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I've never been a believer untill now.

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posted on May, 29 2023 @ 09:50 PM

Okay please watch this guys video when you get a chance , and honestly his channel is awesome I'm completely hooked at the moment.

But after watching this video I can come to only one conclusion .... Yetis , Sasquatch , Bigfoot or whatever are snatching these people like end of story unless you think these people are just running off into the woods at random and killing themselves and I find that highly unlikely .

I assume humans must present very easy prey for Sasquatch .

I'm curious to hear any other theories.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I have listened to him for years. He is an awesome storyteller.

He has a talent for giving old stories new life.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:09 PM
I was a huge fan of his and bought every book as soon as it came out; I even invested in his first documentary. After it was produced I realized he used 'poetic license' in his story telling.

The main story featured in the documentary focused around DeOrr Kunz, a little two year old boy who went missing on a camping trip in Leadore, Idaho-my home state, so I had followed the story closely.

When he made his documentary it was well known that both parents exhibited 'strange/deceptive/uncooperative' behavior and they both failed multiple lie detector tests. Cadaver dogs hit on the tail pipe of the family truck, time lines didn't match, enough inconsistencies made the parents highly suspect, but no body has ever been found.

Paulides presented it as very suspect of BF activity, which caused me to doubt the veracity of the rest of his stories. I still enjoy his books, and he's a great story teller, but he did the entire subject a great disservice IMO.

The Federal government owns about 640 million acres of land in the United States, about 28% of the total land area of 2.27 billion acres, and much of that land is off limits to the public. It would seem there is plenty of space for unknown species to hide and thrive, in my mind.

The most interesting aspect of BF encounters is the multiple accounts of some sort of 'time warp'; the sense of crossing into another dimension.

Paulides did bring a lot of information to public attention, such as the US Forest Service doesn't keep any records of missing people in their national parks, and for whatever reason doesn't seem to be interested in doing so. I find that strange, considering they're one of the biggest data-collectors on the planet.

I learned the hard way not to take one of his books on a camping trip; ever sound became BF walking through the woods.

Several years ago there was a BF sighting by a university professor about twelve miles from where I live, which seemed odd to me-since it isn't a forested area; just farmland and sagebrush.

I love this subject, and think something strange may be happening, but until I see one with my own eyes-which I hope never happens- I'll remain a skeptic.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I used to love watch Mrballen, until he changed his video format from unexplained and mysterious to gory/sad/horror format
Think he probably lost a few subrcribers that way. This is one of his older videos that I remember watching. Can't be bothered to watch it again and don't remember what was in it

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I am stunned. I’ve spent a lot of time in northern Wisconsin. When I was younger I lived there. My people on one side, were lumberjacks, on the other farmers. Both sides came there in the 1850’s.

I knew and loved both Grandfather’s and both would tell stories of strange things in the woods. I have a special love for the forest. At the age of 10, I would hunt alone in the woods with a .22 for squirrels and such. For some strange reason, I always felt at home there. Always felt safe in there, year round, night or day.

Now, I’m not so sure. Thanks for the video. I’m going to find the books.
Assuming that those stories were vetted, (and I have no reason believe they aren’t), wow, just wow.

I’m beginning to believe that whatever being that did those things, comes from underground. Matter of fact, that would explain a few things: You can move far quicker between 2 points in a large tunnel than you can in dense forest. You can easily hide anything underground, even a community of Squatch. Especially if you only come up for fresh meat once in a while, and here and there. Possibly they could be looking for farm stock.

The Vietnamese had massive tunnel complexes, they would disappear troops into them quickly and without a sign. Entrances are easily concealed from pursuers. The entrances and exits are key in this scenario. Find either, and you find the entire complex. There would be traps and blind’s everywhere of course, but you would know Squatch lived there.

It makes more sense to me than “Aliens” and it’s worth the discussion. They would have to be masterful at concealing entrances and such, but they do have a reputation of being stealthy. Heck, what if they wear Gillie suits, who to say that fur is not from some other animal to throw you off?

Possibilities are endless, but I think I’m going to find those books and do more research.

edit on CDT2023p2023-05-30T00:01:59-05:00Tue, 30 May 2023 00:01:59 -0500amf31 by Topcraft because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 03:43 AM
If you talk to Native Americans about Skookum/Sasquatch, and a hundred different names for him, they'll tell you that he is peaceful, until he's not. In other words, better left alone.

My own experience is he's smart. Human smart, or virtually. Treating him like a dumb animal is foolhardy in the extreme.

My Dad had two encounters with Sasquatch. One prior to his going off to war, and oddly enough, one just after he got back from that same war. Early '41, and '46/'47. My granddad had two encounters, as well. One total accident, and from a distance, and the second was during a posse chase while he was a county sheriff in the 1930's, IIRC. That encounter was--if it had been me, terrifying. At least two, possibly more, were spotted just outside the campfire light--only their eyes could be seen...The scout on watch woke 'em, telling the group--all WWI vets--that Skookum was watching them.

I've had two, though it could have been one seen twice, sightings. The second was the most profoundly effecting of the two...within yards of my car.

Make no mistake, he's peaceable, until given reason not to be.

Other things I've encountered tell me that it's not Skookum that may, or may not be, responsible. Other much more likely critters are likely responsible. Cougars. Bears. Angry Moose, Elk, etc...

