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Memories before you were born?

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posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 05:45 PM

Sry, english is not my native language.

I’ve been lurking here maybe 20 years or so but registered only recently. I’m really a sceptic but i enjoy reading all the mysterious stories of ufo’s etc. I mean i think it’s possible some stories are true but i mean it’s hard to make anything of those because lack of proper evidence.

Anyway i just wanted to ask if anyone has any memories before they were born?

I’ve always had this memory that i was somewhere and i was told to go back here, i argued that i don’t want to go back there but he said i have to go back.

I’ve never said anything about this to anyone except to my mother when i was 3-5 y old.

I know for a fact that i’m not adopted or anything and my parents were the best i could have hoped for.

I just don’t know, this memory is just so real but then again i’ve been wondering if it’s a fake memory or something i made when i was 3-5 yo. I mean if i have been wondering about where we came from and what happens when we die etc.

Does anyone else have anything like this?

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 06:00 PM
My daughter once told me when she was younger (she's now 34 years old) that she could remember before being born, watching her fingernails grow.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 06:13 PM
For as long as I can remember, every time I hear someone mention 'San Francisco' I get a funny feeling. I know I lived there in a previous life, I can see myself as a woman standing in front of a huge white house, with white columns in the front. I have long hair which is pulled up on top of my head, and I'm wearing a long white dress. I'm waving to a man who is going off to war in a horse and carriage.
When I was a kid, the first time I sat down at a piano I knew just where to put my hands and it all felt so familiar to me, very puzzling. And I get the same funny feeling mentioned above whenever I see or handle sheet music, especially from the 1920's.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: Revontuli

Anyway i just wanted to ask if anyone has any memories before they were born?

No, but I've had the strange feeling I've seen this all before already. Like I lived there. And it was a really weird time for it.

When I was in first grade a friend's parent asked me about Christmas. I was raised by lapsed Catholics who never bothered to tell me Christmas had a nativity. And we're shamed for it. And given an ultimatum that I couldn't return until I did.

So they took me to some walk-through Bethlehem nativity thing. And though I had never heard of any of it it was imprinted into me what everything meant. It was familiar and cool.

So I started to think Christianity was cool. And then went to their Lutheran Sunday school and was promptly made to start in Kindergarten. Friends parents even made a special request. The teacher told all the kids to pick on me for never learning about Jesus. I was just pissed they told me I couldn't be with my friends in the 1st grade room.

From that point on my interest was psychological. More how it makes people act. And that was sociological by high school. Enough to minor in religion. But at 6 I was supposed to be picked on for not being told about Jesus. Anger led to an anti-herd mentality from that point on. Even in elementary school.

Which leads me to me theory on why it was familiar (years and years later). It was so ingrained in my genetic memory it really was already there. Like a passed on belief or need to be drawn to it.

I didn't need to be told anything because I knew it all already. Still weird. Knew what was around every corner.
edit on 5-10-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: Revontuli

I’ve always had this memory that i was somewhere and i was told to go back here, i argued that i don’t want to go back there but he said i have to go back.

Yes, we are forced to reincarnate here against our will. This is why monks meditate in the Himalayas for decades. They are attempting to break the cycle.

I really love the fluffy idea that we choose to come here to ‘learn’. Yes, we do learn through hardship, but the earth school takes it to a whole new level.

Essentially, the very selfish and spiteful god YHWH (Jehovah) created this realm to enslave us all. Here’s the wacky part, we are all pieces of this nut job. Like smaller ships dropping down from a mother ship. So yes, we are the asshole himself. Insane isn’t it?

Just like the universe and the Big Bang - Expansion and contraction. Eventually, we merge back with the whole. Think ‘As above, so below’ and ‘Everything is a micro of a macro’. This part has always rubbed me the wrong way as it feels we have no personal identity. Maybe that’s the conundrum in the first place — the desire to have a separate identity….

I have some vivid memories of a colonial lifetime as well as civil war (unfortunately I was a confederate) and more. They call them ‘Bleed through’s.
edit on 5-10-2022 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 09:06 PM
My first memory was looking down at my shoes while walking with my caregiver.

We went to a shoe store, and it was very clean and quiet.

