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Why Has The Golden Ratio Been Suppressed In Academia ?

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posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Barcs
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Because golden ratio is mostly nonsense and pseudo-science. Patterns in nature don't magically make the universe have a grand designed purpose. It's just numerical coincidence.

Here is proof that Plato knew about the Golden Ratio:

But then Plato, the father of western philosophy, knew all about nonsense, didn't he?
Here's more "nonsense": the pentagram embodies the golden ratio par excellence. Here is how it embodies the number (206) of bones in the adult human skeleton:
Just more of your supposed "coincidence" because I know you just love miracles of chance......
edit on 22-7-2019 by micpsi because: typo corrected.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

HOW has it been supressed in academia? Education has changed focus (some would say dumbed down) internationally over the years, it always did. Where once this, along with Greek and Latin were required, its a curiosity, and basic numeracy, combined with a braoder but less indepth understanding of mathmatics seems to have occured.

So no its not supressed, and its hardly academia which are responsible.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 05:30 PM
i have never really dived into the golden ratio. a long time ago i used to concern myself with how the nazi's changed all tuning forks to 440 hz. i understand the old 432 hz had ties to the golden ratio, the universe, etc....

its amazing how much difference 8 hz can make. one looks amazing, the other looks like a puddle of mud, lol
water sound image

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Barcs

Because golden ratio is mostly nonsense and pseudo-science.

And with that statement any shred of credibility toward unbiased intelligence you had left was wiped out.

I really feel sorry for you Barcs, I honestly do, that's some heavy duty brainwashing delusion in play.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Why is that? There is no proof that it applies off the white board, and in nature. Its inferred but not proven. For example Nautilus shells do not exhibit the ration, no matter how much people want them too.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 09:48 PM
As per usual, the OP is an ignoramus. There are many "sequences" in mathematics which occur "naturally" i.e. the Lucas sequence of numbers. Idiots like the OP want you to believe that the "Golden Ratio" is some magical construct that the guy in the sky made up to confuse everyone. On top of that, the OP wants you to believe that "academics" avoid it like the plague. OMG I wish I knew that in graduate math.

Well sorry folks - it just ain't so.

The Golden Ratio: Design’s Biggest Myth
The golden ratio is total nonsense in design. Here’s why.

Devlin says it’s simple. “We’re creatures who are genetically programmed to see patterns and to seek meaning,” he says. It’s not in our DNA to be comfortable with arbitrary things like aesthetics, so we try to back them up with our often limited grasp of math. But most people don’t really understand math, or how even a simple formula like the golden ratio applies to complex system, so we can’t error-check ourselves. “People think they see the golden ratio around them, in the natural world and the objects they love, but they can’t actually substantiate it,” Devlin tells me. “They are victims to their natural desire to find meaning in the pattern of the universe, without the math skills to tell them that the patterns they think they see are illusory.” If you see the golden ratio in your favorite designs, you’re probably seeing things.

Number sequences are certainly interesting - but not because they're magical. Mathematics is an integral part of our universe. It's the language we speak to understand our environment including (DRUM ROLL HERE
= you guessed it - EVOLUTION!!!! How about that?

Without mathematics, we wouldn't have THE ISOTOPIC RATIO (remember that one??? I'm sure the OP doesn't - how about chicken COOP brain - don't think he wants to remember it either)

In any case, there are many sequences which are mathematically defined and known. I don't expect the OP to respond - because the three idiots of the apocalypse never do. But just to set the record straight, anyone on board with an interest in mathematical sequences should take a look at this:

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: rnaa

31415 is just a meaningless number. We need to give it meaning in order for it to be data. So lets say that 31415 encodes a date.

Interesting choice of numbers



So your sequence could continue like so

I could assume then the first part of the sequence like this.

There you go, you got your own sequence.. The rnaa Sequence.

Perhaps you had number sequences on your mind so the randomizer In your brain inadvertently made a straight line.

edit on 22-7-2019 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Yeah - cool. That is Euler's Number ( e ), not the Golden Ratio ( phi ).

All's well with the world.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I disagree. It would take a computer literally an infinite amount of time to parse through phi or pi because there is no repeating sequence that ever emerges, i.e. the fraction 1/3 equaling 3.3333....

Infinite computer time, of course, literally by definition. But what does that have to do with 'data'.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: Barcs
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Because golden ratio is mostly nonsense and pseudo-science. Patterns in nature don't magically make the universe have a grand designed purpose. It's just numerical coincidence.