Other things are possible, too. Things I've experienced, and have no explanation, or probably ever.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 04:37 AM
I've been following his videos for some time, and I've been following David David Paulides for years. I had my own experience with a bigfoot-like creature, and so have many others. As for if the bigfoots are responsible for the disappearances, I'm unsure but it looks like it. As for why, no one knows. Perhaps clues may lie with Native stories.
edit on 30-5-2023 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 07:36 AM
Think reasonably. People have been "took", now bigfoot are very large creatures and the chances of them taking anyone within earshot of others is remote to nil. Supposed reason, in every case of bigfoot encounters the main point is the terrible smell. Now how can a bigfoot snatch a person, travel any distance and not leave a scent trail that even a professional dog and tracker cannot track it. It aint bigfoot.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 07:45 AM
I don't believe any of the Bigfoot nonsense. Animal predation, dangerous environments and human mistakes are the likely causes. Also perhaps human ne'erdo wells.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

I am being quite reasonable .

Look at the facts of these cases , There is a variable we are missing and yes that is a common thing with a mystery but what I mean is there is a variable with what ever is taking these people that we simply cant quantify.

When we as humans think "Bigfoot" , We imagine a large Ape like creature some 8 feet tall hairy and beastly , So this creature must make sounds and leave a scent and Eat and Drink and have a home of some sort in the forest.

If this were the case then we would have found a ' Bigfoot ' by now , A truck would hit one , or a hunter would shoot one , or someone would just stumble across a dead one or a camera somewhere at some point would film one and yet ...No Bigfoot ? But that being said there is no doubt 'Bigfoot' is real , all the people who have seen them in the wild are not just making it up and all the proof with these disappearances is not just happens chance.

We humans think the rules of reality must apply to ' Bigfoot' because they apply to us , that is simply not the case .

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: midicon

Animal predation, dangerous environments and human mistakes are the likely causes.

90% of the time yes .

But not everything can be rationally explained mate , I get that people are more comfortable believing that they have a grasp of everything around them .

But the Truth is we don't , We simply experience what our 5 senses allow us to experience and everything else is ignored or written off as non-sense.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I think your questioning on this topic is well grounded.

Not that I'm saying BF doesn't exist. But there are plenty of reasons that people can go missing, especially when they're away from the trappings of human settlements.


posted on May, 30 2023 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

I'm curious to hear any other theories.

Have you heard about these alien things they found in Antarctica that roam around on 3 -4 legs and are huge start out as small spider looking things and grow massive fast and have an appetite for human flesh?

If this loads look at this blockchain read! CHECK OUT THIS LINK!


posted on May, 30 2023 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: midicon

I don't believe any of the Bigfoot nonsense. Animal predation, dangerous environments and human mistakes are the likely causes. Also perhaps human ne'erdo wells.

And you may well be right. But cases that have no absolute evidence invite speculation, when and if someone comes up with a hopefully live specimen, we will have answers.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: HUBE007

It did load, and I believe it warrants a a post of its own, I’ve never seen anything like it before. This type of story is what made ATS great before all the political mudslinging, and is the reason that people came to this site.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 04:14 PM
Love the 411/Paulides stories. The one aspect that gets me the most are the stories of the "staircases" seen in the woods. This may have been debunked and if so, my apologies. If not...damn. Creepy stuff

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: TXRabbit
Love the 411/Paulides stories. The one aspect that gets me the most are the stories of the "staircases" seen in the woods. This may have been debunked and if so, my apologies. If not...damn. Creepy stuff

Ah, the staircases in the woods. I believe it originated from the no sleep subreddit, at least i remember reading a multiple part story about them as told from a search and rescue officer on there years ago. Was a great story

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Been watching his videos for years...he definitely makes some good ones. My theory has been that the US government KNOWS something supernatural resides in certain areas of America and they turn those areas into Wilderness areas or National parks to limit people from living in them because they KNOW there is a danger. What that supernatural force is? Your guess is as good as mine. For all we know could be aliens, a race that came before us that lives underground, Bigfoot...hell could be vampires. I have been an avid outdoorsman my whole life. Have hiked all over the country Sierras, Rockies, Ozark, Appalachians, all of our lonely deserts...I have been everywhere in America and 98% of my backpacking trips have been solo. There is something out there for sure. Many times I have felt it watching me. Many times I have been stopped dead in my tracks as something told me to turn around NOW and gtfo. I have drawn my firearm on something that I couldn't see but I know was there many times. I seem to attract weird situations. Most people are happy to see one UFO in their life...I'm like a magnet for them.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 09:13 AM
Had an encounter here in Idaho years back

We were hunting elk and were coming into this little rocky area ....started hearing timber move and rocks being thrown

Looked in time to see a big ass stone hit next to a cougar that had clearly been watching us from above on a shelf and ran it off

Still don't know who was throwing them rocks
edit on 5/31/2023 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
Had an encounter here in Idaho years back

We were hunting elk and were coming into this little rocky area ....started hearing timber move and rocks being thrown

Looked in time to see a big ass stone hit next to a cougar that had clearly been watching us from above on a shelf and ran it off

Still don't know who was throwing them rocks

Now that is interesting .

Makes me wonder if it was warning you about the Cougar. ?

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