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U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual Leaked, Calls for False Flag Operations, Suspension of Human Rights

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posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by RedDragon
reply to post by Zepherian

I'm going to call BS on this. You guys all have gigantic socialist nanny states (not that we don't, but you have it more) with even fewer rights than we do.

[edit on 12/5/08 by RedDragon]

What we take from the state we take out of conquest, out of fighting for our rights and entitlements. If we pay taxes we pay taxes to support a system that supports us, which it has for the last 50 years, but now is being eroded away, as is yours. We are skeptical about the people in government, not the principle.

You're right about the repression, but that is met by strikes and massive manifestations. And we don't, with the exception of the UK which is also going down the tubes, have as big police apparatus, so while the laws may be on the books the enforcement is not as nazi.

Sure, these elitist tools try to pull off fascism every now and again, and we take it down. Italy has had around 60 governments in 50 years iirc... and as I have stated elsewhere, I would not be surprised if Portugal, my country, is in revolution again in the near future.

The USA had Bush destroying america, along with a few other nations, for 8 years and hardly anybody did anything but "support the troops" and labeling the courageous among you who were talking about things as conspiracy theorists. Well, soon the troops will be back on your soil to "support" you and I doubt anyone now can challenge the fact that Bush takes from grandaddy Prescott.

Elitist fascists are all over the world, the only difference is the number of people that chose to see them imo. Yes, we have the same problem. But we have been dealing with it consciously, not as many this side of the pond are in denial.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Is wikileaks even a site to be trusted at all, are you shore it's not misleading?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by selfisolated

Don't you know the USA is merely a pawn on the Vatican and cohorts' chessboard to ultimately rule the world?

Many powerful people including JFK died fighting the Fed.
Ending the Fed won't help.
But here's the most powerful PEOPLE POWER SOLUTION!
OUTLAWING MONEY will end this Fed evil once and for all!

Because money is a lethal weapon the evil elites design to eventually wipe out common people!

We the PEOPLE POWER can outlaw money anytime.

Let's decide on a date - 09.09.09 or earlier.
1. Walk into any store. Take only what's necessary.
2. Don't hoard. You can return tomorrow.
3. Tell people "The Fed and govt issue FREE money. Starting 09.09.09, everything's FREE."

Study this website and you will agree with me!

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by ctjctjctj

I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with the document which is the subject of discussion, but if you'd care to enlighten us I'd like to hear more about how it ties in

[edit on 5/12/2008 by budski]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:31 PM
Title: U.S. Special Forces Counterinsurgency manual leaked.

Summary: U.S. Army field manual FM 31-20-3 Foreign defence tactics and procedures for special forces, 2004 edition. Origination date (policy) on Sept. 20 1994.

219 page document written at sensitive but not classified level.

This document which is official US Special Forces policy, directly advocates

1. Training paramilitaries.
2. Pervasive surveillance.
3. Censorship.
4.Press control.
5. Restrictions on Labor Unions and political parties.
6. Suspending Habeas Corpus.
7. Warrant less searches.
8. Detainment without charge.
9. Bribery.
10. Employing Terrorists.
11. false Flag operations.
12. Concealing human rights abuses against journalists.
13. Psychological operations (propaganda)
14. Population resource control.

IMHO, this document while appearing shocking to some, is a typical continuity of the same direction we have been taking worldwide since the late 1940's.

I had the honor to do an analysis on one document in particular that can show you from the prospective of a larger picture how this has been orchestrated and applied starting back in the 1950's. If you want to know more, this document can serve as a good solid base for you to understand how this has affected the world for the past 50+ years and continues to shape our shared global history. This is nothing new.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by budski

After a quick skim through I don't see anything that isn't a logical application political policy. The world my not like it but the US manipulates governments for the benefit of its own interest. They also to a large extent manipulate the US people to go along with those interest. For the most part being aware that you are being manipulated is at first an upsetting experience but after a time the manipulation is clouded with the background of everyday life.

As I have said in other threads, I expect the lights to turn own when I flip a switch, I expect gas for my car, I expect food on the table and I fully expect my government to do what ever is necessary to see that it happens. But, I am not ignorant enough not to be prepared just in case there is an interruption of these services I have come to enjoy. It may be selfish and arrogant to think this way but I sleep well.

Do other governments do the same thing? You betcha. There are only so many resources to go around and the US may have gathered the lions share but the other governments are trying having learned from the master manipulator. Will they succeed? Only time will tell. I don't know if it will be cheap free energy, a post apocalypse world or intervention from aliens that finally brings the world together but until then it will business as usual. As long as there is money and resources to be accumulated someone will be manipulated out of them.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Velvet Death

This is a major problem - sooner or later, a major war will ensue from this kind of thinking.

You can't trample all over the rest of the world and not expect it to come back and bite you on the ass at some point - I actually have a lot of sympathy for the average american when this happens, because as usual they will be the ones who suffer.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by budski

Every nation has dirty secrets, every single one of them. Some are worse than others. The dirt on America doesn't come close to the dirt on China and Russia. In a historical context Japan, Germany, France, and even the British have us beat in terms of dirt.

