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How are you preparing for a deep recession or even a depression

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posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:22 PM
One of the biggest savings for us is food savings. I am cooking at home and making sure I cut down on food waste substantially. Also I have never been a leftover eater, well that has changed and I devise different ways to incorporate leftovers into recipes. Also no junk food. I just bought herbs, strawberry, tomatoes, cabbage plants for planting and I've got green onion and carrot ends sprouting and then in the dirt they go. I will do the same for celery and other veggies as I buy them.

Stopped shopping for what I want and focusing on what I need.

Also I am accepting more temporary part-time work when I can get it.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:46 PM
A lot of people here talking about paying down debt. I don't think that has been sufficiently thought through. Unless you pay it off completely, when the economy collapses there is no point in having it 'more' paid off than 'less'.

The people who will benefit the most are the people who own everything outright and the people who are financed to the teeth. The people who own everything are pretty much untouchable except by eminent domain. The people who are financed to the teeth are great since along with the possessions they will lose they also lose the associated debt. No real threat there.

The people who are going to suffer the most are the people who have things 'mostly' paid off, but not quite all the way. They stand to lose the most from all the debt they have paid but still don't have ownership of the property when all is said and done. Look at it this way, if you know you are not going to be able to make all your car payments and you know they will repossess, would you rush to pay off as much as you can before they come get it?

A major recession, or worse yet a depression, are pretty significant events and require some fairly severe conditions to occur. One thing that could hurt us is if the US is no longer the reserve currency. That will weaken our position globally and weaken the dollar accordingly. Since we use fiat currency its only real value is the belief that it will continue to have value in the future. When no one believes that, the paper becomes worthless. That is severe, but, some other currency will take its place as the reserve for global transactions, most likely the yuan. While not ideal, we can take some comfort from knowing that although its not the dollar, there is a reserve currency and trade is still happening.

The idea of a complete financial collapse is not likely as long as the economy continues to grow, even a little. The final sign that things are about to go bad is when the economy stops growing, or starts to shrink. As long as the economy is growing we have something besides more credit to throw at the massive debt we carry as a nation. Its not unlike a household budget, as long as money is coming in you don't necessarily have to pay off all your bills right this second. You pay what you can and push some back, finance others. What you cant do long term is continue to use credit to solve a credit crisis. When more credit is the only thing between us and collapse - that is when its time to worry.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I say the same thing to people who spend most of their disposable income on their home.

They say, "I may not be able to do all I want to do in life, but at least I'll have a home that I own".

I tell them, "Whether you own or rent, when you die, what matters is how much you enjoyed your life. If leaving a big expensive home to your kids is really important, then you'll see the sacrifice as worth it, as you near the end of life.".

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

The past 2 or 3 years, even the seeds that used to sprout fine, either don't do anything , or they grow sllllllllllow and stunted. something is up. In the air? Sunlight quality?

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
May 19, 2023


Lots of dire sounding warnings like that have been plastered all over the internet this month.

Here's the latest regarding the talks between McCarthy and Biden:

After the baseless Covid-19 mass hysteria and fear-mongering, should we now view the "Default" warnings as way overhyped as well? I've ignored it until this week, for that reason.


I’ve noticed the same trend.

Keep people in perpetual fear.

WW3, economy, Covid. What else are they going to come up with that seems real.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: litterbaux

The past 2 or 3 years, even the seeds that used to sprout fine, either don't do anything , or they grow sllllllllllow and stunted. something is up. In the air? Sunlight quality?

That was happening to me too for years but then I ordered non-GMO natural heirloom seeds from Amazon and they are sprouting nicely and look like they should as little sprouts.
edit on q00000040531America/Chicago5050America/Chicago5 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 10:03 PM
I have just received a solar-powered deep-well pump, battery, solar panel, charge controller and wiring. I have already done the 1" PVC pipe runs through the bush to our well. That's #1. We have Israeli M15 masks and TEDA filters. We have an ability to kill wild chickens, take conch, lobster, fish, whelk and other goodies from the sea. We are growing lots of fruits and vegetables. Open-pollinated seeds, and we've become decent at preserving the seeds from the crops. If it comes to that, I expect we will supply the area with water if they are unable to harvest their own. Okay with me. All gotta get along, y'know.

We have become super efficient. I hated throwing away anything that I knew contained nutrient.

I don't count on the finances. I think that in a SHTF situation, all of that is lost. It's just your personal training, mettle and systems that help you. If you have a partner, or a neighborhood group, family or a MAG, that's a benefit. Maybe a few people who understand and want to work with you. A person can improvise weapons if they live in an area that doesn't support free weaponational expression. Yes, that's a word. Hope to not need weapons. No harm in being prepared.

I don't see the world progressing in a manner which benefits the people or family unit. I would LOVE to be wrong about that. I think it's a good thing to plan for the worst, and then go ahead and live our lives to the fullest.

I once thought we might want to take a cruise on a small ship. Nope. Forget that. Don't even want to fly to get there.

I think governments have been sucessful in separating us all -- pitting us against each other and distracting us from the real game that is afoot. I hate that. The more we can personally connect, regardless of religion or birthplace or culture, the more we can collectively stand against those who threaten our lives.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 06:18 AM
Well I have other plans for when TSHTF but in keeping with the topic of this thread, I am also repairing items instead of replacing them. I know how to sew, embroider, patch, etc. I just reinforced my high quality luxurious bed comforter by stitching the border and stitched any rips...a stitch in time saves nine. I also have a rug (runner) that I paid a lot of money for, it's a cotton rag rug, not really made of rags, and it is so frail that each wash in the washing machine tatters it more. So I have a lot of yarn and wool from past days of being a craftsperson and patched and reinforced it with yarn and wool. I wonder if I can pass it off as a textile masterpiece in an art gallery? It certainly looks comparable to celebrated other artists' textile pieces.

Our washing machine rubber boot has a hole in it, so I have ordered Plumber's goop online and I will repair the hole instead of spending hundreds of dollars in replacement and technician fees. I am already devising other repair projects using this goop. In all honesty, we can afford to buy a new washer/dryer combo unit for thousands of dollars, but with the future economic situation being what it is, I think it wise to go this route for now.
edit on q00000026531America/Chicago2727America/Chicago5 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

edit on q00000030531America/Chicago2424America/Chicago5 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:24 AM
These are all non GMO heritage as well. And only a year or less old. Hmmm a reply to: quintessentone

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:27 AM
paying off excess debt, building a hydroponics rig so we can grow vegetables year round, getting out of the city (really a large town) so when it truly hits the fan my risk of two legged animals is lessened.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
These are all non GMO heritage as well. And only a year or less old. Hmmm a reply to: quintessentone

Hmm...must be your soil or they need more sun. Plants are finicky with location in my experience.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: 38181

At the recent Thomas Laubach Research Conference former Fed chairman Ben Berdanke quoted Mark Twain

“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. “ – Mark Twain

Ben also made a reference to Gaussian functions.
So maybe the higher the amplitude for the rate hikes, the shorter the duration for the pause at the painfull peak?
After the 2006 Fed rate hikes interest rates peaked above 5% they paused for a year at that level till the recession forced them to drop rates down to 0.
We might be happy little oysters if its a short light recession and pretty much over by 2025..

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