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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Crakeur, you asked,

I would like to know the winner of next year's superbowl and World Series, the scores and the MVP of each.

If you volunteer and put your life on the line for freedom, you will have that info

Well, you asked,

why do drugs like pot and shrooms grow naturally and is it a coincidence that they mess w/ our brains the way they do.

please clarify where you are going with this question?

whaaa, you said,

I volunteer! u2u me! You da man!! yeehaww, I'm goin travelin!

you got it, just dont get all scared and paranoid and punk out when you get the phone call or your front door bell rings or an unfamiliar person with a grin comes looking for you

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Hi, wildcat!!

You asked,

I would ask him ask him if the "new world order" is actually real.

the answer is yes, but you dont know the half of it, secrets deeper than ocean I am sure, I did not erase my own memory for nothing, some of the memories now are bad enough, but that is close to the stuff you see on the news and movies of today

Hello, ThreadTrekker!!

You asked,

can you tell us who will be the next vice-president of the United States?

hillary clinton or/and then rudy guliani (its a toss up between timelines)

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:44 PM
How can I time travel myself ?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 08:54 PM
OK, you asked,

what year it is announced to the public, that we humans have time travel machines.

technically it has already been announced, and to me, the "muse" message was the movie back to the future, for people who lived in the eighties anyway, like myself.

You also asked,

And does time travel have any kind of physical harm on the human body. Maybe you could describe the procedures you follow before you travel in time. Like a pilots preflight check list.

as far as procedure, the only thing is, all electronics that go through the portal must be completely shut off and take out the batteries if possible, one clear memory for me was having to reset the BIOS on my laptop every time cause of the battery on the motherboard, it was annoying. thats why those wind-up watches are so valuable, like when bill from "bill and ted's excellent adventure" reminds himself to rewind his watch, makes a whole lot of sense now to me, just like john titor girl had to pop start her old corvette to get where she was going back in the day, LOL

Thank you very much for your questions!!

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:02 PM
I'll say welcome aboard!!

You asked,

How can I time travel myself ?


VOLUNTEER, do it here on this forum, just say it out loud, I want to volunteer to time travel!!!!!!! but just remember its not all play, I warn you, if this is as real as I think it is, use caution with this decision, gets lonely too sometimes, or maybe that was just me, who knows.

There you go. He means what he says.

Others have asked to join up on this thread and elsewhere, and he's serious when he says you could get a phone call, a personal visit, an email, etc., from some friendly guy, saying, "You asked for it. I'm here."

So in the spirit, if you're serious, I say prepare yourself. If your motives are sincere, and you pass the scan, you'll be flying...And you can travel years, but be returned the minute you left...

[edit on 24-1-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Hi, wildcat!!

You asked,

I would ask him ask him if the "new world order" is actually real.

the answer is yes, but you dont know the half of it, secrets deeper than ocean I am sure, I did not erase my own memory for nothing, some of the memories now are bad enough, but that is close to the stuff you see on the news and movies of today

Actually I've seen "America from Freedom to Facism." I have seen all the mark of the beast videos on You Tube. I have seen a video of a video on tv which I got a link to on ATS. It is titled "UFOs and the Secret Government." I have seen the verichip videos, which all imply that it's the mark of the beast, and I agree with it. I have seen Beyond Treason part I, II, and III. I have read the entire Majestic 12 documents on ATS, plus every other thing including John Titor prior to when I created an ATS account. I believe that there are two marks starting with the verichip, and then a brain implant which will keep us from rebelling, and then the worse part will happen.

Sounds like I have alot of time on my hands doesn't it? But I read and see all this stuff at night. I'm not saying me seeing all these things make me know the secrets of the New World Order, but I tell you, they sure did "reveal" a whole lot of stuff.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by wildcat]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:40 PM
My friend may respond, but I wanted to say this - stop watching videos (OK, maybe just "those" videos - and I don't mean porn).

Actually, once you've seen one you've seen them all. And it's not important to pursue those things too much. There are people who have that job.

I can see how easy it is to get on a track and just devour everything, but that particular conspiratorial stuff - that situation - is going to get taken care of.

Dwelling on these things begins as being titillating, then becomes sensational, then informational, but after time becomes an obsession, and then begins to do damage instead of enlightening you.

Garbage in, garbage out sort of applies here. What you put in your mind - what fuel you put in it - is what it runs on, and getting too deep in the conspiratorial stuff like the baddies that are running things from behind the scenes can be depressing, and take away the light and life you had when you were first intrigued by the material.

Get out. Breathe some fresh air. Listen to some music. And leave the conspiracy stuff for a while.

Most of all, focus on the good stuff. Like the fact that we are going to see those individuals brought out into the light of day, and we will have an opportunity to choose their fate. And this is going to come about with help from humans who have been "out there".

Let things take care of themselves, because they are going to. Have faith and be patient.

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Buenos Nachos, wildcat!

