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I believe David Icke was a plant.

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posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:00 AM
If I was a Jewish billionaire or a member of the British Royal Family, or any other kind of elite person and I knew I was going to have to contend in the future with people catching on world wide to what I was up to to consolidate my power and influence, from "Eyes Wide Shut" to eyes wide open, I would have found David Icke well useful. I would know that he had only a limited shelf life, but would have found pulling the strings of such a puppet as that a very useful thing indeed.

Did David do this knowingly ur unknowingly? If he did not know it he was being used terribly, just as Julian was being used by Putin.

Personally I never got sucked into David Icke or Alex Jones, not any of the conspiracy crazies, but I knew even before the days of the internet that the most powerful in our world were up to all kind of tricks and have been for many thousands of years, from the priests of old Egypt using their "magic" to keep power (even exerting influence over Pharaoh) to the actions of spies and covert political operations such as Guy Fawkes attempt at blowing up all the British parliament on behalf of Catholic powers.

I would have exploited David Icke terribly, encouraging him to hate me, but most of all encouraging all his lizard madness so he looks like a total jerk and insane. I would hope he had managed to attract as many conspiracy seeing people as possible so I could alienate, ridicule and character assassinate conspiracy theorists all in one go through the media.

David Icke and people like him are chagrins and deceivers, tricksters to allure the unwary lateral thinkers. I was on guard about these people right from the start, being conscious of the power to deceive by the crazy cultists like Jim Jones et al.

There is a very important place for lateral thinking, people who can spot patterns of behaviour and see what the games the powerful play on us, how they use and abuse us, how they control us. Surely, they do all of that to us. It is now obvious.

Yes, David Icke and his like deceived many, made many look insane and objects of ridicule. He did a terrible harm to lateral thinking people, getting them labelled as crazies who should not be listened to.

However, people appear to have experienced a conscious enlightenment because of the virus, seeing in a very concrete form how the powerful control us and influence us. They have had time to think in lockdown instead of being too busy to notice.

I feel very happy about how people have managed to catch on that we are being played with and hoodwinked into obeying via the puppet shows of the powerful. I was reading comments about the "Greta" ops today and it delighted me that so many can spot the ops.

Consipiracy has gone mainstream. Even the "Daily Mail" readers are getting clued up and noticing something isn't quite right. Do you think the powerful will start to try to crush us into obeying now the game is up and the stones are turned? Or will they back off and accept this lesson and not be so hot on keeping us in illusions and hiding what they really do?

This is why I hate "Political Correctness" so much. Of course I would always defend anyone's right to be who they are. Of course I love women and want them to have equal rights to men in the world, NOT like this though. Only freedom can free people. How can any kind of entrapment, slavery to ideology and banning of words make us all free? "Political Correctness" was being used as a control mechanism to lock us down in our thoughts and expressions, straight from the instruction manual like "1984". I would urge everyone, for the sake of freedom to murder "Political Correctness" as an ideology. It is the very chains of human imprisonment. Kill it. Kill the sin not the sinner.

David Icke, Alex Jones and all the other crazies did us no favours. They only made us look stupid and crazy at a time when we needed to wake up and dissolve every illusion before our eyes. They were tricksters and enemies of TRUTH. Alex and David used it to bluff people and make money out of them. They used it to be another kind of slavemaster, using their illusion like magic to hoodwink any who would follow them, buy their books, give them ego power and fame. To follow people like that is swapping puppet masters, from one controlling exploiting illusionist to another.

edit on 26-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:33 AM
I think your overall premise is valid for several people. I would say that most were/are unwitting, but carefully selected for this purpose. The controlled opposition in the current state of affairs is really being exposed.

I would say the general process goes something like this:

1. Find a mildly popular fringe presenter -- somebody who has gotten on the radar because they have done some actual digging and triggered somebody's tripwire, OR somebody who is obviously a bit off, but if you feed him some legit tidbits, you get people to follow a kook.

2. Get your people to infiltrate and either become a source or "partner" who also has similar interests

3. Feed some legitimate tidbits that let the person know they are really on to something

4. Build up a big following with enough tidbits, but nothing gigantic and mix in a few bad apples for good measure

5. At the right time, when things get hairy and the distraction is necessary, drop some huge but bogus leads that are easily discredited by the "media"

6. Add credibility to the idea that these are all just crazy CT, and disenfranchise the followers.

7. Rinse and repeat.

If the people wont listen to your narrative on channel A, create channel B that plays to their needs and take control the info that way . Fox News is a great example in the main stream that did this...I mean duh, who are the owners? The efforts in the more fringe side were just designed to discredit the whole idea of CT while at same time convincing viewers that CT is also just for rubes and idiots.

+5 more 
posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

David Icke has been around quite awhile. I notice you use some choice words like "Jewish Billionaires".

So they used him by getting him banned from visiting countries by calling him anti-Semite? You can't see how that doesn't make sense?

