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I just Launched an Asteroid at Paris and vaporized 2,318,496 people ... Erm , Sorry

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posted on Dec, 7 2022 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
That was fun. I wiped out DC. Three million plus casualties. More energy released than a Yellowstone eruption. Impact equivalent to one every 35 million years.

Thank you. You have done the planet a great service.

posted on Dec, 7 2022 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: caterpillage
a reply to: Bigburgh

Pretty sure I'm a goner here in toledo as well.

Oh well, I had a good run

Somehow I think people from Ohio would survive… 😬

Maybe, but it did show like 500 mile per hour wind blowing through here. Thats pretty stout, not sure id like my chances in that.

Not sure how accurate that is either. But then I did choose a 1 mile wide iron chunk going 249 thousand miles an hour hitting at straight 90 degrees.
Apparently that has so.e serious power behind it lol.

If I choose the same parameters but instead choose a 1 mile wide chunk of gold the crater becomes 80 miles wide and the death toll rises massively.

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 05:11 AM

edit on 12/8/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 11:32 AM
i mean finding out how much area of my local village is destroyed is kind of cool... just need to move and then let it happen

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 03:42 PM
Is it possible to launch loads of little asteroids on all the gypsy campsites across the UK? Surely I wouldn't go on a list for that? 🧐

posted on Dec, 8 2022 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Albert999

I had the same thought, but they would just burn up as they enter the mesosphere. Only pixie dust would be left to land on earth.

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 01:56 AM
Hmmmm that's a shame

posted on Dec, 9 2022 @ 09:51 PM
Gave this a shot as well. Hit Beijing with a 1 mile wide rock, travelling at 250,000 mph. I'm just gonna let the numbers speak for themselves...

43 mile wide crater
An estimated 17,923,518 people would be vaporized in the crater
The crater is 0.65 miles deep
Your asteroid impacted the ground at 249,488 mph
The impact is equivalent to 17,248 Gigatons of TNT
More energy was released than the last eruption of Yellowstone
An impact this size happens on average every 48 million years

103 mile wide fireball
An estimated 157,496,956 people would die from the fireball
An estimated 31,515,346 people would receive 3rd degree burns
An estimated 41,898,751 people would receive 2nd degree burns
Clothes would catch on fire within 477 miles of the impact
Trees would catch on fire within 574 miles of the impact

250 decibel shock wave
An estimated 34,062,697 people would die from the shock wave
Anyone within 309 miles would likely receive lung damage
Anyone within 403 miles would likely have ruptured eardrums
Buildings within 700 miles would collapse
Homes within 934 miles would collapse

14,677 mph peak wind speed
An estimated 127,582,137 people would die from the wind blast
Wind within 209 miles would be faster than storms on Jupiter
Homes within 341 miles would be completely leveled
Within 611 miles it would feel like being inside an EF5 tornado
Nearly all trees within 1,004 miles would be knocked down

9.3 magnitude earthquake
An estimated 797,642 people would die from the earthquake.
The earthquake would be felt 425 miles away

I think I made a terrible decision...


posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: TheBorg

I think you may have won the award for most kills on that one 😆

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: caterpillage

Now thats a crispy - erm? - Beijing - duck.

Alright lets drop one on Wigan, a town I am not too keen on though not all pie eaters are bad just had a very bad experience there going back (nicknamed pie eaters because it was said there miners ate humble pie and expression used meaning they gave up and went back to work during the 1980's miners strikes).

Default size so that's
Diameter half a K, iron asteroid travelling at 17 K per second and an impact angle of 45 degrees (should give some nice splash damage as well, right on Wallgate and a certain building there (though I was tempted to hit my old College there just around the corner from it so same difference).


9.7 k wide crater.
Tragically for pie manufacturers everywhere 104,546 people were killed probably while munching the local delicacy of pie on a barm (barm cake it's basically a soft small cob loaf) with mushy pea juice (pea wack) all over it.

Left a crater 583 meters deep (sure it would be deeper there is plenty of coal and shale under that but I guess the site is guess-estimating the depth of craters based on an average crustal density).

Well I guess those that live in glass houses should not caste stones because I would get third degree burns and catch fire most likely though in reality the death toll would likely be far higher as the north west of England is the second most densely populated region of the country.

And I don't hate wigan, just can't stand it after something I experienced going back and it's full of woman bating bullying bald little men*** and oversized (Sideways) rugby fan's, nothing wrong with rugby so long as you are not at the bottom of the scrum so I can't really criticize that but they need to lay off the pies a bit and get into shape (And I would probably support the Saints first, well definitely in fact - and ok fine I am quite partial to a good pie myself but prefer a Cornish pasty any day or a good sausage roll and some brown sauce).

Likely the other loss from this impact is a sizable number of fast food kebab houses.

*** They are noted for beating up woman, I once went to the aid of a young woman when after a night out I left some friends whom were going on to Manchester and made my own way home and on the way to the train station passing a car park I heard these dull thud's, woman's scream's and as walked around the corner here is this tall attractive blond woman being beaten up by this small baldy found mouthed ugly little troll so of course like any young man I walked over with the intention of giving him some of this own medicine but instead SHE dived in front of him and he actually hid behind her so there was nothing I could do, shrugged, gave them both a look of disgust and continued on my way and while this was three decades and more ago not much as changed there at all, still the same game among them (not the grudge I have that was someone spiking my food when I was in the college there that made me very ill indeed for a very long time afterwards, I hate so called recreational drugs and for some arsehole from wigan to spike my food, well let's say even today if I knew for sure who it was though of course I would not asteroid a whole town for one or two arseholes).
edit on 11-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Ha ha....Wigan!

Did quite a bit of work in a factory there back in the a lot of towns in NW & NE England it is a bit of a throwback.

posted on Dec, 11 2022 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Used to have a high death rate going back, bad atmosphere over the town or something and probably chemicals as well from all the old mining that took place there for more than a century.
Like I say not all bad there but it is a grim place and I would not want to live there.

edit on 11-12-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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