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Has anyone actually encountered a Vampyre or sighted something that could be one?

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posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 12:07 PM
I must ask you all, can we please get back to the subject of this topic?

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 12:11 PM
I'm sorry for the delayed response and thank you so much for sharing with us some of the experiences you had during your life.

originally posted by: Coagula
a reply to: Suiren

I think I encountered a group of Vampyre's in London about 20 years ago. I was drunk and ended up speaking to these two random guys who had approached me, they were about my age. After a while, we ended up in a taxi because they wanted to take me to a club, but it was a very strange place.

There were a couple of bouncers at the door to the club who were dressed in biker gear, they seemed reluctant to let me in, but the two guys said something to them and they let me pass. However, when I passed through he door, it was like I had been transported back to Victorian times, and the two guys I was with had disappeared.

The place had a strange vibe, there were no windows, it stunk of urine and everyone in the bar seemed to turn around and look at me - there was no music playing.

I thought # this, so I turned to leave as quickly as possible, but the two bouncers who were standing outside had now came back inside and were about to shut the doors. Seeing this, I bolted towards them and managed to get out, but as I was doing this I seen some of the people who were sitting down get up really quickly and move towards me, they were hissing and it looked as if their eyes had changed, was hard to see though as I was moving so quickly. I felt something try to grab me as I was getting out the door, I think it was one of the bouncers - it was a pretty scary experience!

Two days later I went back to the location of this club and there was a double door there, but it was covered in posters and what not, it looked as if the door hadn't been opened in years.

I hate to think what may have happened if they had managed to close them doors!

originally posted by: Coagula

Scary story, if true terrifying.

What were you doing going somewhere with total strangers though?.

Though it sounds more ghost like in some ways.

Would make a great basis for a book.

100% true, it was very strange!

I was out with my friends and was quite drunk, these two guys approached me in the bar and we got chatting about random things - I will talk to anyone when I've been drinking. Although, I wasn't drunk enough to not know what I was doing, nor was I on any drugs at the time.

I remember the people in the club that they took me to were sitting on what seemed like wooden park benches, and some of them seemed to be wearing trench coats.

Also, I remember the feeling of relief I got when I managed to get out of the place - I wish I still remembered the exact location of it!

What was the name of the club that you went to? 
Were there both male and female vampyres?
Any other descriptions that you remember?
Did you see the same vampyres again?
Do you know of any vampyre hangouts in the London area?

originally posted by: kerrichin
this was a few decades ago and an account from my mother so bare with me.

First off my mum ran a pub in our village. It was only two doors down from our own hour. every night mum would finish in the early hours and walk home alone to our house. Now opposite our house was an old community hall. A new one had been built and the one opposite our house was sold off for housing. It was brought, we never met the owners but just after it was sold builders came in and blocked all the windows, every single one with boards. This building had some really beautiful shaped windows that were high up, like by the roof, like second story high (this is important for later) and a couple smaller ones by the main entrance Every single one was boarded up. We all thought it was weird but thought nothing of it, after all your house do what you want.

These people never ever left the house at night, we never saw them except a few occasions at night but we never really saw their faces, they always seemed to be in the shadows. we assumed there was a kid as we saw a small child looking person but they never went to our school. We had a village school again a few doors down from house (our hour was pretty much the centre of the village). every so often they had night parties. well I say parties more like orgies. people would turn up, shouting and screaming would occur and then people would pile out the house having sex with each other. us and our neighbours would regularly have to ring the police as people would spill out this house into the street and have sex on the lawns, walls and gardens of neighbours. It was pretty mental and for a quiet little village on the England/Welsh border pretty crazy.

well back to my mum. one night after locking up the pub she was walking home alone. as she passed the house she felt a weird sensation, she explains it like a cold shudder down her spin. that someone was watching her. she said she never felt so unnerved. again tiny village no one usually felt fear walking around at night we had very few crimes if any. she felt herself turn to look at the house, she said its like she had no control over her body. she looks and sees a man standing next to the house, assumes its the owner then she realises he is level with the upper windows, she then focuses and she realises the man is floating, no ladder, nothing. she freaks out and runs to our house. We always locked the door as dad worked away and I would baby sit my sister. I hear banging on the door and as i run and open it my mum falls through screaming. For months after that she refused to walk home alone. Either one of her customers would have to wait and walk her home or dad when he was home.

