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The Anunnaki and the Matrix of Lies. The Missing Links.

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posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 12:37 PM
Recently I made a post of Face Book and a "individual" called me weak minded. Well, to be honest, I am. Not only am I genetically capped by my intellectual abilities, I am also influenced by all the dumbing down chemicals in our environment. Plus, the institutional lies that divert our abilities, keeping us from achieving so much more. But none the less, I persevere.

I have been a deep, very deep diving researcher since 1978. Always careful not to believe all the things I have been exposed to. I have kept my research as honest as humanly possible. I viewed the information in the light of evidence, and thankfully I did just that.

Recently a name has been applied to another species of mankind, Homo Capensis, who live among us, and are actually the "They Live" of the movie of the same name. I would suspect the vast majority of this species are, RH-. And again, this is not a indictment of the entire species or blood types. But only those who chose to follow the teachings of the Talmud and look down on Homo Sapiens. Their God (gods) of the old testament and pre flood, the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki take credit for the creation of mankind, this, is a half truth. They take credit for creating this world we live in. Again, a half truth. The god of the old testament is said to have given ruler-ship of this world to mankind, again, half truth. Ruer-ship was given to the blood descendants of the Anunnaki, the Homo Capensis, not, the Homo Sapiens. They created the false reality/ world we live in. To do this they created institutions to push a false narrative and to control narratives that would challenge them. They create and or infiltrate organizations/ institutions that would counter their false narrative.

The true missing link was discovered a long time ago, but it isn't what you have been lead to believe. Big Foot, reptilians? no, I'm afraid those are red herrings meant to distract. This isnt to say they are real or not, just, that they are not at the core of the issue. The real issue, is my weak mindedness, our, weak mindedness, and the opposite. Intelligence.

So, what life form gaps the intellectual inabilities between Homo Sapiens, and the Anunnaki? And in order to answer that, one must know the differences between the two. Homo Sapiens are land based mammalians who are made of two components, physical bodies that are enhanced by a soul. From research I strongly suspect the Anunnaki are a semi Aquatic species that have roughly 4 times the DNA we Homo Sapiens have. They are, water born, but able to live on dry land with some precautions. (Hand Bag?) As far as having a soul, well, if they do, it is not related to the souls of the Homo Sapiens, or any kinship to the spirit.

Commanding as much DNA as they do it would not surprise me that some of those attributes may contain the ability to, commonly called "Shape Shifting". And quite possible that their blood descendants may also carry this attribute, all depending on the purity of the DNA.

I understand how far outside your perception of reality this all lays, but as John Wayne said "I am responsible for what I say, I am not responsible for what you understand". The Anunnaki came from the destroyed water planet Tiamat some 70 million years ago, if, you can trust their dating methods. The waters were the gold to them, as it is their atmosphere, habitat. They started bringing the water here in massive dumps, destroying much of the life that was already present, humans, pre humans, dinosaurs, etc. There were at least 3 main dumps since that time. In shot, they were transforming the earth from a land based planet, to a water based planet, Terraforming, for their survival. They would have been just as happy if, the lands remained submerged, but, it didn't, and land based life forms continued to survive.

The great flood was their doing as admitted to by the god of the old testament, but, how and why, the real reasons, is not so obvious. We, were showing are true "Intellectual" abilities. We, were not as weak minded as they wanted us. We, were progressing. You cant have your spiritual adversary doing that, can you? The flood was a intellectual, information reset, for us.

Ahh, but what of the missing link? We humans have dogs, our spiritual companions. They too have their pets who reflect the origins of their species. Being a water born species it would be logical that their "Dog" be water born as well. And, of the same type of genetic make up.

Not all sea based life originated here. Prior to that 70 million year mark we can see what was here via skeletal remains, etc. Though, some life forms do not leave hard evidence of being here for a couple of reasons, 1. they were not here prior to that date. 2. their remains are not conducive to preservation. In the water that was dumped here included some of the water based life forms that were present on the other worlds they salvaged the water from. Some of their "Pets". Come on, if you moved, would you leave your dog behind?

Mechanically speaking it is quite possible to gather large amounts of water, and any life forms present in that water. You just need a big enough bucket, and the ability to use it. In this case, the evidence can be found in the beds of the oceans. Ask yourself, how does ocean life find itself in the middle of a desert? Whales in the Sahara? Not only can you suck up ocean water that contains ocean life, but when you release it, not only the water comes out, but sand and the life forms do, too. If you follow what NASA has said about a certain celestial body not far from our planet, then you already know what the "Bucket" looks like.

For the Anunnaki "Fido", look no further........

For those who wish to insult me or attack me I should let you know right up front, I am impervious to suck attacks. If you wish to debate what I have shared, good. I am quite willing to share the evidence. Otherwise, it is what it is.......

