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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: teslarocks

It would seem ISIS or ISIL as they are also being called are the beneficiaries of the aid we have given to the syrian rebels.
It would seem they are funded by our tax dollars/pounds or even bigger fish(aka the rothschilds). At least until they seize enough oil fields to fund themselves.

As for Tony Blairs article this weekend on Iraq, my god, when is he ever going to be hauled before the war crimes tribunal in the Hague?

I also find it interesting that this terrorist groups acronym just happens to spell the name of one of the most ancient dieties, one that is still worshipped by many in the elite to this day under one guise or another.

edit on 20146America/Chicago06pm6pmMon, 16 Jun 2014 14:25:41 -05000614 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Xcouncil=wisdom

it almost makes you think why would Western governments among others support such a group/s?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:35 PM
I don't get the confusion. The United States are openly supporting the 'Syrian Rebels' with weapons and arms in their campaign against Assad and they have admitted to this.

Is this ISIS or ISIL group not one of the many rebel/terrorist factions fighting against Assad in Syria? I believe so.

So can pretty easily put together that these ISIS guys were probably given a good deal of weapons and arms initially by the USGov. Then why they started getting their ass kicked in Syria they decided hey lets jump the border and go conquer Iraq - easier target and all. To me it seems pretty apparent these guys are funded and armed by the US. The only question remains is if they are executing their way through Iraq directly under CIA command or if they are doing it of their own accord and our gov entities have lost control of them.

Either way - the US is blatantly at fault for this rampage occurring now and arguably they are the ones directing it. It worries me. What is their end game? The US gov is getting more and more blatant with their nefarious and in this case downright evil activities.

And there is hardly even any outrage from anyone.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:36 PM
Long story short, the way I see it, they're the new face of the boogie man for the propaganda machine. Tieing Iraq and Syria together by stating if we don't do something we will lose what we spent 10 years fighting for. By playing with our emotions and nationalistic pride we will agree to "invade" a currently occupied country in the pretense of fighting ISIS. Low and behold ISIS "headquarters" is in Northern Syria, so naturally we will have to invade that country too.

Round and round we go, which country topples only the warmongers know.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

that would explain why Obama is waiting; waiting for public to ask for war...

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: lightedhype
I don't get the confusion. The United States are openly supporting the 'Syrian Rebels' with weapons and arms in their campaign against Assad and they have admitted to this.

Is this ISIS or ISIL group not one of the many rebel/terrorist factions fighting against Assad in Syria? I believe so.

So can pretty easily put together that these ISIS guys were probably given a good deal of weapons and arms initially by the USGov. Then why they started getting their ass kicked in Syria they decided hey lets jump the border and go conquer Iraq - easier target and all. To me it seems pretty apparent these guys are funded and armed by the US. The only question remains is if they are executing their way through Iraq directly under CIA command or if they are doing it of their own accord and our gov entities have lost control of them.

Either way - the US is blatantly at fault for this rampage occurring now and arguably they are the ones directing it. It worries me. What is their end game? The US gov is getting more and more blatant with their nefarious and in this case downright evil activities.

And there is hardly even any outrage from anyone.

When I was watching the boogie man show this morning on MSNBC, I noticed these cave dwelling rebels has some pretty nice AR's and AK's. I have no doubts this ISIS threat is yet another smokescreen at a desperate attempt to take Syria. Essentially, the oldest of sins in the newest of ways but using the same tired tactics.

Question is I suppose, will my fellow Americans fall for the charade or turn their collective noses on the steaming pile of horse #? Time will tell and judging by the cranked up propaganda on every 24 hour news station is quite telling.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:49 PM
Every time I see ISIS in a headline or thread title, the first thing I think of is this:

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:51 PM
It's pretty clear that this group is funded by an elite cadre of people within the gulf states led primarily by the Saudis. The goal is to spread Wahabbani branded Islam and to defeat their ancient foes, the Shiite sect..