My caregiver placed me on a machine that emitted a green light and scanned my feet, and the terminal screen showed my footprint and shoe size and other relevant information that was sent to the backroom where the salesperson would pick out shoes in my size and selected style.

I was looking at the machine, fascinated and trying to understand how it worked when I heard an Elder Woman who was observing me comment to her counterpart, "I heard those machines cause cancer".

I immediately became enraged and part of my little childmind screamed out "LIAR!" and the Elder was taken aback.

Meanwhile, another part of me in a softer, more childlike way wondered silently "Why would they put me on a machine that caused cancer?"

The next thing I remember was walking out of the department store looking at my shoes but my caregiver was not holding my hand, and I was walking behind her trying to keep up.

Suddenly a large man with an authoritative voice grabbed my hand and ordered me to come with him.

I followed him obiediently and we got into a strange capsule like vehicle, with me sitting in the front and him sitting in the rear. The doors closed over us and we began travelling through a tunnel with rings of lights somewhere.

The next memory I had was waking up in a crib in a sunlit room and getting my bearings, wondering where I was.

Then my Mother came into the room and said "Good Morning, I see you're awake" and smiled at me with her soft blue eyes.

"I'm safe" I thought, and from that moment on I had imprinted on my Mother.

The caregiver in that other place I have no memory of ever seeing what she or the other adults looked like because I was always looking at my shoes.

That's all I remember.

edit on 10/5/22 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar, spelling

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: Revontuli

I have vivid memories of parts of past lives. I also didn’t want to come back, but ‘had to’ so I relate to that part of your story. I am sick of the wheel of karma and having to come back to this place, but I think we are supposed to consider being here an ‘opportunity’ to grow spiritually and not as a punishment.

I am sure one of my challenges this lifetime is to open my heart to divine love and adjust my attitude to be more grateful. Being human ain’t easy.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 11:11 AM
I have a memory of floating and everything around me being dark, this memory has been with me all of my life and I used to think about it now and again, I guess it kind of felt like I was floating in space and came to the conclusion that it was sort of proof that I was aware before being conceived and that there was life before this life, then one evening I was sat with my father-in-law as he was visiting with us, we had both drank a little bit too much, and he started telling me about this memory he had of being somewhere really dark and floating, I honestly was floored by hearing someone else say this, but then he told me he thought it was a memory of floating in the womb, which actually did make sense, how that is possible is beyond me, but it was quite a shock to hear someone have the same memory as I did.

posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 03:55 PM
My brother had a vivid memory when he was about 3 of ‘The Dying Room’ as he called it. The place where you waited to come back.

I remembered three things distinctly and these things bothered me enormously for years.

I recalled body parts in jars on shelves

I had a passionate hatred of smoking and smokers - irony now.

I remembered large breasts.

These things were with me from the start. They came in with me.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: Revontuli

An Interesting View here . I think you Might Enjoy it ...............)

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Revontuli
... I mean if i have been wondering about where we came from and what happens when we die etc.

What Happens When You Die | Ask God

QUESTION 1: How Did Life Begin? (The Origin of Life​—Five Questions Worth Asking)

The other questions discussed on the subsequent pages are:

Is Any Form of Life Really Simple?
Where Did the Instructions Come From?
Has All Life Descended From a Common Ancestor?
Is It Reasonable to Believe the Bible?

Next subject (but the answer to the question "What Happens When You Die?" is useful to know first):

Do You Believe That You Have Lived Before?


God’s answers can be easily identified when we allow the Bible to interpret itself. For example, at Genesis 3:19, we find God’s words to Adam after Adam and Eve disobeyed him. God said: “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” Adam was created from the dust. At death, he returned to the dust. That was God’s clear statement on the matter. So at death a person is not reborn as someone else but ceases to exist. * Just as heat and cold, dry and wet, light and dark are opposites, death is the opposite of life. The dead are really dead! Isn’t that simple and logical?

Recollections of past lives must therefore have other explanations. The workings of the human mind, including the subconscious, and the effects of medication or traumatic experiences are still not fully understood. Dreams and imagined events based on the colossal amount of information stored in the memory bank of the brain can be so vivid that they appear to be real. In some cases, wicked spirit forces create uncanny experiences that can make the unreal appear real.​—1 Samuel 28:7-19.


edit on 13-10-2022 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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