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Are The Freemasons The Team To Be On?

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Freemasonry seems to be a society (or societies) within a society - the outer masons knowing nothing about the inner Lucifarian society - which they will deny even exists.

Both the KGB and the Jesuits are structured the same way and more than likely the CIA as well.

To be honest, thats what I was thinking because theres no way that outer working would ever be so large if it were connected to the nucleus of the organization.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by LAZers
To be honest, thats what I was thinking because theres no way that outer working would ever be so large if it were connected to the nucleus of the organization.
Your mistake is in imagining the "outer workings" are larger than they really are...

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by LAZers
Then who is running this operation, your "grandmaster" or "council"? What is your structure? I dont mean any disrespect like I said. Just certain things I believe to be true turn me against your organization. So I am just curious as how your, lets say, foundation is built.
Democratic election.

The members of a lodge elect the leader of their own lodge for a one year term.

Representatives of all the lodges in a state (the currently sitting leader, and in some states, all past leaders) can go to an anual Grand Lodge meeting where state-wide rules are voted on, and where the state leader is elected, also for a one year term. In my state more than 3000 people attend that meeting, it's not some shadowy, back-office dealing.

There is no higher Masonic authority than the state level, and each state's Grand Lodge is fully autonomous from any other state, so there are no puppet masters.

I personally know 3 or 4 past Grand Masters from my state, and during their year in office they oversaw the dealings of almost 100,000 Masons in my state. And when their year was up, they went back to their regular, home lodge. After serving their term, they might get a bit more respect—get to wear a fancier apron or lapel pin—but they're regular guys, like they were before they were elected.
edit on 2012.3.6 by JoshNorton because: (no reason given)

100,000 masons in the outerworking representing one state alone, thats a pretty vast number, no?

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by LAZers

and it seems kind of crazy that men who spend their life worshiping God the creator, would one day, just switch teams so they could go to an even more secret meeting.

Most lodges are busy enough doing their own thing, that only a small percentage of them are involved at the grand lodge level. But Josh is exactly correct, each state is separate from each other. There is no governing body of the whole group.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by LAZers
100,000 masons in the outerworking representing one state alone, thats a pretty vast number, no?
No. That's 1000 lodges with 100 members each. In a state with a population of 25 million. The state is divided up into districts, and there are District Deputy Grand Masters who oversee, say, 5 lodges in their area. So really you've got 100,000 members working under the direction of 1,000 Worshipful Masters of their lodges, and those 1,000 Worshipful Masters may report directly to 200 District Deputy Grand Masters, and those 200 DDGMs report to the Grand Master. And he doesn't report to anyone above him.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Ugh. The structure, hierarchy, legislative processes, electoral processes, and management styles have been thoroughly explained. There is no secret inner society. That is just absurd poppycock.

reply to post by LAZers

A vast amount of members doesn't negate how our legislative and electoral systems work. Plus, the Grand Master isn't by himself. He has a Grand Secretary (with a staff often times) as well as District Reps who have various duties, depending on the jurisdiction.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by LAZers

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Freemasonry seems to be a society (or societies) within a society - the outer masons knowing nothing about the inner Lucifarian society - which they will deny even exists.

Both the KGB and the Jesuits are structured the same way and more than likely the CIA as well.

To be honest, thats what I was thinking because theres no way that outer working would ever be so large if it were connected to the nucleus of the organization.

I think there is some truth about "lucifarianism" in a sense. All religious books are filled with symbolism so I take it as being your own god, using your own logic and judging wisely according to you. (generalizing) I feel like the 51% still rules out the 49%, considering if they're were 100 individual votes. Freemasonry claims to make good men better and who doesnt want to be better, but ultimately who decides one's fate? That individual! Surely it would be wrong to discredit a whole entire organization but once again, ARE THE FREEMASONS THE TEAM TO BE ON? Im not looking for just social entertainment. I'm lookin for a goddamn team, a team of individuals who will to live and will to do good for all, not just for the team.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by EddieBee

I can honestly say that ATS is the only place I have ever had conversations about Luciferian in the religious sense. It sure isn't taught in masonry. I have read about it (on this site) with regards to Pike's writings, but once you read them in context, you see he was mocking the conspiritards who babel about the Lucifer thing. He was quite cleaver with that.

