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Remembering William Cooper, the man who predicted 9/11 & the current day totalitarian nightmare.

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posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Degradation33
One day you'll be asking yourself WTF happened and WHY did I not see it coming. Why do I have to work the job the government tells me to Daddy? Because I failed you son.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Crackalackin

I'll be sure to be the first to admit i was wrong when that happens.

I'm guessing, given this has taken 30 years so far, and it hasn't really gotten going yet, as it exists in a perpetual state of always about to get going, they might need another 30 years to really really get it going.

So I'll hedge my bets, girlfriend.
edit on 12-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Yup... Don't consider them evil overlords. Or ever want too. Even if that makes me an ostrich.

The ostrich is Cypher in the matrix.. Happy in the cage. No offense but that by default makes conversation limiting. Understand your need for comfort but you know little to nothing on whats outside the cage. You dont want to look by your own admission.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Knock it down to what?

Default institutional control? Might as well try to practice anarchism. Yeah, I really do totally get it. It's all slavery. Control Memes as Richard Dawkins put it, or slave morality as Nietzsche put it. And this is the way it is. It may be fake human thought-up control mechanisms, but it's emergent properties are still of real consideration for me.

It's like, sure I know it's all made up, but at least I'm in a western country of made up control ideas. Would have already been reeducated in China. And dead in almost any country with a Cresent.

So as far as default slave landscapes of idols and morality, wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Red pill is more bull# than the blue one. Nihilism is a dead end. The slave habitat is needed to regulate society. It's variations are many. Some are more self-driven than others.

Just because you acknowledge it's plastic existence, doesn't mean you have to have an existential crises over its implications. Theoretically, a fake landscape, especially one in the west, is full of ways to legitimately game it to one's selfish needs.

So what if it's fake?

And I am Cypher, the one that found a way to get back in without giving anyone up. Just left. Assumed captured and assimilated. And then figured out how to fly everywhere.
edit on 12-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: vance

It's usually a refreshing laugh to read words that a simple minded clown was somehow able to peck out at, for him a blistering 6 words per hour.. smfh, shame that this time it's so pitiful its painful..I mean, we've all seen ignorance and high level Deuschebaggery stumble its way accidentally into the view of actual Americans and have all smelled the stench of the rotten words of brainwashed followers and wondered if the poor thing " actually thought that wasn't embarrassing af, that clumsy attempt to merge into THIS lane.. ?" Well, here we go again.

Dude, you really should use those lucky and very precious few minutes of life that you wasted commenting so mindlessly.. on like...ANYTHING else! Just the fact that you used the word "complied" in general, much less as someone who clearly believes narratives tossed in feces and served by the MSM, tells me that when the chit DOES hit the fan, you are THE LAST person i would ever want watching my back, scheming of how you could Benedick Arnold me into "complying" to the orders of your gangs of murderous, corrupt, deceitful, self serving, spiteful, thuggish cops. Regardless of whose orders they are attempting to carry out. Do you EVER think for yourself?

You and then person who commented above you should get married and go live in make believe Land where everything that scares you is easily explained away as a conspiracy and you can play graba$$ while suckling at Uncle Sam's giant one eyed teat, telling urself how stupid everyone else is for not trusting the government like you.

Biden IS a faux Emporer, but you would have to understand the definition and what behaviors, and authority one with this title would present.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

What a small World we live in!

I knew a guy who knew Cooper, making money off his photo collection. Really weird that way off on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, he could get people to pay him money for a nighttime trip to a nearby hill and they'd see lights in the sky, guaranteed.

Timothy McVeigh was a follower of Cooper too. Small World. I was working the same shift with a coworker whose sister was in the FBI building the day that blew up.

The Branch Davidian stand-off, Timothy McVeigh. Did he know the Branch Davidians? Did he care? My sister knew some of them. And I even talked to some of them before Vernon Howell came along.

So I wrote a letter to my congressman. I'm too lazy to find my copy but I'll quote a line from it.

So now any want to be cult leader can come along and say "You can't trust your Government. You can't trust your church, you can only trust me. REMEMBER WACO."

That was my prediction back in April of '93.

How's that sound?

If Vernon Howell was an ATS member, he'd be crucified left and right, but hey he's a Holy Martyr for the anti-government militia movement. Timothy McVeigh would probably be greeted quite warmly and wholeheartedly on ATS. Stars and flags galore.
edit on 12-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:13 PM
Say what you will about William Cooper.

