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Accounting error frees $3 billion for Ukraine weapons assistance

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posted on May, 20 2023 @ 07:43 PM

The Biden administration made an accounting error in assessing the value of the military support that the US has given to Ukraine to date, freeing up approximately $3 billion more in aid, an amount likely to mitigate the need for Congress to pass an additional assistance package before the end of the fiscal year in September, multiple congressional and administration officials told CNN.

“The revelation of a three-billion-dollar accounting error discovered two months ago and only today shared with Congress is extremely problematic, to say the least. These funds could have been used for extra supplies and weapons for the upcoming counteroffensive, instead of rationing funds to last for the remainder of the fiscal year,” wrote House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul and House Armed Services Chairman Mike Rogers in a statement Thursday.

The accounting error occurred because when the US transferred weaponry to Ukraine, they counted the value of replacing the weapon instead of the value of actual weapon, defense officials explained. That drove up the cost of each package – because new weaponry costs more than old weaponry – and resulted in the false assumption that more of the funding had been used.

Since August 2021, the United States has sent weapons valued at about $21.1 billion to Ukraine from its stockpiles. The Pentagon seems to have a history of accounting problems.

Is this war like our elections, where the one who spends the most money almost always wins?


edit on Sat May 20 2023 by Jbird because: bbcode fix

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: nugget1
A bit confused...

So they changed from using the new weapon price vs old weapon price?

Soit costs $10 for new, and $5 for old?

So we should give them the "used" price even though for us to have them replaced is the new price?

So in reality, by the time we replace everything, the taxpayers are losing by us giving them away, AND replacing them.

Wow. Just, wow. (Funny how the error goes against us and not ukraine.)

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

You don’t sell a 2015 car for 2023 prices. When the weapons that have been sent to Ukraine were bought, the costs were lower, for various reasons.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

If they didn't give or sell them to Ukraine or anyone else they'd be practically worthless, just scrap metal. It's not like my old used car is worth as much as a new car either, no matter how fancy the new car would be.

Having said that, I think they're using this as a trick to send more hardware before passing a new bill. Still it makes sense.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:04 PM
Whatever it takes to keep the war machine turning.

Free test bed.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
Whatever it takes to keep the war machine turning.

Free test bed.

Pretty much as Professor Emeritus Osborne postulated decades ago

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields, the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh, Lord, yeah

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that all to the poor, yeah
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgment day comes, yeah

[Verse 2]
Now, in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where their bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of Judgment, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercies for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

Oh, Lord, yeah

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Remarkably similar to Russia in Syria, and several other of their operations.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:47 PM
Another poor and desperate attempt trying to not lose their war mongerer faces, their "we win it all" faces.

Of course, only a mistake....

Let´s look at the whole charade like this:

The war-mongering west (i am part, citizen of that west, not a Putin lover or whatever else the deniers will throw at me) is heading towards a fundamental loss with it´s regime change BS in the Ukraine. The "united west" is heading towards a disastrous loss in the Ukraine, after throwing billions of tax payers money into that corrupt and fascist sh!thole the world calls Ukraine. The same world that didn´t even know that there is a Ukraine that exists before the western propaganda cannons started their continuous fire: Ukraine fascism and corruption doesn´t exist, Putin-Russia is evil!

Those responsible for the burning of the tax payers money (to fund fascists and corrupt criminals) have no other clue than throwing more of not their but the tax payers money into that stinky barrel without a bottom. Let it be german money, let it be UK money, let it be US money. All that money comes from heavily by WEF agents infiltrated nations, the so called "independent" governments of these nations.

If the tax payers are fed to the fullest with all the BS while at home there is no money for nothing, not even the most necessary things like public toilets (an example from Germany, where the "state" cries about all those "wild-life p!ssers" while not using tax payers money to build enough public toilets like in many other nations on earth), then of course the money will be send via "mistakes" into that sh!thole.

Please, people on ATS, don´t get me wrong. I don´t hate the average Ukrainian people, i even know some which live in Germany for years or decades. And for a very good reason not in the Ukraine anymore. This is one of the points that´s driving me crazy, the fascists over there forbid every opposition, ban everything that isn´t in line with the corrupt rulers and the Ukraines fascists history, did ethnic cleansings from at least 2014 until today in the eastern parts of the Ukraine, killing their own citizens only because they have another view on the reality than the foreign, WEF and US/UK axis backed radical nationalist extremists in Kiev.