The imposters come in all shapes and colors........ The shape shifting masqueraders..... From the oceans to the land, religions, governments, families, races, its all there. Even researchers and specialists, intelligence communities.

Weak minded? No, just lied to from birth, to death.......

What say you, my beloved ATS....

edit on PMFridayFriday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago45212 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 01:35 PM
Uh I did not realize Octo could shape shift like that, that is freaky and cool to see.

I have just recently found myself fascinated with the area that is now our oceans. What or who was there prior to the water? Watching the first vid now (at 1.5x speed lol)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Ask yourself, how does ocean life find itself in the middle of a desert?

A great, cataclysmic deluge of the entire planet would do that, as proposed by Chan Thomas in his book 'The Adam And Eve Story'.

Octopi aren't the only highly intelligent no-human species. Dolphins and elephants quickly come to mind.

I found your theories to by quite interesting. Thanks for sharing!

edit on 500000011America/Chicago281 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: HawkeyeNation

What or who was there prior to the water?

That is tough to nail down because of all the disinformation circulating. But, physical evidence suggests there were land based life forms, Reptilian, Mammalian, and aquatic of a very large size. The atmosphere contained 35% oxygen. I suspect that is due to the majority of the surface to be covered with oxygen producing, trees. The earth had 3 large bodies of water, one off the north east coast of the present U.S. This body of water actually split down the middle when the added water weight was applied and is separated by the mid Atlantic rift. The second was off the coast of Japan, give or take. The Third, is the Mediterranean Sea. This information is gleaned from the ages of the ocean beds. Our Oceans are generally no older than 70 million years, and again, if, you can count on the ages being correct. Of late there has been some funny business on those age charts where groups of ages are being merged giving a false impression they are older than they really are.

There have been discoveries that go back far earlier that suggest there was a intelligent society that lived here, that predate the addition of all the water.

After the water was being added the oxygen content started to take a nose dive, as would be expected if global flooding was occurring. After the first dump the oxygen content tried to go back up after some time, but after two major spikes of going down it could only get back to where you see it today, 16-21%. Tree's can not produce oxygen, if they are under water.

As time passed the weight of the added water forced itself into deepening beds. There is also a theory of expanding earth that would also allow the dry land to reappear. In short, water seeks its own level and pushes down towards the center of gravity. It is enough to push, squeeze, the land mass out of its way, in essence, expanding the crust.

What was here before? Possibly, the lost garden of paradise.....

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Interesting hypothesis. Never heard of water being brought here, which also caused the great deluge. Actually makes a lot of sense.

I’ve always wondered what the ‘firmaments’ above earth were, that the Old Testament speaks of.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Ask yourself, how does ocean life find itself in the middle of a desert?

A great, cataclysmic deluge of the entire planet would do that, as proposed by Chan Thomas in his book 'The Adam And Eve Story'.

Octopi aren't the only highly intelligent no-human species. Dolphins and elephants quickly come to mind.

I found your theories to by quite interesting. Thanks for sharing!

As I'm trying to share, I believe there were at least 3 additions, floods, of water that occurred. Each one would have destroyed large amounts of life. Yes, for millions of years the earth would have been covered in water allowing water based life to be found in odd mountain top locations. The earth would have reacted as the waters receded from each addition and life continued, but on a larger planet with more water.

The "Great Flood" event was not part of the original addition. It was something different, and targeted, and the most recent. If you have the capability of drawing up water off the surface of a planet, and then redepositing it on another, you can target where and how to add or deposit the water, in a controlled manner. But if your bucket is empty, you need to refill it, and that is what was done, before all the records were destroyed. The evidence speaks.

On the bottom of the ocean there are "Marks" that tell the story. I wont get into all that here, but you will note that there are marks that look like grid lines on the ocean beds. Odd and appearing to be disorganized. Im not going to post photos, just a single position 8°22'5.11"S 107°57'36.79"W

It suggest to me, someone or thing was mining something, using a rather large vacuum cleaner, with a long pipe (or as Enki called it, a Proboscis) Water, aquatic life forms and sand, ocean sand would have been sucked up, and possibly deposited in a strategic location, to, conceal what was there. The Sahara desert is covered with ocean sand, and "Structures" being discovered, under that sand.....

Something a Chameleon, octopus might do? Masters of deception, they are...

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

When new data is rejected destroyed ignored and denied that is weak minded.
I've always known there is a history for the oppressed. And a more true history
for the privy. it's easily seen if we pay attention that there is an intelligence
on this Earth that is not only far superior to mans. But also the source of great
wickedness do to a lack of empathy.

They lack empathy and they are known as the wicked by God. And yes all
the true history is inclusive of God and the devils bargain that put us at their
mercy. I've just been able to see it for a long time. Everything that is
happening now has to happen. I can see them growing more nervous everyday.
and the reason is right there in scripture.