I think that was the closest we ever saw to a vampire

Oh my, he scared the hell out of her...
I have heard a rumor that vampyres are fast, and they can jump high (it seems like flying). They are
talented acrobats.
What I am curious about is if he could come out during the daytime? What time of day was it?
And another thing has anything strange like this happened to your mother, or maybe to your sister and to you?

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 01:20 PM
One of the best vampire movies ever made, trust me.

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

"The Lost Boys" is another cracker.

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Suiren

Tidbit for you.

Another one

edit on 14-7-2022 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Suiren
I'm sorry for the delayed response and thank you so much for sharing with us some of the experiences you had during your life.

originally posted by: Coagula
a reply to: Suiren

originally posted by: kerrichin
this was a few decades ago and an account from my mother so bare with me.

Oh my, he scared the hell out of her...
I have heard a rumor that vampyres are fast, and they can jump high (it seems like flying). They are
talented acrobats.
What I am curious about is if he could come out during the daytime? What time of day was it?
And another thing has anything strange like this happened to your mother, or maybe to your sister and to you?

He and his ( what i guess) family never ever came out in the day. Always at night and late in the night, sort of between 10pm and before dawn. We never saw their faces either, they always seemed to be in the shadows. He was bald and white, really white. He also always had a long trench coat on when seen.

I only ever witnessed the parties and and only saw him so often, usually at these parties. Mum would (until that experience) always walk home alone at the very early hours due to her job. So imagine that's why she saw it an not us. WE moved not long after so I im not sure if hes still there

posted on Jul, 14 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Suiren

Tidbit for you.

Another one


Thank you for the links you have sent me.
There definitely are people out there who like to eat human blood, but these are not the vampyres I'm talking about or looking for.

posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
a reply to: Suiren

so what is going on?
Because either you are Passionbrute,
Or you copied one of his posts from reddit in your OP here in this thread

If the second,
then why would you say two posts above that you know 'her' and talked to her, etc....
Because Passionbrute is a 'he' , he also states that in one of his posts, together with his name.

If it is you, then why not post the full story here on ATS.
Some will say you are crazy, others might find it interesting...

Hello, Passionbrute here!

Just to clear some things up. I am transgender, and was identifying as female during the events of said encounter. But yes, I am a he. And OP did talk to me, and we are not the same person.

posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: Suiren
Hi. That Reddit link is purely fictional. I'm not sure how someone can write in that style and expect to be believed.

Unfortunate that writing style determines what is true for you, and not its contents.

Sadly, the story is 100% true.
edit on 15-7-2022 by passionbrute because: Misquoted

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: passionbrute

Probably best to provide your version of events then as opposed to Suiren account?

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:38 AM
I attended some kind of night club or event in Austin, TX a long time ago. I don't remember why or how I ended up there but the music and venue were very dark. Although it was too dark to see people's faces, you could see their eyes because their irises were lit. I have since learned to recognize that phenomenon as a symptom of varying degrees of demon possession. Most pagans these days will claim that it is a symptom of being 'enlightened' but it is not. It is a symptom of darkness in the spirit man. Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. Anyway, I remember a man that followed me out of the venue to talk to me. He told me that the event was some kind of gathering for vampires. There were probably at least a couple hundred people there that night.

Also, William Schnoebelen claims to have been a Catholic priest before becoming a witch, satanist and vampire:

edit on 16-7-2022 by cameos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: passionbrute

Probably best to provide your version of events then as opposed to Suiren account?

It would just be a repeat of the reddit post, so Im not sure yet.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: passionbrute

That's ok passionbrute, nether are most regarding the existence of vampires.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: passionbrute

That's ok passionbrute, nether are most regarding the existence of vampires.

Very true, friend.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: passionbrute

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
a reply to: Suiren

so what is going on?
Because either you are Passionbrute,
Or you copied one of his posts from reddit in your OP here in this thread

If the second,
then why would you say two posts above that you know 'her' and talked to her, etc....
Because Passionbrute is a 'he' , he also states that in one of his posts, together with his name.

If it is you, then why not post the full story here on ATS.
Some will say you are crazy, others might find it interesting...

