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Former Army Drill SGT.Enjoying the site.

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posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Just ignore that poster whom I place in qoute here. Your loyalty is NOT to some fictaceous Authoritarian Control whom had dumb down humanity for years

Says the guy with no security clearance.
Really, stop trying to cajole this guy into getting his grandpa to break a contract with his country.

posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Guidance.Is.Internal

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
Just ignore that poster whom I place in qoute here. Your loyalty is NOT to some fictaceous Authoritarian Control whom had dumb down humanity for years

Says the guy with no security clearance.
Really, stop trying to cajole this guy into getting his grandpa to break a contract with his country.

that's not what he said. and its was the thread authors suggestion to try talking with his grandfather further. don't misconstrue others words so that you appear closer to the shoes....


[edit on 6/7/10 by B.Morrison]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 12:03 AM
Welcome to ATS 8yrARMYvet. Just remember to have thick skin in here. There are a lot of skeptics and debunkers in here who like to criticize peoples posts. Just remember that a lot of posts are opinionated and most can't be backed up with proof.

I am also a vet with almost 19 years of service completed as I am approaching my 20 year mark to retire from the USAF. The military has changed a lot and I have seen and heard a lot being assinged out here in the Nevada desert.

I see people talk about the underground FEMA camp out north of the Nellis AFB, the stories behind the Yucca Mountain cover story to include Dreamland. Most what I see people to know about Area 51 is the many squadrons up there that are operating Russian equipment, aircraft and other tools to help better train our pilots to face adversarry forces. The interesting stuff is up at Tonopah, Area 52, S-4 and a few other sites. Ther surface activity at Groom Lake is nothing more than for show. It's the subterranean levels that has gotten peoples intrest to include DUCLE.

Most of the dirt roads out north are now blocked off to help keep traffic and prying eyes away from these locations. You will see a lot more squadron decals from groom lake popping up on workers vehicles who fly in and out of JANET airlineslocated at South McCarren Airport. More and more people are aware of secret operations that arte going on at numerous military installations.

As for a Secret clearance....don't mean too much now a days. It's just another way to help people keep tight lip about Military Operations.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:05 AM
Welcome to ATS. Thank you for your service! It is good to know that even our military service people are still questioning what they are told everyday. Welcome. Please make yourself at home.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by 8yrARMYvet

i HAVE NO TROUBLE AT ALL believing your narrative.

Please U2U me when you begin to share substantive stuff from your grandfather. Have studied the topic since 1962.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:36 AM
Welcome and I can't wait for your share what your Grandfather knows.

I spoke to Marine many years ago who took part in the Gulf War. He stated that when him and his buddies were rolling through the desert towards the Iraqi military that they saw these incredibly fast aircraft swooping in and firing what appeared to be beams of light at various tanks, trucks, fortifications, etc and they would explode. When they finally got to them it would just be burning with bodies everywhere. He said it was faster than any aircraft or UAV he had ever experienced. It would fly from point to point nearly instantly and cleared out dozens of enemy points in a matter of minutes.

I am curious if you had heard of anything like that?

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 10:20 AM
Hello, I am a brand new tanker stationed at Baumholder, Germany. I am from the very last D 2-18 cycle at Ft. Knox, since they are moving the armor school to Benning. I have had a lot of odd experiences in what you could call "paranormal". Some of the guys that went through OSU with me never got a SECRET clearance, but I hav one for whatever reason. I never remembered filling out any paperwork or going for any kind of interview like a bunch of people had to that went through MEPS with me. Just the starting few weeks of my OSUT were very strange. I was made PG within the first week and remained so until the second week of gold phase when one of the Drill Sergeants fired me.( I know that being PG really doesn't mean anything) The senior Drill Sergeant of out platoon reamed him out for it too, I could hear them go back and forth for a while in their office.