Because the devils time is growing short. So they are coming out of the
woodwork now. Those skulls wont mean anything when the time is right
they wont matter anymore. Their time is almost up and they know it.

edit on 11-2-2022 by Randyvine2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 03:59 PM
Jesus goes into detail about this race in the Apocryphon of John:

"The Chief Archon (Satan) and his powers plotted a strategy,
To send his demons to human daughters
And make themselves children by them to enjoy.

They filled the women with that spirit of darkness and wickedness.

They brought into being
Gold and silver,
Money and coins,
Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.

And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
And were greatly misled.
And grew old
Experiencing no pleasure,
And died
Finding no truth,
Never knowing the true God.

This is the way that they enslaved all of creation
From the foundation of the world until now.

They took some women and produced children out of darkness
And they closed their hearts
And they hardened themselves
in the hardness of their artificial spirit
Until the present day."

edit on 11-2-2022 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 04:48 PM
The biggest problem for your theory, is one would have to believe the interpretations of the great Zecharia Sitchin. I found it fascinating at first. Then I learned better in my own research. Though this stuff is always exciting to me, I have learned to look for the alternative to claims. It's a lot less disappointing. And I can still enjoy the fiction it actually is.

posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: vance
The biggest lie is the one being parroted in the OP, that the Anunnaki existed at all.


posted on Feb, 11 2022 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: vance
The biggest problem for your theory, is one would have to believe the interpretations of the great Zecharia Sitchin. I found it fascinating at first. Then I learned better in my own research. Though this stuff is always exciting to me, I have learned to look for the alternative to claims. It's a lot less disappointing. And I can still enjoy the fiction it actually is.

Yes, i believe Zech, was a Homo Capensis. And yes he was a member of one of their secret societies of control. And yes, his works were full of disinformation. But, just as true he revealed small bits of truth, for you have to do that to get the disinformation believable. The physical evidence exposes the truths.

My work is not based in Zech's work. I only picked out the pearls of truth. Some of that was confirmed at the Richat Structure. I have no doubts it is the fabled Ringed city of Atlantis, not because I believe everything Plato shared, but because of the buried structures now seeing the light of day for the first time in thousands of years. It is, the evidence that supports Plato. The destruction of the city and the manner of it suggests a localized deluge, that had lots of sand in it.

In the "Lost Book of Enki" he says he's going to tell us the truth, and, the secrets of heaven and earth would not be shared with mankind. Probably the most honest thing shared in the work. Again, only picking out the pearls of truth, as evidenced. He admitted to "Raping" slave women he found attractive and they bore children he protected. But then they all did. Obviously something did take place,as we have the Homo Capensis and RH- blood. Remember, science has no answers as to "where they come from". It too was well crafted disinformation. You just have to strip the truths out.

You do not have to believe his interpretations, only be discriminating. Even the best fictional story contains truths......

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 06:23 AM
I love these kind of posts, thanks for sharing.

From what I've heard man was not just dumbed down intellectually but his life span was shortened as well. For example, it's been said that Noah lived for 1,000 years. (Disclaimer, I have no proof or links to provide. This is just info I've heard and read over the years).

The great flood is what's interesting. It's been mentioned in many ancient religions and cultures. In the old testament Noah was warned by God that it was coming. I was also told that it was Allah who actually rescued Noah. Who knows if any of this is true but it appears that some of those ancient beings were benevolent.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 08:24 AM
You might want to scratch that Richat structure as Atlantis once you hear what Randall Carlson has to say about it. When it was under water that time would have been millions of years ago according to geologists. Richat is the remains of a very large volcanic area that pushed up the land and has since been degraded by millions of years of erosion. I was very excited the first time I saw it but after seeing the evidence Atlantis looks far more likely to be part of the mid-Atlantic ridge.

As for the OP you have a very interesting take. I do believe homo capensis was a distinct species, one held in high regard by homo sapiens in certain areas. I also found your octopus Fido theory fascinating as they do seem to possess great intelligence as well as physical abilities that are borderline magical. Thought provoking indeed.
edit on 12-2-2022 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 08:50 AM
There are no recorded societies that lived in that area prior to the African Humid Period. There are remains, of mud buildings in the area, with many, apparently quite old structures/ ruins. There is a abandon, apparently ancient, well defined road network in the area. There are buried structures, IN, the Richat.

I do not make my mind up on, what others have to say, though I do consider it. The evidence dictates my beliefs. If you are interested in looking at the evidence I would be more than happy to provide the locations.

I spent 2 years going over the area, inch by inch using satellite imaging. I will give you one to consider. There are quite a few, that follow the radius of the ring. As I said, they are now seeing the light of day. I have a list of over 200 sites scattered around the area. 21° 7'22.76"N 11°16'41.14"W You may want to view this evidenced, before google smudges it out...