Why should I listen to anything you have to say? You're obviously not for free speech.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

I totally agree with you. You are a true lateral thinker. We must both be careful not to get CAUGHT in one of these traps. The world needs observers and people who can destroy all illusion. We really must burn illusion. It does humanity no favours. Now, more than at any time in history, we need to be aware of who is doing what and why. We have so little room to manouevre and control our own lives. It is impossible for me to even achieve a morsel of what my parents took for granted in terms of freedom, choice and opportunity. I have been LOCKED DOWN, not just for the year or two of the virus, but for all my life. Life has twisted into something that has taken away so much from me and billions more.

edit on 26-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

The guy is a kook who believes his own rhetoric.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Kakamega

David Icke has been around quite awhile. I notice you use some choice words like "Jewish Billionaires".

So they used him by getting him banned from visiting countries by calling him anti-Semite? You can't see how that doesn't make sense?

Why should I listen to anything you have to say? You're obviously not for free speech.

I am not even asking you to listen, Sir. I am just writing freely as as you are. I don';t ebev mind you hating me. I want you to be free to love or hate me, or anything inbetween according to your own taste and desire.

I used the "Jewish Billionaire" because David has attacked Jews directly. I make it clear that I am pro Israel and practice aspects of Jewish religion. I observe "Yom Kippur" and "Passover", for example.

I do not want to destroy the elite. David did, but I have great respect for the British Queen, for democracy, for the Rothschilds. They are my friends, not enemies. David directly attacked Soros, the Rothschilds using the word Jew and trying to make people not trust them based on their Jewish identity. He used the word, making it necessary for me to in my retort.

However, the way they are playing this is crazy and it will hurt them. hey are not being wise by forcing all this upon us. Their best hope of long term survival in their current position is to pursue freedom, not locking down even me who is their friend and does not hate them.

I think you misunderstood me so I am explaining how I feel to you. Also, I think you are annoyed at me becvause you hold Icke in some esteem. I do not. He has been horrible about Jews and has destroyed the credibility of intelligent lateral thinking people.

I made my choices about what I think is useful and what is not useful based on their merit, the fruits of actions. I can cope with ATS because it has all the diversity of expression, not just another one man band tin pot dictator performing yet another magic trick to deceive people into his version and his purse. ATS helps. David Icke destroyed because he made lateral thinkers look crazy and all be lumped together as an object of ridicule and character asssassinated.

edit on 26-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

They say an effective lie is one sprinkled with bits of truth.

I wonder which part of what David Icke says is true.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

He told the truth about the child abuse and many more things. That is granted.

However, he gives the powerful a really good tactic to use on those who criticize them or their plans. I do not even want to have to fight for anything. I see how my life has been shut down and see why. I have to fight or it will only keep being exploited increasingly for the profit of others and I will end up like a battery in the Matrix, being fed one big lie and illusion as I am farmed. I will go from having a house and garden to being locked up in my words abd physically in a tiny space just big enough to turn around in. That is already happening to people in the West now.

It is a farm. George Orwell was so spot on when he called his book "Animal Farm". What a genius he was. Now we may begin to really appreciate his genius. Compare any of David Icke'sd books against George Orwell's. Who is the one who helps us to see what is happening and what to beware of?

edit on 26-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: Kakamega

They say an effective lie is one sprinkled with bits of truth.

I wonder which part of what David Icke says is true.

I don't think it's true that he is the son of god. That's how he got famous after being a TV presenter one day and an enlightened being the next.

He's a snake oil salesman who was embarressed about what he had said to the public all those years ago but went on to have loads of gulliuble followers to suck up his bull***t.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

I see what you're saying and in theory this is sound advice.
However, Alex Jones and David Icke have been speaking freely and in my opinion, consistently for over 20 years now.

I've been following them closely since Alex exposed the Bohemian Grove and since David's 'The Truth Will Set You Free' book was published.

Reptilians aside, these are very smart and helpful people in our lives.

Not a lot of people really knew who David Icke was until very recently, and Alex Jones was never so widely known until later in the Obama years, but they have been around for a long time, speaking their words, using their own minds and constantly exposing the lies set forth by the 'Program' that we have been programmed with.

They are essential. Just as essential as this site is, where it's not always the truth, but it usually comes from 'your' truth and experience. Unfiltered, just like Alex, and often correct.

People like Alex and David and sites like this ALLOW the truth, when it is ready, to be SHARED.

The mainstream programmed program that the masses are fed will NEVER allow the truth, only a distorted version.

You know, this is how history is 'written' by the 'winners'.

We should all know these things, we should at least come together on these things.

They want us divided at all costs.

edit on 26-11-2020 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:21 AM
I've been anti Icke for years now. However aside from the lizard people and him being the messiah, have a search online under David Icke debunked.

There's not a lot to choose from, even on duckduckgo.

I decided to listen to a bit of his latest stuff on Covid protests, and my opinion has gone from

"No, he's a snake oil salesman"
"The jury's out, keep an open mind"

I'm particularly interested in what he has to say about consciousness, and that's coming from an atheist.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake
I've been anti Icke for years now. However aside from the lizard people and him being the messiah, have a search online under David Icke debunked.