When compared to other empires and hegemons throughout history we have been the most tolerant and most benevolent.

When one takes into account various clandestine and black measures, one needs to look at the bigger picture in terms of Realpolitik. There is essentially two worlds, the idealistic world of liberal intellectuals, which is pure fantasy and the real world that we actually operate in.

In the real world measures must be taken and sometimes those measures are not pleasant. I would really like to believe that humans and societies are inherently good, but historically that is simply not the case. Rather than focusing on the negative measures taken to protect US national interest, how about checking out the measures and methods of those on the opposing side. One would find that Communists and Terrorists far exceeded anything ever done to protect US national interests.

Maybe someone could start some threads on Soviet and Chinese counterinsurgency manuals. I think it would be most enlightening. The real world operates in shades of gray and we are far from being the darkest.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

The fact that it happens doesn't make it right - the realpolitik against liberal ideal has always been a bit of a cop out way to justify nasty programmes

There is also the fact that my country is closely allied to the US, so of course I'm going to look closely at what's being done in my name.

I'm fully aware that sometimes extreme measures are required to protect interests, but that doesn't make it any less sickening.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by budski

I can see your point of view and it makes sense. The views that really bother me are the ones who ignore other nations dirt but demonize the US or the West in general over its dirt. I would hope people would look objectively at the information and analyze it, without resorting to accusing the US and the West of being tyrants.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:17 PM
What I find interesting is that if you look at the past trends and operations, the truth of this whole plan coming home to roost in the US was bound to happen.

We have been manipulating third world countries for decades and if you ask me, they must think that if a plan is successful, then why change the course and try new things.

There is so much to be learned from a historical point of view. The real problem lies in the fact that most people do not want to see reality as such.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Thats right Boyd, because if other Nations were so diametrically opposed to anything the US takes credit and subsequent blame for, then they have the option to make other arrangements. They dont, so whether it is titled by the US or not, it is a world issue, not a single country. It is just easier for people to place blame.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

No mike,
I've always taken the view that if people in other countries that do this don't like it, then they should make their feelings known - easier said than done, I know, but it does happen.

The fact is that I am a UK citizen of Irish descent, so I'm well aware of the shortcomings of my country of birth - however, I think that once we start accepting this as normal then we are on a very slippery slope that will lead to eventual downfall and/or destruction, and frankly, given the records of our respective countries in the third world/mid and far east who could blame them for dancing on the graves of our once great nations.

I'm not saying this will happen soon, but it WILL happen.

It also saddens me immensely that as nations we are prepared to sacrifice innocents to maintain our throwaway societies and our outrageously wastefull lifestyles.

The evidence that this document provides is just a small part of all that is wrong with the world - and I can't but help focus on the part that our great nations play in it.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by budski

Well if we are on a slippery slope, what about those third world/mid and far east nations where these things are seen as quite normal. Look at Burma, North Korea, China, Sudan, Iran, Syria, or even allies like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. That's just a small sampling. How could they justify dancing on our graves when they are even more guilty than we are?

[edit on 5/12/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:45 PM
A brief glance at FM 31-20-3 suggests that it is a decendant at least in spirit of the USMC's Small Wars Manual. The newer manual is far more detailed, covers more subjects, and is appropriately modernized of course, but it appears to cover the same scope of operations for accomplishing the same kinds of objectives.

What is interesting about this is that the Small Wars Manual was a product of American Imperialism after the Spanish-American War. The Marine Corps, for a time, was used as an imperial light infantry force to protect American business interests in restive areas where the US had recently acquired unwelcome levels of interest and or power.

The inescapable suggestion of American Speical Operations Forces being given a similar manual is that operations of similar character are still American Policy (the life of this new manual spans at least the last 3 presidential administrations so its no passing fancy).

What's more, the move of this doctrine from the hands of the Marine Corps to those of SOF indicates a greater concern with doing as much as can be done secretly rather than doing as much as is necessary to win.

When you turn the Marine Corps loose on what they often call, "the edge of the empire" (yes, I found that to be a common term in the USMC) they generally blow a lot of stuff all to hell and do a lot of controversial stuff, and then win. Frankly the Marine Corps tends to be successful because it thinks less and shoots more (I think any Marine who has read Krulak's Warfighting will back me up on that).

SOF on the other hand, are easier to keep an eye on because there's so few of them. They tend to think a lot more and shoot a lot less.

The expected result, in my humble opinion, should be a force which keeps the war very clean, rarely gets caught doing anything controversial, and then loses, except in cases where either we are supporting the side that would have won anyway, and/or we are fielding a conventional force as well (the later being the case in Afghanistan, where the "support the foreigners with SOF" doctrine was responsible for Bin Laden's escape from Tora Bora, despite the otherwise marginally successful course that war has taken).

