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The Space Opera Working Thread

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posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 12:29 PM
I was thinking last night, laying in bed and trying to sleep, but kept going over an idea.

Here it is: What if;

  • A set group of writers get involved in a story

  • Each member that joins in is one personality in the story... ie., a captain, a first mate, a doctor. First person to claim a personality IS that personality.

  • There are 2 sets of personalitiess- a crew on a human starship and a crew on an alien starship

  • There is ONE controlling personality that acts as NATURE in the story, throwing twists into the saga that both the humans and aliens have to respond to, like a massive supernova or whatever.

    If you're interested in trying this out, post your intention to collaborate on this thread and which side of the conflict you'd prefer to be on.

    Me? I want to be NATURE and throw the curve balls, but play as small, but vital, a role as possible.

    We'd need at least 5 for each crew... the usual notion of a military type of crew on a starship.

    Ideas on the set-up for the Space Opera would be appreciated... like who, what, when and where. The 'how' would be the story itself.


    General Rules of an Epic


  • An Epic is part collaboration and part game.

  • A story thread is begun providing the initial details that set the stage for the Epic. Twelve members, separated into two teams and led by a captain, are appointed to character positions within the Epic.

  • Members who have not been appointed to one of the twelve character positions may still participate in the Epic under certain conditions.

  • The Epic is moderated by one or more mods in the role of Nature.

  • Each Epic has a companion discussion thread, where in addition to general discussion about the Epic, participants can strategize or coordinate on story elements.

  • Story threads are ALWAYS in character and serve as the authoritative source for all facts relative to the Epic universe. Ideas expressed in the discussion thread are not part of the Epic.

  • All participants are limited to one character for the entirety of the Epic. A character can never die, unless either the member playing that character consents to that outcome or Nature causes that outcome under a limited set of circumstances.

  • With limited exceptions, no member can control the actions or dialogue of another member character without that member’s consent.

  • Nonconforming posts will either be edited by Nature to cure any rule defects or simply deleted.

  • There is no ending to an Epic.

    Types of Participants:

    There are four levels of participants in the Epic:

    1) Nature
    2) Team Captains
    3) Team Members
    4) Visiting Members


  • Nature may appear as frequently or infrequently as Nature desires. Nature’s principle role is to supply the initial story setting, and subsequent objectives or events to keep a story moving or to change its course.

  • Nature is omnipresent and all powerful. Nature is the only character that can freely control the actions or dialog of another member character.

    Team Captains:

  • Team Captains lead their groups in pursuit of the objective(s) in the Epic.

  • When communicating with other team member characters, dialogue text is always written without quotes in an assigned color. Narrative or dialogue with non-member characters is always written in normal uncolored text.

  • While Team Captains do not have the ability to control the actions or dialogue of another member character without that member’s consent, Team Captains do have the ability to logically move any team member to the same location as the Team Captain for purposes of interaction and plot advancement.

    Team Members:

  • There are twelve appointed team member positions, separated into two teams. Team Members generally support one another in furtherance of personal or collective objectives, and generally report to the Team Captain.

  • Team members are expected to create personalities which reflect their appointed role.

    Visiting Members:

  • Any member with writer status may participate in the Epic by choosing to logically introduce a non-appointed character into the Epic. Remember, a member may only play a single character for the duration of the Epic. When appropriate, visiting member characters may be appointed to one of the twelve team positions.

    Non-Member Characters:

  • Non-member characters are characters introduced for the purpose of interacting with member characters. Non-member characters may be created or eliminated by any participating member or Nature, in any logical manner, at any time.

    Posting Badges:

  • Member posting badges identify the class or nature of a participating member in the Epic. Members must always use the appropriate badge and place it as the first item in all of the member’s posts.

    Character Names:

  • Member characters always share the actual member’s ATS name.

    Posting Limits:

  • Team Members may only post once every 12 hours.

  • Visiting Members may only post once every 24 hours.

  • Otherwise members may post more frequently, if such posts are 150 words or less of new text.

  • Nature and Captains may post at any length and with any frequency.

  • No member may post twice in succession without an intervening post made by another member.

    Writing Perspective:

  • Members are free to build upon previous concepts introduced by other members or introduce entirely new ones.

  • Members should preserve the integrity of previously introduced facts. If they are ever to be changed in some manner, the member is required to provide a means that is consistent and logical to the Epic.

  • A member can never write facts related to another member character’s background.

  • Never post any out-of-role comments or questions in the story thread.


  • When quoting a member character’s dialogue, always use the “quote” tag, instead of the “external source” tag or “reply to” link options.

  • Always trim quotes to their relevant portion only.


  • All media used must be uploaded to the ATS Media site.

    Character Parking and Death:

  • A team member may choose to park a character for some period of time, provided that time does not exceed 30 days. Thereafter, Nature reserves the right to cause the untimely death of the Team Member.

    Supplemental Rules for The Voyages of the Penelope and the Yddryl

    Dialogue Colors:

  • USS Penelope Captain’s dialogue color.
  • Starship Yydryl Captain’s dialogue color.

    Character Badges:

  • Ship-to-Ship communications between the Penelope and the Yddryl will not occur until they meet at some point after departure from their respective outposts.

    [edit on 17/5/09 by masqua]

  • posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:37 PM
    Would we be contributing by making posts to the thread in character?

    Sounds like a great idea, though I have no solid contributions to plot at this time

    I'll watch how things go and perhaps take on the role of the squirrelly, reclusive engineer who keeps an actual cybernetically-enhanced squirrel as a pet and sleeps in an area exposed to many dangerous fumes

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:58 PM

    Originally posted by TravelerintheDark
    Would we be contributing by making posts to the thread in character?

