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Congressional "Hush Fund" and Rape Culture of DC Politicians.

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posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 05:27 AM
Why do We the People, keep letting politicians get away with wasteful spending habits let alone worse crimes?

Ignorance or complacency...both?

People "Need to Know" how long it has been going on, and is still ongoing. Nothing will change, if people don't wake up and see how careers in politics is a no go. Not good...

To amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to prohibit the use of public funds to pay awards and settlements in connection with claims under such Act which arise from sexual harassment, and for other purposes.

Rape Culture of DC Politicians


Congress has a slush fund, made up of tax dollars, that is used to pay off & silence their alleged sexual assaults and affairs. To date, over 200 million dollars in 200 settlements have been paid since 1998.

H.R. 4494 (115th): Congressional ...

... Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act

This one has lots of details;

Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment ‘shush’ fund

Since when are members of Congress and their staffs accused of sexual harassment allowed to hush up and pay off their accusers from a secret “shush” fund full of taxpayer dollars? Since 1995, it turns out.

Congress, we all know, chooses to exempt itself from many of the same laws it foists on the rest of us.

Here’s the kicker: If the dispute is resolved in favor of the complainant (read: victim), funds for the settlement don’t come out of the offender’s personal bank account, or his or her campaign account. Instead, they come out of a secret account maintained by the Office of Compliance. It is so secret, in fact, that taxpayers don’t even know they are funding it.

According to the Washington Post, there were 235 complainants received compensation totaling $15.2 million between 1997 and 2014. That’s more than one settlement per month for 17 years and nearly $1 million per year. We, the taxpayers, have no idea on whose behalf we’ve been paying to settle these sexual harassment claims. That’s wrong.

Politicians do not fix problems, they are the problem;

Still hasn't been fixed, after decades...

Ongoing since 1995!!

Give it some thought, ALL the corrupt career parasite politicians, who have been in office, aka government revolving door, are on that list.

How many people reading this remember the 1990s?

That is just the tip of iceberg.

Do a search and see for yourselves, don't take my word for it.

Why do politicians have a slush/hush fund for sexual assault, let alone using tax payer money for it?!

edit on 20-12-2023 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 06:18 AM
That's literally bribery.

I can't even...

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 06:22 AM
Congressman Confesses On LIVE-TV: ‘We’re Blackmailed To Protect Epstein!' | Reporter In Total SHOCK

A 11min interview and some commentary about the current state of politics with the Epstein flight logs and how the deep state is pressuring members of congress to keep it quite.

As for going back to the 1990's with these issues, FBI agent Ted Gunderson had done a lot of good work despite all the resistance going on in sorting out this mess. Phil Schneider also touched on some of these issues, but went deeper with the adrenochrome trade. Jessie Czebotar is one more recent ones talking how deep some of it does get, names people like Michael Aquino and John Brennan as suppliers of this drug.

In 1994, the documentary 'A conspiracy of Silence' was hit by a conspiracy of silence. Since then it is easier to get.

Back in the 1980's, big satanic panic going on as some of it was being exposed. The topic just got hit with a big media white wash to discredit any victims and keep the culture alive in the background. As the internet emerged, it became harder to hide.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Nice find!

Thank you for sharing in this thread, we can definitely use all the eye opening red pill information we can get, just to get people thinking.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 06:46 AM
So the blackmail is multilevel. They are all controlled by some sort of blackmail or they will be exposed and it will end their political careers.

I noticed starting in the 1970's American people would prefer to be lied to. They want to believe their politicians have their best interest in mind, when actually we now attract a certain sort of sociopathic person who runs for political office for the advancement of themselves and their cronies. There is no longer integrity in the types of people we elect into public office so it makes them easily manipulated.

American people have been dumbed down by our education system and mind controlled by hours a day of TV watching, especially mainstream news. There is no easy solution, or maybe no solution at all to having moral politicians running our country in this current situation we are in.

originally posted by: kwaka
Congressman Confesses On LIVE-TV: ‘We’re Blackmailed To Protect Epstein!' | Reporter In Total SHOCK

A 11min interview and some commentary about the current state of politics with the Epstein flight logs and how the deep state is pressuring members of congress to keep it quite.

As for going back to the 1990's with these issues, FBI agent Ted Gunderson had done a lot of good work despite all the resistance going on in sorting out this mess. Phil Schneider also touched on some of these issues, but went deeper with the adrenochrome trade. Jessie Czebotar is one more recent ones talking how deep some of it does get, names people like Michael Aquino and John Brennan as suppliers of this drug.

In 1994, the documentary 'A conspiracy of Silence' was hit by a conspiracy of silence. Since then it is easier to get.