There's not a lot to choose from, even on duckduckgo.

I decided to listen to a bit of his latest stuff on Covid protests, and my opinion has gone from

"No, he's a snake oil salesman"
"The jury's out, keep an open mind"

I'm particularly interested in what he has to say about consciousness, and that's coming from an atheist.

Thanks for this. I am glad you gave another side so reasonably.

For me, David is an illusionist. May be for you Jesus Christ is an illusionist? The ONLY conscious entity I trust 100% who I have witnessed is Jesus Christ. I only trust my self 70 %, even at times being my worst enemy.

David is a myth generator. He has constructed and generated his personal myth of life, the universe and everything. He has his own version and what he sees is part fact and part prejudiced fancy. I do not appreciate his prejudice and have no use for prejudice even in metaphor. Hitler constructed and generated his own myth too. Look how it desolated!

The Queen, for example, is not in fact a lizard or has a lizard consciousnesws, resonance or frequency. She is flesh and blood like you and I. David tries to turn her into something non-human to make it easier for us to see her as the enemy he perceives her to be. He does the same to all those he perceives as his enemy. While he does that I love and pray for my enemies. I do not even call them enemies. They are future friends as I see it. It is something Jesus taught me. David is not doing that. He is dehumanizing those he is at enmity with.

The problem is, without knowing it himself consciously, David dehumanised people he wanted us to see as enemies as Hitler did. Hitler did the same thing to Jews. He portrayed them as sub human so people could hate on them more easily.

I will choose Jesus every time. He does not tell me to dehumanize what is at enmity with our values. He tells me to love and pray for them, not to call anyone "Raca".

I wonder, do you understand that David has used tactics in exactly the same way as Hitler did? That is very disturbing to me.

For example, do you see how David is making a construct and pulling you into his version? Do you see how I am not doing that? I am not making a false reality or any kind or other dimension. I am analysing and reporting. I am not suggesting any kind of illusion of my own making. I do not even have my own version. I chose Jesus Christ as my version as you are taking bits and pieces from David as your version.

"Sub human": "Subhuman"(german: untermenschen) is a term from Nazi racial ideology. Derived from 19th century racial theory, Nazi ideology held that the German nation, as Herrenvolk, had a right to rule over the world and that Germanic peoples were, as the master race (Herrenrasse), superior to other European peoples (such as Slavic peoples and Romanic peoples) and that all other peoples represented lesser races of varying degrees. Groups regarded as SUBHUMAN (Untermenschen) included inferior racial element (such as Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Altaic peoples or Africans) and asocial element (such as the mentally or physically disabled and homosexuals, but also criminals and prostitutes, beggars and tramps, leftists, liberals and political dissidents, Jehovah's Witnesses and so-called morally degenerates). Generally people who worked against the Third Reich or who were breaking its laws were regarded as Untermenschen. The term was borrowed from older 19th century sources.

edit on 26-11-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

You are right about the child abuse.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

Nah. Pretty sure he's an animal.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

The part where he was a former footballer and sports broadcaster would be my guess.

After that, it's just all reptilian, matrix, 5G crap.

He was/is kind of right about our aristocracy beasting weans and up to their arse regarding sex rings and the like.

Just not for the Adrenochrome.

edit on 26-11-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Kakamega

icke is just like greer, he's a flimflam man. he found a niche that people will pay to eat up the bovine fecal matter he's shovels out to them, and he's made a living at it for a very long time.

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 08:27 AM
Yeah, maybe ... a fern?

It's quite easy to de-legitimize off the wall, scary narratives as most people will want to do just that rather than face true threats to their paradigms ... a la cognitive dissonance.

Most conspiracy minded characters in pop media are unattractive, don't get the love interest and are comic foils... just as in "real life" people who are primed to question the official narrative are usually alienated ... though some of us are hot.

Take a grain of truth, massage it into a pop trope and you can reacquire the narrative.

The alleged fact that the CIA came up with the title "conspiracy theorist" is likely true. The Kennedy narrative was not being digested as expected, so the guys had to do something.

When Icke popped up UFOs and alleged diminutive bedroom invaders were getting some serious attention, so bring out the son of god babbling about shape shifting lizard people and Aunt Kathy and Uncle John will have no choice but to laugh, shake their heads and wonder at the drugs young people are taking in the hippy communes.

The one flaw is that Icke comes across as a relatively sane individual speaking some truths about power and the inhumane nature of the society we exist in... so if he was a plant then he blew it by not being "nuts" enough. .. other than the shape shifting lizard people running the world, that is.

Hmmm ... wonder if I could get a steady gig at shill central?

edit on 11/26/2020 by Baddogma because: added fern "joke" that I had planned for my second line before chronic insomnia had me writing a novel instead of a terse quip. Apologies to the lovely people and their cluttered monitors.

(post by KeithCooper removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 08:42 AM


posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 08:51 AM


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