But in regards to your question of the team. Freemasonry is a place where the individual is given instruction on how to improve his self, and in doing that, charity is taught and practiced. Most of it is geared towards kids. Shriners hospitals, Rite care for kids, that kind of stuff. So yea, it does help everyone. In the sense that children are the future and helping them is rewarding on so many levels. But when it comes down to it, that is all it is. I haven't seen the secret meetings to organize tea parties and fix this screwed up government (although I would applaud the hell out of that idea), it's a social group that teaches and practices morality on a spiritual level. If that is not what you are looking for, then you might be a bit disappointed. There are no great revelations that happen, no magical powers, and nothing that has been kept secret, once revealed, will change the world.

It did help me and continues to do so.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by network dude

I feel like you're either being too naive or too modest. Which is it? ha

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by EddieBee
I feel like you're either being too naive or too modest. Which is it? ha

You recently asked us how to join. Why do you not find out for yourself if he is being naive or modest?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by EddieBee

There is unlimited information available about all sorts of things. Masonry has it's limitations on what it teaches. I feel like the description I gave is pretty accurate. I'd like to think I am not stupid, but then again, if I was, I wouldn't be smart enough to know that I wasn't. (kind of a catch 22) Modesty is possible, but I just don't see it that way. If you have any interest at all, and what we have described doesn't bore you to death, I'd say, give it a shot. If you don't like it, no harm, no foul. But that's just my advice. It's free and you get what you pay for.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:02 PM


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:07 PM
"Are The Freemasons The TeamTo Be On?"

It isdefined solely on the "Will Of The House Of Your Fathers!"
Holy Trinity:
1) The Father! (And His Armies!)
2) The Son! (That Would Be You! Rightful Heir...)
3) The Holy Spirit! (That Would Be Your National Flag!)

So... You can conclude that if there is in fact no agenda pertaining to Freemason that negates you then you have found a Friend in the world at large... Join upp!

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 10:10 PM
If you believe in God. If you believe in freedom of worship. If you believe in freedom from tyranny, and the right for people to determine their own future and livelyhoods. If you believe in supporting the cause of true knowledge and discovery of new knowledge free of taint of dogma and political oppression, and lies. If you believe in protecting those who have completely different views then yourself so long as they also believe in the previously stated, because by doing so you ally yourself with those who also fight the tyrants...then yes it is the team to be on.....

That said truth be told the team is not really playing in the game currently, and is not really involved in an active manner, if you would join a "team" or "group" that is more active in these persuits you'll have to add other newer groups to your prospects. Freemasonry cherishes the above values and charity to all our fellow brotherhood of mankind....but it is not an active group in this sense, except in teaching the values and is more of a commemorative group today, but some still active in the fight against tyrants....still have Masons have already gone through a few collanders and have weeded out many who oppose such free ideals.

Likewise the Illuminati as in the name and group, are dead....but the attributes given them in this forum and in conspiracy theories live on in other organizations by different names....the Illuminati as such may cease to exist in name but they live on under new organizations and names...if popular culture wants to label them "Illuminati" that's best for them...because they no longer use the name, and while people organise against that default group, it frees them to do as they will......but that group was at odds with Freemasonry from it's was an agent of tyranny fighting masonry from the inside of the tyrants world before it also was betrayed by the tyrants of that long ago sought vengence against it's master.

Masonry and the illuminati shared a common enemy, and both groups were betrayed by tyrants...but the Masonic ideal was to battle such tyranny with truth, charity, and love...I.e. to oppose it by living in opposite morality of the greedy and selfish despots....Where as the illuminati sought to become the monster they opposed....and the groups that bear their ideals now likewise have become that monster..... Freemasonry has never EVER EVER beleive in the ends justify the means...because we seek a reward beyond this life...where as the Illuminati were atheists...they only seek rewards in this world...and they became, and their sired organizations that came after are the very embodiment of the tyranny they once opposed.

Neat lil "teams" exist in history it's a bit more fluid and dynamic... you have to follow the ideals and not the names...names change.
edit on 22/3/2012 by ForkandSpoon because: grammer

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 10:46 PM
I am not one, but I've seen how people are affected by their meetings. If you watch the youtube video "The man that killed 2 alien grays" that fellow has in that or another video how alien grey giants (2 or more) were overlooking a massive air force 'higher ups' meeting underground.
Remember , the grays are descendants of Satan, children born in heaven without conscience but incredible powers of the mind, powers of persuasion.