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by budski

Well if we are on a slippery slope, what about those third world/mid and far east nations where these things are seen as quite normal. Look at Burma, North Korea, China, Sudan, Iran, Syria, or even allies like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. That's just a small sampling. How could they justify dancing on our graves when they are even more guilty than we are?

[edit on 5/12/08 by MikeboydUS]

Simply because we have set ourselves up as being morally superior - we consistently seek the moral high ground with words, but our actions belie this.

I don't remember any other nation calling themselves the worlds police - but because the US and UK (to a lesser extent) have taken on this self titled mantle we have to be seen as above certain things.

The fact that we are not - through our own fault - gives others the chance and maybe the right to rejoice in shooting us down.

Vagabond - starred, great post, thank you

[edit on 5/12/2008 by budski]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:42 PM
Not trying to be a dick here, but this is not news at all, and has been in available for some time. I suspect somebody only recently learned about it, and thought it was news. Unfortunetly this issue is because of mass ignorance. Either self ignorance due to people not having an open mind, or the lack of information sharing.
Any one who has heard of the "School of the America's", will know of this material. It was only used to train foreign nationals, because their cultures and legal systems are different from ours, and more drastic measures need to be utilized when a ruthless dictatorship is on power.

Before I link references, I thought the above and following should be known, please check out the below links for clarification. Because this document is not even doctrine in our armed forces (and has been abused by the ones taught who later committed crimes), and is not the US Military CI manual. That happens to be a publication titled:
[front cover]
FM 3-24
MCWP 3-33.5

Distribution Restriction:
Approved for Public release, distribution is unlimited.

[back cover]
PCN:143 000124 00

It is a 282 page document, with ACU style cover and I have a copy. The Authentication page is signed by order of the secretary of the army; Peter J. Schoomaker, General United States Army chief of Staff

Joyce E Morrow
Administrative assistant to the
Secretary of the Army

by the direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps:
James F Amos
Lieutenant General, US Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant
Combat Development and Integration

To find out about the SOA, please do some of your own research, and remember this is nothing new and has been around for years. This is not a new leaked document, just some one recently learned of it.

Also, keep in mind, the techniques and tactics the student were trained in, were turned around and abused against how they were intended to be used.
It took a long time to reverse the horrible reputation that later came of such atrocities, and the original schools name had to be changed, because of the stigma left. Take note that the people teaching at the school did not know the foreign student would turn around and abuse the skills they had developed.

It is a horrible historic lesson, and we can only hope that lesson was learned.
I personally doubt it, history has a thing for repeating.

Over its 59 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war against their own people. Among those targeted by SOA graduates are educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and others who work for the rights of the poor. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, assassinated, “disappeared,” massacred, and forced into refugee by those trained at the School of Assassins.
What is the SOA?

Our motto is "Libertad, Paz y Fraternidad," which means Freedom, Peace, and Brotherhood. Together we will make a difference in the region … and the world.

Graduates of the SOA have been among the most repressive tyrants in Latin America, and their actions have been some of the most cruel and violent. In El Salvador, in 1989, a Salvadoran army patrol executed six Jesuit priests as they lay face-down on the ground at Central America University. According to the United Nation's Truth Commission Report on El Salvador in 1993, 19 of the 27 officers who took part in the executions were trained at the SOA.
Third World Traveler

School of the Americas
Cold War training camp remains focus of controversy
By Bruce Kennedy
CNN Interactive

(CNN) -- The intruder waited in his hiding place for just the right moment -- soon after his targets had gone to bed. He then put his plan into operation.

Earlier that day in 1983, Vietnam veteran and priest Roy Bourgeois had walked unchallenged into Fort Benning, Georgia, wearing surplus military fatigues. He had climbed up a tree near a barracks used by Salvadoran soldiers training with the U.S. Army, waited until "lights out," then unleashed his guerrilla protest.
CNN Cold War - Spotlight: School of the Americas

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

A wonderfull post, and I stand corrected - however as far as this applies to other government agencies and black ops I am yet to be convinced that anything is different.

I look forwards to reading the links you provided, although I'm sure you will understand if I do this with a certain amount of healthy skepticism - after all, it's not unknown for the written words to be twisted at times.

Thank you very much for your input, and the wealth of information and reading material you have provided.

Question: Should this then be removed from wikileaks?

[edit on 5/12/2008 by budski]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by budski

More anti-American crap. Where are you from?
These posts are becoming very predictable.

What about taking a close look at your own government? Do you think they're angels?

Anything with a anti-American slant will get a lot of attention here. What about your own countries and governments? I know they don't ever do anything wrong or under handed, but why not take a closer look anyway?

Do you think it might be maybe a little naive to buy into and believe everything posted or "published" on the internet only because it supports your own paranoia?

If it supports your own beliefs, you'll automatically buy it?

[edit on 5-12-2008 by Electro38]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by Electro38

If you'd care to read the whole thread you'd find my comments have been aimed at the western world in general, including my own government which also happens to be the US' biggest ally.

Youll also find that this is a genuine document, although maybe a little outmoded.

Anything else?

[edit on 5/12/2008 by budski]

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