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The Real Reason For the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

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posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: BduardErnstein

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: BduardErnstein

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
I guarantee you all the OP is paid government troll to derail serious threads about current events (the bridge attack) not the mothman/minnie mouse.

It feels like I'm back in grade school with this thread and the replies.
Im more like a Wizard than a troll or ork.
Great imagination though.
It’s still sad that people died on that bridge in Baltimore & you are claiming their government killed them . Shame on you !
Ahem. Which government?

The folks that died weren’t necessarily born in the US.

But you know this, orc.
If they are working on a bridge over a Home Land Security port , they were most certainly U.S citizens, because they have to pass a background check as part of employment in or around Home Land Security water ways & infrastructure.

This was most likely a private contractor that made a bid with the city. I remembered hearing one of the was from Guatemala. Probably legal but an immigrant none the less. All the city cares about is making sure you get it done on time and for the amount they contracted.

posted on Apr, 3 2024 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: BduardErnstein

originally posted by: SteamyAmerican

originally posted by: BduardErnstein

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
I guarantee you all the OP is paid government troll to derail serious threads about current events (the bridge attack) not the mothman/minnie mouse.

It feels like I'm back in grade school with this thread and the replies.
Im more like a Wizard than a troll or ork.
Great imagination though.
It’s still sad that people died on that bridge in Baltimore & you are claiming their government killed them . Shame on you !
Ahem. Which government?

The folks that died weren’t necessarily born in the US.

But you know this, orc.
If they are working on a bridge over a Home Land Security port , they were most certainly U.S citizens, because they have to pass a background check as part of employment in or around Home Land Security water ways & infrastructure.

This was most likely a private contractor that made a bid with the city. I remembered hearing one of the was from Guatemala. Probably legal but an immigrant none the less. All the city cares about is making sure you get it done on time and for the amount they contracted.
Good point

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 11:38 AM
Did the earthquake today give Joe Biden an excuse not to visit the bridge that he used to take the train across, before the boat crashed into it?

He was supposed to visit the site of that bridge collapse today and reminisce about his train rides.

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Did the earthquake today give Joe Biden an excuse not to visit the bridge that he used to take the train across, before the boat crashed into it?

He was supposed to visit the site of that bridge collapse today and reminisce about his train rides.

I think they found a train engineer to verify they saw Biden on the trains there. 😀

posted on Apr, 5 2024 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Mothman is a huge security risk . Also the idea of gps satellites being hacked or space lasers as weapons has the secret service spooked .
The government might hack the presidents Cadillac & tell it’s gps to drive into the river just like many here believe happened to the asian women in her Tesla .
You tell me why Joe didn’t go when it’s obvious to you that the government crashed that ship .
Joe is scared .

posted on Apr, 13 2024 @ 05:00 PM
I personally think it has something to do with J6ers, doesn't look like an an "accident" to me.

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