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If your an American citizen you need to read this!!!

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posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:56 AM
If you're starting to rethink things our government would do, this may peek your interest as well-

When a female has traces of another female's estrogen in her body, it will see it as a foreign substance and respond to (kill) it. After the foreign estrogen is killed off, the woman's immune system (in aprox. 1/3 of cases) will then generalize this search to killing off ALL estrogen. The woman who had the foreign estrogen is now permanently infertile, because her body kills off her own hormones.

It is not uncommon for large countries to send "aid" to poorer countries in the form of vaccines. There have been multiple recorded studies done where these vaccines contain female estrogen- a product with NO reason to be in the vaccine. Often public testing on the vaccine is refused until AFTER the vaccine is required, individuals are sometimes outcasted from their societies for not participating and always marked as infectious or disease-carriers.

World-wide miscarriages and infertility are plaguing the human race... in many 3rd world countries infertility rates are as high as 33%. One way of "thinning out" the "unnecessary" population. I believe they are trying to decrease the population before it is too late. One generation before a bacterial colony overpopulates a dish and dies out- there is no sign of an upcoming problem.
(as a side note- women naturally urinate their own hormones out, and even more so when on birth control... Prozac is prescribed so much in London they found it in the public water supply! have you ever tested your local water for hormones?)

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I've heard about these things .
I didn't want to believe it in the beginning, that our own goverment would do such horrible things to us.
Well, now I believe that they can, but I have no proof.
Why ? Why would they want to kill innocent young women and 5 yr old children with AIDS????
If I ever find out that this is how AIDS was started the ENTIRE world will know about it.
This I promise.


posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I didn't want to believe it in the beginning, that our own goverment would do such horrible things to us.

Well, think about what Hitler did.
Or how much own citizens was killed because of Stalin. Or dictatorships in South/Central America.

It's always about power/staying in power/getting more of it.

Little same as in those genetically modified grains whose seeds doesn't germinate. I would call it very good method for making money because it would force farmers to buy new seeds every year. Also controlling food is good way to control people.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by anjeeeee

God is watching eh? I guess that's about all he does these days... he doesn't seem huge on sending goons down to smite the evil doer's anymore...oh wait...could that be because he doesn't really... ...

Maybe we are impatient?

Some "goons" may be the ones that busted these bad deeds in the first place-

Would anyone recognize someone sent from God?

I've known more than one whistleblower- you and others might be amazed what people will do when their own personal belief system overflows.
loss of job,
physical harm,
death even-
Silkwood (the movie) was only one such example. Enron is another.
The wrongdoers didn't 'out' themselves.

Originally posted by blanketgirl
If you're starting to rethink things our government would do, this may peek your interest as well-

When a female has traces of another female's estrogen in her body, it will see it as a foreign substance and respond to (kill) it. After the foreign estrogen is killed off, the woman's immune system (in aprox. 1/3 of cases) will then generalize this search to killing off ALL estrogen. The woman who had the foreign estrogen is now permanently infertile, because her body kills off her own hormones.

It is not uncommon for large countries to send "aid" to poorer countries in the form of vaccines. There have been multiple recorded studies done where these vaccines contain female estrogen- a product with NO reason to be in the vaccine. Often public testing on the vaccine is refused until AFTER the vaccine is required, individuals are sometimes outcasted from their societies for not participating and always marked as infectious or disease-carriers.

World-wide miscarriages and infertility are plaguing the human race... in many 3rd world countries infertility rates are as high as 33%. One way of "thinning out" the "unnecessary" population. I believe they are trying to decrease the population before it is too late. One generation before a bacterial colony overpopulates a dish and dies out- there is no sign of an upcoming problem.
(as a side note- women naturally urinate their own hormones out, and even more so when on birth control... Prozac is prescribed so much in London they found it in the public water supply! have you ever tested your local water for hormones?)

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I've heard about these things .
I didn't want to believe it in the beginning, that our own goverment would do such horrible things to us.
Well, now I believe that they can, but I have no proof.
Why ? Why would they want to kill innocent young women and 5 yr old children with AIDS????
If I ever find out that this is how AIDS was started the ENTIRE world will know about it.
This I promise.

Originally posted by E_T

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I didn't want to believe it in the beginning, that our own goverment would do such horrible things to us.

