI2019]

To begin simulation: press enter...

LoL ! It was fun writing that !

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:05 PM
Talking about "nothing" is problematic because it is impossible to define and impossible to know if such a concept ever existed or can exist.

I think most people do not believe something comes from nothing. Even atheists think the universe most likely came from something, but see no reason to assume that hypothetical something is an omnipotent being with no source. It's just as crazy as coming from nothing.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: Toothache
Nothing does not exist....
Nothing means absence of anything.

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

So what your saying is this

Things are ever as they were , becouse change has always been
it has no mathmatical equation
it happens every moment in time that makes it somthing yet
it is not tangable and that makes it nothing

it is the alpha and the omega

Nothing is the absence of anything Tangable so if are so called universe is moveing away from itsself
and not going into nothing ,,. then it must be going into somthing , yet that something is the same
thing as nothing sounds like change,, and there is only one thing that is something and nothing and
that is darkness.. It is something becouse you can create it in a sealed can and carry it with you
yet it bhas no phyical can't can light and yet it is something sounds like change to me,

and here is a puzzle for you that puts holes in the space time contium jazz..
If there were two planets many light years apart and both planets had a clock set at 12:00 noon
and a space ship departed at 12:00 noon, and it took five minutes to get to the
other planet,..what time would it be on both planets,..
Thats right 12:05even at 10x the speed of light everyone will only be five minuntes older time would not
speed up or slow down becouse the universe will contiue to function the same even if there were no light
haveing to find the second fastest thing in the universe at this time would be impossible and really screw up
big shot mathmatics

posted on May, 17 2022 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: spy66
If your importants were anything more than meaningless
I'd do it myself

posted on May, 18 2022 @ 12:54 AM
Another dead thread resurrected... sigh.. well, the response stands.

a reply to: Hammaraxx

I have a very unpopular and completely counterintuitive answer to that question.

The universe, multiverse, or infinite vacuum field is the alpha and omega.

It's actually adding an extra step if you are just going to say that extra step requires no creation of its own.

If I say, "I think an omnipotent creator needs its own creation because it's an equal logical requirement!"

Someone might say "that's not necessary for god"

But why not simplify it even more and give the godhood to the universe (multiverse) itself?

And thats where it gets postmodern. The universe itself meets the criteria of god. And in many different ways.

Take M-theory. Take what the compactification of the higher dimensions suggests and requires. M-Theory requires that ALL POSSIBLE INITIAL CONDITIONS, UNIVERSAL HISTORIES, AND LAW OF PHYSICS HAVE A MATHEMATIC VARIABLE. Meaning all the "creation" in our universe, e.g. the laws of physics (even the big bang) is a superpositional inevitability and requirement of a multiverse.

One where every possible universe will come into existence. When you get towards those final dimensions you're literally figuring multiple infinities in a single equation. Infinities of infinities.

It is at that point you pull back and realize we step sequentially outward in realizing how insignificant we are. Next up is realizing how the mind-bogglingly large universe really is a negligible variance in an infinite bulk.

And once you get to the ultimate infinity! Wait... confused now.
edit on 18-5-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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