In the light of the night, man still grows, but worshipers of the sun god, pagans, rooted in early catholic church, they amuse themselves still in this 'sun god' idealism, saying also that "Satan is light".
Well there to me is only one true light, neither not nor cold, and it is not of the sun. It permeates our infinite universe. There is only one historical figure who has said "I am the truth, the light, the way."

So there is my opinion, my logical deduction. I'm certain this argument could go on to infinity, but even Satan's children will agree, ultimately everyone needs to make a choice between the light and the dark. There are no shades of gray. Only one choice will give you everlasting life, only one choice heals the soul best.

Now that said; I cannot say for certain if there is a battle going on within the secret society or not, evidently there seems to be. Note George Bush Sr.'s reaction when someone gives him a gun as a present , if you can find the video. I think this was around the time the masons decided to put Obama into office. This is where the real election takes place, long before the actual one, they will make the outcome. Mr.B. puts the gun to his head and wishes to kill himself after learning the outcome from that meeting taken place shortly before.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:42 PM

logical is it?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:00 AM
There are only 2 beliefs. Those who believe they can save themselves and those who believe they need a saviour. All of the religions of the world basically tell you there's something you need to do to save yourself. But the message of Christianity is unique in this that it proclaims to men and women a saviour.

-- How to know the truth about ANY RELIGIOUS SYSTEM or cult:
1. Jesus is God with us, He is God in the flesh. And the only way of salvation is through Jesus and Jesus alone which provides for our complete salvation.
2. The Bible and the Bible alone is the authorative, final, and infalliable word of the living God to His people.
3. Salvation is by God's grace alone. It is not found in any work or in any addition to Jesus or by belonging in a particular name brand group.

Although Freemasons don't claim their belief to be a religion, but they certainly have straight forward religious teachings, therefore they too must be measured in light of God's work.

1. What do Masons say about Jesus? - They say He is one of many ways of salvation. Jesus' name is not allowed to be spoken is most Masonic Lodges.
2. What do the Masons say about the Bible? - They say the Bible is one of three lights of masonry. It is only a part of the "universal word of God".
3. What do the Masons say about salvation? - If you've been to a masonic funeral, you know they proclaim that a man enters Heaven by being a good and faithful Mason.

All three fundamentals, the Masonic Lodge fails. It is part of a works-based salvation, just like every religion out there except Bible Christianity.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:50 AM

1. What do Masons say about Jesus? - They say He is one of many ways of salvation. Jesus' name is not allowed to be spoken is most Masonic Lodges.

I am a Christian and a mason so I say he is THE path to Salvation, as a true follower of Christ and a Mason I also say I will love all of God's Children and my neighbor even if they do not accept this truth, and hope they will by my example learn to see Christs truth. As a Mason I say that you can not FORCE people to beleive the truth, and in fact when you try to, you drive them away from it, and for this reason I would protect anyones right to worship according to their beleiefs, just as I wish them to allow me to worship according to mine. In order for me to be protected in worshiping Christ I must protect others right to worship as they will even if I disagree...Masons do not have a set path for salvation, we do have a set path for living in peace with people of various faiths in THIS world, for the purpose of a kinder world, this is in perfect agreement with my values as a Christian.

Lastly in my lodge as all our members are Christian we do end our Prayers in lodge usually with "In Christs name" that is the custom for us in our area....if a Mason came into our group who was Jewish and felt uncomfortable we might not because it would cause him discomfort..and again while we beleive Christ to be our savior, we do not think we can FORCE him to our point of view, rather we hope to simply live by example....prayers are ended as is the custom of that local, there is NO rule against mentioning Jesus in the lodge and given our local population he's CONSTANTLY mentioned as most Masons tend to be devout members of their chosen faith.

2. What do the Masons say about the Bible? - They say the Bible is one of three lights of masonry. It is only a part of the "universal word of God".