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Randyvine2

I can see them growing more nervous everyday.
and the reason is right there in scripture. Because the devils time is growing short. So they are coming out of the
woodwork now. Those skulls wont mean anything when the time is right
they wont matter anymore. Their time is almost up and they know it.
In the shortest terms possible, "The Jig Is Up".

Yes, I suspect they understood thousands of years ago that the true nature of mankind would manifest into the material world. Deep inside they wish for it to end, but you wont find them admitting it. In fact, secretly, they pray for the end to their own torment and torture by the subject. Yes, not knowing how the end will meet you can drive a individual to insanity. Especially when you thought you had hidden yourself sufficiently to protect yourself from that day. Judgment Day.

The god of the old testament made a very powerful statement that now, I suppose, he wishes he hand not. These ancient gods use sub defuse, dishonesty, covertness, to conceal their true identity, and, most importantly, their location. For they believed rightfully so, Judgment Day could not take place, as long as they remained concealed. They could continue to plague mankind with red herrings, misdirection's, fabricated enemies, to keep us and the divine spirit occupied. They themselves, told us where to look.

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
3 'You shall have no other gods before me.
4 'You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments

Not only did he admit there were "other" gods, but where one might find them. The Heavens=Moon Earth Beneath=Deep underground communities. Waters Below=Deep water habitats.

Of these, the most protected, inaccessible would be the deep waters off the coast of Japan. Let Judgment Day, commence. And pray that our Divine Creator God, have mercy on all of our souls....

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Not only did he admit there were "other" gods, but where one might find them.

The admission God makes of "other gods" is little g.

God with a capital G should never be used in the plural.
Because he alone gives the word God definition. The only other gods The Creator
would reference are those man made or the wicked who forced men to worship them
as gods. But there never has been nor will there ever be more than one God. And that
makes perfect sense really.

I enjoy threads like this.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The true missing link was discovered a long time ago, but it isn't what you have been lead to believe. Big Foot, reptilians? no, I'm afraid those are red herrings meant to distract.

Like you I don't give a hoot what people think of my thoughts on subjects. I too think the Richat is most likely Atlantis, but I disagree that Bigfoot is a red herring. Actually I think the Sasquatch is the answer we are not suppose to know. I've been ridiculed for suggesting Bigfoot is our parent species, the animal that was taken from Earth to create the labor class you see today. They are the "clay vessel" humans are formed from in the "Lost Book of Enki", something from Earth itself, just made weaker and more vulnerable to certain climates (at first keeping humans in niche environments for control), but smart enough to accomplish tasks given to them.
Why is there no "evidence" they exist in the mainstream today? Well there is plenty of evidence, just no academic is allowed to take it serious. Who has the power, control and need to keep Sasquatch quite for thousands of years? In comes the Church, specifically the Roman Catholic Church.

You always hear the description of a Sasquatch as "it looked human", well I say we probably look like them instead.

edit on 12-2-2022 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 01:40 PM
Interesting theory you have there. I listen to a lot of Bigfoot stories on YouTube because I don't like to read. It's one of the better fiction stories, just behind alien invasion stories - great fun. But before you go on to describing them, as one thing or the other, let's confirm they exist first. I've heard thousands of stories, but that is all that I take them for - for now. Heck there's so many stories explaining what Bigfoot is, it's too easy to make a story up yourself.

a reply to: TheLieWeLive

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The true missing link was discovered a long time ago, but it isn't what you have been lead to believe. Big Foot, reptilians? no, I'm afraid those are red herrings meant to distract.

Like you I don't give a hoot what people think of my thoughts on subjects. I too think the Richat is most likely Atlantis, but I disagree that Bigfoot is a red herring. Actually I think the Sasquatch is the answer we are not suppose to know. I've been ridiculed for suggesting Bigfoot is our parent species, the animal that was taken from Earth to create the labor class you see today. They are the "clay vessel" humans are formed from in the "Lost Book of Enki", something from Earth itself, just made weaker and more vulnerable to certain climates (at first keeping humans in niche environments for control), but smart enough to accomplish tasks given to them.
Why is there no "evidence" they exist in the mainstream today? Well there is plenty of evidence, just no academic is allowed to take it serious. Who has the power, control and need to keep Sasquatch quite for thousands of years? In comes the Church, specifically the Roman Catholic Church.

You always hear the description of a Sasquatch as "it looked human", well I say we probably look like them instead.

The "Lost Book of Enki" is fiction.
Even says so in the preface.


posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Interesting to read, thanks.

" Weak-minded " is not only just a label : it's ' their ' label.

Perhaps ' different-minded ' would be more appropriate ?

Many of us do not feel like we fit into this society, as everything and all seem to be wrong, according to our instincts and guts.

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