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Kinsley, Kansas?

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posted on Mar, 13 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Ok here is the map that has been floating around on the net for a wHile.

Now I have heard the rumor also about the burried gold in a tunnel back in 1991 which is about the same time as the World Wide Web surfaced. And the person who told me said their dad told them it was between Kinsley and Spearville. So this info was out long before anyone could do a "search on line"

Also another intresting development is ( should raise an eyebrow for sure) about 15 years ago around the town Belpre, North a couple miles and west one , general location....anywho a sinkhole appeared. Now draw a line to Kinsley to Hutchinson and it goes right over or close enough for me to think they had a cave in on the tunnel. Just my thought.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by ice1300

Text Redmy name is Brandie corp i was born and raised in KCK wyandotte county in the Argentine district I live at 37th and metropolitan and my stomping grounds as i was growing up and now exist from the railroad tracks north of argentine Blvd -all the way south to gibbs road 18th St. to 42nd St. and there are underground tunnels and atleast 1 underground Quarry "lake" that I visit every summer. my uncle says there is a tunnel big enough to drive semis thru that starts around the railroad tracks by clopperfield all the way to gibbs road and further. Im searching for a map or someone else that is interested and knows about what im talking about!

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by ice1300
So buy the lack of any evidence I guess there is nothing in Kinsley, I drove out there last weekend and found nothing. There are a few abandoned missile silos but not much else of any real interest.
Brandie corp lives in argentine grew up in argentine . I have proof of my secret underground lake i visit it enery year i live in KCK wyandotte county on 37th and Mertopolitan . THese are my stomping grounds . If u share your info ill share mine [phone number removed]
edit on 1/27/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: please do not post personal contact information on the boards.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 11:15 AM
If you click onto this link and scroll --a ways-- down:
To "Kansas salt mine warehouse preserves nation's treasures" You will see that secret government documents and medical byopsies are kept there. I watched on The History Channel a while back, about this place, but I myself am not able to bring it up on Well, the show said that secrets which can never see the light of day, are kept there.
A major UFO Conference is being hosted in Kansas, with ufology's well known
edit on 27-1-2011 by simone50m because: added forgot word.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:03 PM
You are not going to find anything in Kinsey, Kansas. There just isn't anything there. There have never been any missile silos around the town. No military installions. No communication bunkers. Nothing. The place really is just an average little town. It's only claim to fame is that it is located at the exact geographical center between New York and San Francisco.

In Hutchinson, Kansas, you will find an active salt mine which also shares underground space with Underground Vaults and Storage, Inc. They built an underground records storage vault there in 1959, 650-feet underground in an empty section of the mine which is fully climate controlled and supplied with filtered air.

There are no tunnels leading to or from this facility.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Texti]reply to post by RobTzu

I live in Kck wyandotte county on 37th and metropolitan I know of 1 underground quarry "lake" and i have been told of others and would like to know if anyone has anymore information on the drilling of limestone in the 1920s

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by NWtoHide

I live in Lawrence, KS as well and I know there are many missle Silo's in the area and havent seen any of them! Unfortunatly I havent hunted for them either but I plan to check them out!

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by jward01
reply to post by NWtoHide

I live in Lawrence, KS as well and I know there are many missle Silo's in the area and havent seen any of them! Unfortunatly I havent hunted for them either but I plan to check them out!

I can help you with that. If you have Google Earth, you can download this little file I made which will show you exactly where to find all of the missile silos and underground bunkers in your area. Anywhere in the nation, for that matter.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 11:58 AM
I have lived in Kinsley, Kansas most of my life. My grandpa told us a story about someone that was stealing cars in the 30s-40s. The story he told us is that there is the entrance to a tunnel under an old building in town. They were supposedly driving the cars in a tunnel from there all the way to California. I have seen some maps online that show Kinsley, KS as having an underground military base. My niece and I have been trying to locate it.

a reply to: ice1300

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