Hello, Passionbrute here!

Just to clear some things up. I am transgender, and was identifying as female during the events of said encounter. But yes, I am a he. And OP did talk to me, and we are not the same person.

sorry for the late response,
I guess it doesn't really matter who you are and if the two accounts are the same person or not. Not on this topic.

What I don't understand, after reading the whole story on Reddit,
Let's say that what you write there is all true, then why would you keep looking for more information after having had this horrific experience? Why not move one and hope that you will never cross paths with this 'creature' again?

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 06:56 AM
Back in the early nineties I was obsessed with vampires.
Today I have an almost complete collection of vampire movies and books and I keep adding to it. These days it's just an interest, I love the topic in literature.

But back then, I spend my Saturday nights in the underground club scene in Europe, some of them did vampire parties where an odd mix of people of all subcultures would come together, for some it was a fetish, others were wannabees, searchers, self proclaimed 'hunters', etc... I really wanted to find proof for their existence, but in the end all of those places were as fake as it gets and one big disappointment.

After that I started to go out in a small local club with my friends, very basic and there was really nothing special or exiting about this place. One night I was there with my sister. I had plenty to drink. On my way out of the bathroom there was a guy washing his hands, I looked at his reflection in the mirror and he spotted me and smiled. He had fangs. I went back inside, not scared or anything, went to my sister and said to her 'there is a vampire in the bathroom'. She laughed and asked me what I was on...
I was on nothing that would've make me hallucinate but until this day I blame the alcohol and the drugs. (don't judge me, it was the nineties, almost everyone did drugs)
I remember that night very well. However I don't remember the guys face, or anything about him, only his clothing, which was a bit out of place for the scene. He was wearing white pants and a black and white striped, low neck t-shirt, which was way to feminine for a guy to wear. (the kind of clothing you see on French harlequin / pierot street artists, that's what it reminded me of)
Now every time I see someone wearing such a shirt it triggers the memory.

So, that's as close I ever came to a 'real' encounter, and I still think I just hallucinated it ...

edit on 17-7-2022 by KindraLabelle2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 08:43 AM
So I use to live near a pizza shop that was the other side of the trafic lights. I'd often walk down there for pizza late at night.. A couple of times when it was around midnight I would encounter someone and be that kind of idiot to ask them "did you want to be the best musician in the world?". One time I did this the dude freaked--what would his narrative of the encounter be?.

If vampires existed then Pebble Beach would be full of goths.

Other things exist tho.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 09:03 AM
There are lots of emotional vampires wandering around in broad day light.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2

originally posted by: passionbrute

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
a reply to: Suiren

so what is going on?
Because either you are Passionbrute,
Or you copied one of his posts from reddit in your OP here in this thread

If the second,
then why would you say two posts above that you know 'her' and talked to her, etc....
Because Passionbrute is a 'he' , he also states that in one of his posts, together with his name.

If it is you, then why not post the full story here on ATS.
Some will say you are crazy, others might find it interesting...

Hello, Passionbrute here!

Just to clear some things up. I am transgender, and was identifying as female during the events of said encounter. But yes, I am a he. And OP did talk to me, and we are not the same person.

sorry for the late response,
I guess it doesn't really matter who you are and if the two accounts are the same person or not. Not on this topic.

What I don't understand, after reading the whole story on Reddit,
Let's say that what you write there is all true, then why would you keep looking for more information after having had this horrific experience? Why not move one and hope that you will never cross paths with this 'creature' again?

Well, first of all it wasn’t a one time thing. He came back six months later. . . then he maintained contact for nearly ten years. Even if he didn’t come back, I would encourage you to think of it this way: If a person survives shark attack, do they ever forget about it? It’s not exactly a good analogy, but I hope it makes it’s point without me waxing on about it. I believe situations like these are life-changing and moving on can be difficult. I’d also like you to consider that not only was my worldview changed (HOLY # VAMPIRES ARE REAL AND I’M IN DANGER) but being exposed to something commonly viewed as pure fiction was also like a sort of enlightenment? Like, I became completely and utterly obsessed. There’s a whole new side of this world that I never imagined, and I would/will not be satisfied until I know more.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Suiren

Anyone remember Excalibur in Chicago?
If there was ever a vampire lair, that place was it.

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