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Are the 'Abrahamic Religions' all Really the Worshipping the Same Abrahamic God?

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posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 04:51 PM
This came up on another thread but it was going off topic so I"m creating a thread for that discussion. We have been told that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all 'the Abrahamic Religions', and that they worship the same God. Is that true?

Jews have Yahweh as God.
Christians have the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Muslims have Allah as God

Are Yahweh, The Holy Trinity, and Allah the same God? All three are described very differently by each of the religions that worship them. And all three 'evolved' (or were revealed) differently. Yet all three claim to be the God of Abraham.

The Catholic church officially states that the "Abrahamic religions" all worship the same God ... the God of Abraham. The different Protestant churches say different things about that. Googling around I found some that say it's the same God and others that say it's a different God for Islam but the same God for Christians and Jews. Judaism doesn't have a central authority but googling around it seems they acknowledge the claim that all three worship the Abrahamic God, but they seem to reject that the Christians do. Islam has no central authority to question, but their forums say much the same..

In other words ... I'm finding different opinions from different sources. There doesnt' seem to be any one answer.

I"m finding some information that 'Allah' evolved from the pagan moon god in Arabia. That Allah was one of many and then became the 'one god'. I"m finding some information that 'Yahweh' evolved as the predominate God, one out of many, by the Midianites(/Kenites) in the northwest Arabian Desert. This god became the 'one God'. And the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) of the Christians comes from the bible, mostly the New Testament although Christians say the Holy Trinity is the God of the Old Testament as well, just not fully revealed.

So different stories of how they evolved, or were revealed. But are they the same God? Can these religions truly be called 'Abrahamic' simply because they claim to be the God of Abraham?

I"m not a theologian and I don't have the answer. Everyone is going to have different opinions. What I'm finding online is that Priests, Popes, Ministers, Rabbis, and Imams all have different opinions. Most lean towards it being the same God. However, I'm not so sure the average person would agree with that.

I'm of the opinion that if I went over to a Muslim country in the MIddle East or Persia, stood on a street corner, and told a bunch of Muslims that I worshipped Jesus as God incarnate and that they worshipped the same God as me, I'd at the very least be beaten up. In fact, I'd probably lose my head. I don't think they'd agree with me.

ALSO - Abraham supposedly lived 2166 b.c.e. The Old Testament wasn't written down until 700 b.c.e. That's 1500 years from when Abraham supposedly lived until the time the story was written down. It was just passed around word of mouth all that time. What are the chances that the story is true and accurate?

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:08 PM
As I see it, there won't be any official word, as most religions think their God is the only God, and perhaps they are right. All of them.

Each God is the creator of everything there is, and each has a different name. The beliefs were written by man, so who knows the real truth. You can't have "truth" you have to have "Faith".

I'd go so far as to say that someone who believed Nature was their God isn't far from the obvious truth that what you call him isn't nearly as important that you DO call him. My belief, no proof, no link.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Careful what you ask for.

Yahweh is the horned god of the Kanenites. The Kanenites that the Israelites took the land form. Also the Israelies are not the Israelites of the Bible. The Israelites were wiped out to a few priests of one tribe at one time. There were no women survivors.

The Trinity is three forms of one being.

Allah I have not looked into as much.

Jesus literally translates as son of Zeus.

Jahova is Zeus or Hercules depending if you are Greek or Roman.

The tree of life is god's wife after they rewrote the Bible to be male oriented.

I could go on and provide links but they have been lost to changing computers.

The letter j did not exist 2000 years ago, make of that what you will for the names.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

All three religions claim the same god, the God of Abraham.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: network dude

I think you have something there. I wrote this and put it in threads like this one.

God made everything. Mankind made god in the image of mankind along with making Lucifer, Saten, the Devil etc... God is God, god isn't God. Mostly mankind follows god and not God. Men even wrote books about god and not about God. Then men said these books were the word of God. Man does not always tell the truth.

Believe as you will but organized religion is man made.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: network dude

Nature is the basis of all. I wouldn't call it a god. It has no mind. It's a formula that cannot not be. It is everything, we are part of it.
It works really well.
I don't even have to believe in it or have faith, because it is all and everything and clearly observable...unlike manmade sky authorities, who strangely always behave like humans with anger and wrath and bothered about micro management of just humans.
It is one of the oldest methods to get peasants to obey orders by other humans. Some people need it, but it's just like covid and climate change.

Even if there were higher, more advanced beings, they'd still be under Natural law and certainly not creators of this universe...
...and even if there were creators of our world through simulations, they'd be scientists in another place obeying their Natural laws.

No gods.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

In the old sumarian texts it says mankind used to share the same language and culture...but the gods split up mankind with different languages and cultures. I believe it one point we all worshipped the same god/gods and after the split up I feel each culture then interpreted the same god/gods differently. At the base of all religions is the same a good person. My take us they are all one and the same across all religions and we have no real concept of god at our level and therefore all out descriptions are inaccurate. As network says its not important what you call god...but that you do call god.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Start with Sumer maybe?