One such experience that I can't explain for the life of me is when I was eating lunch chow, I could hear from the DS table Varga this and Varga that. I looked up and towards their table and every one of them was staring at me, and then they all looked down at their plates. I found it beyond strange. If anyone would like any details of my experiences I would be happy to talk! I meditate every night, and have been able to induce OBE's regularly. My roommate thinks i'm wierd but I don't really care. But to all of the vets on here thank you for your service.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 11:04 AM
hey minenotyours. Thanks for the input on the bases. I personally dont think its far fetched at all to have a base such as dulce. I mean look at cloning and some of the other controversial subjects that are in the open. Of course anything else will be done in secret. And yes a Secret clearance doesnt mean jack. Except clears you to work flight line and other restricted areas like munitions housing.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Thank you Sir for your Service. Right off the bat ill have to recommend Bill Cooper to you. It may not be what you want to find out but it may very well be true that the Papers your Grandfather saw pertaining to UFO activity or EB's was disinformation intentionally shown to him and about every other former Military official or Intelligence employee who saw such papers, specifically designed to promote the idea of an alien presence and divert Thousands of eager investigative reporters from looking into the plan for One World Government and the Hijacking of the Executive Branch by the Intelligence Community, ie. CFR,Trilaterals, Bilderberg, ect. If your familiar with MJ-12, a report leaked in the 80s by Bill Cooper, you may recognize the 2 Study Directors listed in the members. Zbiginew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger. Supposedly MJ-12 was formed to assess the "Alien Threat". After years of follow up research, Bill Cooper concluded that it was a hoax and was leaked to cover up the secret societies and thier goal of One World Government. Id recommend the book, Behold a Pale Horse and The Hour of the Time Radio Broadcasts. Both by Bill Cooper. He is the only researcher ive found who can trace it all back to "The Brotherhood." He stated 15 years ago that there was a plan for a one world Socialist totalitarian Government and that Patriots of the USA were its only threat. He believed that and so do I. Have a listen to the broadcast entitled Alien Agenda. If it intrigues you then listen to the Mystery Babylon Series for the best explanation of secret societies thier beliefs ever revealed to the Profane.
I admire your searching for truth and will leave you with my favorite quote for all researchers. "Listen to everyone, Read everything, Believe Nothing unless you can prove it through YOUR OWN research."

Farewell Sir and again Thank You!

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 09:00 AM
oh yes i actually sat with my grandfather last night and watched a video one of coopers older ones from 85. I just feel the level of detail he has would be hard to make up all that information. My grandpa feels he is accurate in almost everything except the JFK theory he is skeptical on. (the driver shot jfk)

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
COSMIC is a NATO keyword. It's usually a modifier for Top Secret. Not space related.

Thank goodnes someone knows what a COSMIC clearance is. It is associated with classified information sharing between allies such as NATO. If that guys granddad held a COSMIC while in Gen. Westmoreland's command it is consistant with operations in the MACV where information was shared with US allies such as the Brits, South Koreans, and South Vietnamese.
So no, UFO information would not have come through COSMIC channels.

[edit on 7/8/2010 by NKAWTG]

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 03:25 AM
u obviously didnt read my original. and follow on posts. cuz nobody said anything about ufos in vietnam. So believe what you want. If you cant sift through a post that sounds like BS and one that doesnt than dunno what to say. At this point it doesnt matter tho.

posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 09:43 PM
welcome fellow newby! I am envious as your forum puts my introduction forum to shame with all the replies you have.
I look foward to reading your future forums!!! Good luck!

posted on Jul, 10 2010 @ 06:57 PM
Hi 8yrARMYvet I appreciate what your grandfather is trying to do.
Lets hope he doesn't change his mind. You sound credible enough.
I think it is better to do audio interview maybe he will be more relaxed that way.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 09:08 PM
welcome all, im new here as well, glad to see some army boys enjoying this site too.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 12:21 PM
Jesus is the way,the truth and the life.Every knee shall
bow and every tongue confess,that Jesus/Yeshua is Lord

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR
Sorry but...

You do still have to be in the army to be in the military police and they do not guard or go on sentry duties on any military installation, its not an airport, they patrol inside & outside the garrison/base, they are responsible for policing the military community & Investigations on barracks, & pissed up squaddies fighting in the garrison town etc, if you was an infantry soldier and wanted to join the MP because they was handing out tours every year or two they will simply Re-Trade you and you will keep your rank, you don't need to leave & come back as a MP they're part of the Army, something just does not add up here.


I doubt you still have SECRET clearance being a civilian security guard or are you just confusing SECRET clearance with the Secrets Act you signed?

[edit on 6-7-2010 by BRITWARRIOR]

You seem to be confusing the duties of American MPs with those of the Royal Military Police. In the US MPs seem to be more security oriented and indeed run the gate, due to on going operational commitments there has been a phasing in of civilian MPs within the DOD so there are now DoA, DoN, USAF, and USMC civilian police. Here in the UK the gates will be run by the MPGS (who are responsible to the Provost Marshal ARMY) and policing for the service community will be provided by the MoD Police, or the relevant service police force (RMP, RAFP or RNP).

DoD Police are considered federal police officers, however their authority is limited to their post so while off duty, unless on post, they have no arrest or enforcement authority. They also at the moment cannot carry their sidearm off duty on their credentials.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by 8yrARMYvet

Welcome aboard, nice to have you.

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