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Biden Holds BBQ At White House While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage

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posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 09:39 AM
We must ask ourselves why US and Israeli intelligence worked together to ignore the training of HAMAS fighters by Iran, over a period of months?

This was NOT an intelligence failure, as the non-thinkers keep stating over and over again in the media.

Not immediately killing the leaders of HAMAS while they grant media interviews, is evidence that this war was wanted at this time.. to generate revenue for evil people, and to distract from discovering what evil people have done.

Just like COVID-19.

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If only it was that easy. But it is not, and countries are no longer so willing to be agreeable to the US, as they are starting to wake up to the fact that we need them more than they need us. Syria is not going to cooperate, the government there does not like us. And the help from Saudi Arabia, went up with the first attack by the Palestinians, as now it is no longer politically convenient to have dealings with them. Iraq has its own issues right now, and Egypt is wanting to stay out of it, not wanting the trouble to spill onto its soil and having to brace for a wave of refugees trying to get across the border, and at the same time to watch Israel and potential issues there. So what leaders can help out when the countries around the area, are all on the fence or going to reject the plea?

The president can not just order a force to go in to rescue, not knowing where the hostages or people are at. That would be a disaster, nor can he just order military force to go in, as that as well, would be a disaster, for it would draw in other countries, that the US does not want involved in this at all. In short the US hands are tied and can only do so much, and about as much as we all can do, is wait and be prepared to clean up the mess that will be present after the dust settles.

And history has shown that the US sending in people to try to rescue hostages in situations like this, never went well. Hostages got killed, and the rescuers got injured and killed and the situation was made worse. This is not the area to try to be a hero, and patients is the best way to handle this.

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