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E. Jean Caroll's Illegal Gun Seized by Police

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posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So what are you assuming (imagining) has been said yet but hasn't been said yet? 😀

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 10:19 AM
She couldn’t legally get a firearm.
A well known drug user lying on a federal form is another felony.
Hunter will confirm.

ETA: page 2 and still no gun grabber outrage that this crazy drug user has an illegal firearm.
edit on 13-4-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So much for you and your ilk actually doing something about a textbook example of the type of person who should be punished for breaking the law. Why shouldn't she be charged for an illegal handgun? You are accusing us pro 2nd amendment types of being hypocrites, but it seems to me you gun-grabbers do not practice what you preach! She admitted under oath she possessed it for multiple years! It seems that when push comes to shove the left has nothing to offer but excuses for not prosecuting laws they push for in the first place. So much for zero tolerance for illegal guns!

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

1. The Excuse

She feared for her life because of Trump.

2. What Will Happen

From how it reads she is getting it back after getting her pistol permit from the state.

So nothing

3. My Big Thought

If #2 is the outcome, it is very hypocritical.

She admitted in court, under oath, to committing a felony.

In NYS, a felony means no permits for guns. In some cases, not even a shotgun for hunting.

So, when they give her her gun back, every felon in NYS should sue the state for violating their constitutional rights.

Specifically, equal protection clause.

If she, as an admitted felon, can get her gun, they should be able to get theirs, also

edit on 13-4-2024 by theatreboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake

May be somewhat of a difference between seised and surrendered i suppose.

Definition of seized from the Google machine

(of the police or another authority) take possession of (something) by warrant or legal right; confiscate; impound.
"police have seized 726 lb of coc aine"

Just because she didn't put up a fight doesn't mean it wasn't taken away.

Why does the left always revert to word games?

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
A crazy, Trump-hating leftist with an illegal firearm.
What could go wrong?

Police in New York took possession of a gun belonging to writer E. Jean Carroll in February after she said during testimony in her defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump that she had an unlicensed firearm at home, according to a police report obtained by NBC News. GDd

So, this is felony...punishable by up to four years in prison:

Under New York state law, a person can be found guilty of criminal possession if they possess a firearm, such as a pistol, that has not been registered. The felony carries a maximum sentence of four years.

Does anyone think she will actually go to prison for this?

BTW...What happened to Hunter, regarding his illegal firearm?

It's (D)ifferent because she's got friends in high places, which is the only reason the case was decided in her favor despite admitting on record she was guilty of a felony. Multiple felonies if Vermillion is correct.

originally posted by: 5thHead

Why does the left always revert to word games?

Because lawyers use words games to play 4D chess with the law. Some of the cleverest criminal activity you'll see happens in the exploitation of so called iron clad legislation.

edit on 13-4-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:18 AM
“Drugs are marvelous – it’s life that’s evil. And sometimes the only way to face it is to get completely twisted.”-E. Jean Carroll

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Everybody wants her hottie body.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Vermilion

“Drugs are marvelous – it’s life that’s evil. And sometimes the only way to face it is to get completely twisted.”-E. Jean Carroll

I wish there was a compilation topic for all her greatest one-liners from Twitter. It would be useful for reference purposes. Alas, I dont have the patience or energy to go digging in her post history.

edit on 13-4-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Euronymous2625

Yes we are. In case you haven't been paying attention, we are for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.

She had an illegal firearm.


Do I need to keep repeating that or is she somehow exempt from the law for being a Trump hater ?

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead

originally posted by: andy06shake

May be somewhat of a difference between seised and surrendered i suppose.

Why does the left always revert to word games?

The "left" is about to be reduced to tiny voices. Still loud, but with no leverage.

And they know it's coming, hence the building panic and irrationality.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So much for you and your ilk actually doing something about a textbook example of the type of person who should be punished for breaking the law. Why shouldn't she be charged for an illegal handgun? You are accusing us pro 2nd amendment types of being hypocrites, but it seems to me you gun-grabbers do not practice what you preach! She admitted under oath she possessed it for multiple years! It seems that when push comes to shove the left has nothing to offer but excuses for not prosecuting laws they push for in the first place. So much for zero tolerance for illegal guns!

Oh, Please!

The gun crowd on here doesn't think guns should be illegal or registered.

They're going after the person because of who she is.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So much for you and your ilk actually doing something about a textbook example of the type of person who should be punished for breaking the law. Why shouldn't she be charged for an illegal handgun? You are accusing us pro 2nd amendment types of being hypocrites, but it seems to me you gun-grabbers do not practice what you preach! She admitted under oath she possessed it for multiple years! It seems that when push comes to shove the left has nothing to offer but excuses for not prosecuting laws they push for in the first place. So much for zero tolerance for illegal guns!