Back in the 1980's, big satanic panic going on as some of it was being exposed. The topic just got hit with a big media white wash to discredit any victims and keep the culture alive in the background. As the internet emerged, it became harder to hide.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Thank you for sharing in this thread, we can definitely use all the eye opening red pill information we can get, just to get people thinking.

It has been 15 years since first going down the rabbit hole. Can be a tough place to navigate, especially at first. A few names with integrity and brief situation to help get started.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Congressional "Hush Fund" and Rape Culture of DC Politicians.

if that's the case the POS hypocrites shouldn't have said a damn thing about trump and slut puppy daniels.
at least he didn't demand they pay it out of their fund.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: kathmandu

So the blackmail is multilevel. They are all controlled by some sort of blackmail or they will be exposed and it will end their political careers.

There are a lot of levels to it. To get some of those jobs, contracts or grants, the boss having some a little extra over someone helps make sure he gets his way. There are lots of different forms of blackmail around, a part of persuasion. There are some that did not want to abuse the kids, but knew the boss wanted those photos to get the big bucks. There are others that do get into it.

In trying to look at the deeper level, some kind of dark alien influence that is trying to capture Earth is on the radar. When people get into dark, traumatic rituals, there is going to be a dark, evil presence there. With just how much truth and integrity is getting cancelled, deleted, locked up, ridiculed and generally attacked by global forces looking to capture the planet, it will kill us all through our own stupidity if allowed to continue and grow.

With the WHO wanting to change a non binding agreement into a binding one will take over and restrict a lot of national and individual sovereignty when the next emergency is called. For one small unelected and unaccountable body to capture the world in such a way is getting a lot of international concern. Those pushing for such centralized regulations will blackmail, bribe, pressure or any other sneaky trick they can to get enough votes. It worked in 2020.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:53 AM

edit on 12/20/2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

Deep down they all know that Trump is soft nor does he have any bodies in the closet like they do. His biggest problem is that he cant keep his mouth shut like they do.

Thats all former presidents as they smile while turning that knife in your back as yes, they all probably have INTEL protection.

Trump doesnt nor ever did. Thats why he snubbed them only to be harrassed still in 2023. They want to push him to suicide and all those prosecuters know it. Same with the judges. So IMO these prosecuters are white collar criminals hiding behind a feigned justice system.

Defrauded banks on a loan by overstating net worth of assest or property? Really if he did that then he overpaid his property taxes in the millions of dollars and the states were complicit to any wrongdoing.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Very timely OP Advisor, considering the other giant skeletons our government has in its closet, a few of which are about to come out soon unless they get the axe before it actually happens.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 11:22 AM
Interesting to note, the 'hush fund' was created in 1995-the same year Clinton began his affair with Lewinsky. I wonder if Hillary was involved in its creation?

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: nugget1

If there are bullet holes or blood on the paperwork then it's hers.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 01:36 PM
More related subject matter, clearly not getting resolved soon...

Jeffrey Epstein flight logs not released because colleagues would be ‘compromised’

“[Sen. Dick Durbin] BLOCKED my request to subpoena Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. What are Democrats trying to hide?” Blackburn wrote on X at the time.

Unified Front of the Deviant Party

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 07:01 PM
Don't care all rapists get dead. Soon.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

The same secrecy surrounds the man who was filming gay intercourse this month inside a U.S. Senate hearing room.

Senator Ben Cardin is the Boinker-Filmer?:

Like the Biden Cocaine delivery, we (the public) will not be told the name of the perpetrator(s), unless we demand it.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 08:19 PM
Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the House for 8 years, was a true pedophile. It happened when he was a PE teacher in Illinois. Many victims. He was speaker from 1999 to 2007.

He went from a teacher is a small nowhere town to one of the most powerful positions in the world.

I'm sure he was chosen because TPTB had something on him.

People like Hastert, just don't stop - he had to have a supply of victims from some place.

edit on 23-12-2023 by Daughter2v2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2024 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Daughter2v2

It's a self perpetuating circle of evil.

We need to keep reminding people of who the real criminals are. It's not President Trump, it is the corrupt career parasite politicians who have been in DC for half a century.

Come on people, why do politicians use tax money to have a hush fund for sexual crimes?

How is that even a thing?!

posted on Mar, 23 2024 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Ongoing since 1995!!

1995?? yeah thats about right,...
he be broke by now, how many times was it used for him?

posted on Apr, 12 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: confuzedcitizen

Better question is, why are the media lap dogs of the corrupt career parasite politicians, focused on a Former President, who committed the act prior to his political stint, and payed for it with own money?

Instead of pressing the current Politicians using tax payers money?

Who cares what Trump did on his own time with own money. American people have a right to know about Congress commiting sexual assault today!

This is the perfect example of bait n switch, distraction type of media manipulation.

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