Well, think about what Hitler did.
Or how much own citizens was killed because of Stalin. Or dictatorships in South/Central America.

It's always about power/staying in power/getting more of it.

Little same as in those genetically modified grains whose seeds doesn't germinate. I would call it very good method for making money because it would force farmers to buy new seeds every year. Also controlling food is good way to control people.

*edit to add the above I missed when I posted- very important stuff

[edit on 10/9/2004 by PublicGadfly]

[edit on 10/9/2004 by PublicGadfly]

[edit on 10/9/2004 by PublicGadfly]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 01:19 PM

1947 The CIA begins its study of '___' as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.

wasnt american soldiers given/ unknowingly fed lsd in vietnam to make night jungle warfare more easy going???? - urban legend? or is this a little known truth?

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:11 PM
I re-read the list twice (maybe bad eyes or something) I missed any reference to the lobatomy experiments conducted in the 1930's in Appalacia (U.S.).

I'll see if I can find something on it and *edit into this post

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:41 PM
It is interesting on how these things are intended to be used, and quite a bit has been written on that.

The first point is that if you are an invading army, you do not deliberately contaminate and poison ground that you intend to occupy yourself in the near future. So as an offensive military weapon chemical and biological agents have little or no real tactical value, but with one exception. They can be used as a terror weapon against large concentrated civilian populations with devastating effect.

They can also be used by a retreating army to slow down an advancing enemy, and I have read that the US actually did this during the Korean war.

I cannot think of any reason why a modern technically advanced country needs any of this stuff.

I also wonder what is really in all those chem-trails that are being sprayed over the US every day ?

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:21 PM
After reading some of the replies here it makes me think about the way I contracted Hepc From the good ole US Army. They will deny it up and down, but from what I have researched the Genotype I have corresponds exactly to the time and date and year of the base I went through for basic trainning. I guess I was one of their guinea pigs along with thousands of other Veterans. I already new I got it from there and the research I did just proved it. Any how life goes on and like one of the other ATS members said the Karma they have created for themselves I would not want to be in their shoes! Our Government sucks, but it's up to the people of this country to change it. The only thing I see doing that is some major wake up call of some sort. I guess 911 wasn't big enough for some people. I can only hope it's something positive and not some kind of major catastrophy.

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:25 PM
OK First Of All It Sickens Me How Bad This Country Has Gotten Some Of U Bastards Sitting There Saying That God Doesn't Exist!!!!! Well News To You This Country Was Founded On God And Should Be Kept That Way And If You Don't Like That Then Move 2 Korea And Let Those Fu**ers Torture You Cause U Don't Belive In Budda Or Some Other Gay Religion All I Got 2 Say Is That Ya'll Need To Stop The Sh** Ok And Get A Fu**en Life And Stop Saying God Don't Exist OK Cause He Does!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:49 PM
portfreezer that kind of outburst will not be tolerated, you have been warned.

ok back on topic

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 08:34 PM
OMFG...port freezer, chill the F out, dude.

You for real need to get off of whatever meds you're on, because they ain't working. Just chill, duducus.

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 05:42 AM
Sorry lol, I was just really pist off about everything.......
I just joined this website so ya...... i don't really know the feel of things

posted on Sep, 24 2004 @ 12:35 PM
Well let me give you the link to the terms and conditions of this board,

Cut out the language!

4.) You will not use profanity in our forums, and will neither post with language or content that is obscene, sexually oriented, or sexually suggestive nor link to sites that contain such content. This applies to material posted to collaborative fiction and member short story forums.

posted on Jan, 28 2007 @ 09:38 PM
Putin the "reformer" admits he personally never left the Communist Party. A keen-eyed observer of the CNN TV report on the December, 1999 Russian parliamentary elections spotted Putin presenting his I.D. to the clerk so he could vote. The I.D. clearly showed the letters CCCP on the inside of the booklet -- his official Soviet Union Communist Party ID. The authoritative British journal, "Soviet Analyst" commented that CNN ignored this "curiosity."

posted on Mar, 11 2007 @ 06:57 PM
i already knew this because my gramps was in that project

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 11:23 PM
Dude most of that is copied from Unknown News.

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 02:49 AM
Hubby was a victim of the experimental injections given to the military in the 70's, he went through boot camp a year before they supposedly stopped it, there is testimony before a Congressional hearing online about this, I used to have it but have since lost it, anyway they are supposed to have stopped doing this sometimes in 1975. Personally I think they are probably still doing it. JMO.