Oh, Please!

The gun crowd on here doesn't think guns should be illegal or registered.

They're going after the person because of who she is.

Who she is (a crazy drug addict) is just the icing on the cake.

Regardless of who she is…

She’s has admitted to illegally owning an unregistered firearm.

What do you think about people who illegally own unregistered firearms?

Will you be the first gun grabber in this thread to clutch your pearls about it?

Is this the gun grabbers kryptonite?

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So much for you and your ilk actually doing something about a textbook example of the type of person who should be punished for breaking the law. Why shouldn't she be charged for an illegal handgun? You are accusing us pro 2nd amendment types of being hypocrites, but it seems to me you gun-grabbers do not practice what you preach! She admitted under oath she possessed it for multiple years! It seems that when push comes to shove the left has nothing to offer but excuses for not prosecuting laws they push for in the first place. So much for zero tolerance for illegal guns!

Oh, Please!

The gun crowd on here doesn't think guns should be illegal or registered.

They're going after the person because of who she is.

But the Law is the Law until changed. Right? 😊 Your tangents are not working.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Annee
I vote this the most hypocritical thread to date.

So much for the 2nd amendment.

So much for you and your ilk actually doing something about a textbook example of the type of person who should be punished for breaking the law. Why shouldn't she be charged for an illegal handgun? You are accusing us pro 2nd amendment types of being hypocrites, but it seems to me you gun-grabbers do not practice what you preach! She admitted under oath she possessed it for multiple years! It seems that when push comes to shove the left has nothing to offer but excuses for not prosecuting laws they push for in the first place. So much for zero tolerance for illegal guns!

Oh, Please!

The gun crowd on here doesn't think guns should be illegal or registered.

They're going after the person because of who she is.

Who she is (a crazy drug addict) is just the icing on the cake.

Regardless of who she is…

She’s has admitted to illegally owning an unregistered firearm.

What do you think about people who illegally own unregistered firearms?

Will you be the first gun grabber in this thread to clutch your pearls about it?

Is this the gun grabbers kryptonite?

To be fair, I view unregistered weapons a bit like unregistered vehicles. It's only a problem if you are endowed with below average intelligence or bare minimum to nonexistent civic values. And forcing people to register either technology has never fixed either of those qualities. Not to mention the laundry list of fees that are cost prohibitive for citizens who just want to defend their homes. Sometimes the tool takes all your spare cash which is why you need to fight like hell and protect what precious little you own.

My two cents🍺

edit on 13-4-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

Shouldn't this be referred to as an "undocumented" firearm?

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Vermilion

“Drugs are marvelous – it’s life that’s evil. And sometimes the only way to face it is to get completely twisted.”-E. Jean Carroll

I wish there was a compilation topic for all her greatest one-liners from Twitter. It would be useful for reference purposes. Alas, I dont have the patience or energy to go digging in her post history.

I'm sure most of her real winners have been scrubbed long ago.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Annee

If you were living in New York and had an unregistered pistol you'd be locked up in jail and maybe posting bond for a felony crime unless of course you are a hero of the left named E.Jean Carroll that's the hypocrisy being pointed out by the gun crowd.

She gets a probable pass while everyone else gets jailed especially if they're conservative politically.

Your defense and excuse making drives the point home.

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Annee

Oh please. Why is it when it is so freaking obvious that she broke the law that no consequences are being melted? You and people like you talk a big game about illegal gun, but once a blaring example of the hypocrisy come to everyone's attention we get nothing but crickets!?! It's like all the gun felons being released without bail. So much for punishing criminals! You don't want anything to be done about this justbecause she went against Trump! That is it, you believe she get a pass just due to that fact! You are the hypocrite, she has a gun illegally for much multiple years and don't want that to be punished. It is the law you know!

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

it's comical to see the lefties trying to contort themselves into a way to make Carols crime not a crime. And by crime, I refer to the one she admitted to under oath in a court of law.

Regardless of how anyone else "feels" about it, she committed a felony in NY, and the evidence is her testimony, under oath, in a court of law. Now because NY changed a law specifically so she could sue Trump leads me to think they will find some way not to charge her, but as has been said, if they do that, they will open up a slew of lawsuits from people who weren't so politically connected and were charged for this crime.

If it's a stupid law, fine, remove it. But if it's a law you think needs to stay, you need to be consistent and prosecute those who break it.

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