The Egyptians had a similar idea nearly a couple of thousand years later but I feel you're not looking for a historical answer which probably would offend some people anyways. The Abrahamic religions share the same origin stories and they do actually believe in the same saints and prophets they just like to claim their guy was more important.

I would honestly suggest reading their respective books whilst contemplating the concepts on offer. The true rabbit hole of human endeavour in the realms of thought are universal. If it's about winners and losers I fear the point was missing. Might as well ask if Odin was the true God whilst contemplating his many names (aspects) because deep down it's all the same ice cream with different flavours added... And Thor was the archetype of the human mind, what it strives for.

Just my take on it all, I could be wrong.

I'm of the opinion that if I went over to a Muslim country in the MIddle East or Persia, stood on a street corner, and told a bunch of Muslims that I worshipped Jesus as God incarnate and that they worshipped the same God as me, I'd at the very least be beaten up. In fact, I'd probably lose my head. I don't think they'd agree with me.

They wouldn't be Muslims and would be in direct contradiction of something Muhammad said about protecting brothers, quite a bit of Christianity was taught to me by a Muslim. I'm of neither creed so I'm not being too much of a twat when I call out people for not following their own tenets. I.E calling someone a non Muslim or Christian for instance.

If oral tradition makes it your own does that mean the written word is a dead old lie?

Either way all their concepts are borrowed from before, I'm very open to being convinced otherwise though.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Then why do some of them hate each other? Even some sects within the main religns hate each other.

Organized religion is man made to control other men.

edit on 11-4-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: network dude

I think Plato called it the great craftsman. Masons the supreme architect?

It's a concept which demands much of the human mind since we have to go around naming things... Boredom probably. But yes, it's difficult to disagree that there's an origin. They all can agree on that. It's the rest they feel compelled to be idiots on.

Sometimes a spade is a spade. It's also a spoon if you're hungry enough, a weapon if you're angry enough.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

This is much like the argument about Jonah. One Bible verse says he was swallowed by a whale but another by a great fish. Is one part wrong? Is the Bible infallible?

The whale or fish is beside the point to that story. It is just a distraction to confuse some.

The true name of God is not written down anywhere in my opinion, and may not be knowable when alive.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
All three religions claim the same god, the God of Abraham.

Yes. But are they? And are they the same God?
They have different ways they evolved/revealed.
Does that mean they are the same God but different reveals .. or different gods?

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Originally posted by FlyersFan
This came up on another thread but it was going off topic so I"m creating a thread for that discussion. We have been told that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all 'the Abrahamic Religions', and that they worship the same God. Is that true?

Judaism is the belief in The God of Abraham and all his Prophets as is written in the Torah/Old Testament.

Christians believe Jesus to be the God of Abraham as described in the Old Testament.

And in Islam, they believe all the Prophets of the Old Testament were following the One True God.

Summing up…All three religions have a belief in the Abrahamic God; they just all believe in different ways.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
Might as well ask if Odin was the true God ...

Oh .. I"m not asking which is the 'true God'. I'm asking if they are the same God. They claim to be, while at the same time the evolution/reveal says they may not be. And Christians have The Trinity, whereas the Jews and Muslims think worship of Jesus as God is pagan.

So there are conflicting things about this .. some is the same and some comes down hard on different.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

He can have 1000 names. From a historical perspective their was a goddess who was lovely and bubbly (reads chubby) mother that precedes them all.

I'm guessing she evolved into many names too.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: BatCaveJoe
Summing up…All three religions have a belief in the Abrahamic God; they just all believe in different ways.

Makes sense. But the question ... they claim the title of 'God of Abraham', but since they evolved/revealed so differently, are they?

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I don't know Judaism that well but that isn't true of the Islamic faith because Jesus is a prophet, just not the last one.

Don't take my word for it visit a mosque or buy a Quran, I'm not a man of those faiths. I see them as concepts.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 06:06 PM
Christians and Jews worship God.

the Allah of the Moslems is NOT the same.

the Koran specifically states that Allah has NO SON.
Christianity is based on Jesus as God's only begotten son.

Judaism and Christianity emphasize loving your fellow man. Islam, not so much.

just because the Moslems CLAIM to have the same God doesn't make it so.

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Makes sense. But the question... they claim the title of 'God of Abraham', but since they evolved/revealed so differently, are they?

Well, Judaism is the Original Abrahamic Religion, so it can only be considered different in light of the other two Abrahimic religions which appeared after it.

As for Christianity, there’s over 10,000 denominations all claiming to be the True Way…so even among Christian’s things have “evolved or been revealed” differently… depending on which Christian denomination one subscribes too…

If parts of the Old Testament and the Bible were corrupted by men, like Islam claims, then maybe it holds the True and correct evolved/revealed truth…but who can say for sure…

Maybe all three Abrahamic Religions have some elements of the Truth and some misunderstandings/errors in them…It might not be an “either or” situation…

edit on 11-4-2024 by BatCaveJoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: FlyersFan

All three religions claim the same god, the God of Abraham.

It's rare we agree on anything, but it really is this simple.

They diverge on a LOT of stuff after that, but this fundamental fact is unchanging.

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