Also during this time while we were stationed at a military base we drank water that was contaminated with dry cleaning fluids (of course we did not know until 2000)

I got a letter asking if the child I had given birth to was alive and well as they had discovered that the cleaners near the well (apparently no one was checking our water supplies) we got our water from had dry cleaning fluids and it was particularly dangerous to a fetus. Though they said they had lost all our medical records when we left the military, they knew I had given birth there. Personally I think this was an experiment.
The thousands of families that passed through Camp Lejeune over the years likewise didn't think twice about drinking water that came from that ground.

But late last year, military officials acknowledged there may be a link between the contaminated water and reports of birth defects, childhood cancers, and stunted growth.

To make sure, they're trying to find up to 16,500 children whose mothers conceived or carried them while living on the East Coast's largest Marine base between 1968 and 1985.

This is very recent and also this is sickening , though the report says that the children receiving these drugs had Aids it was revealed later that not all of the children had Aids, some were apparently healthy until they were abused through this program.

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004
Guinea Pig Kids: How New York City is Using Children to Test Experimental AIDS Drugs

A new BBC documentary exposes how the city of New York has been forcing HIV positive children under its supervision to be used as human guinea pigs in tests for experimental AIDS drug trials.
All of the children in the program were under the legal guidance of the city's child welfare department, the Administration for Children's Services. Most live in foster care or independent homes run on behalf of the local authorities and almost all the children are believed to be African-American or Latino.

The BBC identified pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline as one of the companies that provided the experimental drugs for the tests. In an email to Democracy Now! GlaxoSmithKline stated "pharmaceutical companies are not directly involved in the recruitment, enrolment or participation of patients in such trials." GSK went on to say "the FDA encourages studies in pediatric patients. Clinical trials involving children and orphans are therefore legal and not unusual."

In the documentary, parents or guardians who refused to consent to the trials claim that children were removed by ACS and placed in foster families or children's homes. Then, acting over their objections, ACS authorized the drug trials.

JAMIE DORAN: There are enormously serious side effects from these drugs. You should also be clear that we're talking about up to 20 drugs in a single cocktail given to individual children. We're talking about drugs like didanozine, which is a very toxic drug; zidovudine, which is the famous azt which can cause severe anemia; nevirapine, that's the drug that’s been known to cause Steven Johnson's Syndrome, which is an enormously painful flaking of the skin. I mean, I’ve seen pictures myself, and it’s as if a young child has just been pulled from a terrible fire. And they’re giving these cocktails of drugs to these kids, and when a researcher pushes too far, who do these kids turn to? They don't have any parents. Their parent is the ACS. This is the horrific side of it all. They have -- they're totally and utterly vulnerable.

[edit on 13-3-2007 by goose]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:31 PM
All of this and so much more has our government, and others done to the people they are supposed to serve. It's always sickening if not surprising to read the accounts. Never trust any government!

The other thing that no longer surprises me is how any mention of a belief in God on ATS results in instant mocking and derision. Whether you believe in 'Santa Clause', or in the magic of spontaneous self generation of life, you are exhibiting faith.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 02:03 AM
What does this thread have to do with religion? It is about the government's history of experimentation on it's own citizens and military personnel.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:05 PM
Oh my, these are hideous acts of inhumanity. A country betraying it's own citizens. For what? How can anyone know of these and still think our government cares about us in the least??

Also, I don't think this one was mentioned. Our government forced sterilization on those deemed unfit for parenthood. I know they did this based on aptitude tests, but I think they might have done this for psychological/physical disease as well. This is known as eugenics. Hitler studied our programs and expanded on their "ideals".

Pure sickness.

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Oh my, these are hideous acts of inhumanity. A country betraying it's own citizens. For what? How can anyone know of these and still think our government cares about us in the least??

Also, I don't think this one was mentioned. Our government forced sterilization on those deemed unfit for parenthood. I know they did this based on aptitude tests, but I think they might have done this for psychological/physical disease as well. This is known as eugenics. Hitler studied our programs and expanded on their "ideals".

Pure sickness.

Hi, I was just wondering if you had any sources for that one as I haven't heard of that particular atrocity....I have read about some of the others the OP posted just not that one.

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