    Yes... exactly. If you took on the part of the Alien First Mate, his(?) name would be the same as your username. Kinda apropos, don't ya think? Not suggesting that's what you take on or anything. Every post you make could be a private thought, a reply to another, etc.

    Sounds like a great idea, though I have no solid contributions to plot at this time

    When (and IF) we try this, there'll be a new thread started which sets the stage and names the characters. We can figure out what the overall scenario is before we begin. First of all, we'd need sufficient numbers of committed characters and 10 sounds like a nice round number.

    I've an idea on what the initial situation will be already, but I'm open for suggestions too. It will be, of course, a dicey deal as humans meet these aliens. There's going to be conflict and potential for disaster sort of along the lines of the TV series 'Lost' meets the movie 'Aliens'.

    I'll watch how things go and perhaps take on the role of the squirrelly, reclusive engineer who keeps an actual cybernetically-enhanced squirrel as a pet and sleeps in an area exposed to many dangerous fumes

    If this is your character, then I'd guess you'd prefer to crew on the human starship. Or is this an alien squirrel you had in mind?

    BTW... as far as we've gotten with this, you are now an 'Engineer' in the Opera. You just need to pick a side.

    Also, I received a U2U from another who is interested and all I'll say is IF s/he (not giving anything away) joins, it should be a fun ride.

    I think if this is to work, ALL the characters need to log in at least once a week to keep this story 'fluid'.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:19 PM
    reply to post by masqua

    Uhm... I have a hard go acting human in real life at times, but as a role, no problem. So human it is

    I'll do my best to allay the obvious gravity of the situation while at the same time working to maintain the perpendicular orientation befitting a crew member in my position.

    Now where's my hydro-spanner?

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:27 PM
    So, we have engineer TravellerintheDark aboard Starship Penelope of the Earth Federation.

    Gather your kit and get ready to jump into the furthest reaches of the known universe AND BEYOND.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:28 PM
    If this does start up I wouldnt mind contributing as one of the alien crew. My character would then be the alien who is somewhat separate from or skeptical of his own crew with the lingering possibility of being an agent for the humans.

    I`ll wait what others say on the plot. Maybe there should only be a very generalized concept which then develops as we move along.

    Brilliant idea masqua.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:37 PM
    reply to post by Skyfloating

    Excellent. (NATURE rubs tentacles together)

    I've a VERY general idea of the plot already in my head. Like I said, I couldn't sleep last night just thinking this up. I like the idea of an alien agent working for the Federation on the alien starship.

    The whole idea of this is that it evolves as the story moves along. The only thing neither starship can do is permanently destroy the other. They're both too well-armed and defended. Howeer, the Opera obviously can't go on forever, so one side will eventually win.

    I've an idea on how one group will get an advantage over the other using a devious system that could involve all of our membership, whether they're writers or not.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:39 PM
    I've heard a rumour that there's an Alien vessel in need of a Captain... If there are no objections, I volunteer myself.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:41 PM
    reply to post by Cadbury

    Im happy to have you as my captain

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:46 PM
    reply to post by Cadbury

    Welcome aboard, Captain Cadbury of the vessel Yddryl, based out of Rigel.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:47 PM

    Originally posted by Skyfloating
    reply to post by Cadbury

    Im happy to have you as my captain

    Said the (possible) spy

    edit for clarification

    [edit on 15/3/09 by masqua]

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:53 PM
    I saw that edit
    . Im not a spy yet. I become one as I grow disillusioned with the perpetual conflict my side is waging.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:54 PM
    The character list, to be edited as they come in...

      Starship Penelope

    • Captain - mf_luder
    • Pilot - Scurvy
    • Chief Medical Officer - DJMEsssiah
    • Chief Security Officer - nenothtu
    • Weapons Control Officer - WCO Seeker

      Starship Yddryl


    (a proposed image - hope we can find a better one)

  • Captain - Cadbury
  • Navigation Officer - Skyfloating
  • Empath - antar
  • Special Ops - Whisper67


    NATURE - masqua (hey, it was MY idea, OK?) Think of me as the one that comes in to shake things up now and then. I promise not to be TOO nasty TOO often.

    Basic plot:

    Two starships, multiple universes, conflict, the ravages of space and time and lots of humour.

    Any new ideas will be added here as well.

    [edit on 16/3/09 by masqua]

    [edit on 17/3/09 by masqua]

    [edit on 17/3/09 by masqua]

  • posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:58 PM

    Originally posted by Skyfloating
    reply to post by Cadbury

    Im happy to have you as my captain

    And I you as a fellow crew member. A doom upon all of humankind!

    Originally posted by masqua
    reply to post by Cadbury

    Welcome aboard, Captain Cadbury of the vessel Yddryl, based out of Rigel.

    *Cadbury Salutes*

    Duties accepted, my lord.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:03 PM
    reply to post by Skyfloating

    No doubt, Alien crew member for me too captain!!! Ships empath reporting for mission...

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:04 PM
    reply to post by Skyfloating

    What will you be on board the Yddryl? Scientist type guy, Communications Officer? Pick a career...

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:05 PM
    reply to post by masqua

    forget my last post, this is really good I was actually thinking about Cadbury before I answered the call to join! I am IN!!!

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:06 PM
    reply to post by antar

    Welcome aboard the Yddryl, antar.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:08 PM
    So we have Cadbury as captain and skyfloating as chief science officer, antar as crew empath.

    posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:09 PM
    For the convenience of my fellow crew members I'll happily be known as simply Trav

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