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Hundreds of teenagers flood into downtown Chicago, smashing car windows

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posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Oh I fear not the world we live in. I do fear the time we live in. Because It is looking way too much like what was foretold.

And I know the rest of the story.

Nice to know I'm not the only one.


posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: yuppa
Here is how we solve this. compulsory year round school, until 18. Must maintain at least a high d or they are sent to a work program to learn a skill or trade.Individual rooms,no contact with other teens in person except for certain events. If they want to act like heathens.treat them like prisoners.

I think what they call school now a days is a big part of the problem. Maybe if parents had to be responsible for their children they would do a better job at parenting.

Make the parents keep their children at home. They would be responsible for them learn the basics, reading, writing, and arithmetic, and providing them an income earning skill, or just take care of them as long as they lived. If they died, the child would be under the care of a volunteering relative or a ward of the State.

Being under State care will likely be as close to Hell as you can get while still being alive, so having children you can’t be responsible for, would be a criminal act and my body my choice would take on a whole new meaning.

Okay. I am just being facetious, but what we are doing now is not working.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 06:41 AM
I would guess a 9pm to 6 am curfew for anyone under 21 would be a good start for Chicago. And Midnight to 6am for everyone else. Violations would be a $50 fine and a night in "jail". Increasing to a $1000 fine for multiple offenses.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: ntech

TextI would guess a 9pm to 6 am curfew for anyone under 21 would be a good start for Chicago.

although i understand what your saying, but in the U.S. at 18 your considered a adult. so i would say 18. actually i would even go as far as 17 seeing how with parental consent you can go and die for your country, and if you can do that then you
should be able to do anything that is legal for any adult to do.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: ntech
I would guess a 9pm to 6 am curfew for anyone under 21 would be a good start for Chicago. And Midnight to 6am for everyone else. Violations would be a $50 fine and a night in "jail". Increasing to a $1000 fine for multiple offenses.

Yeah. And that too.

When I was a kid, we had a curfew. Living in the country, parents did it the natural way. We didn’t have street lights. No, “Be home before the street lights come on”. We had sky lights. It was, “Be home before the sun goes down”.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: ntech

Actually the only way with Chicago and other Big cities, is active duty Army 😎

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: ntech

Well, that would definitely cause a reaction. If I were still driving, I would refuse to go through Chicago if I was prohibited from doing so in the wee, wee hours of the morning. Driving through at any other time is major scary.


posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 11:30 AM
Another video that needs to go viral:

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 01:09 PM
Where are the parents.....(drops mic)

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: ntech
I would guess a 9pm to 6 am curfew for anyone under 21 would be a good start for Chicago. And Midnight to 6am for everyone else. Violations would be a $50 fine and a night in "jail". Increasing to a $1000 fine for multiple offenses.

There is a curfew - it's 6 pm for the park on weekends - 10 pm for all other times. Applies to people under 16 for 10 pm - under 18 for the park.

It's also illegal to drag people out of cars and beat them - it didn't stop it.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

I live this.

It is definitely not a color or race thing. It is not even a money thing.

I too would love to know what the hell has happened to parenting. Almost every parent has an excuse for their own child, but are so damn quick to point the finger at any other child that does the same thing.

Too many parents are scared to death of their own children. These kids are out in the streets because their parents don’t want to be around them.

It is a culture problem. In my area it not black kids, we don’t have many black kids. The majority of the kids are actually from middle class, keeping up with the Jones families.

This crap is all about “trending”, and the majority of the “ trending” comes from TikTok.

Of course when I try to get any support from the parents, all I get is excuses and finger pointing in some other direction. The mothers are bad, but I swear the fathers are 10 times worse.

Sometimes, I feel like we should not be blaming just the kids. They are what they are because their parents are not what they should be. They are the product of lousy parenting or no parenting. I agree with this guy. It makes me sick also.

This kids are thrown out into a world where they have no responsibility and no accountability. Whose fault is that?

Charge them all and make the ones that have lousy parents, do the time along with the kids. Those that have parents that are trying, and the kids broke the rules, make the kids put some skin in the game.

If my Dad was still alive he would come up with a good, productive punishment they would always remember. My Dad was the master of creative punishments that worked, and he never hit us.

Ten kids and we all did pretty damn good in life. I still remember every punishment. And you never made the same mistake twice.

I sure hope that history is not kind to us. We did one hell of a job of messing up several generations. I hope they remember us harshly so this crap stops and is never repeated.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:36 PM
It's those damn "teens" again.
Why is it wrong for white people to have their own countries?

