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You and yer sodium.

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posted on May, 18 2024 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: charlest2

Glad that worked for you and your doggie.

They use a lot of calcium on the streets here in winter.

Most folks will get little booties for their dog's paws, during walks.
Otherwise : the salt causes them to get irritations, like burns on their paws, and they lick and nibble at them until they get sores.

Here : have a little shot of salt :

posted on May, 18 2024 @ 05:33 PM
So let's say (I completely lose my mind) and decide to consume 2000mg of sodium today.

Well, I know darn well I'm going to need to get more than twice that in potassium, or I will be completely off my feed and headed for problems.

No sweat, I'll just eat...what? Bananas! Yeah that's it!

Most sites somehow claim that bananas have about 450 mg of potassium in them. I think thats horse pucky, so let's call it 300 (still BS, but in order to prevent thread drift)...let's see.

How does 13 bananas sound? Yum? "No really, doesn't that sound awesome?". Said no one ever.

My point is: Eat all the salt you want, but show me where the potassium is going to come from to offset all the taco bell. In my estimation, average Americans take in roughly 10,000 mg of sodium a day. 98% of Americans are desperately short on potassium.

People who are making small incremental wins, with consistency, over a long time will totally get the gist of all this.

It's a little sad because it's hard to walk away from food. All I can say is that it won't be the end, but truly a new beginning.

edit on 18-5-2024 by TheDiscoKing because: shoot me now

posted on May, 19 2024 @ 04:24 AM
I belive this is some trick to get us to eat less salt for a bad reson!
i dont know why.

I am 60 I love salt.
when i was young it was normal for people to have a LOT of salt.
on chips I would put a Lot of salt and viniger.
so did every one. salt with peanuts.
so why is it that now its bad for people?

did you know that when you sweat you sweat salt?
so you see the bodie knows how to get rid of to much salt.
and you pass piss to get rid of body toxings.

why do elephants walk a
long way to find and eat lots of salt?
why in very hot places did you have to take salt tablets?
it had to do with sweting.

they say sweat tasts of salt!

You Need Salt!

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: alwaysbeenhere2

Wish I could knock my alcoholism on the head.

Don't worry, it's coming. Gout and arthritis will do that for you.

I doubt tha will happen lol.
I machete trane daily.

Im more than likely gonna die by my own sword.


posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: TheDiscoKing
There are 500 milligrams of sodium in 1/4 teaspoon of table salt.

I teaspoon of baking soda contains 1,259 milligrams of sodium.

Hey....wait a minute there buster.

So you're saying 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda has 315mg of sodium vs 1/4 teaspoon of salt having 500mg? Soooooo, baking soda has less sodium than salt. Is that your point???

One-week studies:

Studies have found that 70–75% of people who reduce their sodium intake for a week may see a significant reduction in blood pressure. In one study, the effect of the low-sodium diet was similar to that of a common first-line medication for high blood pressure.

UT Southwestern Medical Center
Should you eat less sodium? The answer is – it depends

Nov 7, 2016 — We consider a low-sodium diet to include no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. Randomized studies have shown that a low-sodium diet can have an enormous impact on blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension. These patients can expect as much as a 20 mmHg to 30 mmHg reduction in blood pressure from a low-sodium diet alone. To put that in perspective, an average person without resistant hypertension likely would see only a 2 mmHg to 3 mmHg decrease in blood pressure.

Is a low-salt diet as unhealthy as having too much?
Oct 29, 2018
However, other studies have found that low-sodium diets don't lower blood pressure. For example, one study that followed over 2,600 men and women for 16 years found no association between lower sodium intake and lower blood pressure.

Eating more foods high in potassium can help counter the effects of sodium and may help lower blood pressure.

If you're sodium sensitive, it may make a difference. If not, then nope. And who trusts a one week study?

I remember as a kid, the mill workers all took salt tablets daily to supplement the electrolytes they profusely sweated out as a result of their strenuous physical labor. They all seemed healthy as a horse unless they sawed off some fingers or something terrible like that.

Just a note on that potassium bit, some blood pressure meds inhibit the uptake of potassium so you need to be pro-active in that regard. If your potassium is low, eat more bananas, spinach, potatoes or other high potassium foods and maybe take a supplement.

Also, lifestyle and genetics play a larger role than most will admit.

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