Well yes and no.

Yes to the fact that it doesn't magically make the universe have a grand designed purpose, but no it isn't nonsense or pseudo-science.

There are solid chemistry and physics reasons for the golden mean to appear in the growth rings of seashells, tree branches, flower petals, etc, etc. It isn't magic, it is actually logic.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

Actually I chose that particular sequence of numbers (31415) because it is the first five digits of Pi and can be used to encode the date March 14 in year 15 of some century (for example 2015). It served my purposes to show that a string of numbers has no meaning until meaning is assigned to it. Is this number a shoe size in some crazy esoteric size system? The ratio of a diameter to a circumference? A date? The number of seconds in 7.72 days? Numbers without meaning are not data, they are just numbers.

March 14 of every year is celebrated by mathematicians as "Pi Day". Obviously, Pi Day 2015 was special, and everyone would have toasted the day at 9:26 in the morning (and 9:26 PM just to be sure).

I am flattered that you would like to name it the rnaa sequence, but if so please get the beginning of the sequence more accurate: 31415926 which is the limit of the sequence that I pay attention to for all practical purposes.
edit on 23/7/2019 by rnaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: Observationalist


I like how you show your work, I am glad you learned something in school.

But I would see if you can get some tutoring in 1st grade arithmetic from your local community college before you buy into that convenience store franchise you are contemplating.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: Phantom423

Yup the math is lying to you......did the math just happen too ?

Oh right.....math evolved with the rest of the universe.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 09:53 AM
It wasn't suppressed at my school at all...
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

this video claims that "The Golden Ratio" is not being taught properly in high school and university and is suppressed as the math relates to the possibility that it is a trademark of intelligent design. Please watch the video and share your thoughts.


do you want it explained to you?

or if not can you not share any of your own thoughts?

This video is very interesting and says there is a true conspiracy to suppress the science of the golden ratio because it lends too much credibility to intelligent design, and thus suppresses the real truth in this field of science.

Reading this I think its highly likely you cannot share any of your own thoughts as it seems your thinking is guided by YouTube videos at least on this subject.

Its being taught in schools and universities but not properly and YouTube videos are being made about it and many other YouTube videos about other things make mention of it.

So how exactly is that being suppressed?

If as what you say the videos claims that its being suppressed then according to what the word means it wouldn't be taught anywhere and videos made about it would be taken down.

Maybe the ...... whoever is trying to suppress it are just bad at their job.

I really feel sorry for you Barcs, I honestly do, that's some heavy duty brainwashing delusion in play.

Yet all you have contributed to the topic you bring up is "watch this".

Hence why I think you want other to watch and share thoughts because you fail to grasp it and just absorb whatever claims are made as long as they claim suppression/conspiracy and maybe try and push a personal belief you have about intelligent design.

You should feel sorry, however not for others doing what you actually requested by sharing their thoughts but for your own inability just to think let alone use that ability to do so in a critical manner.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
a reply to: Phantom423

Yup the math is lying to you......did the math just happen too ?

Oh right.....math evolved with the rest of the universe.

if no one is there to measure it, does one half still equal two quarters?

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Reading this I think its highly likely you cannot share any of your own thoughts

Yeah no, when you get much closer to the amount of the threads I have created on ATS you might start to have some level of credible gravitas to post that....until then nope.

your thinking is guided by YouTube videos

This is why I choose to post videos's instead of creating walls of's for those that are still open minded enough to consider what they have to offer.

Hence why I think you want other to watch and share thoughts because you fail to grasp it

Nope, this is a discussion board, thoughts and opinions are fundamental to it's success, that is a really crazy thing to say.
I get it, but if people share a new and interesting perspective that's great. Statements like that can bully people into not participating or starting discussions on ATS....then again that is exactly the goal of people that want to suppress an idea or fundamental truth.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

This is why I choose to post videos's instead of creating walls of's for those that are still open minded enough to consider what they have to offer.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe I'll do both. Do you have a clue what "open minded" means? Please don't answer.

posted on Jul, 23 2019 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: rnaa

I read your little condescending demonstration with the date and phi, very fascinating.
You obviously don’t understand what I did.

I appreciate the unwarranted insult to my intelligence. I hope you fee better about yourself and I hope my sarcasm and passive aggressiveness bugs the hell out of you.

Mods, If you take this post down then take his down too. Thanks
edit on 23-7-2019 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-7-2019 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

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