The US is playing an adversarial role through proxy because a direct confrontation with the Sheiks would result in a catastrophe if the oil supply were interrupted as western economies are already at the brink..

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:52 PM
I heard the acronym last year, which is when they were formed.

I sort of object to the name of an Egyptian goddess, the predecessor to many others, being used in such a negative way.

As for their practices, obviously abhorrent.

Those of tribal nature should be denied access to technology, if they can't behave in a civilized manner then they should be treated separately to civilized societies.

The UK government should also be doing something about the fact that some of them are UK trained.
edit on 16-6-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: demus
a reply to: Rosinitiate

that would explain why Obama is waiting; waiting for public to ask for war...

It's like a giant chess game to them. They were using pawns by financing a "rebellion" or rather manufacturing one seeing how most of these "rebels" were from other countries trained and groomed in countries like Turkey. The lose momentum so they attempt a ballsy move trying to mate Assad early by sneaking a bishop into enemy territory (false flag chemical attack launched by rebels and blamed on Assad). Russia essentially calls the bluff by publicly exposing the rebels for the false flag. The west/NATO have been losing to covert pawn for pawn exchange and down a power piece in this debacle so need to tilt or withdraw. There only real chance now is direct engagement (boots on the ground) but not before softening certain Assad regime strongholds that survived or being rebuilt from the last onslaught.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: teslarocks

They were all up in Syria, still are. How have you not heard of them before being a news junkie?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: clay2 baraka
It's pretty clear that this group is funded by an elite cadre of people within the gulf states led primarily by the Saudis. The goal is to spread Wahabbani branded Islam and to defeat their ancient foes, the Shiite sect..

The US is playing an adversarial role through proxy because a direct confrontation with the Sheiks would result in a catastrophe if the oil supply were interrupted as western economies are already at the brink..

that is the surface of it, yes.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: teslarocks

My questions are many. Has anyone heard of these evildoers before last week?

Yeah the American governemnt for one:

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (alternatively translated as Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham) (Arabic: الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام‎ ʾad-dawla ʾal-islāmiyya fīl-‘irāq waš-šām or Arabic: داعش‎ dāʿiš), abbreviated as ISIS or alternately ISIL, is an unrecognized state and active Jihadist militant group in Iraq and Syria influenced by the Jihadi movement In its unrecognized self-proclaimed status as an independent state, it claims the territory of Iraq and Syria, with implied future claims intended over more of the Levant—including Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Cyprus and Southern Turkey.[31] It was established in the early years of the Iraq War and pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda in 2004. The group was composed of and supported by a variety of insurgent groups, including its predecessor organisation, the Mujahideen Shura Council, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), Jaysh al-Fatiheen, Jund al-Sahaba, Katbiyan Ansar Al-Tawhid wal Sunnah, Jeish al-Taiifa al-Mansoura etc, and other clans whose population profess Sunni Islam. Its aim was to establish a caliphate in the Sunni majority regions of Iraq, later expanding this to include Syria.[32] In February 2014, after an eight-month power struggle, al-Qaeda cut all ties with ISIS.[33]

In a letter to Ayman al-Zawahiri in July 2005, al-Zarqawi outlined a four-stage plan to expand the Iraq War, which included expelling U.S. forces from Iraq, establishing an Islamic authority—a caliphate—spreading the conflict to Iraq's secular neighbors, and engaging in the Arab–Israeli conflict.[88] The affiliated groups were linked to regional attacks outside Iraq which were consistent with their stated plan, one example being the 2005 Sharm al-Sheikh bombings in Egypt, which killed 88 people, many of them foreign tourists.