Anybody got an answer?

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: ancientlight

I live this.

It is definitely not a color or race thing. It is not even a money thing.

Sure, sure it isn't... LOL. Did you not watch any of the videos? When do Asian "teens" do this? When do white "teens" do this?

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 06:06 PM
This morning my husband and I went to the local lottery store in our town.
Unfortunately we arrived during school lunchtime break, there were hordes of teenagers there.
The store clerk had a horrible time with them, they were running inside the store like wild animals (it's a small store) hitting and punching each other and screaming, and the clerk, who was alone, had to come out from behind the counter to stop them from stealing anything they wanted.
He ordered most of them out, then let them in a few at a time.
We grew up in this town, which was a small country town, which is now a nightmare.
I found myself really frightened. And I hate to say this, but the truth is that only one or two of the teenagers were White, and we have never seen anything like this before.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

1960's all over again?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I responded to your other thread before I saw this one. I will also provide my response here.

People want to make this about color. I believe they are wrong. I have to base what I believe on what I see and and what I live. Where I live we have very few Black people out here, and they are not the ones causing problems. If I lived in an area that had a large Black population, I might be seeing something different, and I would more than likely be on the Black people are all animals, thieves, big and scary, so kill them before they multiply, bandwagon. That is not what I am seeing outside my front door.

I am seeing the behavior, but the children are not Black, so I can’t buy the narrative. There is something going on. Our children are being destroyed, and we are losing them. I just can’t go along with the easy answer, of it is because of their color. The Black parents have a thousand and one excuses for their child’s actions, but they can see the fault in every other child. Guess what. I work with parents and teens, they are rarely Black and the children and the parents are the exact same way. To me the wealthier the parent, the more innocent their guilty child is in the parent’s head.

This is the result of a culture built on fantasy. A culture where people spend more time in their heads in a viral world than they do in reality. Where parents do not parent, so they only see the child they have created in their minds, and that child is flawless. The parents are not only distant from reality, they have little real time relationship with their children. They think that giving their children things, and being friends with their children is good parenting. They failed at parenting so the children fail at society.

As much as many people want to push this off as a race thing, I believe they are wrong. It is an easy answer but it the wrong answer. Which is likely to lead to a very wrong action, sold as a solution.

I know my response is not what many here want to see. The hate, racism, division around here is becoming palpable. I saddens me, because this is supposed to be the place where you put the deception, the manipulation, the lies, into the ground and bury them. That is something I don’t see very often here anymore.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:02 AM
430 of every 1000 African American pregnancies are aborted...

One can only imagine if they banned abortion what kind of serious problems the country would face with higher than a 13.5% population statistic for AA's.

I find myself maybe having to shelve my feelz and am beginning to lean pro-choice.

I mean people don't normally change their opinions on things specially of a political nature but ATS's collective logic is undeniable.

/and... It is 6-8% (of age non-seniors) of that 13.5% who is causing all the problems and a huge portion of the issues we face as a nation.

That 6-8% is barely manageable as it is... the tipping point rule.

edit on 18-4-2023 by iamthevirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Good ol Chicago... What a huge, diverse crowd of teeny boppers.

I can't really I expect anything better out of that liberal utopia.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Oh I fear not the world we live in. I do fear the time we live in. Because It is looking way too much like what was foretold.

And I know the rest of the story.

Nice to know I'm not the only one.


You are not alone.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

In a sense, you are correct, it isn't all about race; it's all about culture; thug culture and it's glorified in the media and the media serves up the heros to the thug culture.

Thug culture arises and thrives where there's a concentration of poverty without hope and that's what the Government Party welfare state has served up to the thug culture. They have no way out. Trapped in food deserts, pharmacy deserts, opportunity deserts. The people who are productive, who work, who start and run businesses have left the Government Party cities and those left behind have few, if any, options left to them. Therefore.....they act out their frustrations.

They are abetted by the Government Party education system who instills in them the ideas of victim hood and tell them daily that their plight is the fault of the "White Tribe" that is unfairly privileged.

They are abetted by the Government Party that basically pays them to stay in place and at the same time, removes the societal bumpers that had been the Policing forces.

Voila, looting and riots, shootings and gang wars as the "trapped" fight over the crumbs that remain and territory for the drug trade.

This is only going to get worse, especially now that the productive "class" has left and/or is leaving for better, more business friendly regions. The very people who might have shown up to vote the Government party out of office have left and all that's left is the Government Party's client caste.

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