You said (well, a lot),

I've seen "America from Freedom to Facism." I have seen all the mark of the beast videos on You Tube. I have seen a video of a video on tv which I got a link to on ATS. It is titled "UFOs and the Secret Government." I have seen the verichip videos, which all imply that it's the mark of the beast, and I agree with it. I have seen Beyond Treason part I, II, and III. I have read the entire Majestic 12 documents on ATS, plus every other thing including John Titor prior to when I created an ATS account. I believe that there are two marks starting with the verichip, and then a brain implant which will keep us from rebelling, and then the worse part will happen.


I agree with you in that aspect wild cat, I call them simply "the controllers", some things called freedom do not seem so free now do they people (you hear that a-holes), and I think a waco type event john titor spoke of is here, that guy Ed Brown from new hampshire, he deserves time travel all the way!!! he knew this before freedom to facism indeed. but that is what the controllers want, it is a double edged sword now isnt it, now if the controllers could get past those dam time travelers, LOL

There you go!

He calls them the controllers, but he knows that their time is short. He actually sees, with events that are to come to pass over the next 12 - 60 months, that a lot of the bad guys are going to defect, and whoever's left will wish they were dead.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 09:54 PM
Oh don't worry, I'm not obsessed with them, unlike A Beautiful Mind.
I only watch them because they are interesting. I admit that it does seem like I'm deeply involved with them, because of how many I've seen.

I focus on my career path more than on conspiracies, because that it undoubtedly more important.

[edit on 24-1-2007 by wildcat]

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:09 PM
Where would you like to be?

posted on Jan, 24 2007 @ 10:25 PM
Ok if i wanted to be a time traveler what job or mission would i have to do to get one of your spaceships?

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 03:33 AM
Is the 'time machine' John Titor used the same/similar to the one you use? And if so, we are dealing with divergence and alternate world lines. If this is the case, how can you accurately tell us anything? (I’m not being funny here, genuine question)

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Hi, menguard!! (Menguard: Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman! [U.S. commercial...sorry...])

You asked,

Where would you like to be?

I always enjoy spending time with my wives (mostly naked), girlfriends and my children as well as friends and family, its all about good company my friend, doesnt matter where or when in space or time for that matter

Thank you, menguard!!

some_stupid_name, hello! You asked,

Ok if i wanted to be a time traveler what job or mission would i have to do to get one of your spaceships?

whatever it takes or whatever is clever, as I said, it is not all fun, one example would be a pilot in the mass landing armada or fleet.

Thank you, some_stupid_name!! I'll u2u you more info.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:27 AM
That is, if time travel exists anywhere throughout all time (beginning to end)

So, perhaps, when we are ready to have reverence for the truth more so than our opinions perhaps we could see that our languages are encoded by the future. Some may think i'm far off base here, but i do not think so, and i already know the odds are in my favor that i'm right about this.

So When the truth means more to you than anything:
SUBMIT reversed is: TIME BUS

everything else is also encoded.

problem is people are putting it to deep in their subconscious minds.


Silly bulls, olay!

reversed is: STUP
reversed is: PED


Have a nice day,

Edited to add:
That is, if time travel exists anywhere throughout all time (beginning to end)

[edit on 25-1-2007 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Hi again, thebox!!

You asked,

Is the 'time machine' John Titor used the same/similar to the one you use? And if so, we are dealing with divergence and alternate world lines. If this is the case, how can you accurately tell us anything?

the john titor machine is real to me as shown in the pictures, I cant tell you anything completely accurate, I am working with little as it is on my side, I do think I met her (john titor), SHE showed me how to use it when I found her. I was on a mission to find out this for myself I believe

Thanks, thebox.

Also, to Esoteric, you said proof of time travel "exists". That word is a general term (i.e., it doesn't indicate to what degree, or give any specific location). However, I will agree that it does exist on Earth, and will be made available soon...

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
That word is a general term (i.e., it doesn't indicate to what degree, or give any specific location). However, I will agree that it does exist on Earth, and will be made available soon...

To what degree? Perhaps to the Nth degree.

Location? Everywhere, there is no place the proof does not exist.

If TRUTH was valued over other things ... other things would pale in comparison to the truth.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by thebox
If this is the case, how can you accurately tell us anything? (I’m not being funny here, genuine question)

To be fair, the information would have to be made available to everyone, perhaps encoded into their very language. Not unlike what every prophet has said, which was also encoded.

Of course, you can easily prove me wrong by referencing any culture on Earth who did not attribute their attaining language to the gods ....

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:18 AM
Ha... I know EXACTLY what I would say.

"Go back to the future and bring me all the wallstreet journals from 2007."

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:38 PM
on the deck
i think your friend mentioned something about lighting portals up. could you get anymore info on that i've been kicking an idea around in my head about light portals that bend spacetime and useing the to create bridges between 2 places

posted on Jan, 26 2007 @ 12:42 AM
Ok I have a question.Can the time traveler go to the future ?I mean can he go forward past the time the machine was created and is existing.Thus if the machine was created in 2036 for example can he go to 2536 just curious.

Basically if it is created feb 1,2036 then it could only travel up to feb 1,2036 and its upward limit would increase from day to day again just curious.

Also if you friend needs volunteers to help him in time travling then I would be willing to volunteer.

[edit on 26-1-2007 by othello]

[edit on 26-1-2007 by othello]

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