But I personally learned a lot through the Hour of the Time and Mystery Babylon. Doesn't mean I believed all of it. But there was a lot of interesting sources he read from that had me raising an eyebrow on more than one occasion.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

I saw a 2005 video where Duhbya Bush was talking about foreign operatives relayed information to Homeland Security that terrorists had plans to plant explosives in high risies to prevent victims from exiting the buildings and preventing their escape.
Which was what the thermite charges did on 911 when they brought down the Twin Towers. Yeah, the fires prevented upper floor victims from getting down but the planes did not cause any of the three buildings to collapses. The third just collapsed without having been touched. How they hell did that get allowed? We're all over this BS immediately now but back then we took months to get to questioning when this stuff happened.
edit on 12-9-2023 by Dutchowl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:56 PM
Another good book worth reading is "The Devil's Chessboard" by David Talbot. All factual, backed up by verifiable FOIA requested documents and his own private research accumulated over a 25 year period. It's a long, dry read, but it gets really interesting about halfway in.

While I think Bill was mentally troubled, I believe he was on to something. It's a shame what happened to him.

TheBorg :-)

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 08:53 AM
Bravo, you’re spot on. When we play into the political division, we are doing exactly what they want! And yes, Biden is a sad, demented man, but he’s still the President and NO, he did NOT mandate vaccines and last time I checked there are hundreds of thousands unvaxxed in the US thriving and doing just fine. They’re not starving or in FEMA camps! a reply to: Degradation33

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: gladtobehere


They want to start wars, kill first responders, civilians, and engineer the most complex and intricate plan ever ever to take 20 years to make a natural level of impact on taking away guns?

The dude was a paranoid fruitcake. The sheeple are those who thinks he knew anything and considered him more than a fearful Chicken Little.

I swear people took more of their own freedom away in a perpetual worry of their impending loss of freedom. It hasn't really happened yet. Just more worry about pieces falling into place for a still impending dystopian nightmare.

That's harsh, but he could have had any wacky conspiracy of false dilemma confirmed.

Another thing that bugs me...

Why is the GOP Bush administration in with the NWO but every republican since Bush is fighting the NWO?

The NWO follows US administrative efforts through Obama but stopped controlling everything in government abruptly in 2016. But only for 4 years.

Seems paranoid, perpetually regenerating, and contrived.
Why so irrationally angry here? Acceptance of reality can be difficult, but some of us here can help.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33

And I am Cypher, the one that found a way to get back in without giving anyone up. Just left. Assumed captured and assimilated. And then figured out how to fly everywhere.


Cypher killed at least three of his own crew, one with an EM gun and two more by pulling out their head jacks while they were still inside the matrix. Then he was killed after being shot with the same EM gun he had used on his crew. This is all after he gave up Morpheus to the Agents believing they would actually reintegrate his mind back into the simulation.

You need to go back and rewatch the first film to refresh your memory, then perhaps your dissociated allegory will have an impact.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: FrozenTruth

You need to go back and rewatch the first film to refresh your memory, then perhaps your dissociated allegory will have an impact.

If this is a reference to a movie, then I get it.
It's like putting yourself in a mythological story and changing it, else why bother.
Going off script be cool.
edit on 14-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

No problem.

Phil Schneider also springs to mind where the likes of strange deaths and conspiracy theories are concerned.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

I just took a moment to say I appreciate your writing talent and ability to elucidate a solid balanced frame of mind.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

And lets not forget Pat Price, a talented remote viewer involved in the US govt remote viewing program.

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

You mean Pat Price the remote viewing $cientologist?

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

I'm just going to second CoyoteAngels.

I woke up thinking of the line by the chorus in Prometheus Bound "Like an unskilled doctor, fallen ill, you lose heart and cannot discover by which remedies to cure your own disease."
Some people know it as "Physician, heal thyself".

Full disclosure: I don't really go around quoting Aeschylus. I wiki searched the Physician quote to get the Prometheus quote.
Full full disclosure: I lied. I woke up thinking "Healer, heal thyself".

I found it passing strange that someone who registered months ago, felt suddenly moved to post for the first time, to uphold the Canon of Matrix scripture.

I had to look up Cypher, turns out to be:

The Moroccan information broker, Cypher is a one-man surveillance network who keeps tabs on the enemy’s every move. No secret is safe. No maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching.
— Official description

So comparing a movie character to a role playing game character, there is a big difference even though there are constraints.

A long time ago, I was playing a demo of Tomb Raider 2. The scenery was so beautiful that I wanted to break free of the playing space and get into the trees. I tried every which way, no success. But within the parameters of the game I could do all sorts of stuff.

I never did buy the game, because I still haven't beaten the first one.
edit on 14-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2023 by pthena because: cuz I lied

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: FrozenTruth

Don't know that there is any connection, but Mr Price was said to be very accurate. One of the best.

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