Finances ISIS have routinely practised extortion, by demanding money from truck drivers and threatening to blow up businesses, for example. This has been one revenue stream, while robbing banks and gold shops has been another.[60] During the battle of Mosul in June 2014, ISIS allegedly became the richest terror group in the world after looting $429 USD million from Mosul's central bank, according to the regional governor; a large quantity of gold bullion was also believed to have been stolen.[61] That will “buy a whole lot of Jihad”, regional analyst Brown Moses wrote on Twitter, adding, “For example, with $429 million, ISIS could [recruit and] pay 60,000 fighters around $600 a month for a year."[62] French television channel France 24 reported: "The group receives funding via private donations from the Gulf states."[63] In an interview with France 24,[64] Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of openly funding ISIS.[65][66] The group is also believed to be receiving considerable funds from their operations in Eastern Syria, where the group has commandeered oil fields and engages in the out-smuggling of raw materials and archaeological artifacts.[67]

That ain't no boogieman.

That is the real effing deal.
edit on 16-6-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: lightedhype
I don't get the confusion. The United States are openly supporting the 'Syrian Rebels' with weapons and arms in their campaign against Assad and they have admitted to this.

Is this ISIS or ISIL group not one of the many rebel/terrorist factions fighting against Assad in Syria? I believe so.

Either way - the US is blatantly at fault for this rampage occurring now and arguably they are the ones directing it.

I touched on this in my earlier post

as for the USA being at fault or directing this AQ affiliated group.... I contest that notion...

this attack on Iraq by Sunni radicals is being directed from Arabia... They too have been funneling Arms and Money to all factions of the AQ=Free Syria Army of related militants...

Saudi Arabia was knocked down by the USA refusal to bomb the Assad Army or to create a no-fly-zone, etc.
The Saudi's were stabbed in the back...
so my guess is that the Saudi's instructed the radical group led by al-Baghdadi to kick butt in Iraq and possibly remove the USA puppet gov't there in(Maliki) Iraq...

snip from above post:

..."The group receives funding via private donations from the Gulf states."[63] In an interview with France 24,[64] Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Saudi Arabia and Qatar of openly funding ISIS.[65][66] The group is also believed to be receiving considerable funds from their operations in Eastern Syria...

star for neo96

edit on th30140294948516112014 by St Udio because: cite full penname

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:00 PM
double post.... the program gave no indication the post was made
edit on th30140294900016032014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: St Udio

of course USA and Saudi Arabia have no connection at all...

On October 20, 2010, U.S. State Department notified Congress of its intention to make the biggest arms sale in American history - an estimated $60.5 billion purchase by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The package represents a considerable improvement in the offensive capability of the Saudi armed forces. The U.S. was keen to point out that the arms transfer would increase "interoperability" with U.S. forces. In the 1990–1991 Gulf War, having U.S.-trained Saudi forces, along with military installations built to U.S. specifications, allowed the American armed forces to deploy in a comfortable and familiar battle environment. This new deal would increase these capabilities, as an advanced American military infrastructure is about to be built

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:06 PM
We are trying to solve 2000+ years of Tribal and Religious differences.

We tried. They don't share the same pride in their Country like some of us.

Their allegiance is to their Religion. Which is even more scary.

It's time to let them work it out. Why should we get blown to bits.

When the locals won't even defend themselves. Eventually, there is going to be a big war.

Until then, let them stay busy fighting each other.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Swills

Good question. I believe I had some memory of their existence in Syria, but we were bombarded starting last week with their evilness. Not questioning that they weren't around for a while. Questioning how they became so relevant and supposedly powerful all of a sudden. It's all a bit surreal.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
We are trying to solve 2000+ years of Tribal and Religious differences.

We tried. They don't share the same pride in their Country like some of us.

Their allegiance is to their Religion. Which is even more scary.

It's time to let them work it out. Why should we get blown to bits.

When the locals won't even defend themselves. Eventually, there is going to be a big war.

Until then, let them stay busy fighting each other.

I don't know if you've noticed but "you" have been there for hundreds of years.

guess what? didn't help...

now "you" want to leave?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:15 PM
There are media reports that they are generating a lot of income from taking over oil wells in eastern Syria.

Who is buying oil from them and how is it getting shipped out of there?

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