In the beginning of all that BS i started to be hateful towards shiny and brand new cars with Ukrainian number plates, knowing that these people get more here, with way less problems, than the average german population or refugees from elsewhere on earth. Now i see this completely different because everybody who fled from the Ukraine to Germany fled from this corrupt and fascist regime and didn´t want to spend his or his families a$$ for that WEF-BS show, they knew better and left that sh!thole before it was too late for them. Now i see them as brave people who did everything for their kids, for their families. And prevented their kids and families from liviig in a corrupt and fascists sh!thole!

Of course, if your maybe voters and with certainty tax payers don´t like anymore that the "government" spends billions of blood money (payed by the tax payers) to keep an evil game going on, then this tax payers money has to reach it´s destination by "mistakes" and "errors". Main thing is that the money keeps flowing for the US regime change and worls domination dreams (while heading towards a third or fourth world nation because of BRICS and printed "air money" and such...)

The west, including me, is done. But it´s at least not my fault but the fault of the "best heads worldwide", the greedy and power-hungry villains that rule the world with their money bags and treacherous henchmenr, unfortunately.

We, the people, no where matter we come from, we all together have to stop the anti-human devils in charge in every nation, we, the people, have to withdraw this devils our money and their power!

Otherwise, nothing ever will change!

I am as always sorry for my bad german school english and as always, if you find any mistakes in my comment, you can keep them for free!

The only rules i follow and the only pillars i support are the five pillars of the house of HipHip (ask KRS-1)!

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Without Russia's intervention in Syria.

Syria would have fallen just like Libya with no plan.

It seems the ones running West/US are like spoiled adults that dont learn the mistakes or anything from their previous conflicts they are like androids.

If Syria and Syrian govt did fall to the so called Rebels, there would have being another wave of migrants into Europe.

edit on 20-5-2023 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: vNex92

Which doesn't change the fact that Russia used it as a testing ground, exactly as people are saying the West is doing.

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 10:10 PM
They won’t be replaced. Your country is ‘giving ‘ them away because they are obsolete.

It’s a stocktake/firesale and solves the problem of emptying the warehouses without actually using the weaponry yourselves.

It’s an accounting ‘war’ lol

a reply to: theatreboy

posted on May, 20 2023 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: vNex92

Which doesn't change the fact that Russia used it as a testing ground, exactly as people are saying the West is doing.

No doubt it's as if everybody forgets Russia is a huge arms exporter too. Heard theories its one of the many reasons Putin is pissed, he expected a better performance from his own weapons developers and manufacturers. Evidently, the 3 scientist arrested from Russia's hypersonic program was true.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 12:55 AM
The US better hurry .
Allegedly , Bakhmut just fell .
There is just a minor strip left to take .of that part of the Ukraine .
edit on 5/21/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 01:03 AM
It's an honest mistake. You see, a zero or two gets added in the calculation by accident sometimes. It's just a glitch.

Don't worry, the US is sending f16's to Ukraine to help "end the war" according to Jake Sullivan. That's right, "help end the war."

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

A major contributor to the cost going up is the war in Ukraine that the weapons were donated to. It seems to be the story in every other walk of life.

I would like to understand how many of the donated weapons were at the end of their shelf life anyway and would have needed to be renewed anyway.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

Is this war like our elections, where the one who spends the most money almost always wins?

Russia is spending less money invading Ukraine than America is spending aiding Ukraine. This is an unsustainable for America and if we continue this course we will inevitably debase our currency and destroy our economy...

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: vNex92

Which doesn't change the fact that Russia used it as a testing ground, exactly as people are saying the West is doing.

Nice deflection...

But that still doesn't morally justify America foreign policy.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: JAY1980

Didn’t say it did, now did I. But it also doesn’t justify blaming one side, and not the other when both are equally guilty.

posted on May, 21 2023 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Doxanoxa

Prices have been going up pretty much across the board for the last three or four years. Ukraine has added to that, but be been watching procurement for a long time, and the last few years has been the ugliest it’s been in a minute. Covid has been used to justify a lot of things, including the supply chain issues that have suddenly driving costs up, while slowing delivery.

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