We say the Bible is the greatest "inspired" word of God, as such it is given high reverence and is ALWAYS on the alter at the lodge......we treat it with absolute reverence as that source of knowledge from which ALL masonic ritual is derived. "Lights" in masonry are understood as sources of knowledge often.....I will assume you would admit there are sources of knowledge important to mankind outside the bible....for instance it's hard to learn Algebra or how to travel to a destination in the U.S. without consulting a source outside of the far as part of the Universal word of God...that's not stated in masonry anywhere to my knowledge...but as a Christian I would concur...Jesus was the word...the Bible is scripture about Jesus...but he's the LIVING Word not the say the Bible is the word without him is in my mind a Pagan theological error and has been viewed so by most denominations in history.

3. What do the Masons say about salvation? - If you've been to a masonic funeral, you know they proclaim that a man enters Heaven by being a good and faithful Mason.

Again you're misleading and twisting words. We beleive that a man living in virtue and in accordance to God's will may very well get to heaven, and through his virtue be judged fairly by God....if you would open up your Bible and read Jesus's own teachings particularly about the Good Samaritan you will find that he taught the same, that your paganized form of modernist Fundementalist theology has put aside Jesus's own teaching clearly stated throught the ages in the Bible is not Masonry's fault or the larger Church body from whom you deviate. I would remind you of verse Mathew 7:21 to 23....consider the key this I think may strongly apply to those fundementalist who claim to follow Christ yet ignore theses verses and spread such hate and bigotry at odds with the actual teachings in the Bible. Thump it less, and read it more.....if you would reach God's Kingdom my brother.

All three fundamentals, the Masonic Lodge fails. It is part of a works-based salvation, just like every religion out there except Bible Christianity.

"Bible Christianity".....that is a term no follower of Jesus would have been familiar with when he taught, as the collections of books and writing did not exist in it's current form for hundreds of years.....the modern fundementalist seems to think these poor Christians were bound for hell being unaware of this future labor of man........yet the earlier Christian view was to actually follow CHRIST!...and his message to Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. They lived in meekness, showed charity and love...and being as they actually were there for his teachings and heard his apostles I think they may be on to something, and on better theological ground then the modern Fundimentalist that thumps the bible then ignores Christs messages and adds to his law like the Pharisee who persecuted him. Look to thine own eye....

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 04:03 PM
I like to explain the unwanted influence of the freemasons by breaking it down into two parts. One psychological methodology and two energy or mojo. when talking to other people its best to focus on the first one. The one based upon science and cause and effect relationships. Using fear, stress and constant witch trials to make you doubt your own decision making abilitiy and adopt what they tell you as your own inner voice is the whole point of the game. The death and rebirth bull#. If you disregard how they are doing what they are doing and focus on the end psychological effect it has on you it becomes easier to study and recognize their tricks. If you recognize them as they occur they dont cause the same effect as they would if you did not recognize them. Any more specialized advice I would give you would depend upon how deep in you are with them. If your involved with them its not going to go away nobody ever leaves the freemasons. The frequency and intensity of your involvment with them can vary but its for life. There are things that you can do to limit their unwanted and undue influence, I encourage you to not give up educating yourself on how to deal with them more effectivley. what can you tell me about the history of your involvment with them. At this point I dont know if your a real person and not a bot or that you are actually in opposition to the freemasons. you could just be collecting information or trying to convince me that im wrong. That rapper payday monsanto is actually a freemason who pretends to be aginst them and engadges people in conversation about them to gas them and convice them they are stupid for not going along with freemasonry. It would be awsome to find some people who are sincerly aginst freemasonry. tell me your story dude let me know your for real.

edit on 17-11-2022 by bullshiz555 because: typo

edit on 17-11-2022 by bullshiz555 because: typo

edit on 17-11-2022 by bullshiz555 because: typo

posted on Nov, 20 2022 @ 07:19 PM
8 things cults like the freemasons do pasted straight from wikipedia

Milieu Control. This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment and, ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation from society at large.

Mystical Manipulation. The manipulation of experiences that appears spontaneous but is, in fact, planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders to demonstrate divine authority, spiritual advancement, or some exceptional talent or insight that sets the leader and/or group apart from humanity, and that allows a reinterpretation of historical events, scripture, and other experiences. Coincidences and happenstance oddities are interpreted as omens or prophecies.

Demand for Purity. The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.

Confession. Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members' "sins," "attitudes," and "faults" are discussed and exploited by the leaders.
Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism.

Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking.

Doctrine over person. Members' personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or reinterpreted to fit the ideology of the group.

Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.

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